Long Way Home | TaeKook

By towhoeverlikes96

115K 6K 955

He was engaged to a beautiful man Park Jimin, everything was planned...his emotions were in check...and just... More

The Destiny
Who are you?
The Feel of Return
Over The Edge
The Forbidden Emotion
Those Left Behind
The One That Got Away
The Messed Up Night
The Past
Losing Game
Fools And Cowards
The Love I Lost
The Advice
Circle Of Lies
The False Trust
Why Tears Fall
The Rain - Part 1
The Rain - Part 2
Point of Return
The Plan
The Wedding Day
The Answer
Unexpected Visitor
How Did You Do It?
The Cafe
The Chase
The Misunderstanding
The Deal
The Invite
You are him?
Why are you here?
Bubble Gum
The Event
The Fashion Icon
The Gift
The Moon
The Meet
The Search
The Chaos
Those Eyes
Things Friends Do
Should I Stay?
Just Us
After Storm
The Warmth
The Apartment
Press Conference
Into Your Arms
Jeon Cop
The Papers
My Letter
Be Mine?
The Dinner
Movie Marathon
The JK Enterprise
The Separation
Crossing The Distance
The Count of Promises
Unwanted Existence
Broken Pieces
Breaking Down
The Request
Revisiting Memories
Choose Wisely
New Book

Hate & Guilt

898 47 5
By towhoeverlikes96

---Taehyung's Prov----------------------

"Tae baby why didn't you tell me you were a CEO. It took me in surprise."

I giggled at my mom's dramatic expression. I looked at Dad to see him eating the dinner. Why is Appa not surprised?

"Don't stare at your Appa Taehyung. I am sure he probably knew it years before... just never informed me. You think he would never keep tab on his precious son." She rolled her eyes nudging Mr. Kim.

I laughed at her attempts to try piss father. "How Dad?"

"You did great job son. I came across Minjae through one of my sources and from that day onwards I have updates on you and also your certain run away plans due to certain someone."

I chocked on air while Jungkook started to pat my back. "Well Mr. Kim I don't know why you seem hostile towards me. But currently I am your son's happiness."

My eyes widened and I quickly turned to look at the ravenette. Oh GOD! Why did you say it Jungkook... this will turn out bad...

I saw my father smirking and looking at Jungkook. "For starters you are a Jeon and secondly I am accepting your presence only because you are the one my son loves."


----Third Person's Prov -------------

Mrs. Kim nudged her husband and whispered "Behave... at least for our son".

Mr. Kim sighed and gave a warm smile to his precious son... then looked back at his fiancé but this time his expression was soft.

"Son Congratulations you found someone. And Jungkook keeping apart from the fact that you are a Jeon and a former playboy, your business skills are of no match. Let me know if you need my help since you are going against your father if I am not wrong"

"Yes Mr. Kim"

-----Taehyung's Prov -----------------------

The dinner went smoothly with less tense environment. My lips curved upwards into a smile when I saw my parents and Jungkook conversing on the couch. I cleaned the dinner table and walked towards my family. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw a slight frown on Jungkook's face while my father was having no expressions. What are they talking about... that even mom had a frown on her face?

As soon as I walked closer towards them. They stopped talking and turned their heads towards me. I tried to force a smile still thinking of what could they be talking that they stopped as soon as I came. My mom held my hand and made me sit beside her on the couch. She gave me a warm smile, but my eyes were fixed on Jungkook who didn't meet my gaze while father had his eyes closed and hands crossed over chest.

Okay, definitely something had happened here...And I need to know it. I thought my parents liked Jungkook the way everything went by the night. I decided to directly confront all of them.

"Appa, what were you talking about?"

He opened his eyes and his features softened staring at me, "Nothing Son, just some business matters."

I scoffed, did he want me to buy that lie seriously?

"What business matter? Let me in on it too. I am a CEO too."

"Will tell you some other day son, me and your mom will take our leave now."

I averted my gaze towards Jungkook who was staring at nothing. I saw my father adjusting his blazer and mom gave me a hug. I stood at my position watching my parents walk towards the door. I turned around to my fiancé, "What did my Appa say Gguk?"

I got no response as if my voice never reached his ears, "Jungkook!" I saw him get startled and looked at me with questionable look.

"What -" he tried to say but I cut him through.

"What did Appa say to you Jungkook" I softened my gaze watching him.


"Nothing Tae, just some business." And he stood and walked towards our shared room.

That's it I am getting my answers today, I will be leaving tomorrow. If I don't know what caused Jungkook to get this upset .... I will be worried forever.

I grabbed my coat and dashed out of my apartment. I took the stairs almost skipping a step or two. I reached the parking lot panting for breath. My eyes widened when I saw my father's car moving past me.

"APPA!" I screamed and screeching sound on the concrete surface was heard. I straightened and saw the car had halted and my father getting out of the door.

"What are you doing here." Worry was sketched on his feature as he walked towards me followed by my mom.

"Do you need something Tae" my mom cupped my cheeks and smoothen the disheveled blue strands.

"Appa you got to tell me what did you talk with Gguk. And this time I don't want to hear it was some business matter. Because it seems clear it was anything but business related."

"Did Jungkook said anything?" I glared at my mom who had asked such a question.

"He didn't. Do you not like Jungkook?" My voice cracked a bit. I really wanted my parents to love Jungkook even if his past screams something else.

"That's not the reason, Tae we love Jungkook, we can see it in his eyes. But... but he is a Jeon."

"What if he is a Jeon?" It angered me, is it because what his father tried to do with me?

"Come sit in the car, you will catch cold Son. I will tell you." I followed my parents and sat in the backseat waiting for father to explain.

"Jungkook's father Jeon Gong-yoo and me were best friends in high school." I saw my mother sigh and averted my gaze back to my father.

Jeon Gong-yoo (Jungkook's Father)

CEO of Jeon Cop

Jeon Tzuyu (Jungkook's Mother)

Ex lover of Kim Soo-hyun

"We had planned to start a business and become future partners. We had all planned while we were still high schoolers. We even looked out for best Universities which will provide us Business Major."

"We got enrolled in Crimson High everything was good. End of Junior year we got an addition to us, her name was Tzuyu she was my girlfriend. We were the unbreakable trio. In second year, Gong-yoo and I received a mail that the proposal we had placed in International Business Startup contest was selected. We received sponsorship to start the business we had planned. During start of the third year your grandmother died, she was a surgeon. She wanted me to become a doctor but I had chosen business, but nevertheless she always supported me. I broke down when she died. I dropped Business Major and applied for medical in honor of your grandmother. I still continued to work on my business with Jungkook's father."

"Gong-yoo graduated while I was in my first year of medical. Your mom was my lab partner. Everything went smooth we started company name KJ Enterprises. We were just emerging company into the market but we slowly started gaining attention of big clients. It was thanks to your mom who sometimes covered my assignments and shifts while I was handling clients and working on strategy to grow my company. The company was not that famous but still had a name in Korea."

"Tzuyu was still my girlfriend at that time. We didn't meet that often but I had managed to give my time. It was late night when I was just done with my studies as a 4th year medical student. I saw your mom was winding up to go home. I told her I will give her a ride. I had to anyway grab some fresh set of clothes from home anyways. As we were passing by my company building I found the lights of our office still on. I knew my best friend would be overworking himself and I didn't like it. I parked the car in the premises and told your mom to stay in the car will I put some sense in my best friends head."

"Maybe if I never went to check that day... things would have been different today.


I stood outside the door, about to open it but paused"

I heard Tzuyu's voice and Gong-yoo's. "You sure you will get the ownership of this company? Soo-hyun is not that dumb to just handover everything...." Female voice spoke.

"Who said I am going to ask Soo-hyun. I am going to steal it, just like I stole you from him."

"I am with you because you promised me luxuries. You don't even give me time Jeon atleast that Soo-hyun tries to find some time."

"What you think I am hooking up with girls. You know how much I loved you. I loved you first but you choose Soo-hyun. Now you are mine love, wait until I take this company and build my empire. You will get all you want."

"Hurry up then... baby you know I love you too right." Tzuyu said.

"Well tomorrow I have arranged a meeting with shareholders and would throw him off guard."

I couldn't control my anger and opened the door with a bang ignoring the pang in my chest. "How dare you"

Tzuyu had her eyes widened for a moment but settled back to a smile. I averted my gaze towards my best friend waiting for this nightmare to end.

"You think it will be easy to over throw me. I own the same number of shares as you do Gong-yoo."

"Well you underestimate me Soo-hyun. I have the potential to make this company reach a stage where no one could compete it."

"I can help you with this, what is wrong with you? I told you greed for power is dangerous." I spat back.

"You don't tell me that Kim. You are same, you left me half way in our major and went for medical. You got busy with your field neglecting what we had planned."

"I never neglected anything! It's your mind playing games. Get out of it...this not you" I screamed

"I already have your signs on the papers that you handed over this company to me. Such a fool you are that you didn't even tried to read the papers just because I had handed over to you to sign. You were always soft hearted and that is the obstacle to my plan. We are done Kim."

I felt worse than anything the only person I had trusted in my life was my best friend but as we say we never know who can deceive you. I chuckled and looked at the women whom I had cherished the most standing beside traitor.

"I would be waiting to know what price you will have to pay to reach on top." I spoke and turned around walking away looking at the company for the last time. I will never forget this day ... it will be carved in my mind and heart forever.

End of flashback

"Your mom never left my side when I was hitting rock bottom. With your mom's help I could build the hospital which stands proudly in Seoul."

I watched my dad while tears gathered at the corner of my eyes. "So... is ...is Jungkook's mom... " my lips quivered and I looked at my mother who understood my struggle to speak and answered my incomplete question.

"Yes baby bear... she was your father's first love." I saw how father pecked her forehead and muttered, "But you will always be my last Jina."

I hugged them both tightly while sob passed my lip. I felt my mom's warm hand rubbing my back. "Is it.. is it ...because of that you hate... Jungkook."

I faced them both moving out of the embrace. I was scared to hear the answer... If I knew it would hurt my parents I would have avoided Jungkook forever. But it was too late now, I have fallen so hard for the ravenette that not imagining life ahead with him... suffocates me.

I heard my father sigh, "I don't hate Jungkook son. It was not his fault for what happened in past."


"It is in blood of Jeon that they are too dominant. They would always crave power and be top of hierarchy. I have seen Jungkook having those traits but I also acknowledged that he gave up everything to be with you."

"He is not like his father... Appa"

"I hope it stays true son, I just want warn you that a person can put anything on stake to achieve power."

"I believe in Jungkook Appa. And I won't him loose himself. Trust me."

"We trust you Taebear. If you are happy we are happy even if your fiancé is a Jeon. We are always here for you." My mom patted my cheeks lightly with a warm smile. How am I so lucky to have such parents... even when I am in love with the son my Appa hates.

"Well go back to your fiancé that boy has lot on his shoulder. I just informed him about the past between me and his father. He feels guilty ... when it wasn't his fault. My blessings with you both."

I gave a nod and pecked both my parents' cheeks and ran climbing the stairs in goal of hugging a certain ravenette and pamper him with lots of kisses. No one makes my finance upset.


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