Stay - Bucky x Reader

By MarvelDork005

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Steve brings in a new recruit one day who seems to have a problem with anything and everything, including you... More

Backstory + Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Edit for part 32
Part 33
Part 34
The Wedding
Part 35
Part 36 ~ Final Part

Part 3

3.5K 77 32
By MarvelDork005

You went into into bathroom to take a shower. Once you were done you dried your hair and loosely curled it. You put on a black long sleeved off the shoulder top with a red lace up skater skirt, and a pair of see-through black tights. You put on the matching necklace and bracelet set Sam had given you for your birthday last year. It was a silver chained necklace with a rose pendant same as the bracelet. You pulled on your pair of knee high lace up boots, grabbed your mini black backpack purse, phone, and keys and headed for Wanda's room figuring Nat would also be in there.

However, your travels to Wanda's room were interrupted when you ran into something...or someone? You looked up to find Bucky, his steel blue eyes staring back at you. "Hi." You said quietly as he towered over you. He didn't respond, instead he walked around you and into his room. "Weird. Why won't he talk to me?" You thought as you continued your journey to Wanda's room.

Her door was already open upon your arrival so you walked in. "Hey Spider Lady...Magic Fingers." You smirked. "You guys ready?"

Wanda giggled. "Yeah give me one second."

"Ya know Y/n. You have nicknames for us, but we don't have any for you." Nat commented.

"Okay. What ya got for me?"

"I'll think about it, Wanda you ready now?" Nat replied.

"Yes I'm ready. You guys are so impatient." Wanda complained.

All three of you walked down to the living area where Tony was. "Tony can I have your credit card?" You asked innocently.

"Are you going to buy drugs?" He retorted.



"Yes." Nat chimed in. Causing you and Wanda to erupt into laughter.

"Romanoff, don't test me." Tony snipped.

"Come on Tony. It was a joke.  Besides Y/n will be 21 in a few days anyway."

"Which reminds me. Y/n, your party is tomorrow at 8. Don't be late." Tony informed.

"Alright. But I need that card now. Thank you!" You said holding out your hand as he gave you the card.

You and the girls walked out of the Compound and got into the car in which Happy was waiting in, and drove off the mall.

Happy pulled up to the walkway and you got out, followed by Nat and Wanda. You walked into the mall and Nat pulled you and Wanda into one of the stores. It was full of dresses. Ballgowns, party dresses, you name it.

"We gotta pick out dresses for your party tomorrow come on!" Nat exclaimed dragging you and Wanda behind her.

"Can't I just go in jeans and a t-shirt?" You protested.

"You could. But I won't let that happen."

"Of course you won't." You said, rolling your eyes playfully.

Nat and Wanda had already picked a million dresses for you to try on before you had the chance to look at any. You went into one of the dressing rooms to try on the dresses, coming out in each to show the girls.

The first dress was a red strapless dress that was way to short for your liking and would felt like it would fall down at any sudden movement. Nat had definitely picked this one.

The next dress was a light blue cocktail spaghetti strap dress which fell just above your knees. Nice dress, just not your color.

You tried on several more dresses the girls handed to you. None of them sitting comfortably to your body.

The last dress you tried on was a black halter top, below the knee dress which had a rose colored skirt with a slit running up to your thigh, as well as two small ones on either side of your stomach. You came out of the dressing room to show Nat and Wanda who were picking out dresses for each other and turned around when you came out.

"Damn girl!" Nat teased. "That's definitely the dress your wearing."

"Y/n you look amazing! I agree with Nat." Wanda exclaimed.

You giggled at their responses and went  back into the dressing room to change back into your normal clothing.

When you came back out, Nat and Wanda had already tried on and chosen their dresses for the party. Wanda chose a back off the shoulder dress which had a white and blue tool skirt which fell at her feet. And Nat had chosen a black topped strapless dress which had a flowy red skirt with a slit going up her left leg.

You and the girls payed for the dresses and continued shopping, stopping in various stores for accessories to go with your dresses. For a bag, you had gotten a small black Louis Vuitton bag with a gold chained strap. Wanda got a glittery silver one with a silver chained strap. Nat got a the same as Wanda however, in black with a black strap. Shoe wise, you got black heels that had straps that criss crossed and had a 3.5 inch chunky heel. Wanda got glittery silver, platform block heels that matched her bag. Nat got black, Louboutin heels that matched her dress perfectly.

You guys stopped for coffee in between going from one store to another. While waiting in line for your coffee to be made, Nat and Wanda were still ordering theirs, a man approached you.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing walking around a crowded mall alone?" The man asked, while smirking. His voice didn't match his body whatsoever. It was high and squeaky, instead of what you thought was going to be deep and eery. Although, he was clearly trying to deepen his voice, however he was failing to do so. He wore a only worn down leather jacket with a navy blue t-shirt underneath. He had on ripped jeans and combat boots. It was not a good look for him. He had caramel blonde hair which had been cut into a buzzcut. Also not a good look for him.

Deciding to play along with his fantasies, you continue the conversation. "I'm not really sure sir." You said batting your eyelashes.

"Would you like to join me?" The man said placing his hand on your lower back.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but that's gonna have to be a no for today."

"Oh come on sweetheart. It'll be fun." He smirked once again, this time grabbing your ass.

You quickly grabbed his wrist and turning him around, twisting his arm behind his back and dislocating his shoulder, holding his other arm with your free hand. Everyone turned to look in your direction. Including Nat and Wanda who burst into laughter after seeing the look on the man's face.

"Nothing to see here, me and my lady were just having some fun." The man said wincing at the pain.

"I'm not your lady. I don't need a man to show me how hold my own. And when I say no, I mean no. Now I'm gonna let you off easy, however, don't think of even trying this again or won't hesitate to do more than just leave you with a dislocated shoulder. Because I will do so much more. And your just lucky my best friend wasn't here, or you would've already been dead." You stated proudly, pushing him to the ground and walking over to Nat and Wanda with your head held high.

Happy came running over to where you were standing. "What happened?! Are you okay Y/n?!" He shouted worriedly.

"I'm fine Happy. The dude grabbed my ass so I gave him a minor dislocation in his left shoulder." You grumbled.

Happy's eyes widened and darted between you and the man. "Dude your lucky her best friend wasn't here." He laughed and the man walked away.

You got lunch then Happy drove you back to the Compound. You all walked in laughing with your hands full of shopping bags.

Loki came up to you seeing as you were struggling to keep all the bags in your hands and grabbed a few from your grasp.

"Thanks Lo." You said.

"No problem, Darling." Loki smiled. "How was your shopping trip?"

"It was go-"

"Y/n kicked some old guy's ass while waiting for coffee!" Nat interrupted quickly.

"I'm all for kicking ass Y/n but may I ask, why?" Loki teased.

"What. He grabbed my ass so I kicked his and dislocated his shoulder." You responded innocently, causing everyone to laugh.

You grabbed your bags and headed up to your room. Dropping the bags as soon as you got there, and flopping down onto your bed dozing off shortly after.

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