Trapped In Heaven [TK]

By beautytaekoo

363K 13.2K 6.3K

"What will happen when Kim Taehyung an innocent soul gets kidnapped by unknown hidden mafia Jeon Jungkook? Wi... More

1.Obscure Night
2.The Syndicate
3.Day One: First Glance
4.Day Two:Disquiet
5.Day three: Mr.Han
6.Day four: Atlanta
7.Day five: Embittered
8.Day six: Riot Starters
9.Day seven: Dramatic
10.Over the long run
12.Eleventh hour
13.Once and for all
14.A turn for the better
17.Something Endearing
18.1 Shattered (part 1)
18.2 Shattered (part 2)
19. Healing
20. Reconciled
21. Envious
22. A little bit of pain
23. Yoonmin
24. Adoration & Dawn
25. Astonished
26. Excursion: First Day
27. Excursion: Second Day
28. Excursion:Third Day
29. Excursion: Last Day
30. Back to Seoul
31. The Return of Hellcat
33. Jeonlous
34. Precarious
35. Everything Revealed
36. Content
37. Memories
38. Sullen
39. Beautiful As Paradise
40.1 Eternally yours (pt. 1)
40.2 Eternally Yours
41. Yarrow (Everlasting love)
42. Paint me like a Wildflower
43. Epilogue: Trapped In Heaven

32. Eternal Namjin

4.4K 196 203
By beautytaekoo

                "It was always you"
Third person POV:
Taekook's part:
Location: Seoul, South Korea

White shining globe reflected it's light towards the planet of humans transitioning the short day of november to long night. Indeed the night is going to be long and beautiful for the duo getting entangled today....but who knows, what the beauty of bright moon is hiding behind her calming glow?

Extravagent banquet hall got decorated prettily, offcourse as per the choice of jin. Guests filled the hall, now waiting for the soon to be getting married duo....and in all these people there will be present the third and most important person of the unknown mafia, waiting for the right opportunity to do the work he has been assigned for....means shit is about to go down.

Kim couple entered first followed by Jeon's. All of their aura screaming rich.

They went rowards the first row tables and sat there...waiting for their kids to come. Everyone's attention was grabbed the Sooeun couple who entered looking gorgeous as hell.                       

Ji-eun waved and smiled seeing ji-hyun and hyun joo after so many days, as she took fast strides towards them....wanting nothing but a warm hug from the besties.

Today's MC was someone else, as none of the family members were able to take the responsibilty due to their hectic schedules. The MC announced namjin's arrival...and the duo entered, jin walking along with vmin and yeonie...while sope and jungkook tagged along joon.

Joon was the first to go upon the stage...and the nervousness he had since morning went within a blink when he looked at the other side...his love of life walking towards him, looking more beautiful than the shimmering moon.

"Wow" he breathed out "Namjoon-ah control ur hormones for awhile and close ur mouth" yoongi teased him as hopekook laughed.

Meanwhile Jin being the dramatic a$$ he is, waved to the crowd just like some celeb do when they walk on red carpet...making everyone laugh at his childishness.                                              

Why jin did that?...becz when his eyes met with his soon to be husband he got flustered and to ease his inner self did the waving thing....but poor boy forgot that while waving, his kinda loose outfit got lifted up displaying the soft flesh underneath...making namjoon groan internally with possesiveness.

Joon looked at his side poking his cheek with tongue as his lover now stood near him.

Jin's eyes diverted to his side wondering what changed his joonie's smiling expression to a stern one. But before jin proccessed anything the younger went more close to him grabbing the tiny waist with his large hand and flushing the elder towards his side.                     

"Love, ur dress is too revealing...and that hair colour of urs is not helping at all" he whispered lowely..."Wh-a-t?" jin whispered back getting all flustered due to his possesive much lover.

And then it dawned upon him...why joon said revealing...and now he knew that after this wedding his a$$ is not going to be spared at all...coz that's what joon's eyes screamed. 'good luck to my booty for later' he sighed internally. Finally the duo focused on there wedding as the mc called their names.

On the other side when this namjin drama was going on, other couples got off the stage stepping towards their respective tables. Hobi sat beside yoonji who blushed at his flirty compliments.

"Come here u lil cat like person...finally I caught u, how dare u steal my chapstick and run away" jimin whisper yelled to his husband glaring at him "Simple...I wasn't able to find mine so I used urs" yoongi shrugged calmly.                             

"I give up...I give up lord, Why did I even marry this human?" jimin sighed dramatically "Don't give up yet mochi...u have whole life u know, and nonetheless ur pink plump lips don't need any chapstick...they are already juicy as f-"

"SHUT UP" jimin covered his mouth shutting his pervert husband but the blush creeping on his face said otherwise.                                                 

Well practically when yoonmin were getting ready at home...yoongi being the lazy ass he just grabbed jimin's chapstick rather than searching for his own and forgot to keep it back, and ended up carrying it along with him. But there's this thing about matter how much they bicker in the end yoongi knows how to make jimin flustered and shy.

"Angel hyung I am going to sit with u two" yeonjun came running towards yoonmin's table. "Why not yeonie...come here" jimin replied patting the next sit...while yoongi rolled his eyes smiling later as yeon teased him.

Jungkook didn't saw tae since morning so when his muffin entered looking ethereal as always his eyes stuck on the beauty...staring at black haird tae who changed his hair colour. Well jk didn't knew that and was more surprised to see tae's black colour back..the damn curls not helping his inner self to just go and kiss the younger.

Tae blushed as his eyes locked with the black doe ones...unholy thoughts invading his mind as his gaze travelled from top to bottom...simping over the muscular frame of raven.

Not now tae...u perv...stop drooling over jungkook

He scolded himself straightening his posture. Taekook were about to reach their tables when tae saw his mother waving at him. Hae sun who just entered there as she got late coz han had some things to discuss with her.

"Ohh my pretty son...u are looking so gorgeous dear" she said smiling all so brightly at her son...tae blushed at her compliment as his lips parted displaying the infamous boxy smile.

While someone tapped jungkook's shoulder from behind. "Hey Jungkook" yugyeom said smiling at his close frnd "Yugi...I didn't saw u from past one month...when I came back u were not here" raven replied smiling happily and bro hugged his frnd.                                   

"U don't know how thankful I was for the time u handled the company...thanks bro" he continued...but who is gonna tell jeon that his precious yug was rather attempting soemthing cruel against him whose effects will be seen today.

Yugyeom turned and gave thumbs up to namjin as the duo looked towards him smiling...he mouthed congrats and stood along with jk waiting for the priest to start the process.

Namjin took the vows and rings got exchanged...finally the priest telling them to kiss each other. Joon cupped his baby's cheeks gently and kissed him, pouring all his love for the elder...few tears slipped from their eyes as joon attached his forehead staring at his husband lovingly.

Cheers and claps echoed in the hall...and guests started congratulating the duo one by one going on stage.                             

"Mr. Kim Taehyung" seok woo...Kim seok woo the head of design and art department of J&J...who cleared the misunderstanding between taekook that time when tae was doubting the position given to him, he called out tae and the younger turned around.

"Ohh hello Mr. Seok woo" tae greeted back smiling. Seok woo was also invited for the wedding and also becz the project launch is in two days for which he needed to crosscheck tae's work. "I hope I will reach ur expections Mr. Kim (Seok woo) I gave my best for this project" tae  spoke.                                                 

"Don't worry Taehyung...I have seen how good u I don't think there will be any problems" seok woo replied as he patted younger's shoulder. "By the way keep the work aside...u are looking beautiful today" he continued, not able to restrict himself from praising the beauty.

"Thanks Mr. Kim" younger thanked smiling. "My thoughts are same as u seok woo" there came another voice making the duo turn a lil to see who it is. And that person being Xiao...the doctor at J&J.

Seok woo and Xiao are frnds so they call each other by names. "Hello Doctor" tae smiled at him. "Which thoughts xiao?" seok woo asked confused.                     

"That Kim Taehyung is looking pretty handsome and beautiful today....well not just today but he does always" xiao replied eyeing the beauty in front.

He is not into's just why not praise something which is worth praising. But poor them...unaware that the beauty infront now belonged to Jeon Jungkook. And talking about's not normal if jungkook didn't get jealous. Jelousy is a disease and jungkook has it the most.

"Sorry to interrupt u but I will claim what's mine now" deep husky voice reached the trio as they saw the CEO standing beside tae...and the next moment younger is being caged in one bulky arm...which raven used to grab his petite waist and flushed to his side with a jerk.                                                  

"Jungkook" tae whispered getting hot all of a sudden. "What petal?" raven asked teasingly..."Ohh...I forgot to tell u guys...u see, this piece of art standing beside me...he is my Boyfriend" he continued smirking as the duo infront laughed awkwardly coz jeon jungkook screamed 'Fvck off and don't u dare even glance at my muffin'.

Understanding the situation xiao and seok woo took their leave.

"Jungkook...they were just talking" tae said sighing at his possesive lover. "Ohh really? didn't u saw the eyes of xiao when he looked at u?!" raven let out as his grip tightened more "and they better not dare look at what's mine" he cocked one eyebrow smirking at the effect he has on younger.

"Kookie let me go...everyone is watching" tae squirmed trying to run away from raven whose eyes were now lingering on tae's cherry lips.                                    

"Petal" he whispered "u know u are looking fvcking hot in this outfit". "Which means I don't loo-" and before tae was able to finish his sentence he felt pair of lips on his own...shutting his mouth. It was just a small peck, but tae didn't expect it again...resulting in his now wide eyes.

"Don't u dare complete the sentence or I don't know what I will do to u just to clear ur misunderstanding...that too here in front of all these people, got it?" leaning back raventte spoke near tae's lips...their breathes still fanning each other's faces.                                          

"Y-e-s" words didn't formed in tae's mind "good boy" elder stroked his cheeks pecking the plump petals one more time. But this time tae's frozen brain started working as he noticed the loose grip around his waist...taking the chance he got out of it and ran away, going up on the stage to congratulate his hyungs.

"Ohh god...he is becoming more and more adorable day by my heart" kook said to himself smiling at his shy muffin. The teasing look kook send to the younger made him shyly look down and walk on the stage...he was still feeling hot becz of him afterall.

Some time went by...still guests greeting the married couple. Everyone were either busy chatting with each other or taking pics...when a voice echoed in the hall...causing all of them to divert their attention on stage.                                        

It was the mc..."Ladies and gentlemen... Kim namjoon, none other than our groom... has a surprise for his husband, so let's see what is the special thing he has created for his love" he announced and the screen present behind the couple started playing a video.

The video had the precious moments namjin have shared together...making jin cry becz of it. But suddenly the video changed to something else...making everyone gasp at the pics it was showing now, the families glanced at each other nervously. That were the pics of jungkook...and not just him but namgiseok...taken at the time when they were mafias or u can say acting like mafias.

This info was it was related to the undercover agents of NPA....then who betrayed them?...and on top of one I meant no one is going to accept the fact that Jeon Jungkook the CEO of J&J, was a mafia.

And it was more scary at this point coz each and every employe, other businessmen were present the wedding. No one expected this thing...and now it's not just made jungkook's ceo position in danger but whole J&J will be crumpled down if this info got out.

"What the fvck is happening?" hae jin's voice echoed in the silent hall..."Turn off the video now" he yelled but no avail...the video continued playing showing everything they had done as a mafia until now.

Gossips started in the crowd as the video continued playing. "Boss the work is done" yugyeom muttered in the earpiece he was wearing. "It was just a trailor...Jeon will see the real movie soon" the unknown pyschopath laughed like a maniac, cutting the call.

"WOW" one more voice resonated in the hall "What a nice show I am seeing here?" the voice added mockingly. All diverted the gaze to the source of sound..."Well hello to u too everyone" he smirked coming closer.                             

But the smirk wasn't just on that man's face but on ravens face too. "Ohh did I forgot to introduce myself?" the voice asked chuckling. "I am Han Suk Kyu...Jeon Jungkook's wellwisher truth to be told"

(Imagine him without the bg and book lmao😂)

"Sometimes people love to cause little trouble, am I right?" he asked walking near kook "Offcourse uncle han" raven replied smirking.                             

"Whoever did this sh*t will be found soon...and about the pics...then here's an explaination for that" he went near the stage handling the small pendrive to mc.

The mc took it and now the content in pendrive showcased on the screen. The whole crowd gasped again...but this time not in disgust but in amazement....afterall the screen showed all the legal documents and confession of the head  police officer about why they were mafias or more like undercover agents on a mission.

The atmosphere escalated quickly from being angry over the jeon's to praising the young CEO more.                                 

"So now as it's clear...I hope u all will continue enjoying the event" jungkook said in the mic and the event turned normal again....tho except for jungkook and han other's were worried, they let out a sigh of relief. "Ohh god...the things I do for u kook-ah" han spoke and both bursted out laughing.

On the other hand the psycho was fuming in he watched the scene unfolding through the cctv cameras.                                                       

He dialed yugyeom's number "What the hell is happening?" he let out angrily. "I also don't know boss...han is fvcking annoying me now" yug replied greeting his teeth.                                                     

"Get out of there right this moment...we can't take risk anymore...Jeon Jungkook u will see the worst nightmare of ur life...Just two more days" and the call ended abruptly.

Now let me tell han managed to come at the right time. The time when the families went on their trip...yugyeom was handling the work of company, and that time when he went to his so called boss, he gave him the pics and cctv footage of javelin house he found in jungkook's office.                                      

And not just that but the legal papers of javelin house owned by Jeon's. Poor them, as han did his work perfectly of keeping an eye on yugyeom, but they just know that it's his doing...nothing about the psycho mafia.

The families now kinda comforted each jungkook assured everyone that nothing will happen. Making everyone smile again. Tae hugged his kookie...asking him if he is okay, which the raven returned with an assuring smile.

But yugyeom wasn't just the person who was involved in displaying the video. Nope...there was another person present who had the work of manipulating the original video and adding these parts...and that person is still present there in the wedding, the most non suspicious person.

"Sorry boss...I didn't know Han was one step ahead of us" the third masked person said through the call.

"Not ur fault....that bastard (yug) didn't do his work properly that's why this shit happened....and ur the most trusted person I have...I am expecting the best from u within these two days" the mafia boss replied.

"I will not disappoint u boss" the perosn said confidence dripping through his voice.
"That's why u r my favourite"
Lol thrid character reveal...did u doubt yeonie before?😂

Spice is coming in next chapters...then angst?

I hope u are liking this story...I don't know how it's going😔...Sorry for the late update...enjoy💜


By the way the UN speech was just so good and the ptd performace...I am so proud of bts😭

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