Zianourry One Shots

Von MLH1993

1.1M 17.4K 7.7K

One shots all about Zianourry.. Requests are Closed till I can finished the request i have :) You might have... Mehr

Zianourry One shots
Request Page
The Only One... $ (N)
Don't feel good. $^ (N)
Strong Enough @^ (Li)
Strong Enough part 2 @^
Strong Enough part 3 @^
Strong enough part 4 @^
Afraid of the Dark or is it more? $
Wet and Together !! $
Looking out for him $^
Not Needed Anymore $^
Do you all still love us? $^
His Protectors $^
South America. $^
The Missing Piece @^&
I am loved? $#
Never ever $^
Never ever part 2 $^
Shot down $^
Shot down part 2 $^
Kidneys $^
Jail break @^
Not a Problem $^
Let us $^
Not Alone $#&
Not Alone part 2 $#&
I just wanted to help $^
Shots $
Are you cheating? $^
Are you cheating? Part 2 $^
He loves me more $
Falling to pieces $^
Too much? $^
Is It All My Fault? $^
Quick Question!
Surprise.. $^
Coma $^ (N)
Coma pt. 2 $^ (N)
Family $^
My New Family $^
New Beginnings $
Don't Worry @^
All that matters $^
What is going on? $^
Better Late Than Never $
Just leave. $
He is ours. $
Ignoring me? $
Five plus One $@6
Reassurance $
Mother hens $@6
We are here $
I'm Sorry $ (Li)
Battle of his life $^ (N)
Protecting them $^ (N)
Vampires ^&@ (N)
Protecting them pt. 2 ^$!! (N)
Where are you? (N) $
Jealous? $ (N)
Save Me $6^
Forever $(Z)
Don't cry Love. $ (Z)
Hey Storm, Hey Angel @ (N)
Dancing in the Rain! (N)$^
Horror (N) $
Panic Attack $ (N)
Little One $ (Lo)
Forever be your angel pt. 1 (H) $^
One Little Secret (N) $
Oh my...
Just Leave pt. 2 $ (N)
Quick Questions!
New Book and Note
Nevermind... A poll
Quick, Quick
Final Note...

Birthday $^

11.8K 190 76
Von MLH1993

It was one day away! Tomorrow was the day that Harry would finally be twenty-one. Finally. He had always hated being the youngest, especially when everyone else was twenty-one and older, and went out and drank while they were in America. They had gone out for Liam and Niall's birthday in Las Vegas, and Harry was only allowed to go for the dinner, but not the clubs.

They were on their three-month break and it was time they were slowly rehearsing for their new world tour. They were starting in Australia this time and all. They barely rehearse since they were doing most the same songs as last tour, but some new ones from their latest album.

Harry smiled as he stretched his arms and yawn. Glancing at the clock, it was nine in the morning. Time to go downstairs and get something to eat. Harry wonder if the other Lads had woken up yet. Yes, the Lads of One Direction were still living together. They had talk about moving out and all, but just could not do it. They were so use to being together. It was easier for them.

Walking down the steps, Harry had noticed that no one was awake. Going straight into the kitchen, Harry decides to just fix him something to eat. He had wish that the Lads were home to cook, but was it him being selfish thinking he should not cook the day before, on or after his birthday. Guilt fill through him at that thought and he quickly dismiss it. Harry had been the only one who knew how to cook. Louis tried and fails and Niall and Liam were okay. Zayn was probably the best after Harry.

Before grabbing all the ingredients he needed for a simple breakfast, Harry notice a note on the cabinet telling him the Lads went out and would be back later.

Frowning just a bit, Harry just assumed that they were planning a birthday party or getting him something for his birthday. Smiling as he got several text messages from his parents, sister, Nick and several other friends asking what he was going to do for his birthday tomorrow and all. He wanted to get the Lads together and go out for a fun night.

As he was cooking, Harry went through his twitter and Instagram reading all the early birthday wishes. Smiling at how, the fans had found pictures of him when he was a little lad.

Harry finished up all his cooking and all, trailing into the living room Harry started to watch some TV. Before he knew it he had fallen asleep.

Glancing at his watch, A deep frown once again present on Harry's face as the time became two in the afternoon. Where were the Lads? Right as Harry asked himself that question, the door slam open and the missing four appeared.

"Where have you lads been? I made lunch for you four, since I thought you would be back in time for it." Harry asked as the four just frowned at him.

"We were at an interview, Harry. Did you not read the note we left? Wish I honestly do not think we should have left it." Louis commented as he brushed Harry's shoulder harshly.

Harry's mouth ran dry. An interview? Why did they not get him or tell him. "What? We had an interview? You lads did not fill the need to tell him about it?"

"No. You are always in the spotlight so why should we let you steal it again." Zayn said quite coldly.

"I am not always in the spotlight." Harry quickly defended himself. Why are they acting like this?

"Really? Then why did the interview only ask you this morning? We are even on our break and you have been on what E news, the Sun and all of them this whole month, but you just walking out that door." Niall snarled at Harry.

Harry's eyes opened wide. Niall was never like this. What did Harry do? What happened?

"You are just in the way, Styles. Move!" Liam harshly pushed Harry out of his way.

"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled as he watched his band mates fall onto the couch and changing the channel onto something else.

What has gotten into them? They have never been this angry with him before? He honestly did not been to steal the spotlight and all.

"What did I do to make you lads mad at me?" Harry asked as he stood in front of the TV.

"Move, Styles. You are too fat, I can not see anything." Zayn commented.

Harry's heart broke at that. Zayn, even the others knew he was always worried about his weight.

"I just want to know what I did, so I can fix it." Harry whispered as he started to walk upstairs.

"The only way to fix it, is for you to stay out of the spotlight for once. Harry this, Harry Styles that. Blah Blah Blah.. That is all we hear. They do realize that there are four other members right?" Louis ranted.

Harry just stared at Louis. This was not Louis. Yes, Louis had always had trouble biting his tongue and all, but he was never like this to any of them, only paps and news people.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered as he just watched out the Lads thought he was out of the room for him to complete change their actions. They started to laugh and act like nothing happened.

Tears started to roll down his cheeks. He was in shock. None of them have ever confronted him like that. Several times, Liam and Louis would tell interviewers and anyone that they wished that they could switch with Harry so he can have a couple of days of peace and quiet. What had changed? They all had tried to help Harry through this. Harry had several nights were he would just cried to them that he wished that he could have some peace and quiet and could go out and about. He finally learn how to do it, but they were still those nights that paps and fans would find him and start a random rumor that would lead to a huge story and all.

Harry had spent the entire rest of the day in his room. If his band mates wanted him out of the spotlight then let it be. He wanted them to be happy. They were four of his best friends, and there was nothing he would not do for them, even if it meant to hurt him. He was just a selfless person. It was how he was raised.

Finally it was the next day. He huffs out a breath and decides to get up if he's awake now anyways. No sense in trying to get back to his lovely dream. His dream was that the Lads were there singing and having the time of their lives with him, since he was finally twenty-one. They had teased him who knew how many times because he was the youngest.

Rolling out of the bed, Harry grabbed his phone smiling seeing all the texts from his family and friends. This was going to be a great day. Oh wait. Would it be? Were the Lads still mad at him? Let's find out.

Harry had gotten ready for the day as he walked down the stairs into the kitchen where his band mates were.

"Morning, Lads!" Harry said cheerfully, once for it to be destroyed by the ones he held dearest.

"What do you want womanizer?" Louis asked.

"I-I just said morning." Harry stumbled with his words. Guess they still were mad at him.

"Gosh, Styles. You are just a slut, no good for anyone." Zayn smirked as tears started to form in Harry's eyes.

Harry had enough and it was his birthday and just the start of the day. He ran into his room and just started sobbing. What was going on? Why oh why was this happening?

As the day went on, Harry barely went out of his room. When he did it was to get food or water. Tears were still flowing down his cheeks as he passed the Lads. The thing was he did not notice the guilty looks they had given him.

During the time Harry had been in his room, the other four Lads had talked.

"We honestly should have been so harsh on him like that. We should go apologize." Niall said as he glanced at his phone only to start cussing up a storm.

Seeing the confusion in the others eye's, Niall stated, "Lads, what day is it?"

All three said the date until a light blub lit up.

"Oh gosh. It is his birthday. I cannot believe we were being dicks to him on his birthday." Liam said.

"What should we do? We cannot just say sorry. We did too much damage with the few words we had said to him." Louis whispered softly as he heard Harry coming out of his room.

Four sets of the eyes watched his every move. Guilt building up inside them, they knew that what they did was terribly wrong. They did not have a real reason on why they were like that. Yes, they were jealous that he was everyone's favorite, but sometimes Harry did that to protect them from some of the fame and harsh words from people.

As Harry closed the door, Niall glanced back at his older mates, "We need to fix this and fix it now."

"What could we do? I mean saying sorry is not enough. Dinner? Vacation? Party? Wait... We should throw him a party!"

"Great Idea, Lou! I can call all his family and friends. Ni, call several venues to rent tomorrow night. Zayn and Lou, go get the decorations." Liam barked orders around. This was going to help get things back how they were. Not completely but just a start.

As the day continued to go on, the four Lads started to plan and get everything ready for Harry's surprise birthday party. Harry would pop in and out several times, only to be shock when any of the Lads would ask what his favorites were in mostly everything. Harry was left confused by all of a sudden his friends were talking to him. What was going on? Why were they acting like nothing happened between them? It was driving Harry crazy. There was no way he was just going to forgive them like that. Not that quickly.

The sun went down a little too quickly for the four Lads, but hey, they were ready to get Harry back to the Harry that all know and love. They were ready to get things back to normal.

As things continued, Harry would walk into the room as the four Lads would completely ignoring him, but this time not meaning to. They were on phones calling places and friends. They were making sure everything was going to plan.

"What's going on?" Harry asked as he saw the four looking stressed and worried.

The four shared glances, as they did not know what to say, looking towards Liam to save them.

"Paul called and said that we have a dinner that we got to go to for some business thing. He was not fully sure what it was, but he was going to find out, and call us back. I am worried that it is just a thing that some person just threw together and will not work out, and cause us to have a bad image." Three amused glances were staring at Liam.

"Liam. I am sure it will be fine. You worry too much you know? I am sure everything will work out. You know you cannot control it, right?" Harry knew yes they had a fight yesterday and all, but deep down he was worried and still love the Lads.

"I know. Thanks H." Liam smiled sadly, only if he knew the truth.

"What time do we have to be ready? Is Lou and Lottie coming to do our hair and make-up?" Harry asked.

Liam froze at that answer. Crap, he did not think about that. "I am sure we can handle it. It is a small thing. No red carpet or anything like that. We are leaving at five."

Harry smiled and headed towards his room to start getting ready.

"Nice save, Payno." Louis smiled. "That was close."

"Too close."

Five o'clock arrived soon enough, and there were only three of the Lads at the door, ready to go.

"Where are Liam and Zayn?" Harry asked as he looked down at his watch.

"They already went on. You know we all cannot go in one car or even two cars." Louis smiled at Harry.

"Ok. Let's do this." Harry said as he went out the door and jumped into the waiting black SUV with the others.

"Haz..." Harry looked up at Louis and Niall who were looking nervous.

"Yes?" What was going on?

"We are terribly sorry for how we have been acting. It was totally uncalled for. Please forgive when you can." Louis said.

Harry nodded, "I will, but cannot do it now, since what you have said cut deeply." Niall and Louis nodded their head in understanding.

They had arrived at the conference center for the dinner, as the Lads jumped out on the SUV and headed into the door of the center with Paul and Preston leading them in.

Harry glanced around. No one was here. No paps. No Fans. This was strange, but oh well; he was just going with the flow. If the others were fine with it, then why should he be worried?

Niall clapped a hand on Harry's shoulder. "You ready to go in? Liam and Zayn should already be inside at the table," he explained, pushing Harry out of the hallway and into a room, before closing the door quickly.

"Niall?! What's going on?" Harry was met by darkness. He couldn't quite see into the room, since almost every light in the room was turned out. He stepped inside the room a bit more "Hello?" he called softly. "Niall? Liam? Louis? Zayn? Lads, Come on. Lads?" He was met with more silence.

Suddenly, lights turned on and the room was filled with people jumping out and yelling "SURPRISE!"

Harry let out a small squeak in surprise, jumping back just a bit.

Harry looked around to see all four of the lads with a sign hanging above them saying Happy Birthday Styles, as well as his family members that stood right next to them and several of his friends from childhood and other friends as well were shattered around the room. There were a couple 'Happy Birthday' banners pinned to the walls from several people. The rest of the room was decorated with streamers and glittery things.

"You thought that we forgot about your birthday? Come one Styles, you are our best friend!" Liam said. "We know that we were dicks earlier to you, and there is no reason for us being like that. We are terribly sorry. Please Please forgive us.

Harry nodded and then turned to Liam, punching him in the arm then doing the same to the others.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Liam pouted, rubbing his arm.

"For being dicks. I do forgive you Lads. I cannot believe you four did all of this! How did you keep it from me?" Harry smiled as his family was walking towards him for hugs.

"We are just that good!" Louis smiled.

"Thank you Lads." Harry smiled. Yes he and his brothers had a fight, but truthfully there is nothing you can do to break them apart.

"Once again H. We had too. Just saying sorry was not enough." Niall said as he hugged Harry as the others did a group hug with several aww's filled the room.

As the four Lads went to a corner in the room, watching Harry hang with his family and friends smiling and laughing.

"I think we have our Harry back." Zayn smiled. "Good idea Lou."

"Thank you!"

As the party continued, Harry smiled and looked for his band mates, finding them and going up to them.

"Thanks, mates. I totally forgive you lads. Just do not do it again. Please. I can not handle think you lads hate me." Harry confessed how he was really thinking to his best friends, his brothers.

"We can never hate you. We love you, Styles! Go have fun! We have work next week to do, but anyways. Have fun! We will be here later for a talk afterwards." Liam smiled as Harry laughed and said thanks again and went to have the time of his life.


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331K 4.6K 44
Just some random Larry Stylinson one shots I wrote :) Mostly fluff so read at your own risk !
17K 272 31
exactly what the title says!! mostly fluff and no smut :) 💙💚
160K 2.4K 44
pretty self explanatory :) ~~~~ ~ all recognized characters are not owned by me and their actions in this book do not represent how they would/do act...
16.4K 232 18
just some fluff larry one shots that I wrote coz I was bored. I might add smut but idk if that will happen coz I write terrible smut