Karma(Vigilante Deku)

By Sapphire_Emeralds

113K 4.7K 2K

Since the arrival of All Might crime rates have decreased significantly in Japan, but there's still one probl... More

Chapter 1: The boy in the corner: Backstory part 1
Chapter 2: The boy in the corner. Part 2
Chapter 3: Eraserhead
Chapter 5: Stain the hero killer
chapter 6: 'I'm fine'
Chapter 7: Child hunt. Part 1
Chapter 8: Child hunt. Part 2
Chapter 9: Training and Therapy
Chapter 10: More training and therapy
Chapter 11: My hero, the boy with green hair
Chapter 12: Katsuki meets Hitoshi
Chapter 13:πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Chapter 14:OFA
Chapter 15: Bakugo meets Aizawa.
Chapter 16: Entrance exam.
Chapter 17: First day
Chapter 18: Battle trial
Chapter 19
chapter 20: Hawks
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: He signed the noteπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
Chapter 23: USJ attack
Chapter 24: Aftermath
Chapter 25: Preparation
Chapter 26: Sports festival. Part 1
Chapter 27: Sports festival. Part 2
Chapter 28: Sports festival. Part 3
Chapter 29: Sports Festival. Part 4
Chapter 30: Sports festival. Part 5
Chapter 31: Sports festival. Part 6
Chapter 32: Sports festival. Part 7
Chapter 33: Todoroki vs Katsuki
Chapter 34: Post Festival
chapter 35: Don't let loud blonds pick your hero name
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: Hosu attack
Chapter 38: Don't come back
Chapter 39: Interrogation
Chapter 40: Dabi
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Eri
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: Blue Flame
Chapter 45: Regrets

Chapter 4: Sludge villian attack

5.7K 210 44
By Sapphire_Emeralds

'Have a good day Kacchan I'll see you tomorrow okay.'

'Whatever you say nerd.' Hanging up the phone, Katsuki makes his way to the two dumbasses who've been waiting for him.

Katsuki didn't actually know their names since he had never bothered to learn them, it's not like they actually liked him in the first place anyway. They're just riding off his popularity, usually the people who were closes to him were treated differently to others. Katsuki knew they just wanted to stay on his good side, everybody did, but they were damn failing at that since Katsuki has heard them say the most shittiest things about him behind his back but he's never really cared. Katsuki has never really liked being alone, not like he'd ever admit that.

"You ready to go now Katsuki." Said one of the extras.

"Yeah whatever let's go."

They were going to the arcade and Katsuki had agreed to join since Deku was going to be busy. He could tell that the extras only asked him to go cause they thought he would decline, he was surprised they hadn't left him then made up some shitty excuse. The whole class probably hates him now, they've been talking bad about him all day when they thought he wasn't listening probably because of what he'd said during homeroom.

It was homeroom and they were ment to fill out career tests but that went down the fucking drain as soon as the teacher flung them into the air knowing every single person in this room wanted to be hero's anyway. Katsuki didn't care about the scene unfolding in front of him though, caring was a waste of energy, especially when it had to do with the bunch of idiots who call themselves his classmates. That quickly changed though when the shitty teacher had said that he thought the whole class would make excellent hero's in the future which really got on Katsuki's nerves. He wouldn't usually care but he hated the fact that someone could even think that two-faced people like them could ever be great hero's especially since the cowards couldn't even bring themselves to tell Katsuki how they felt face to face. Atleast Katsuki wasn't a coward, if he didn't like something he made it damn clear, so that's why he told them exactly what he was thinking, that they would only ever become sidekicks for some D-list hero.

It was true, Katsuki really believed that they didn't have a chance with their stupid quirks, some of them were so useless it's surprising how they have so much confidence in themselves, even if any of them managed to start their own agencies it's not like they'd ever be able to even compare to Katsuki. Katsuki is planning on going to UA which practically guarantees his success as a hero once he graduates. His goal of going to UA is the exact reason that he starts shouting at the fuckers who've started smoking behind him.

"Would you quit that shit, if you get caught it'll be on my record too." Kicking away a bottle in frustration Katsuki turns towards the two extras, pissed.

"Woah, calm down okay. We'll st..." The extra didn't finish his sentence instead both of them were now looking behind Katsuki clearly distraught, turning around Katsuki's expression soon matched theirs as he was engulfed by a disgusting green slime.


'Whatever you say nerd.'

The 'I love you' goes unsaid as the call ends, both of them already knowing that fact without having to be told.

Izuku is currently sat in an abandoned building where he plans to spend the night. The other day Izuku had gotten a request from Aizawa to investigate the movements of the hero killer Stain who is now currently in a city close to Musutafu.

Izuku has become really close to Aizawa over these past two months since they first met each other and once in a while Aizawa would ask for Izuku's help on something and if he wasn't busy Izuku would happily oblige. Aizawa had also offered to help Izuku from time to time but Izuku would rather not involve the underground hero in that. He could tell the hero just wanted him to trust him and he does, he has no reason not to, and clearly Aizawa fully trusted him as well to help out with missions even though they haven't even known each other that long.

Like Aizawa had promised he didn't tell anyone about him and Izuku was grateful. The hero always kept his word no matter how wierd his promises could be, the underground hero wasn't perfect though, Izuku is convinced that how he survives on coffee and no sleep isn't healthy for him, but to be fair Izuku never got that much sleep either. Izuku has learnt quite a lot about Aizawa from their very few meetings, like the fact that it's absolutely impossible to hear him coming when he sneaks up on you, or that he could sleep literally anywhere. He had even told him that he has three cats and that his husband is Present Mic. Izuku may have started fanboying for a while when Aizawa had told him, asking all different kinds of questions that the hero answered truthfully.

The times that Izuku spent with Aizawa were fun, Izuku liked having someone to talk to that could understand the things about his job. Kacchan is great but Izuku often avoided telling Kacchan about his vigilante activities afraid that it might scare him away.

His thoughts were cut off when Izuku started hearing footsteps coming towards him. Immediately he got on his feet taking a stance, prepared for whatever was coming his way.

A few feet away immersed in the shadows the person stopped. Peircing red eyes looked straight at Izuku a hint of panic in them before they eased into relief.

"Seems like I've ran into a kid." His voice filled the room, raspy and intimidating. "Why don't you hurry up and run home."

Izuku didn't move an inch, still holding his stance and not letting down his guard. "What if I told you this is my home."

The man scoffs, "Well it certainly wasn't yesterday."

"Well it is now." Izuku says ending the conversation. Getting a little annoyed the man walks up to him emerging from the shadows to reveal none other than the hero killer Stain.

"Look kid, I don't know what's going on at home but it's dangerous for you to be out here alone so you should go back." The hero killer say as he crouches slightly becoming level with Izuku.

"I already told you this is my home." Izuku stands properly still not letting down his guard. He stares straight at the Hero killer refusing to look away and trys to look as intimidating as he can be when he isn't covered in blood. "Well it is until I finish my mission."

The hero killer raises an eyebrow at that. "Oh," He says. "and what is your mission?"



Turning a corner Toshinori makes his way through the streets following the sound of destruction. Toshinori wasn't sure when he had dropped the bottle containing the sludge villian he just recently captured but he had a theory it was probably during his coughing fit. Toshinori hoped that there were hero's on scene to quell the damage because he isn't sure if he has enough time left.

Taking a left the sound of explosions become clearer and he can see the embers of flames rising up into the sky. Approaching the scene as fast as he can Toshinori assess the situation. He's relieved to see that there are heroes around trying to extinguish the fire but that relief is short lived when he sees what is causing the fire. A student who he guesses is still in middle school has been taken hostage and is currently struggling to free himself. Usually Toshinori would say he's being a hassle but he knows that that's the only chance the boy really has now. The villain is made out of liquid and can't be grabbed meaning all of the heroes present won't be able to do anything. A feeling of guilt rises inside of him, Toshinori knows he's the only one who can do something but he's got no time left.

Toshinori tries to get rid of that feeling, telling himself that there's nothing he could possibly do. He's seen many people die in his time as a hero it's just what comes with the job, you can't always save everyone so you should always focus on the people you're able to reach. But Toshinori can reach him, the boy was right infront of him, his life in Toshinori's hands. If only he could do something, if only he could get his legs to move, to go save the boy.

"Like hell imma just stay here and die!" Toshinori looks up to see the boy shouting at a hero who had told him to stop using his quirk.

The hero looks annoyed but isn't able to argue back. The boy continues to blow up the villian trying to prevent it from suffocating him which he was succeeding at but it meant he was making no progress of escaping.

A cackle of laughter can be heard from the villian as he starts to speak, "You'll die sooner or later, as long as I have you I have all the time in the world to wait."

This made the boy increase the intensity of his explosions as he became more panicked. Struggling to get out of the villians grip he yells, "Like hell I'm gonna die, I've got people waiting for me to come back home."

The boy closes his eyes, seizing his explosions for a second to calm down. The villian misunderstanding his intentions took that chance to suffocate him but as soon as it tried the boy aimed a blast straight for it's eye.

Writhing in pain the villian let go of the boy just enough for him to squirm out of his grip.

Clenching his fist the boy yelled, "I've got hopes and dreams that aren't going to get cut off by a disgusting pile of slime like you!"

This got the villian really angry. Suddenly it pounces, aiming to kill the boy when Toshinori, squeezing out the last of his power, ran to save him. Toshinori was tired and he could feel all the muscles in his body protesting but he had to do this. Winding back his arm he punched the villian with all his might and sent it splattering into various different directions.

Standing behind him was the boy, his mouth agape. He was the one who had reminded him what being a hero was all about, if it wasn't for that Toshinori may have actually just stood there and watched him die. Toshinori was thankful though for the reminder, hero's lived to risk their lives to protect others, to protect their hopes and dreams and make sure they never dissappear, but in the heat of the moment Toshinori had forgotten that.

Toshinori could feel a cough rising up his throat but he held it in. A trickle of blood ran down his lips as he tried to get rid of the reporters, just realising the boy was already long gone.

Apologising to the reporters and making up an excuse, the hero jumped up using the last of his energy to look for the boy. Searching around Toshinori was unable to find him before completely running out of energy and deflating back into his other form. He sighed knowing that there's no way he could possibly find the boy now so decided to look around the same area tomorrow, if that didn't work he planned to research all the schools in the area. Toshinori was desperate to find the boy, the boy who was the embodiment of a real hero, who understood the reasons to fight. Even if it took Toshinori weeks to locate him he didn't mind cause as of now he's found his successor.


A/n: I don't know if I'll post a chapter next week cause I haven't finished the latest chapter. The only reason I'm able to upload so consistently is because I've prewritten a few chapters, if it wasn't for that you'd be getting these chapters in such a messed up order. I'd rather keep a certain amount of unpublished chapters between updates so I'll always have something to post but I'm currently stuck and have no idea what to write.

Someone give me ideas on how to make Bakugou and All Might meet cause I have no idea what to write. I should have just made them meet in this chapter, would have made life so much easier, but of course I didn't and now I don't know what to write 😫

Icba to read over the whole chapter so if there's mistakes deal with it, or tell me, either is fine. And I'm probably never gonna do an author's note ever again because I just wrote way more than i intended to and I doubt any of u care about my struggles.😊

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