V3 "Over And Again" A Saioma...

By AliahAnotherAnimeFan

29.2K 681 2.8K

What if the killing game repeated over and over again but Shuichi remembers everything. He starts to go insan... More

Ch.1: Again
Ch.2: I Saw
Ch.3: You
Ch.4: But
Ch.5: I
A/N: Posting Schedule/Notes (+AFJ)
Ch.6: Failed
Ch.7: Over
Ch.8: and
Ch.9: Again
Ch.10: Until
Ch.12: Finally
Ch.13: Won

Ch.11: I

1.2K 33 84
By AliahAnotherAnimeFan


TW: Attempted Suicide. You have been warned.

Another Long Recap!

Recap: Shuichi ends up in the locker again. He ignores Kaede and goes to the gym. He listens to the entire announcement before finally going over to tsunami and punching her multiple times. He gets tied up with a rope(😳). He breaks out of it and continues punching her and gets impaled like fake Junko aka Mukuro. It changes to Kokichi's pov. Tsumugi has a tantum and freezes everything and resets it. Before it resets we find out that Kokichi can still move but everyone else can't. He doesn't have long to ponder it as he is plunged into darkness. He suddenly remembers everything. But, he forgets all of it a few seconds later. Then, the next reset starts. Shuichi is annoyed. He kills everyone and kills Kokichi last. As Kokichi is dying he says that he'll never date a psycho like Shuichi. Shuichi kills himself and by doing so resets the game again. He thinks about Kokichi's words and decides not to kill anyone this time. He ends up back in the locker. Goes to the gym. Makes fun of Kaede in his head. Complains about how bored he is... Y'know the usual. Anyway, After that he goes into a "Thinking Time" where he actually decides to use his brain. He mostly tries to figure out how there were three of Tsunami. He tries different theories but doesn't have enough clues to have a concrete answer. He thinks more deeply about the Tsumugis words and concludes that 2 people not including Tsumugi are here. He realizes that means Him and someone else. He also can't figure out what "Saimatsu Shipper" means. His thinking time gets interrupted by Kaede. She tried talking to him, but he got annoyed and left. Switch to Kokichi's pov. He gets dragged into going to the manhole. While waiting for everyone to get there we see that kokichi is having some weird thoughts. He feels like he has been at the school before. It seems to be making him feel weird. He just brushes it off.... for now. They go into the manhole. Once everyone is down Kaede encourages them all to go through the tunnel. Once everyone starts following her, kokichi sneaks out and goes back up the ladder. At the top he meets......Shuichi! Shuichi introduces himself then proceeds to walk away. Kokichi is surprised by this and tries to catch up to him. The reason being he didn't get to introduce himself. Once he finishes, he tries to threaten shuichi, but shuichi starts laughing at him. They separate for a little. They meet back up near the manhole. They end up unconscious next to each other. Still kokichi's pov btw. He wakes up to the morning announcement. He soon realizes he is in Shuichi's dorm room. Upon realizing this he tries to leave the room. Shuichi pulls him back. Switch to shuichi's pov and in the past for when he first woke up after being unconscious. We learn that he found kokichi nearby him and thought he was soo cute that he wanted to take him to his dorm. Back to the current part. Shuichi can't seem to understand why kokichi is resisting him. So, he drugs him.... Wow. Meanwhile....... we go into an unknown pov. 3 people are talking. It seems 1 of them wants shuichi and kaede together. Despite kaede and rantaro liking each other in this book. Anyway, the other 2 don't seem to want that. But, they allow the 1st person one shot with just kaede and shuichi in the school. Back to Shuichi. He wakes up to see kokichi dead. So he kills himself. (I could make a very angsty ending with that idea). Anyway, he wakes back up in the locker. He ignores Kaede as that has become a consistent habit at this point. He goes to the gym but he finds it empty? So as any normal person would do... he calls out to Monokuma and Tsumugi. Unsurprisingly, neither of them answer. He looks around the entire school for Kokichi but theres only Kaede. He thinks that since she's the only one there she must've kidnapped kokichi. He tries to kill her with a knife but monokuma stops him and tells him "No Killing" which is the stupidest thing he thinks he has ever heard monokuma say. Anyway, after a really annoying and boring conversation he stabs himself. He wants to go back to the locker. He feels himself enter the void that he goes into before the locker during every reset. But, unlike all the other times... the void feels empty and noiseless. He finds it calming. For those few moments he can be away from the loop. He likes it. In this peaceful silence he can think calmly. That's when he finally realizes that Saimatsu means Saihara and Akamatsu together. So naturally he blames Tsumugi #2 for the most recent reset. After all that he starts to find it strange how he still hasn't appeared back in the locker yet. He feels someone grabbing his hand. Which is the first time he has felt something while in the void. Once the person does, he can hear things again. He hears someone talking and wants them to shut up. They say things like how they miss him and that he has been like this for months. Yada yada yada they annoy him so much that Shuichi groans in annoyance. That causes the person to call for others. The volume level gets so high that finally shuichi can't stand it anymore. He yells at them all to shut up. With that he opens his eyes. He sees everyone from the game except........ he says "Where's Kokichi?"

That might be the longest recap in this book..... Wow.


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Experiment 001

has successfully woken up

Dream sequence

Final Attempt














Where am I?




As soon as I yelled at them... I fainted?

Then, this loading symbol appeared in front of me....

All of a sudden, I could finally open my eyes again...

I am in a capsule?

That's strange. I definitely do not remember being in one earlier....

This doesn't make any sense and I'm very confused.

Why aren't I in the locker again??? I'm supposed to be in it right now.. right?

If I'm not that sucks... I wanted to get Gonta to crush it again....

I looked around and tried to sit up...

Keyword in the last sentence is tried...

When I tried to I realized that I couldn't move.... What the hell??? I could move perfectly fine earlier!

What did they do to me?! Also,... Where is Kokichi!

He wasn't with me earlier...

I need to find him...

I want to move but... I can't.

I opened my mouth to say something... to yell for someone .. but no sound came out.

What ...... happened....... to............. me?

My eyes are frantically searching around the room.

I can't see much besides the ceiling as I can't even move my head at all. (A/N: It's kind of like the first trial in YTTD when Sara is tied to a bed thing except there is also a glass covering over the top of it)

I am starting to get very annoyed...

I try to move as much as possible but the bands holding me down won't budge.

Why am I here? How am I here?

Those thoughts kept flooding my mind....


I thought of something.

What if this is just another reset but instead of me waking up in a locker I'm waking up strapped to a table or whatever this is.

Before the last reset I wouldn't have thpight of that... But last reset proved that 'Tsumugi' can manipulate the resets however she wants.

That's annoying. How could I get out of this situation.....

I wonder.....









































































































































































































There... My Right Arm Is Untied...















Only 4 more things left to untie...



























































































































































































Boom! Whoever trapped me here is screwed!

I sat up, and hit my head on the glass capsule thing I forgot was surrounding me...

oh, lol whoops

I got a little too excited there....

I need to calm down and think for a moment. Being irrational will only make more of a problem.

Okay, let's sit for a second and think about my situation that I am currently in..

Thinking Time





I appear to be in a container of some sort. It's too short for me to sit up in. My face is only a few centimeters away from touching it. Earlier I actually hit my nose on the glass.

Now I think more about it, I might have a slight nose bleed.... how annoying.

Let's focus on something else.

Okay, I was originally bound in place with the glass surrounding the top half of my enclosure. Now I removed the ropes used to tie me. The people were very loose with how they tied them and tried to make up for it by placing locks on to the rope.

hah. Amateurs.

Sure this might have worked on the rest of my classmates, but definitely not me. How many times do you think I got tied up?? A lot and so I learned how to escape from situations like that.

You might even be able to call me the ultimate escape artist..

Okay, that might be a little much but you get the idea.

Wait. I went on another useless tangent again-- I need to stop that habit.

I sigh inwardly.

I need to focus on how to escape this place that I am trapped in...

I can't sit up in this position. I am stuck laying on my back unable to sit up. It appears that the glass ends right underneath my feet and right above my head. So, I can't move up or down either.

I move my hands to the sides of my glassy prison. It didn't take very long to reach the sides.

I estimate they are only 2-3 centimeters from where my hands were originally.

This jar confinement is smaller than I thought...

This might be a little harder to escape then I originally thought. But, that's okay.

I can do this. I will do this. This is very easy to escape from. I can do this.

I took a deep breath and went to work.

I start moving my hands around the area. Feet and Head included.

I am feeling for something, anything that is different than the rest of the enclosure.






I am starting to get a little frustrated. I haven't felt anything out of the ordinary.

"Ack-" I made a noise in surprise. My body stops moving.

My toe is in a lot of pain. I can't see it, but I seem to have gotten it stuck in a hole that is on the bottom part of this case.

I try moving my toe out of the hole... It doesn't work. My toe is stuck in there. ack- how frustrating.

As if I wasn't already annoyed at this situation now something else makes it worse.




How incredibly annoying. I just want all of this to be over.

Wait... If this is just another reset...

Then, if I kill myself then......... it will reset right?

The only question is how?

Wait a minute...

I have hands!!!

Okay! I can do this!

It's kind of a cowards way to free themself from a small situation...

But, I don't care and it's not like I'll actually die.

I'll just end up back in the locker again.

Everything will be fine.

I slowly position myself in a way that makes it so I can stab myself in the heart with my fingernail..

My hand started to shake a little bit...

It's okay, I won't die... I can do this...

I bring the finger closer...

Then I retract it away out of fear.

Ugh, no matter how many times I do this it never gets any easier...

Let's do a countdown to calm down my nerves...

















Thinking Time










Curse you world.....

I think right before my body falls unconscious....























"ugh" I groan.

Someone is repeatedly poking my face....

I want them to stop but I don't want to give them the satisfaction of me waking up.

So, despite the irritation growing inside of me I stayed silent.

"H-he j-just g-groaned s-s-so he must b-be clos-ser to w-waking up n-now" I heard a feminine voice say.

I don't recognize the voice but they sound very annoying so I won't be waking up for them.

Also why she stuttering so much? it ain't cold at all. In fact, I am certain it's actually warmer than a normal room temperature.

"H-hey S-shuichi I n-need y-you to w-wake up n-now" They said.

I will if you stop stuttering.............

Y'know what.. If I wake up then this torture will stop....

But, I don't wannaaaaaaaaa

".........." She stopped talking?










The sound was surprising..

However the pain wasn't. It was just inconvenient.

My cheek stung from the feeling of their hand having hitting it harshly only moment ago.

I still stay still. I don't want to give them any ounce of satisfaction from that working.

Slapping me won't make me wake up. Poking me won't make me wake up.

The only thing I want right now is Kokichi...


Where is he? I miss him. If he was here it wouldn't be boring.

Another smack makes its way onto my other cheek.

I don't even flinch. I love it. The feeling of not knowing who is hurting me or the reason behind it is.....

not boring

This mysterious person keeps slapping me over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over 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Okay, so... maybe it wasn't that many times, but I was savoring the feeling.... okay.....

I will admit I might be a bit of a masochist

But, that's not exactly my fault? I mean I just started loving the feeling of renewal I got from dying and now it's a good feeling? It's pleasureable?

ack! I don't know how to explain it but I just enjoy the pain?

Y'know what.. I am just gonna stop trying to justify myself because it is certainly not helping.

So, what should I think about now.....

Oh yeah there's still someone trying to get me to open my eyes right now.

I kind of forgot about them.. Whoops?

Anyway, I still need to find a way out of this situation.

Thinking Time


How did I get here in the first place? The last thing I remember is being in this glass capsule thingy and I got out of the restraints which were tying me down. I then proceeded to try and get out but ended up getting my toe stuck-

Wait how does my toe feel right now?

I directed my mental feeling to my toe... I can't feel anything??

Did they cut my toe off?

How annoying...

I guess I should find out what is going on..

The only way I can think of doing that is opening my eyes but I don't really feel like doing that...

I would rather just continue annoying the person trying to wake me up...

I guess I can't really escape it forever.. No matter how much I want to...

Ugh. I hate responsibilities. I hate life. I hate being on this planet...

Can I please just ignore this person in front of me for a little longer?

I don't have the energy to have a conversation with someone let alone this unknown stranger..

Maybe if I keep my mind blank then I will fall asleep again?

I just have to ignore the person trying to wake me up

I can do that... I can do it.




Just as I am about to drift off I am woken wide awake minus my eyes actually opening by a loud voice....

"IBUKI IS HERE TO HELP YOU" yells an unknown voice.

"LET'S WAKE THIS GUY UP!" they yell.

ugh.... please don't.

"T-thank y-you Mioda s-san" I hear the first person say. I am certain that they left the room after saying that.

There is a long pause of silence afterward...

Y'know maybe this person isn't going to-

"Okay! My first song will be... I squeezed out the baby yet I have no idea who the father is!" they announced in a happy tone.

The heck? What is with that song title?

That's not even the weird part...

The weird part is... Why would you sing that type of song to try and wake someone up???

It's weird....

"Okay! Let's get into it!" They yelled enthusiastically

I should stop them before they even start.......


I'm a little curious?

It's not every day you get to hear a song titled like that be performed near you.

Also, it certainly isn't boring.

It kind of seems like a song Miu might sing. Despite her being somewhat boring and gross, it would be interesting.

Listening Game


(A/n: Bold = song. Normal = Shuichi's thoughts on the song.)

In college, I spent all my days
My back, my shoulders, thighs
Exposed in most material ways, to make it through the night

That's an interesting way to start a song...

I tried protection but did it stay on?

Ah um.. That's...

Well it didn't, that is
Why I've got to lug around this fleshy 9-month whore-ish crown

That is an odd way to describe pregnancy....

The father, Jacob, Jason, or Dean; Who knows? Who is the face?
Who is the man who planted the seed inside below my waist?
I'm trying to eat healthy, this baby has some picky taste
You probably would like to know the-
1, 2, 3, 4!

This is actually a decent song..... despite the lyrics being questionable the music is catchy and nice to listen to..

Five ways that I'll reach around this fucking instrument without
A second chance to write this song about the man who put his dong inside of me

The lyrics are weird.. but funny?

Why can't I see the face that's looking longingly
Up at the еyes who can not cry about the child that is a
Lie straight to thе face of mom who thought I had it with a blonde
With Christian morals and the fix, but it's from anonymous dick

Before the game, I would've been mad that she lied, but honestly I don't care that much anymore. It makes the song more fun.

I pushed it out and with a pout, I looked at her face short and stout
I couldn't recognize the eyes the baby had
I'm freaking out!

That sounds like a problem, but couldn't you just get a paternal test for that?

I squeezed out the baby, was it Tyler, Mark, or Brady?
Man, my memory is hazy of the man who
Helped me make this creature, did I have it with my teacher?

I think that's illegal.... but so is murder and here I am.

Then again he's just some scholar guy that I blew

Why did you do that soo much....

In college, I spent all my days
My back, my shoulders, thighs
Exposed in most material ways, to make it through the night

And we're repeating...

This song is actually very fun to listen to... I can almost laugh..

I tried protection but did it stay on? Well it didn't, that is
Why I've got to lug around this-
1, 2-

"Ahhh! Mikan? why'd you do that?"

Listening Game


(A/n: you can listen to the rest of the song on YouTube using the link above. I like the song a lot...It is fun to listen to)

The song got cut of by the first voice. They continued...

"He is awake! He was lying the entire time!"

They are talking about me right?


"This guy!"

At those words, I feel someone grab my collar and start aggressively shaking me.

"I know you're awake.... Stop pretending!" They yelled at me.

Nah. I don't wanna.

"Ugh!" The person yells out in frustration.

I hear a sniffle. Is the person crying?

"Ah, I got you sweetie!" The other person yells out.

I hear them run closer toward me.

I think they are hugging right now.

"Sir! Can you please wake up?!" The second voice practically yelled at me.

I guess. I know I can't avoid it forever...

What a drag.

I slowly open my eyes. I see the two people that I have been hearing.

They look like women. But, I am not going to assume their genders. So, I will keep referring to them as they/them.

One is dressed in a nurses outfit and has long purple hair. They are also in the other person's arms crying.

The other person has mostly black hair but it has colors in the front. That's not boring. They also have a few piercings. How interesting. They are currently hugging the first person.

"You finally awake! Ibuki sees that your eyes are open!" The black haired person says. So their name must be Ibuki.

That means the other person must be 'Mikan'. That's the name Ibuki said earlier.

Might as well get this over with. Even if it wasn't completely boring. I still have a lot of questions.

"What happened to my toe?" I asked them.

I took a glance at it. it looked red. It was also bandaged at the place where my toe meets the middle of my foot.

"Oh! Ibuki knows!" Ibuki yells out.

"Can you explain?" I asked nicely. I am pretty much at the mercy of these people. I hate it but I'll have to deal with it.

"Ibuki's other patient Miu rubbed what Miu calls 'Lube' on the toe!" They called out excitedly.

"Lube?" I asked in confusion.

"Yep! Yep!" Ibuki said happily.

That's certainly weird. But, if it's Miu who did it..... gross.

Well, that answers that question.

Let's move onto the next one.

"Where am I?" I asked them.

"Ibuki think that question is funny!" yelled Ibuki.

"Y-you're at-t H-hopes H-hos-pi-tal" Stutters out Mikan.

"Where was I before this?" I asked them. I seriously want to know why I was tied up.

Neither of them answered.

Is there something wrong?

They both got up and started to leave without looking at me. Why are they leaving?

"What's wrong?!" I called out to them in complete confusion.

They ignore me. That's weird.








I feel my body go limp.


Was my last thought before I lost consciousness.
















































I feel feeling in my body.

I can't see.

I can't hear.

I can't taste.

all I can do is feel.

I feel the area around me.

I can't go very far.

It feels as though I am tied up in a chair.

How unfortunate.

For everyone else.



"Hey there Shuichi~ How are you feeling?" Asks a familiar voice.



Or not.

{7288 Words}

A/N: Hey everyone! This isn't proof read. (I might proof read it later and fix it)

I actually am posting this on my birthday.. (October 16th) I am also now 15 years old so that's cool.

Another thing, I accidentally wrote chair wrong (Cahir) it didn't get underlined in red so I searched it up and I found out that it's a town in Ireland. How interesting.

Anyway, I hope this chapter wasn't too short!

Next one might take awhile as I am going to have to answer a lot of unanswered questions you might have... I hope you all can wait for that...

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Also, if you are enjoying this book...

Make sure to follow me for updates!

Thank you all!

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