Some Girl

By DeanmonLover67

24.5K 826 319

"How does a stranger walk into my life and change what I thought it meant to be alive. It's crazy how you wen... More

Cast List
Love Interest for Dean
First Day on Set
The First Scene
Dean Girl
Meeting Misha
Private Conversation
Mental Breakdown
Pwaying Piwates
Not the Same
Catching Up
I Miss You
Backseat Confessions
You Blew It
First Kiss
One Good Thing
The Panel
Friend Intervention
We Can Be
Finally Together

Dinner Call

709 26 11
By DeanmonLover67


"Don't go, Unca Jensen!"

Jared, Gen and I were trying to go out for dinner together and Tom didn't want me to leave. The babysitter, a young woman who's name I forgot, stood with Shep on her hip while Tom tried to get me to stay.

"I'm going to come right back, buddy," I assured the toddler, crouching down and holding his hands. "I'm going to go eat with Mommy and Daddy and then we'll all come back."

"B-but I don't want you to weave me!" he sobbed.

"I know, bud, but I'll be back before you even have a chance to miss me."


"Can you be a big boy for me and go to bed while I'm gone?"

"I don't wanna be a big boy. I want you to stay with me."

"Okay, tell you what, bud. If you be a big boy and go to bed, I'll bring you a treat, okay?"

"Tweat?" Tom sniffled, his eyes lighting up a little.

"Yeah, a treat just for you, okay?"

"Okay," he nodded, tears forgotten.

"Alrighty, I'm going to go with Mommy and Daddy now," I told him. "I'll see you soon, buddy."

The babysitter led Tom back inside away from the door, giving a grateful smile to me as they went. Standing up straight, I turned to head out to the car where Jared and Gen were waiting for me.

"Unbelievable," Jared scoffed as I climbed in the back. "Two-and-a-half years old and you're already upstaging both of us."

"What did you have to promise him?" Gen asked me.

"I have to bring him a treat," I shrugged.

Jared shook his head at me as Gen laughed. Fifteen minutes later we were finally  seated at a booth in the restaurant.

"Alright, so tell me about this girl," Gen addressed me while we were looking through the menu.

"What girl?"

"Calls you Douchebag... cast as your love interest... Am I ringing any bells?"

I glared over at Jared who busied himself with his menu, avoiding my gaze. I should have known he would fill his wife in about Scarlett. Her presence on set was technically a secret since the premiere wouldn't air for a few more weeks and no one knew Dean was getting a love interest. However, it should have gone without saying that Jared would tell Gen about the going ons of set, including any information about our new co-star.

"There's nothing to say," I dismissed quickly, burying my own nose in my menu.

"Please, Jay. Jared won't tell me everything," Gen pleaded.

Before I could respond, a waiter came over to our booth to get out drink orders.

"Could I get a coke?" Jared asked.

"Just a lemonade for me," Gen told the waiter.

"I'll take a Bud Light®," I ordered.

As he went off to get our drinks, Gen took the opportunity to try and get me to tell her more about Scarlett.

"Is she pretty?"

"Yeah, she is. Can we drop it now?"

"What are some of her favorite hobbies?"

"I don't know, and before you ask, no I don't intend to find out. Let's move on to a new topic, please," I grumbled.

"Is she really a lightweight?"

"Gen, please."

She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout as the waiter, who's nametag read 'Brian', came back with our drinks.

"Do we know what we're eating tonight, or should I come back in a minute?"

"I'm ready," I announced, looking at the other two expectantly.

"Yeah, we'll go ahead and order," Jared nodded. "I'd like the smokehouse burger."

"Okay, and for you, Ma'am?"

"I'll take the grilled chicken salad with bleu cheese."

"Alrighty, and for you, sir?"

"I'll have the bacon cheeseburger," I told Brian.

Brian wrote down the last order and gathered our menus before hurrying off again.

"Okay, but how much of a lightweight is she?" Gen pressed.

"I shouldn't have let her go past the first one. Seriously, new topic, please."

"Why don't you want to talk about her?"

"Because I'm trying not to think about work while I'm on break," I huffed. "Can we please talk about something else now?"

Gen glanced at  her husband, but complied after that. Talk switched to the various adventures she had with the boys while we were in Vancouver. I tuned out after a while, my mind straying to thoughts of Scarlett. After Brian brought our food to us, I tried to focus on eating until my phone went off in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw a call from Dani.

"I'll be right back," I told the other two and slipped out of the booth.

I headed toward the bathroom as I answered the call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Jay, you picked up," Dani sounded relieved.

"What's going on, Danneel?"

"It's JJ. She's in the hospital."

My heart dropped in my chest at her words.

"What? What happened? Is she alright?"

"She's fine. The doctors said she has to stay a few days so they can monitor her recovery, but the surgery went well and they were able to fix it before it got any worse."

"Fix what, Dani? What happened to her?"

"Her appendix burst," Danneel told me. "Luckily I noticed the signs and got her here before she could get too bad."

"Which hospital?"

"St. David's Medical Center. North."

"I'm coming there. I'll be there soon."

"Jensen, I don't think-"

"Danneel, you can't call me in the middle of dinner on my break from work telling me my daughter is in the hospital and not expect me to drop everything and come. I'll be there soon. Just sit tight."

I heard her sigh, and then told me where to find them in the hospital before hanging up. I hurried back to the table to tell Jared and Gen what had happened.

"I've gotta go. JJ's appendix burst and she and Dani are at the hospital."

"Oh my god, is she alright?" Gen asked worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah, Dani said she's fine, they're just monitoring her for a few days while she recovers from surgery. Give Tom a treat from me, okay?"

"Yeah, we'll take care of it, man. Go on," Jared waved me off.

Grabbing my jacket, I hurried out the door without another word to the couple. Worried thoughts for my young daughter filled my head the entire way to the hospital.

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