Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



744 36 29
By Svnwoo

Yu <3
Hey my pretty girl
I know you're going out with you friends later
But you left your wallet on the table next to the McDonald's bag 😭

Jae <3
I knew I left it somewhere 😧
I was kinda freaking out
I'll go pick it up rn :D

Yu <3
Sounds good
Also win is here
I'm pretty sure he's gonna tease you

Jae <3
Great 😭
I got enough of that from Kunhang
He called me earlier too
For all the details
I was half asleep talking to him

Yu <3
Win got here like three hours ago😭
I told him that it was official
And he thought I was high 😭

Jae <3
I cant believe he thought that 😭
I'm on my way be there in ten

Hyunjae changed faster than she had ever changed in her life. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed a random jacket that she was positive was Kunhang's before heading out. She made sure to take her phone just in case and told irene she'd be back in a bit.

This morning when Kunhang called her she realized she couldn't find her wallet and began to tear her room apart. Eventually she had given up thinking she left it at McDonald's after paying for their food. Thankfully she just left it at Yuta's dorm.

Hyunjae knocked on the door of his dorm, sure she knew the pass code but she didn't like just waltzing in, even if he was expecting her. To her surprise it was Sicheng who opened the door.

"Well if it isn't the best friend stealer," he said letting her in the room.

"As if," she playfully rolled her eyes, "You wouldn't give me the chance."

Sicheng nodded agreeing shutting the door behind them, "ok points were made. Nayu's in the kitchen. He made me breakfast be jealous."

Hyunjae laughed, "I am so jealous."

She headed to the kitchen with Sicheng trailing behind. Yuta was in sweats and a black tank top, he also must have just gotten up. He was cooking something on the stove but she couldn't see it from where she was standing.

"I heard you made breakfast for Sicheng huh?" She asked teasingly as she sat at the counter.

"That's not what happened he just ate my breakfast," Yuta corrected her to which Sicheng laughed agreeing, "He showed up super early. I thought he would be hungover from last night."

"I didn't drink that much! If anything Jaehyun was the worst!"

"Yeah I bet. He hasn't let loose in a while. I heard the party was good," Yuta nodded sliding over a plate to Hyunjae.

She looked down at the plate, an omelette like last time. He remembered that she really liked them that one time he made it for her. She smiled at him as he sent her a wink in return.

"It was alright," Sicheng shrugged oblivious to the two flirting right in front of him, "Your day sounded way more interesting. I haven't been to lotte world in so long."

"It was my first time," Hyunjae admitted as she began to eat.

"Nice," Sicheng nodded sitting next to her, "I saw you got him a plushie too."

Hyunjae nodded laughing, "I lost a bet okay."

"Sureee," Sicheng pressed with a laugh.

Yuta turned off the stove and put away all the dirty dishes, he promised to wash them later, if he didn't forget.

"Here's your wallet," Yuta smiled handing back her blue wallet.

It was a small blue wallet with a shooting star keychain hanging from it. On the front was a small white embroidered butterfly. It was definitely one of her designs that's for sure.

"Thanks I was kinda freaking out about it when I got home. I assumed I had left it at McDonald's."

"I was gonna throw the trash away this morning but then i saw it, the butterfly is super pretty by the way. You designed it right?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

She looked up surprised, "Wait yeah. How can you tell?"

"After looking at your drawings and designs it's easy to tell your style," He smiled.

"Seriously?" Sicheng asked confused, "Even I can't see it."

"I'm her boyfriend Duh," Yuta laughed flicking Sicheng's forehead.

"Hey! You've only been her boyfriend for like a few hours don't get cocky," He shot back.

Hyunjae was still trying to comprehend that he was able to tell her style of drawing. She had many styles of drawing though, which is why it caught her a bit off guard. When people see her animal (or in this case insect) drawings they can rarely tell she was the one who drew it.

"You have a good eye," Hyunjae smiled complimenting him as she continued to eat.

"Well yeah I like you don't I?" Yuta winked.

"Jesus Christ," Sicheng mumbled.

Hyunjae had to agree with that. He was really cheesy for that.

"No comment," she replied, "But thanks again for keeping my wallet safe and for the breakfast. You sure know how to make a mean omelette."

Yuta smiled at the complement, "Anytime pretty girl."

"Thanks but I gotta go work on finishing a few sketches," she pouted sadly.

She didn't wanna leave already but if she didn't finish these sketches before she had to hang out with her friends she wouldn't finish in time.

"And I have to go play league," Sicheng said heading to the spare room, "Later Jae."

Hyunjae waved as he left the two alone.

Yuta laughed, "You know that's his excuse to leave us alone right?"

"Oh definitely," she laughed stretching.

Yuta's breakfast really hit the spot, all Hyunjae wanted to do now was take a nap but she had work to finish. Granted they were easy sketches but still. She stood up with a sigh making sure to put her wallet in her bag so she wouldn't lose it again.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" He asked walking with her to the door.

"Yeah I'm sorry. I have to finish a few clothing pieces for my class," she pouted.

"Will you need help?" He asked smiling brightly.

"Not really unless your wanna watch me sew and stab my finger a couple times while sewing beads onto a dress?" She asked him with a chuckle.

"I'm all for it," he nodded with a smile, "Plus Kunhang told me that when you work on clothing you forget to eat so I'm gonna be there to remind you to take breaks and eat."

She gasped, "When did he tell you that?"

"A while ago. He told me you get really into your work and you don't like to be disturbed."

She shook her head laughing, "it's not that I don't like to be disturbed it's that I get focused and lose my train of thought easily."

"So is that a no?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

"It's a yes, but only if you're sure. You're probably gonna be bored to death to be honest," she smiled patting his cheek gently.

"Bored with you? Never," He smiled, "Text me the details and what you wanna eat. Kay?"

She nodded happily, "Okay I'll see you."

He opened the door for her as she slipped her shoes on.

"Have fun playing league with Sicheng," she smiled before planting a quick kiss on his lips, "See ya."

"Ah so lame," he chuckled mimicking her from earlier, "See you babe."

And there were the butterflies. She smiled making her way back towards her own dorm. Not only did she have her wallet back but now she was in an even better mood. She entered her room as Irene was barely waking up.

"Hey, you're up early," Irene smiled, "Wait pause. YOUR HAIR!"

Hyunjae nodded, "I have work to finish before I can go out tonight. Haha do you like it?"

"Wow look at you being all responsible. Since when? Also it does suit you really well. Super pretty." Irene teased her as she looked through the cabinets, "Ah. Cereal."

"Always cereal," Hyunjae agreed.

"Well I guess I better go by myself some breakfast before today. Yeri's gonna be meeting us later by the way," She spoke as she shut the cabinet.

"Oh she didn't come home yesterday?" Hyunjae asked.

Irene shook her head as she went to her room, "She's okay though I have her location on."

She smiled, Irene really was the mom of the group, "Okay. Oh wait I'm gonna give you some money real quick, I need some stuff from the store too."

She dug through her recently found wallet and pulled out a few bills, "I ran out of Hi-chew's can you bring me some?"

Irene chuckled at her friend's request, "Of course, anything else?"

"All good, thanks. Oh by the way I finished that dress you wanted," She smiled remembering that she wanted the dress so she could wear it today.

"Oh my god you're my saviour jae. Thank you!" She smiled hugging her tightly.

Hyunjae smiled as she received a hug from Irene, "Anytime, I just hope it lives up to your standards. You can try it on when you come back."

Irene nodded happily as she left the dorm to go buy some food for their dorm and of course Hyunjae's hi-chews. While she went to do that Hyunjae needed to finish her work before today's plans. Today they all decided to save up to go to a high end restaurant, it definitely wasn't easy but Kunhang was able to pull a few strings to get them on the list. How he did it, they weren't sure all he said was that 'he had his ways'. They all assumed he must have name-dropped his wealthy parents. There wasn't a special occasion for this get-together, it was just that they really hadn't spent a lot of time together. They all knew it was gonna get harder and harder to spend time together especially with finals coming up and the end of the year too. For all, they knew they might not be living in the same dorm next year. The thought of not having her friends with her made her anxious, but she knew that they wouldn't always be in close proximity. Especially because she wanted to leave. Now whether she would be able to leave was a different story. But there was still plenty of time before that.

So she got to work. Surprisingly it went by a lot faster than she expected. Probably because she was looking forward to today, who knows. She finished up and submitted her last assignment. By the time she was done Irene had just finished her own breakfast. She ended up buying a couple of different breakfast items like pancake mix, different cereal, and even some yogurt. Of course, she didn't forget her Hi-chews,

"You ready to see it?" Hyunjae asked excitedly as they entered her room.

Irene nodded ecstatically. She told Hyunjae about the dress almost two months ago. Hyunjae was more than happy to take on the challenge and boy was it a challenge. First finding a fabric relatively close was nearly impossible she had to scour thrift shops, fabric stores, and even online till she found a decent one. Thankfully it was more than enough to make the dress. Then the most challenging part was the sequins. Since the fabric wasn't fully covered in sequins Hyunjae had to add the rest by hand. It was super tedious and there were many times that she wanted to stop after she stabbed herself like five times, but she didn't. All in all she was more than happy with how the dress came out.

She opened her closet and pulled out a long sleeve high neck dress that was almost at her knees. It was covered in colorful sequins. It was more of a mauve tone but had various pinks, golds, and reds sprinkled in between.

"Thoughts comments concerns?" She asked as she handed it to her with a smile.

"Jae you're literally insane. How did you do this?" She asked in awe as she ran her hand over the sequins.

"I ask myself that all the time. Go try it on!" She said excitedly.

She nodded running towards the bathroom. Hyunjae was already happy that Irene seemed to really like the dress, it made it worth the hard work. That's why she loved making stuff for her friends seeing their reactions was her favorite part. Usually she didn't charge her friends since she used the designs for her portfolio anyway, but sometimes they paid her anyway.

Irene came out of the bathroom stunned, "Dude it fits like a glove!"

She walked into the room twirling around and posing at every chance she got. Hyunjae laughed and clapped along seeing Irene enjoy the dress so much.

"I'm actually so proud of this dress," She admitted seeing how it twirled and shined against the light.

Despite all the sequins it wasn't obnoxiously shiny. It only shined at certain angles so it didn't look tacky.

"Seriously Jae I owe you my life," she said still in awe.

"It's all good Irene. I'm glad you like it," she replied happily, "now I need some pictures for my portfolio so strike a pose."

"We gotta go," Kunhang called the girls for the nth time.

"Last one!" Yeri shouted back as she posed waiting for Irene to take the picture.

Irene snapped the picture showing it to the girls and the guys.

"Ok this one definitely looks the best," Taeyong agreed seeing it.

In the front was Hyunjae, who was doing bunny ears on Taeyong. Taeyong was poking Johnny's cheek. In the back Kunhang was holding out a peace sign next to Irene who was also doing a peace sign, then Yeri who was making the straightest face possible.

"Cute," Hyunjae agreed upon seeing it.


Liked by nayutas, loselose, notkunhang and 833 others
Hyunjaes I'ma do my thang, just do your thang 'cause I'm the one and only ;)
View all comments
Baeirene are you perhaps a midzy?
Kangseulgi ma'am are you perhaps single ???
Notkunhang haha wannabe
Loselose I like to think that I'm the one and only but go off 😮‍💨
Txyong prettyyyy
Kangseulgi ma'am pls I'm desperate
Iamyeri seulgi please....
Hyunjaes lmao thank you for the compliments I think 😭

Hyunjae was happy with her look of the night. It was more casual on her end and it was something she didn't make this time.

"We're about to eat and you really just posted that picture?" Kunhang laughed as they were seated.

"You act like we're already eating," she stuck her tongue out.

The place they went to was in the center of Seoul. It was on the top floor of a huge building. The restaurant was filled with soft piano music, it was very dim inside, the restaurant had very few lights giving an almost sexy atmosphere. There was mostly couples inside with a family or two here and there.

"Does anyone else feel out of place?" Irene laughed as they all got comfortable.

"Just a little," Johnny admitted.

Hyunjae shook her head, "To be honest Johnny seems the most suited to be here."

They all agreed. They chatted a bit as the waiter dropped off their menus and brought them drinks. Hyunjae raised a brow as she felt her phone vibrate.

Nayu <3
Hey I hope you're having fun
Just wanted to let you know that
You look really pretty
Like super fucking pretty
Gorgeous if you will
So lovely hehehe

Jae <3
Pls I'm blushing
Are you sure you're not exaggerating

Nayu <3
Not at all
I'm just sad I couldn't see the look in person 😞

Jae <3
Hehe well thanks 👉🏼👈🏼
I can always wear this outfit on our next date
But tbh it's kinda basic if you ask me

Nayu <3
Ok but you make "basic" look superior
And say less
Let me know where you wanna go

Jae <3
I'll have to think about it

Nayu <3
Mkay well let me know
But have fun with your friends

Jae <3
Thanks <3
You too
See ya

"Earth to Hyunjae," Irene called.

"Sorry what?" She asked locking her phone

"Do you know what you wanna eat?" Yeri repeated as she pointed to the menu in front of her.

"Oh. Let me look real quick," she smiled taking the menu to look at it.

Most of the food was high end, so unfortunately for her there was no option for chicken nuggets.

"Honestly steak sounds good," she admitted as she continued to flip through.

There was plenty of options from sashimi to high-end burgers and pasta but the steak looked the tastiest to her.

"That's unexpected," Johnny chuckled, "I definitely thought you'd go for the sushi."

"We can get sushi anytime but a nice piece of steak is hard to come by," she pointed out seriously.

Kunhang nodded agreeing, "The lady makes a good point."

They all agreed. If they were in a high-end place they might as well take advantage of it. Of course, their wallets would definitely hurt, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They wouldn't be coming back often.

The waiter returned with their drinks and took their orders. Everyone, like Hyunjae, decided to go big and order something fancier than their usual sushi or burger (even if it was an upscale burger). The group talked with one another trying to catch up on everything they've been doing the past week. It began to get harder and harder to make time to hang out as a group. Johnny was definitely the busiest with the school's radio station on weekdays and then becoming a dj on the weekends, not to mention the photography gigs he'd take when he had time. He was basically always booked except when he'd get a random night off. Despite his busy schedule, he and ten were still hitting it off well.

"Nah the other day I stayed up editing some pictures for ten and his teammates," Johnny sighed, "Don't get me wrong i got paid but damn it was so much work."

"Sounds like hell," Taeyong laughed.

"Believe me it wasn't even the worst job I've had," he shuddered thinking about another job.

They all laughed with him to share his pain.

"What about you miss always booked and busy," Yeri chuckled referring to Hyunjae.

"Hm well I just finished Irene's dress. Can I hear a little commotion for the dress?" She asked referencing a meme. The group answered with soft claps and nods making her laugh, "And the theatre club is already trying to get me to design the set for their next play. And I am looking for an internship, but I think you guys knew all that already."

They nodded, "Ok but Irene's Dress looks great," Taeyong smiled giving her a thumbs up, "You've come a long way."

It was true. He remembered seeing her sketches back in highschool when they first met. Back then she was still trying to pursue music but in the end, she decided that fashion was best for her. She didn't want the spotlight anymore, it was tainted thanks to her mother.

"Thanks but I think we've all come a long way," she smiled, "We're not the same pushover highschool kids."

"That I agree with," Kunhang laughed agreeing.

They were very different kids than they were back then. Some more than others but not in a negative way, in fact they had all grown in more positive ways. Now that they were free from their parents shadow or overbearing parents,  excep Johnny of course who had a great family and was thriving with their support, they were all thriving.

"Oh definitely," Yeri agreed, "I thought I'd always have to listen to my parents but now I'm doing what I love not what they love."

"True," Taeyong nodded.

Their food arrived not a moment later as they continued talking amongst each other. As expected the food was beyond amazing, everything melted in their mouth and was not shy of seasoning.

"Dude," Johnny said as he took a bite of his steak, "Best meal ever."

They were surprised as the waiter showed up again, "Sorry to interrupt but a nice gentlemen asked me to bring this shot to you miss." 

Hyunjae blinked as the waiter set the shot in front of her. She didn't even know they offered other alcohol aside from wine.

"Oh Um I'm sorry would you mind taking it back? I don't drink alcohol," she said clearly lying through her teeth.

The waiter nodded taking the shot back onto his tray with a small smile.

"What's this? Since when does Hyunjae refuse free drinks from men?" Taeyong asked with a laugh.

"You gotta be street smart yong. It's different in the club because you could easily leave and hide in the crowd, but at a restaurant there's nowhere to go. If I accepted he might come over here or something," She shuddered at the thought.

"Fair point," Irene agreed, "But we are here so there's no need to worry."

They all agreed with Irene. There was no way they were gonna let anything happen to each other no matter what. Time flew by as they enjoyed a meal together. They were definitely gonna try and do this more often, but at a place that wouldn't break their banks. But only time would tell how often they would be able to do this. They finished their meal pretty early so like any group of friends they headed out to go do karaoke. Of course they got weird looks for being all dressed up when they went to reserve the room, but they didn't give a fuck. This time they did get drinks because they would all take a cab back to their dorms anyway. Kunhang passed around the shots and they all did a quick cheers before downing their shots. The first one to take the 'stage' was Yeri who did ariana grande's greedy. As expected of Ariana's number one fan. Everyone hyped her up as she hit the notes perfectly. Hyunjae and Kunhang were cheering her on by using their tambourines a bit louder than needed but it didn't upset Yeri in any way. The others were either joining in or eating the snacks that they bought in.

"She's really good!" Irene commented to Hyunjae.

"Right? She hasn't gone all out in a while," She chuckled seeing Yeri look as happy as she's ever been.

She finished the song and they all cheered for her. Yeri took a bow before sitting down and handing the mic over to Johnny.

"Are you gonna go?" Kunhang asked her.

"I'm not drunk enough," She said honestly.

Hyunjae didn't like to sing anymore even if it was for karaoke, she'd have to be drunk as fuck or high as fuck to even go near the mic.

"Maybe next time," Johnny smiled putting a hand on her shoulder as he went up to choose his song.

She chuckled and took out her phone to take a few pics and videos for the memories. It wasn't every day that they went out and had fun like this. Might as well enjoy it while they could.

"Want more drinks?" Taeyong asked Hyunjae.

He noticed she had been quiet throughout most of the time here.

She shook her head, "All good thanks. Don't feel like getting a hangover for class tomorrow."

"What Hyunjae being responsible?" Taeyong teased her.

She playfully rolled her eyes, "Yeah Yeah. How bout you? Are you going to go up there?"

He laughed taking one of the bags of chips on the table, "Yeah maybe. If I'm feeling it."

She knew he would be feeling it after a while or when one of them dragged him up there against his will. Taeyong was always the one who had the most fun at karaoke nights. If someone put on some SHINee taeyong would be the first one singing. Lucky for him Johnny ended up choosing My Chemical Romance. One of Hyunjae's favorite bands, yes she did have a bit of an emo phase at the beginning of highschool and she's proud of it.

"Ok Johnny!" Hyunjae cheered him on.

To her surprise, he went up to her with one of the extra microphones.

"No, no," she laughed trying to swat the microphone away.

"Come on Jae," Kunhang said grabbing one of the mics.

She looked at them all cheering her on to join. Oh, what the hell?

"Ok but if I'm in, you're all in," She said taking the microphone from Johnny.

They all cheered sharing the microphones as the song began. He really would choose welcome to the black parade. She laughed, it reminded her of their high school days. She made it sound like it was decades ago but it really wasn't that long ago. It's crazy how time flies, their first year was ending soon.

Johnny put his arm around her, "Ready? Let's go all out!"

And that they did. All of them sang their hearts out to the song. They were by far the loudest room in the place, thank god for soundproof rooms. Yeri made sure to do her best to record as much as possible since this was a momentous occasion. As the song ended the group all got another round of shots, they clinked their glasses together and cheered before downing the shots. They continued for another hour or so before realizing that it was getting late.

"Hey I just wanted to say that I love you guys," Hyunjae spoke up before they went their separate ways to their respected dorms.

"Now where'd that come from?" Kunhang asked slightly worried.

"Oh it's just I've been thinking about the past a lot lately. Thanks for trusting me," she smiled.

They all looked at each other before going in for one big group hug.

"You're so sappy Jae," Irene chuckled patting her head gently.

"We're always gonna be by each other's side," Yeri promised.

"I know."

Hyunjae finished her last class for Monday. Now she had to go finish those pieces for class. Today she had the dorm all to herself. Irene and Yeri were going to a party they got invited to. It was weird that they were going to party on a Monday but they liked to party and Hyunjae wasn't one to judge them for that. She actually encouraged them cause who knew how often they'd be able to go out? At later dates they would be busy later and they'd be getting older too. Might as well yolo it.

"You busy today?" Taeyong asked as they walked into their dorm building. 

"Yeah I gotta finish those pieces for class," she sighed just thinking about it.

She loved designing clothes and creating them but she wanted the freedom to make what she wanted to. She understood that these were just assignments to help her get better at sewing, stitching, etc but damn did she just want to do this freely.

"Yikes I will not be hanging out with you today," Taeyong chuckled, "Not after last time."

Last time Taeyong tried to help Hyunjae with one of her pieces, It was a jacket for him, but he offered to help and he did his best but when he put on a jewel crookedly she couldn't let it go. It really bothered her because they were all in a line except that one jewel. She hated admitting it but she was a perfectionist when it came to her creations.

"Yeah I'm not the nicest when I'm working huh," She chuckled, "Sorry about that. I'm working on it though!"

He laughed nodding, "I'm sure you are. Okay well call if you need anything. I'll just leave it by your door."

"Thanks yong!" She smiled as he entered his dorm.

Hyunjae strolled into her own dorm and tossed her backpack on her own bed. She sat at her desk scrolling through her phone a bit, just to get it out of her system before she would go into work mode.

Nayu <3
Hey pretty girl
I'm on my way
And I have what you asked for

Jae <3
Oh that was fast!
Thank you 🥺
You really don't have to do this :(
What if you get bored 😞

Nayu <3
But I want to 🥰
I'll find a way to keep myself entertained
Trust me

Jae <3
Only if you're sure :D

She took out her sketchbook and flipped through the pages to find the one piece she was working on. Her head was hurting just thinking about it. She knew she biting off more than she could chew when she started, but she wanted to prove to the teacher that she could do an intricate piece. Her eyes wandered towards all the fabric and patterns sitting on her desk then over to the mannequin that was clothed halfway.

"Okay Jae. You've got this," she breathed out giving herself a pep talk.

Nayu <3
I'm here 👀

Hyunjae stood up panicked. Oh shit that was fast. She headed towards the door to open it. He looked very boyfriend as usual, denim jeans, black t-shirt with some quote on it and a denim jacket. He was holding a bag of take out that she knew all too well.

"Hey am I too early?" He asked seeing that she was frozen.

"Oh sorry, nah you're good. I was critiquing your outfit," she smiled jokingly.

"Wow so now I have to dress to impress huh," He chuckled messing with her.

"I guess so," she said stepping to the side to let him in. She shut the door behind him before giving him a few more words of advice, "I'm gonna warn you right now that my room is a mess. Like there is fabric and patterns and buttons everywhere, but yeah feel free to make yourself at home. My roomies are out partying so I don't think they'll be back anytime soon."

"Noted," Yuta nodded following her into her room.

To his surprise it really wasn't that bad at all. Just a few things on her bed but everything else was organized and clean.

"You tend to exaggerate," he chuckled sitting on her other desk, "It's not even bad in here."

"Not true.... Okay maybe just a little bit but still," she laughed.

"Okay before you start stressing yourself out, eat first," He said with a smile gesturing for her to come over.

She was having a mental debate. Eat now or later? Now would definitely be best because heated up food just didn't hit the same as fresh food.

"Fine," she agreed moving her chair over to her computer desk next to him.

Yuta opened the bag of take out Hyunjae gave him two different options when he asked what she wanted. Takoyaki was one of course and the other was Chinese take out from the place on campus. To her surprise he bought food from both places.

"Pause that's a lot," she pouted, "You didn't have to bring both."

"Truth is I couldn't decide either honestly," he laughed, "So I brought both don't worry you pretty little head." He smiled gently patting her head.

Her cheeks tinted lightly, she still wasn't used to the skinship, but she liked it. She'd get used to it soon. So they both began to eat all the food Yuta had bought. Hyunjae used her tablet to put on some Netflix, they started watching extracurricular. Yeri recommended it to her but she hadn't gotten the chance to watch it. Yuta agreed that he had heard good things about it too, so they decided to start watching it. He looked over at Hyunjae who was engaged in the show, he took the opportunity to steal a piece of her sweet and sour chicken. She immediately turned over to him with a pout.

"What a jerk," she teased as he ate the chicken.

"Your jerk," He said making a kissy face.

Hyunjae laughed loudly seeing him become like this. It was so cute. She remembered a while back he told her that he became a bad person when it came to flirting, but all she's seen is him do lots of cute stuff and the occasional cringey pick up line.

She patted his cheek with a smile, "Yeah I guess. You're not all that bad."

He put a hand over his chest dramatically thanking her, "I knew you liked me."

She held in a laugh as she finished up her food, "Yeah yeah. Ok I'm gonna go wash my hands and get started on my work. Thank you for the food, but I have a lot of work to do."

"Okay. I'll be here, can I use your computer?" He asked looking over at her laptop.

"Yeah. The password is 4916. Feel free to use my Netflix or Hulu or whatever," she chuckled stretching.

She stood up as Yuta opened her laptop, she grabbed her tablet and chair and moved both over to her work desk. Before leaving to go to the bathroom she hugged Yuta from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek. Yuta smiled putting a hand over hers as he laughed lightly. She let go and headed to the bathroom.

While she was gone Yuta looked at her desk. She had a lot of little trinkets here and there, as well as a picture frame of her and her friends. But what really caught his attention was their photo strip from lotte world. She had it proudly taped onto her wall next to a bunch of posters and pictures, but it was right in the center. Cute.

Hyunjae returned a few moments later and got straight to work. This was gonna be a while. While she cut, stitched, and sewed the pieces together Yuta had logged into his email to look at his recent emails. He was still getting plenty of emails from the national teams and such, but he still had time to think this was only his first year, the year was barely ending so there was no need to rush. Speaking of which he should probably start his final exam paper soon.

"Ow," Hyunjae sighed as she poked her hand sewing on some smaller details.

"You okay?" Yuta asked continuing to look through his emails.

"Mhm," she nodded as she continued on.

That was something she was used to. It happened so often that there was no need to panic or worry about it, but working with mesh was a bit harder than she expected. Especially making a robe out of it. Yuta wasn't even fazed by the noise of the sewing machine, or the cutting of fabric or even Hyunjae cussing once in a while. They weren't joking when they said she really got into her work. It had been a few hours as Yuta had almost finished the first three pages of his rough draft.

"Hey pretty girl I think you need a snack break," He said reaching into his bag.

"Gimme one sec," she said looking at what she had so far.

The robe was basically complete but something felt off about it. She felt that something was still missing.

"Yu, i need your opinion. Does this look okay?" She asked seriously, "Like no bullshit I want your honest opinion."

Yuta chuckled turning around to look over at her work. He approached her slowly making sure to not step on anything, just in case.

"It looks really pretty. For real," he said amazed at the work before him.

The robe looked like something straight out of a fairytale, literally. It sparkled and had plenty of pretty detailing. The black trim really made it look expensive and eye catching.

"Thanks but I still feel like it's missing something," she sighed pulling up her sketch on her iPad. She handed it to Yuta to ask for his opinion, "what do you think it's missing?"

Yuta looked at the sketch viewing it over time and time again, nothing was missing. Then it hit him, she just wasn't seeing the whole thing.

"Nothing's missing," He said confident, "You just don't see your whole vision. Look."

He reached over for a few of her necklaces and laid them on the neck of the mannequin. He saw a random pair of Hyunjae's boots and put them under where the feet would be.

"It's not like your exact sketch but I think it really pulls the look together," He said with a smile.

She raised a brow, taking a step back to look at the completed look. Maybe he did have a point. Was she just second guessing herself?

"Huh maybe you do have a point," she nodded smiling at him.

She was now starting to see the full potential, like he said it wasn't her exact sketch but it did work.

"Now snack break," he smiled waving a candy bar.

She looked at him with a grin, "Fine, five minutes."

And it was actually more than five minutes. Yuta ended up helping her finish her last piece (since the break was a good thirty minutes of just them talking and watching tiktok videos). He was just holding the fabric down while Hyunjae pinned it onto the mannequin or stitching something onto it. He was kinda scared he'd fuck something up and then she'd get mad but she was just very concentrated and quiet. Her aura changed a lot when she was working, it was almost scary.

"Can you hand me the scissors?" She asked as she looked at the almost finished product.

Yuta nodded grabbing the scissors to pass them to her. She made a final cut before stepping back to look at it. Yup finished.

"Finally," She smiled proud of herself.

"Whoa you're crazy talented," Yuta spoke up looking at the piece.

It looked like it was straight off the runway.

"Ah you're exaggerating," she chuckled, "But thank you. This is definitely my favorite so far. If only I had the heels."


Liked by notkunhang, baeirene and 783 others
Hyunjaes it's crazy to see my work come to life
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Notkunhang dude this is so sick! I want pictures of the actual product!
Heresjohnny same !
Iamyeri if you need a model you know where to find me heheh

"Hey thanks for staying," Hyunjae smiled at Yuta who was logging out of her laptop.

"You're welcome. It was fun, I think Kunhang was exaggerating when he said you're mean when you're working," He chuckled.

"Sometimes I am, but maybe it's cause I actually took breaks and ate this time," she said tapping a nail against her chin.

It made a lot of sense. Usually she wouldn't eat or pause to take a break but since Yuta made her, she wasn't as easily annoyed or aggressive.

"Well someone has to take care of you," He winked.

She fake gagged before letting out a laugh, "Oh that reminds me. Did you still wanna go to an underground race?"

His head perked up in surprise. She still remembered that he mentioned that. It felt like so long ago.

"Um yeah, but If it makes you uncomfortable it's fine," he said seriously.

She shook her head as she plopped onto her bed, "nah it's all good. I just have to do some research to find the next one."

"Well I'm down," he nodded.

Hyunjae looked over at the time it was getting kinda late. She felt her body sink into her bed, all that work was starting to hit her like a rock.

"You look tired. I think it's time for you to sleep," he chuckled getting up from the desk.

"Yeah I think so too," She sighed sitting up, "Thanks again. I mean it. You didn't have to."

"Anytime, I'd do it again," he smiled crouching down to be at eye level with her. He planted a kiss on her lips with a smile, "I'll see you pretty girl. I still need another painting date."

"Ok but you literally haven't taught me any Japanese so you owe me. Also did you stop wearing your mint chapstick?" She asked realizing that his lips didn't taste like mint for once. That was odd. That was like his trait.

"Damn you're right next time for sure then. Just remind me cause I have a million different things going on in my head," he smiled picking up the bag he had brought earlier, "And yeah cause I know you don't like anything mint."

Personally, Yuta didn't mind not wearing his mint chapstick, he only wore it cause he always had it with him. It's the only chapstick he's been able to keep for longer than a month or two, that's an accomplishment. He was thinking about buying another one either vanilla or no scent and flavor at all.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "You don't have to change it. It's growing on me."

That was a lie. Hyunjae still disliked almost anything mint, but she felt bad that he stopped using it because he knew she didn't like it. Plus maybe she would get used to it sooner or later.

"We'll see. Goodnight Jae," He waved knowing she was lying to spare his feelings.

"Goodnight yu," she waved back.

He left her dorm happily as he made his way back to his own dorm. He liked today, he liked watching Hyunjae work on something she was so passionate about. It was a nice change to seeing her usual personality. Seeing her today solidified his idea that she was meant to be a designer, it all showed in her work and patience. He could never, especially if he stabbed himself with a needle. He really respected what she did but it made him wonder what he wanted to do. He was still unsure of what his future held for him. He sighed looking through the various emails he had been receiving on his way back to his dorm. He needed advice.

"Hey Sicheng I need some brutally honest advice," he laughed as Sicheng picked up the call.

"I'm on my way with snacks," Sicheng said hanging up not giving Yuta a chance to Say anything else.

He laughed, Sicheng knew him all too well.

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