𝘿𝙖𝙢𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠! ⏱ ᴮᵒᵇᵒ...


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❝Because of you, this stupid prophecy got me under a damned mask!❞ → Betrayed, accused and blamed, ... More

▪︎ S. Chapter I
▪︎ S. Chapter II


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Chapter XXVI: Holes

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EVERYONE WORRIEDLY watched as Aldrudis touched the top of her head, trying to see what was happening to the elf and attempting to try and find out if he can give them any help. Y/n flinched at this and let out a cough soon after. The centaur could feel the burning gazes of everyone, it was obvious that they were too worried to know what happened to the elf. "Is F/n going to be okay?" Yaya worriedly asked with her hands held together in hope. "The elf is feeling magic sick," the centaur informed everyone, making them confused.

"Magic sick?" Everyone repeated in unison, even Cosmo was confused.

"Magic sickness is a rare sickness that can be caught whenever a creature uses their magic past their limits. Although this is very rare, I have only met one who once had it," Aldrudis told them. "Rare? Why is that rare? Isn't it just sickness?" Gopal scratched his head in bewilderment. "You see, never once I have heard of an elf getting magic sickness. Only those who have trouble with their magic have experienced magic sickness," Aldrudis added.

"Eh? But, F/n clearly doesn't have trouble with his magic. Why did this happen to him?" Ying pointed out in bewilderment. "My apologies for I do not have the slightest idea. All I know is that magic sickness is not just a normal sickness since it could possibly lead to death," Aldrudis stated, making everyone gasp in result. Of course, with Captain Papa and Cosmo gasping the loudest, being the top 2 drama queens of the whole gang with Gopal coming close with 3rd and with Fang being the 4th one, but we don't speak about that.

"Death!? Is F/n going to die? This cannot be happening!" Cosmo began to ugly cry, making the rest of his friends cringe at this. Captain Papa was doing the same and Ochobot was so done with everything. "No one is going to die and neither is the young elf. Although it is possible but his case is not fatal, he will not die," Aldrudis reassured them, making everyone let out a deep sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," Ying smiled while she held her chest in relief, happy that their friend was going to be fine. "But then... how is F/n going to heal?" Boboiboy's curiosity and concern got the best of him.

"Cases like his would require medication by using magic and do not worry, I know what to do. We just need to pay a little artefact a visit," Aldrudis smiled at them, making everyone look at each other in confusion. 'Does he mean the Gem of Land?' Everyone wondered to theirselves with each one of them thinking of the possibilities on how and why he'll be able to heal the elf.

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With Y/n's arms being placed around Yaya's shoulders, the two walked in sync in order for Yaya to aid the elf with ease. Everyone noticed that along some trees there was something hidden. Two centaurs stood at either side of what looks like the entrance of the said mysterious place. Aldrudis soon approached them and began to tell them something that caused for them to nod and make way for them to walk in. Aldrudis motioned for them to follow him which was soon obeyed by everyone due to their personal curiosities.

There were so many vines in front of them and the leaves had a beautiful color of gold. Shining radiantly, everyone was taking aback by the breath-taking scene from before them. Aldrudis shove some vines away and entered the mysterious place. The gang trailed from behind the centaur and mirrored his actions, shoving the golden vines away for them to see what was beyond them. Once everyone got through, a gasp managed to escape their mouths.

The place was breathtakingly beautiful.

The ground was made with stone bricks, some plants growing from the corners of the bricks which made it look natural. The air was full of white magic particles, flying around like a firefly. The place wasn't that bright, it made everything g look great. There were beautiful butterflies flying around everywhere, with some landing on flowers with various of wonderful colours. There was even a small pond at the side, with lilypads and lotus flowers floating around.

Fishes of various of types were swimming on the water. The calm sound of water moving reached their ears, soothing them and making them feel relaxed. There was a large three on the middle, having golden colour of leaves. It was as if everyone was seeing a fairytale garden but it was real. Everyone could hear the peaceful melody sang by the birds. Everything looked as if they were in a dream. Wind engulfed the figure of the whole group, feeling cool breeze of fresh and calming wind.

But, what was the center of the attention was a stone pillar on a tiny podium. Stairs led upwards to the podium. There was moss around the pillar and the podium, creating a more nature-like and natural look to it. Plants were randomly growing everywhere and many beautiful flowers were present. On the top of the pillar, was obviously the floating figure of the Gem of Land. It was shining as bright as ever, the magical presence that it had was astounding. The gem had golden like-ochre colour. The surface was very smooth and shiny, Y/n was sure she would see her reflection there.

Unlike when they saw the other gems, it was completely unaffected.

It was squeaky clean and looked very priceless.

"The Gem of Land has been with us for hundreds of vintajas now. We are glad to finally accomplish our task and give it to you, elf bearer," Aldrudis gestured to the gem as he approached it. "Do I still have to touch it?" Boboiboy questioned out of nowhere, knowing that the gem is very fine. He was wondering if he still had to touch it like he always does when they approach one or even before Y/n takes it with her. "Well, doing that might give it an even better security. It will help it protect itself from dark magic, so I do not see why not," the centaur nodded his head.

He stepped back, allowing Boboiboy to do this thing. With a nod of determination, he decided to transform. Raising his power watch up, light particles were being absorbed by it. "Elemental power!" He yelled out, slowly beginning to transform. "Boboiboy Earthquake!" He finished the words so that he can finally able to transform to his desired element. The said element stood in front of the pillar. Unlike the usual, he didn't wear any rock gloves which allowed him to show his power watch out.

Boboiboy Earthquake stood in front of the gem as his eyes studied its figure with similar color. Everyone watched in anticipation as he reached out his arm forward to touch the said artefact. Once his touch has reached the gem, it began glowing a golden yellow of colour. The glow lasted for only a few seconds before it disappeared and died down slowly. Aldrudis just stared in astonishment. Never once he saw the gem glow like that before.

But now, he was glad to be the first to witness out from his own race. "Wah! It just glowed!" Cosmo let out in surprise. "Eh... what now?" Captain Papa stared at the said object with a dumbstruck look upon his face. That's right. It was the first time Cosmo, Captain Papa and Ochobot has witnessed this. They haven't even witnessed the real deal of this and that is the sudden restoration of both Boboiboy's powers and an actual infected gem. "Well, after he touches the gem, he will be able to regain the control of his powers," Fang explained.

"But, I guess in his case for now is quite complicated," He sheepishly added while turning to the elf who was with Yaya the whole time. Noticing the stare that she was receiving, she turned to the shadow manipulator, knowing that he was hoping for her to explain further the situation from beyond them. "Indeed, since the Gem of Land is not infected, that also means that Boboiboy Earthquake would be able to control his powers despite being unable to touch the gem itself," She elaborated with her scroll.

"But does that mean he would still transform out of nowhere?" Yaya turned her head to the elf girl within her hold. "Transform?" Cosmo, Captain Papa and Ochobot repeated in confusion. Y/n prevented a chuckle from escaping her lips and just shrugged. "Well, we just have to see then," she calmly responded which made the confused trio look at each other in wonder.

"Look, it's happening!" Gopal suddenly pointed out, catching everyone's attention. After sighting a view of Boboiboy Earthquake's power restoration, their eyes remained on him for a while. "Uh..." that was the only thing that managed to escape his lips, seeing what was happening to him. Underneath his brown coat with his signature golden rock designs was a maroon coloured shirt. Tied around his waist was a black fabric that resembled a martial art black belt.

His coat reached down to his just below his knees and it had two side pockets. Similar to his old look, his collar was not folded. He didn't have pants this time and had shorts that reached down to his knees. Making his appearance look better was the brown boots that he was wearing. Like usual, he had a bandana on with a similar colour as his dino hat. Black with orange and gold accents decorating it, his element symbol was on the side of course.

Everyone blinked at this. The sight of the male with elf ears just made their mind blank. "This is still so cool," Gopal spoke out of nowhere, snapping everyone. "Agreed, it never fails to amaze me. Especially the part where he has ears like mine," Y/n absentmindedly told them non-verbally. "That was quite entertaining to see," Aldrudis managed to let out as he stared at the conflicted boy from beside him. "It sill shakes me off, I guess. It just feels weird," Quake admitted, touching his longer ears.

"Wah! Elf ears! Like you, F/n," Cosmo marveled out

"How is this possible? What's the meaning of this, young elf of justice?" Captain Papa turned to the usual quiet and wordless Lluminarian. "I am still not able to identify how this is possible but, I think it is because it is a sign that his powers are either restored or upgraded," Y/n answered him. "I also agree with you, F/n. According to the new data I suddenly received, his Earth element power just received new abilities. You can call it a boost or a power up," Ochobot stated, checking the data he received after scanning the surrounding and Boboiboy himself.

"Wow, you're so smart, F/n!" Yaya complimented in awe, quite impressed by the elf's simple deduction to be proven true. "Yeah, your intelligence is making me feel jealous," Ying admitted out with an awestruck look. As usual, Y/n felt flustered by the sudden compliments that was being showered upon her. Making sure to not show her reaction too much which might cause a mistake to be revealed, she nodded her head as if she was calm to this. "Is that so? I appreciate the compliment, thank you," she let her scroll do the talking for her as usual.

Boboiboy Earthquake transformed back to his original state, once again catching everyone's attention. "Eh? He is back?" Cosmo commented in obvious bewilderment. "Yeah, a normal occurrence. That happens everytime he transforms, I think that was temporary," Ying tapped her chin. "It must be because he is not Glamouran, that way, the magic adjusted itself even though it might just take a short while," Y/n wondered out. Boboiboy Quake was now back to the original Boboiboy as soon as the process was finished.

"Oh! F/n, I think it's your turn now," Gopal pointed out. Nodding her head, she was helped by Yaya as they walked their way towards the gem. Climbing the stairs to the small podium, they were met with a smiling Aldrudis. "Elf, for cenotarias we were given the task to protect the Gem of Land so that it will be prepared for you and this dauna. I, Aldrudis, the leader of the centaurs, shall present you the pride of Terra. The Gem of Land will be handed to you but, before that─I need to do something," Aldrudis spoke out as the gem floated on his hand.

With growing curiosity and great anticipation, everyone watched the scene unfold from before them. "Gem of Land, as my very last wish right before I give you to your rightful bearer, I request for you to make a miracle and heal the young elf bearer," Aldrudis said while his eyes remained focused on the artefact. Once a second has passed, the gem began to glow and magic particles gathered theirselves. They made their way towards Y/n and it was obvious what was happening from before them.

Y/n's tensed body relaxed due to the feeling of pain disappearing out of thin air. The glow died down and everyone turned to the sick girl with hopeful eyes. "How are you feeling?" Aldrudis asked the (h/c) haired girl. She didn't answer and slowly removed her hand from Yaya's shoulder which made the gravity manipulator flinch. Yaya wasn't sure if it's safe to let go of Y/n and it made her grip on her tighten. The elf turned to Yaya once she noticed this. "It is okay, Yaya. You can let go of me now," Y/n reassured which was soon obeyed by the girl in pink hijab.

Y/n stood with no one aiding her and it made her smile. She was back to normal at last. "To answer your question, I am feeling spectacular, Aldrudis," Y/n raised her fist in determination. The rest of her friends released a sigh of relief in unison, relieved that once again she was back to her normal health. "Just as I thought, now, F/n. I shall give you the Gem of Land," Aldrudis smiled softly and leaned his open palm to Y/n. Her eyes stared at it before she opened her palm.

The gem moved in its own and floated its way towards Y/n's open hand. Her eyes reflected the amazing golden and smooth surface of the artefact. "F/n, handle it with care and use when it is necessary. Protect it like how you successfully protected the other two gems in your possession," Aldrudis adviced wisely. "I will, Aldrudis, I will never let you down," Y/n nodded her head with a serious look from behind her mask. "That is what I like to hear," The centaur responded.

"For you and your whole group, I give you my blessing. I hope you will be successful on your mission, you are all Glamoura's only hope," Aldrudis started resulting for everyone to nod their heads in determination, serious face plastered upon their faces. "Failure is not an option after all, we will save Glamoura," Boboiboy smiled in responce as he walked towards Yaya and Y/n. "I know you will all do," the centaur smiled.

Once Y/n closed her hand, magic particles began appearing out of nowhere, engulfing the elf. The gem was transforming into a certain object and right now, it looked something new. A brown cloak sudden appeared, being worn by Y/n. A smile went to her lips as she admired the cloak, flapping the sleeves up and down. "Wah! It transformed into a cloak this time!" Gopal marveled. "Fuiyoh, now F/n is very covered," Ying chuckled out.

"The transformation is incredible as always," Boboiboy nodded his head. "Might be my first time seeing this but, it's amazing," Ochobot commented.

"Now, let's get going, shall we? I'm getting hungry you know?" Gopal whined getting hit by Ying's arm in the process. "Ish, that's all you know," The time manipulator commented with an unimpressed look. Fang could only shake his head and facepalm. "Great, let's go, back. Ochobot will have to summon the teleportal anyway," Boboiboy beckoned out for Yaya and Y/n who nodded and slowly made their way out to follow the others.


Boboiboy and Y/n stopped on their tracks as soon as they heard Aldrudis call out to the young elf. "May I speak with you alone before you leave?" Aldrudis requested, going down from the staircase of the small podium. Y/n turned to Boboiboy and nodded her head, gesturing for him to go without her. With a raised eyebrow he obeyed and slowly walked out of the unknown place. He stopped on his tracks abruptly and side eyed the two Glamourans.

Written on his face was all what he could feel at the moment.


Big suspicion.

Pursing his lips, he continued his way towards the exit as thousands of questions invaded his head. 'What could they be talking about?' Boboiboy started in slight irritation. 'Why would Aldrudis want to speak to him alone? Is there something they could possibly be hiding?' He gritted his teeth at the thought. 'Why aren't we trusted enough for us to know what it is?' He continued to ramble inside his head. 'Is it really their main purpose? To hide it from us?' The elemental hero was getting annoyed at the secrets being kept from him.

'Could it be that it is something related to F/n's true objective and identity?'

'If that's is the case...'

"Then I'll make sure to find the truth. I'll find out F/n's true identity and secret," He mumbled to himself before shoving the golden vines away for him to pass through. 'I'll make sure of it..' he narrowed his eyes in determination.

Y/n walked towards Aldrudis, waiting for him to say anything and eventually start the conversation. "Why are you doing this?" He confronted in a downright way which made Y/n flinch on her spot. "Doing what?" Y/n questioned out in slight panic. Aldrudis sighed deeply and loudly before he facepalmed at her. "You do know that you can talk now, yes?" Aldrudis pointed out in seriousness making Y/n realise that what they're talking about was the exact thing making her panic inside.

"Okay, okay, I heard you. Now what?" Y/n let out a sigh knowing she already got caught. The elf deemed that it is useless to keep her act up in front of someone who is basically the temporary protector of the gem. There is no way he didn't know about her real dentity. "Why are you fooling your friends into thinking you are someone else?" Aldrudis asked in slight frustration. "Why? It is because of my faex of a brother, that is why," Y/n admitted with an annoyed look on her face. She didn't mean to curse but, the thought of her brother just angers her.

"Lunos Llumina? His guards were looking for you under his command, care to explain why?" The centaur narrowed his eyes down at her. "He accused me of being a traitor, I do not know where he got the sudden idea and it irritates me knowing he is pointing fingers without a probable reason," Y/n slouched her back, her shoulders relaxing. "Accused you? Is that why you ran away and disguised yourself?" Aldrudis questioned. "It is the safest way in my case, that way, I would not be recognised that easily," Y/n nodded her head in confirmation.

"I understand, but there is one thing that I am quite concerned about up until now," Aldrudis confessed with a frown on his face. The elf perked her head at this, curiosity getting the best of her. "What is it?" Y/n spoke with a small voice escaping her mouth. "Your friends," The centaur plainly stated with no hint of emotion displayed  within his voice. "Do you truly want to keep this act in front of them?" Aldrudis was genuinely serious and it made the elf stiffen.

"Llumina, I am afraid to tell you that you should be trusting your friends. They are the only ones who will willingly do anything as your friend, they even gave you their full trust, is that not enough for you to trust them back?" What Aldrudis told her felt like a slap on the face. "I─" Y/n paused, nervously pursing her lips on the process. "Are they really your friends if you do not even have full trust in each other? That is the only thing keeping you apart from them, Llumina," he continued to lecture.

"I can see that one of them is already doubting you truly," he stated, making Y/n look up to him in surprise.

"Who... is it?" Y/n trailed off as she reluctantly asked him.

"In honesty, I should not be the one telling you this and normally I would think it is better for you to find out yourself, but I think it is getting out of hand and it will further lead to a misunderstanding between you," Aldrudis let a frown sit upon his face. "Llumina, out of all of them who could have doubted you─it had to be the one who helps you purify the artefacts," the centaur informed her with a deep sigh. Y/n froze on her spot. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Boboiboy is doubting... me?" The elf felt speechless at the moment.

"Yes, it may not look like it but I noticed that growing doubt filling him up ever since the Lluminarian guards were defeated," he nodded his head in confirmation. "Do you realise there is only one way to settle this?" Aldrudis narrowed his eyes at the troubled-looking girl. "It might not be my position to make decisions for you but, what I am suggesting is to tell them the truth. From what I saw they were genuine friends and none of them would ever betray you," he added, looking at the girl.

It may not be visible but he could feel her guilt rushing in.

"Although I am not rushing you, perhaps find a perfect time for you to admit it all?" The centaur suggested.

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Silence enveloped the whole atmosphere within the said spaceship. Everyone felt nervous to start a conversation while one of them was feeling slightly annoyed for some reason. Y/n didn't like this at all since it made her quite uncomfortable. The said elf immediately made a beeline towards her room but only to be stopped by a voice. "Where do you think you're going, F/n?" The accusing voice of Boboiboy played through the room which made almost everyone flinch at his odd behaviour. Almost like a deer caught in headlights, she slowly turned her figure back to the owner of the voice.

"To my chamber," her scroll answered for her like it was no big deal. But obviously she would be saying it unsurely if she used her actual voice for communication. "You can go but before that..." his eyes looked blank but anyone with good eye will catch the irritation within them. "You have some explaining to do," He continued, Y/n could notice his hand starting to set itself ablaze for some reason. Y/n worriedly breathed, it was obvious it was not the time for her to completely tell them the truth, especially with Boboiboy's state that she didn't want to mess with.

Maybe when he's a lot calmer, she finally decide to do it.

But, for now. It's a big no.

"Ah yes, the Lluminarian guards. I might have half-lied about leaving Lluminaria just to become a pilot. It is also because of the King who is after my head," Y/n told them truthfully although it was lacking some things. "Why are they after your head?" He raised a brow, completely turning to her. The others were slightly afraid of seeing this once again, they didn't like it that much when he becomes short tempered. Last time he was like this, he almost burnt their whole school.

"They have wrongly accused me of treason. Just because there was an ongoing prophecy about the King being betrayed, they have unlawfully thought it was I," Y/n informed him with seriousness within her eyes. "Wait, why would they think it's you?" Yaya stepped in, slightly confused at the details missed out. Pursing her lips, she needed to find an alibi to this yet again. "The King was a close friend of mine. I was the closest to him than anyone ever was. Until the prophecy came and declared a betrayal against him by an elf that is the closest to him," Y/n  added.

"Unfortunately, they thought I was befriending the King just to overthrow him from his position and since then, I have lost all of my trust in him for accusing me without a good reason," She clenched her fist in anger. What she was feeling towards him right now was genuine. It was pure anger and distrust. "All of what I said about myself previously was all half a lie, except for the fact that my parents did die because of dark magic," She finished, a gloomy expression behind her mask. Everyone could feel her genuine emotions and that took their suspicions from her away after she admitted some of the truth.

"We understand, F/n. Running away was the option you only have but, if that meant fighting those guards then we'll help you," Yaya smiled. "Yeah! We will help you convince Lluminarians that you aren't a traitor," Ying nodded her head. "Eh, that was too many information to process from," Gopal lazily shrug her shoulders, earning glares from the two female superheroes. He flinched at this and nervously nodded his head in a rapid way. "But! We will help you, yeah," he laughed nervously, caressing the back of his head.

"I can see the struggle that you felt as you fought against them. Fighting them would be the dumb decision, you just did what you think is the safest decision. Don't worry, with us, you'll never be alone anymore," Fang lets out a genuine smile which he only lets out once in a blue moon after pushing his spectacles up. "Hehe, Justice will never leave a comrade behind!" Captain Papa added as Cosmo beamed at his statement. "That's right!" The pegasus agreed blissfully.

"Well, we're a team after all and you're our friend, it would be bad to leave you behind just because of that conflict that you're in," Ochobot flew forward.

Y/n smiled at the support and the help her friends showered her but, one of them didn't say anything and it worried her. Everyone turned to the elemental hero who was hesitating to speak until he did. "F/n.... about the prophecy, where do you think that suddenly appeared from?" He reluctantly asked her, avoiding her gaze. "I wish I knew, no prophecy have ever wondered around Lluminaria like that. Truly I have no idea where the King got the idea, sorry," Y/n frowned.

A sigh escaped Boboiboy's lips before nodding his head. "Fine, you can go back to your room now," he finally let her go. With a word of gratitude from her scroll she left the main room and was being trailed from behind by her loyal pegasus, Cosmo. Once they were out of sight, Boboiboy was received confused looks from his friends. The latter wasn't bothered much by this but he only commented.

"Ochobot, what's the next planet?"

'I'm sorry guys, I just can't help but feel suspicious of him. His reasons had a lot of holes in it.'

'And it would stay like that at the moment until he admits the truth.'

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A/n: Suspicious BBB, 'cause why not? All I could say is that Planet Pyro Arc would be one of the most interesting arcs in this book!

Disclaimer: The illustrations and pictures above aren't mine. They belong to their original artists.

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