Genshin Impact Oneshots (Fem...

By Xiao_Fang7887

1.5M 38.9K 32.3K

Just a bunch of Genshin Impact oneshots with the guys and girls. Hope you all enjoy! More

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💧Childe/Tartaglia Pt.2💧
💧Xingqiu 💧
?Scaramouche Pt.2?
💧Childe/Tartaglia Pt.2💧
💧Childe/Tartaglia Pt.3💧
💧Childe/Tartaglia Pt.4 💧
?Scaramouche Pt.3?
?Scaramouche Pt.4?
?Scaramouche Pt.5?
?Scaramouche Pt.6?
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?Scaramouche Pt.2?
💧Xingqui and Chongyun❄️
🔥💧🌬⚡️🌱 ❄️ 💎 ⭐️
🍰 Zhongli 🍰
?Scaramouche Pt.2?
?Scaramouche Pt.3?
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?Dainsleif Pt.2?
Let's Talk.
About MC
About MC: Romantic Edition
Your Child/Children
Bia's Voicelines
💎Albedo Pt.2💎
Bia's Combat and other skills
Let's Talk, again.
💎Albedo Pt.3💎
About MC: Romantic Edition UPDATED
❤Teppei Pt.2❤
❤Teppei Pt.3❤
Text to speech
A New Book
I'm Sorry
Just a Reminder
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🔥Diluc Pt.2🔥
New Book


3.7K 81 26
By Xiao_Fang7887

What is up my readers! These are the voice lines from all the characters voice lines about MC that are currently going to be playable non-playable characters that I feel like everyone simps for! Remember, these do not reflect you guys as real people, this is as if Bia was a canon character in the plot. The main reason I have "(Y/n)" in there is because I don't know what Bia's human name would be. She already has an Archon name, but I don't know what her human name would be.
Also, I really appreciate those of you who wish Bia was a real character, that means a lot. Sorry to say, but I don't believe miHoYo would even take a look at Bia considering she's a non-canon character and they don't want to change their entire plot just for one made up character. Some of these voice lines will contain spoilers for the 2.1 update and events. So there's your warning! Anyways, Cya guys!
Gods/Archons/Adepti and anyone who knows (Y/n)'s secret (like Jean and Diluc knowing Venti's secret with him being Barbatos) will be referring (Y/n) to Bia while people who don't know about her secret will refer her to (Y/n).

"(Y/n) is sweet and sometimes quiet, but she can also be very adventurous."

"Sometimes we have an eating competition when we have extra ingredients! Paimon always wins!"

"Her food is great. She makes dishes from many different nations, ones we haven't tried before. We actually have a cooking lesson with her later, she's going to teach us how to make food from Inazuma."

"Paimon can't wait to be the taste tester!"

"(Y/n)? She is a very intelligent person. She knows a lot about Alchemy. She uses these gems called Oorja Diamonds to enhance the blessings of the Barbatos Statues throughout Mondstadt. I would love to know more about them, but she said she'll tell me someday. Don't tell her, but I secretly took a Oorja Diamond out of one of he statues, and currently examining it."

"(Y/n) is an amazing glider! Sometimes her and I will race each other, usually using the top of the Cathedral as our starting point and the entrance to Mondstadt as our finish line. Jean doesn't like it when we race and nearly run into people, but that only happened once. I wonder how she glides so quickly for being so new to it."

"(Y/n) is such a nice girl. She volunteers at the Cathedral to help heal the wounded. She doesn't pray though, and she has a lot of things to say about Lord Barbatos. None of them are bad, but she makes it sound like she knew him. Maybe she needs some rest."

"That girl can kick butt! I've seen her take down big sea creatures that try to take down my ship and crew. You betcha I'm inviting her on my next voyage!"

"(Y/n) is really nice. She tends to my wounds sometimes, and she goes adventuring with me, even with my bad luck. She's so nice."

"(Y/n) sometimes helps me with exorcisms. Granted, most of the time she looks like a lost puppy when I try to explain how to do an exorcism, but it's cute. She also has really good taste in ice cream."

"(Y/n) is a...mysterious, women. She holds his bright personality and such a positive smile, I believe I've never seen her once have a frown. But, why does it feel like she is hiding something?"

"The Energiro Archon? She's powerful, I will say that. She comes to Angel's Share sometimes to get a drink, never alcohol though. She also brings this strange tea, which seems to sober up Venti, somewhat."

"She goes by the name (Y/n) now? Huh, she used to always just go by Bia, but she's taken on a human name? I never thought I would see the day. Her land really is different than mine. While I wish for an eternity, Bia wishes for change with her people. that much is obvious. As long as she keeps her ideals in her land, I'll keep my ideals in my land."

"Vengeance will be mine. She has defeated me in not only etiquette, manners, and combat, but she has also defeated me in the art of combining dancing with combat. She is a formidable opponent. I admire her for that."

"I like (Y/n), she doesn't like alcohol either! She gives me these tea leaves that I can boil and give to daddy! He gets sober much quicker because of it."

"(Y/n)? My dear member of my retinue is the only one who can gain the full trust of the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Her powers could never hold a candle to mine, but she is quite powerful."

"She also likes to bring mein Fräulein pastries and other treats from all across Teyvat."


"Bia is a very organized women. She oversees the Land of Prosperity, and they provide a large percentage of Teyvats food supplies. She used to come over to the Jade Palace and have some tea with me and Lady Ningguan. She brings Audre along, which is really nice."

"Believe it or not, we had another secret supplier, but this one was actually really helpful instead of doing something to our forces during the rebellion. It was always a women with a strange looking book and a cloak over her shoulders. Her vision was also different, one that come from a land much farther away."

Hu Tao
"(Y/n) is such a buzzkill sometimes! When I want to go get new customers, she always declines my offer! But when it comes to investigations, she'll be the first one traveling with me. I wonder if she can see spirits, since she always seems to look around in some kind of daze. Her and Zhongli seem to know each other quite well though, I wonder if they have some kind of history together. Now I'm curious!"

"The Goddess of Energiro is a very kind women. She visits Mondstadt and helps Lisa with her inventions, and sometimes they work perfectly and help Mondstadt greatly. Though, I would greatly appreciate it if she wouldn't jump off the Cathedral with Amber to race."

Kaedehara Kazuha
"Believe it or not, I had met (Y/n) when her and the Traveler was going to be going to Inazuma. (Y/n) didn't partake in the competition, since she has a vision. But, I would like to see her fight someday. I am sure she is a very formidable opponent."

"She is quite gorgeous may I say, but she doesn't like wine. Who wouldn't like the wine Mondstadt produces? She is one mysterious girl may I say. She always has this deep in thought look on her face, I wonder why."

Kamisato Ayaka
"Here's something strange. The first time I had met (Y/n), she was just sitting around like she owned the place. It was really strange because no one seemed to care that she walked in. Just what kind of person is (Y/n)?"

"Lady (Y/n) is a very kind women. She helps me with official business sometimes, and she helps me organize all my work. Sometimes she'll have a meal with me. It's always nice to listen to her stories."

"(Y/n) is the best! She brings me all these cute toys from around Teyvat! She also brings me the most delicious candies ever! I can't wait for mommy to try them!"

Kujou Sara
"The one called (Y/n) always seems to elude me. She seems to know every loophole in the Shoguns rules, and always seems to disappear whenever anyone is looking for her. I once tried to have my squad find her, but she was always where they couldn't see her. She even escaped me many times. How strange."

La Signora
"She's a sweet girl. She can get herself into trouble sometimes, and Scaramouche has to go save her, but she's very powerful. Sometimes her and I will have some tea together. She's so cute when she makes those pouty faces when she gets teased by Tartaglia about her height (Sorry if you're tall. To us short people, people above 5'5 are tall to us)."

"(Y/n) is a very smart girl. She helps me with inventions sometimes. She's such a cutie, always helping me and sometimes she'll look like a cute little puppy when she's confused."

"(Y/n) is a great travel buddy."

"Better than Paimon?"

"No one is a better travel partner than Paimon. (Y/n) just has a very vast knowledge of Tevat, and she loves talking about it's history."

"She makes great food too!"

"Of course you're thinking about food..."

"(Y/n) is a strange women. She's very nice and I love her generosity, but sometimes she knows a little too much about things. She knows things that the libraries of Mondstadt and Liyue don't have records of. I could just be overthinking, and she might just be a historian."

"(Y/n) is very organized and a sweet girl. When the Jade Palace was still here, she would bring food and tea for all of us to enjoy."

"(Y/n) never lets me do anything to help her. As a maid, I should be able to help her and do things for her, but she always seems to get everything needed done before I'm even awake. I admire her for that."

"Qiqi likes...(Y/n)...she brings coconut milk tasty...."

"(Y/n) is fast. She runs like wolf! She smell like wheat and and veggies, not meat. She a great cook though! Lupical like her."

"How do you say her name again? Die? Kai? Ugh, I don't remember. I never even met her, but I have heard she is quite close with the Anemo Archon. How do you say his name again?"

Sangonomiya Kokomi
"I had met (Y/n) through our Captain of Swordfish 2. Believe it or not, (Y/n) was one of the people who helped us win the battle with the Shoguns army. Her strategies are just as good as mine, maybe even better."

"(Y/n) always walks so fast...too much exercise...but good exercise..."

"She's an annoying pest. Always doing things on her own, getting herself into trouble, and somehow getting out of trouble alive. I will give her credit with how powerful she can be, but she's so stupid sometimes. Most of the time, I'm the one who has to explain things to her or help her because she can't take care of everything by herself. She's stupid, stupidly cute sometimes, but still a major idiot."

"(Y/n) helps Mr. Albedo with his Alchemy research, and sometimes she'll help me too. She also saved me a few times from chemicals nearly exploding on me. She's very sweet too, and sometime she'll bring me lunch when I forget to eat."

"She's so cute! Teucer really likes her too. She also makes these cute little faces when I tease her. She pisses off Scaramouche, so that's an added bonus. I would really like to fight her some day, but she always says no."

"The first time I had met (Y/n), she had just walked into the tea house like she owned the place. It was strange. But having hotpot with her was amazing! She brought so many amazing ingredients! Some of them were from Nishati, and they have some of the best ingredients."

"Bia is amazing! She's so strong, for such an old lady. She doesn't drink wine, which I question why. Wine is amazing! Even if she doesn't drink alcohol, she can make great drinks without it. One time, she had made a spicy drink using Chili peppers from Natlan and those chili peppers from Liyue. It was really spicy, but the flavor was amazing!"

"(Y/n) brings me ingredients from all over Teyvat. She's usually my taste tester, and sometimes teaches me different things with cooking! She once made a spicy dish with some peppers she found in Natlan. They looked like they were on fire."

"Bia is a god who's suffered great losses but still has a smile on her face. Sometimes she will come and comfort me when my karma is too great. I think she's the only one who could sympathize with my suffering."

"A women of culture. She recommends books to me, and sometimes brings books from Sumeru and sometimes brings some with her when she visits. She has great tastes in books."

"(Y/n) isn't the biggest fan on loud music, apparently it hurts her ears. Oh well. Sometimes I'll play my music without the large speakers and things for her so she isn't going deft."

Yae Miko
"I've known Bia for such a long time. Before Ei had taken over for Makoto, the three were very close. I would always see a face on those girls faces. I wonder how (Y/n) is doing now. It's been at least 500 years since I had last spoken with her."

"(Y/n) knows everything! She knows every single law that's ever been placed in Liyue, and even in the other nations! She knows every loopholes, which is amazing. Even I don't know the loopholes of Liyue's laws."

"(Y/n) always comes over to the shop with a very old slip of paper with a very old recipe. It's at least 100's of years ago. Whoever she got that from, they must have been from Inazuma, or at least she was from Inazuma and it's an old family slip. It's so well preserved."

"Bia is very sweet. Behind that smile, lies a broken women. I sense she is still sad about Havria's death, she still visits her domain with a jar of salt whenever she visits. Sometimes her and I will leave behind Liyue Harbor, and take some time to think about where were are now and what had brought us here. She is a dear friend to me."

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