Aikatsu Crescent! BRIGHTEST☆S...

By GrandPrintemps

1.8K 134 23

When one lunar phase ends, another begins. Meet Kazami Usagi! An up and coming idol who along with her friend... More

「Phase 93」Believe☆Aikatsu!
「Phase 94」Like A Star Fragment
「Phase 95」Bubbling Feelings
「Phase 96」Clashing Hearts
「Phase 97」Mission: Get To Know
「Phase 98」Brilliant Star
「Phase 99」Beyond the Galaxy
「Phase 101」Primary Meteor Shower
「Phase 102」Vivid☆Smile
「Phase 103」Unique Charm
「Phase 104」 Poppin' Step ♪
「Phase 105」Forest Of Memories
「Phase 106」The Prism's Wish
「Phase 107」Solar Eclipse
「Phase 108」Stella
「Phase 109」Blossoming Love
「Phase 110」Runway to Stardom
「Phase 111」Golden Wings
「Phase 112」Burn Bright, Superstar
「Phase 113」Vibrant Feelings
「Phase 114」A New Era
「Phase 115」Mint and Lilac
「Phase 116」The Rabbit on the Moon
「Phase 117」Illuminating Breeze
「Phase 118」A Divine Stage
「Phase 119」Unexpected Happiness
「Phase 120」Where I Belong
「Phase 121」Our Own Light
「Phase 122」Bubblegum Stage
「Phase 123」
「Phase 124」That Marionette, Now Freed
「Phase 125」The World I See
「Phase 126」Who I Am
「Phase 127」The Number One "Saki" In The World
「Phase 128」Surpassing Myself
「Phase 129」A Seedling In Christmas
「Phase 130」Song For You
「Phase 131」Together
「Phase 132」To the Ends of the Earth
「Phase 133」In Pursuit of Perfection
「Phase 134」Brand New World
「Phase 135」Redefine Yourself
「Phase 136」STARBOUND
「Phase 137」Even if my Wings Disappear
「Phase 138」So I'll Never Stop Believing
「Final Phase」To a Distant Rainbow

「Phase 100」Into the Forest

33 3 0
By GrandPrintemps

The sun was shining and cherry blossom petals flew in the winds.

The man looked out of the window, smiling.

This kind of scenery was always the best for designing.

"Kaidou-san!" a young girl called out as she entered the room, smiling. "Are you designing? Let me see, let me see!"

Before long, a group of children followed her, each clamouring to see the pretty designs.

Kaidou smiled as they looked at his works in awe.

"Can I wear pretty dresses like this one day, Kaidou-san?"

"I want to, too!"

As he answered, an older woman entered.

"You're always working so hard, Kaidou-san. Maybe you should try turning your designs into an actual brand," she advised, "I'm sure it'd be successful."

"Maybe," he replied, "Maybe one day..."

Though, he never found the drive to fully take that advice to heart.

At least, not until...

"Please let me wear your coords, Kaidou-san!

I promise I'll show the world how amazing they are!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"Claire-chan, you're amazing!" Usagi exclaimed as the four rewatched her performance. Claire smirked.

"I suppose I am~."

"The song, the dance, the coord... they were all so pretty," Usagi continued, her eyes sparkling, "I'm a little jealous!"

Saki pushed her hair back. "Work hard and maybe one day you'll-"

"Alright! By the end of this week, I vow to have a Premium Rare!"

"You what?!"

Usagi grinned at Saki. "If Claire-chan could do it, I'm sure I can too."

"Woah, you're pretty ambitious Usaki-chan," Minori said, making Usagi pull yet another triumphant expression.

"That's not necessarily a good thing," Saki muttered.

"I think it is."

"Minori-chan's right," Usagi agreed, "Without ambition, how am I going to become a top idol?"

Saki sighed. "You're sure you're not just getting your hopes up for failure?" she asked, "You haven't even passed an audition yet."

"So I'll pass with a Premium Rare." Once again, she grinned. "There's no reason to worry about me, Saki-chan."

Saki blushed. "It's not worrying or anything - I'm just ... you know." She pouted. "So if you fail and come crying to me, just remember I warned you."

"I will, I will~."

"Hanasato-san does raise a good point," Claire added, "Receiving a Premium Rare certainly isn't just something anyone can achieve."


"If everyone could easily receive one, they wouldn't be special. Since they're made especially for a specific idol, you really have to prove yourself." She raised a finger. "Don't expect it to be just handed to you."

Usagi nodded. She'd just have to show everyone that she could shine and that she'd have fun and it'd all work... probably.

Then, then...!

"Hikaru-chan!" The Usagi of her imagination cheered as her distant roommate approached her.

"Your performance was beautiful," Hikaru said, handing her a bouquet of flowers, "I was sad because of some reason, but you and your dress made me really happy."

The two hugged.

"I'm so happy! I'm glad you're feeling better!"

"Mhm!! Usagi-chan, you're my idol!"

Her eyes closed, Usagi smiled.


"Hey, snap out of it. Have you even decided on a brand yet?" Saki asked, poking Usagi.


"The thing you said the other day - do you still like Sweet Fairytale?" Saki asked, "I don't recognise the coord you keep wearing but it doesn't look bad."

"It's not from Sweet Fairytale."

"It isn't?" Minori asked.

"It's from Blossom❀Daylight."


"That's a brand?" Minori asked, "Susie-chan hasn't mentioned it."

"Of course she hasn't," Saki muttered.

"You think? She talks a lot to me about the brands she likes."

"I haven't heard of it either," Claire added.

"Neither had I until I found this coord. But the brand discontinued over five years ago so I guess that makes sense."

There was a brief silence.

"...I ask this from a place of love," Saki said, "But what were you thinking?!"

Usagi laughed airily, rubbing her head. "It's fine. It's just a one-off - I'll find another brand soon!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

In the soft gentle breeze I search a little more

What kind of stories are all around?

Are you soft? Are they sweet?

Or will they make you cry?

Just how do they touch the heart?

Usagi's eyes were fixated on the screen as she watched through the performance. She clutched her pillow, trying her best to analyse the performance. She tried to make up her mind about it.

Someone knocked on the door and Usagi perked up. "Come in."

A familiar blue-haired girl walked in, a pink bottle in her hand. "You forgot this. Again."

"Did I?"

"Why else would I have it?" Claire asked, chuckling slightly. As she walked in, she quickly glanced at the screen, her expression instantly softening.


"You like it?"

Claire blushed. "Ah, well..." her eyes diverted around the room, then landed on some plushies littered on Usagi's bed. "Cute...!"

"Ah! These are my friends!"

"They're sentient?"

"Depends on how you look at things." Usagi grinned. "This is the brand Saki-chan says I should wear. It's pretty similar to Blossom❀Daylight but..." she sighed. "I don't know. My heart just isn't set on it. It lacks the... you know, the sourish feeling Blossom❀Daylight coords have."


"Last night I even went and looked through the entirety of Blossom❀Daylight's old website. I thought it'd be boring but it wasn't actually that bad; they were all really cute." Usagi sighed. "I guess I just really wish Blossom❀Daylight was still active."

Then, Claire placed a hand on Usagi's head. "Somehow, I think you can do it."


"I can never know what to expect when it comes to what you can do. So, if you want to try and bring back an old brand - maybe it's possible."


"Don't get your hopes up too much," Claire said, "I'm just expecting great things from my rival."

"How do you think I'd do it?" Usagi asked, "Our rivalry would be much more interesting if we were on equal playing fields in terms of coord, so you should help me out."

"Usagi-chan..." Claire muttered, "You'd have to show a lot of commitment to the brand. If the top designer thinks you're half-hearted, he most likely wouldn't design for you."

"So I have to be like Hikaru-chan?"


"My roommate!" Usagi exclaimed, grinning once again. "She's been taking up a lot of jobs recently. None on the stage sadly but a lot of photoshoots and stuff." She sighed. "She just... hasn't been talking to me either, probably because of no time. I hope she's taking care of herself..."

Claire twirled her hair, smirking. "Talking to you takes up more energy than even a performance, so I'm not surprised she isn't talking to you."

"Eh?! You think that's it?!"

"It's just a joke~."

A sigh of relief. "I hope she doesn't feel like that..." Usagi squeezed her pillow tighter. She took a deep breath. "Hikaru-chaaan! If you can hear this, come to my next performance because I promise I'll wear a super cute Premium Rare and fill you with energy!" She grinned. "See, Claire-chan? Now I have to bring the brand back."

"...I wonder if it's possible to surprise the top designer into designing again." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Do you know why it shut down yet?"

Usagi shook her head.

"If you know, it might be easier to form a plan of action," Claire explained, "I'd recommend researching it."

Usagi nodded, leaving KiraTube and making the projection disappear, to Claire's evident disappointment. Whilst Claire slowly edged one of Usagi's plushies closer to her, Usagi typed in the brand name into the search engine.

"Apparently not that many people wore the brand," Usagi explained then furrowed her eyebrows. "But when we first looked into it, it said there was multiple stuff. Not just money.

"Try looking a little further."

So, Usagi did, scrolling down. Most of it was just repeats on the brands less than favourable sales and even some achievements it had.

Then, a name appeared.

'Fujimori Asuna.'

...Why did that name feel so familiar?

Catching Usagi's wide-eyed expression, Claire diverted her attention off from patting the plushie shyly. "Did you find something?"

"It crashed."

"Excuse me?"

"The app. It crashed." Usagi pouted. "Jeez, Hikaru-chan made it sound like these phones were gifts from above, incapable of any evil."

"Can't you try reopening it?"

So Usagi did, only to be immediately redirected to the landing page once again.

"That's strange..."

Usagi sighed. "She was probably just... you know... sales," she muttered.


"It's fine! I'll definitely make him want to design again." She grinned. "It's the power of my charm, you know?"

Then, Claire laughed.

"Eh?! What's funny?"

"If it's you, I don't think there's any way you couldn't succeed," Claire said, "Break a leg out there." She paused. "Not literally."


─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

"Aikatsu! Aikatsu! Aikatsu!" Usagi chanted as she made her way through the forest, Claire closely trailing behind for moral support.

"You're sure this is the right place?" Usagi asked and Claire nodded.

"I looked everywhere. This is almost certainly the right place. It's just... deeper than I expected."

"What if we die out here? Like, what if the top designer has trained beasts to come and attack any poor idol who dares bring him back to his old career?"

"Hinomori-san is pretty scary but she forgot to even lock her door," Claire said, "So I think somebody who made a cute brand will be... not that fierce."

"Heh~ I'll become a super fierce idol just to prove you wrong." She held her hands out as if showing off claws, then went in to tickle Claire, who broke out in giggles.


Usagi smirked. "Just like Hikaru-chan."

"Do y-you randomly tickle people o-often?!" Claire asked between laughter.

"Just you and Hikaru-chan. And maaaaybe Saki-chan. And Ella-chan," she listed, "Maybe it's getting repetitive. What if I leaned against you and purred like a cat?" She demonstrated and Claire laughed even more.

"How old are you again?"


Claire froze.


"There's no way you're older than me."

"You're still twelve?"

"Until August."

"Makes sense. Most people are."

"When's your birthday then?"

"2nd May."

"Happy belated birthday."

"Thank you! Hey, if your birthday's in summer, we should all go out for it! Like, to the beach or something."

"Ah, you don't have to."

"No, it'll be fun! I wonder what kind of thing I should get you as a present."

"You still have two months to think," Claire said, "It's not important right now."

"What if I brought you a telescope?"

"I already own one - anyway, they're expensive!"

"You do? Can I try it out someday?"

"If you want!"

Then, the two burst out in laughter.

"Isn't hasn't been so noisy here in quite a while."

The two froze.

That voice... a man?!

Possibly... were they trespassing? Had the office been sold to the kind of old man Usagi had seen in movies who chased people off? Or was the designer himself really mad? Or maybe they were about to be offered something suspicious? Or, or--!

"What do we do?" Usagi whispered, "Because running seems really tempting right now!"

"If you run you won't be able to see the top designer."

"True, but...!"

"I won't do anything," the man said.

Usagi slowly turned to face him. "You promise...?"

"I promise."

"Thank you so much! I'm Kazami Usagi, a first-year at the idol school Celestial Academy. And this is my rival, Suzukawa Claire-chan."

Claire paused, then slowly bowed. "P-pleasure to meet you."

The man smiled, his gentle eyes crinkling. "Celestial Academy - I haven't heard that name in years."

"Do by any chance know the top designer of Blossom❀Daylight?" Usagi asked, "I want to ask him for a Premium Rare coord!"

The man's smile faded.

"That brand doesn't make coords anymore."

"I know."

"You're wasting your time."

"I don't think I am. Please take me to the top designer."

A few seconds passed, then the man beckoned Usagi into the cottage they were outside and Claire followed.

"This is the former headquarters of my brand."

"Your brand?"

"The very one you seek."

Usagi's expression lit up. "Perfect! So-"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm sure you know by now just how unsuccessful this brand was."

Usagi nodded. "I saw the sales reports."

"Then you know it's hopeless-"

"It's not hopeless!" Usagi shouted, pointing at all of the sketches and mannequins in the room. "Look at how hard you've worked. If you can put so much effort into something for so many years, I don't understand how you can quit so easily after pouring so much of your heart into it!"

The man sighed. "You know, back when I was younger I thought the same. Back then, I'd watch over a group of kids of close friends whilst their parents were at work. They all loved my designs and their enthusiasm for my work was part of what motivated me to become a professional designer. But..." he looked at his old designs, 'As they grew old, they lost interest. They didn't come around and certainly didn't speak of wearing my coords. Only a handful of idols showed interest in my coords either, and then... forget it. It was fun but this brand is de-" he bit his tongue. "this brand is over.."

Usagi clenched her fist. All around her were beautiful designs, sunlight softly pouring over them.

"I understand. I understand how it feels. Trust me," she started, her voice soft. "But... I've worn a coord of yours before," she said, "And.. it filled me up with so much motivation! I've never felt so excited wearing a dress before - it made me feel something I've never felt before. These last two months, I haven't been able to get my mind off this brand. I've been wondering if this brand is what I've been looking for my entire life - the thing that I can really devote my life to. I'm sure that even when I'm an old lady in a retirement home I'll still be thinking of this brand. So-!" Her expression was determined and unwavering. "Please let me wear this brand and introduce it to more people so that in the future, there'll be multiple old ladies in retirement homes thinking about this brand!"

A second.

Then, he smiled. "That's an odd way of convincing someone."

"It's the Kazami Usagi way," she said, her eyes sparkling.

"...You remind me a lot of her."

"Her?" Usagi asked and the man chuckled.

"My muse. I'm sure she would have been happy to see someone with this kind of passion for the brand."

Usagi nodded.

"Do you think you'll make others love this brand?"

"I'll have so much fun every day they'll realise how happy this brand makes me," Usagi explained, "Besides, I have a really strong rival. Right, Claire-chan?"

Claire smirked and the old man chuckled.

He turned to his old desk, opening it. Then, he handed Usagi four cards.

"The Magical Strawberry coord. This was made for my precious muse, but..." He smiled. "I'm sure this will do you well."

"Really?" Usagi asked, bouncing on her toes. "Thank you so much! I'll make sure to make this coord shine!"

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

Backstage, Usagi took a deep breath.

She had made a promise with the top designer - she couldn't let him down now!

"Hop, step, Aikatsu!"

As Usagi walked out on the stage, her eyes widened.

Judging by how the brand ended and how the others talked about it she was expecting the brand to... well, not have many fans.

Yet, this was her biggest audience so far.

...Maybe she'd be able to remind them how much they used to love this brand.

All around me, the birds are singing

The sky's a vivid blue

It's a beautiful day!

All around me, flowers are blooming

Brand new friends are made

We'll laugh and sing

But surrounded by so much beauty

I start to wonder if I stand out at all

Her aura appeared. Small but sweet. Nothing remarkable yet the atmosphere in the audience still became more excited.

I try something new

Again and again

I want to find somewhere I belong

My heart skips a beat at this scenery!

A dreamy, wonderful garden

Where dreams come true

And miracles are found

Maybe one day I'll bloom too

She performed her special appeal, Premium Berry Pop.

My heart skips a beat in this new fantasy

Maybe it's a dream

But I don't want to wake up

Maybe, maybe, maybe...!

I've finally found where I belong

My dreams begin right here

Kaidou Arata smiled.

"Just like her," he said, softly looking at the stage as Usagi waved at the audience, even blowing a kiss or two.

"...I wonder if you're watching, Asuna...

...I hope you're seeing what I am."

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

(new cover art stuff!! bc I wanna show it off)

(a bit too busy too use but cute anyway)

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

A/N: I hope you all enjoy my beautiful piece of artwork celebrating 100 chapters as you can see I spent hours perfecting it/j

Happy 100 chapters! you've read 100 chapters of fictional idols being gay I hope you don't regret it lol. thank you so much for reading!!

Even if hiatus' are annoying it did mean ch 100 goes up on my birthday (today! I'm 17 now :D) so that's pretty cool lol

IN OTHER NEWS as you may have noticed I updated the cover art! this one actually took hours. Like. genuinely. I hope you like it because wow that was. a lot. You finally get to see meguru's and kizuna's new hairstyles too! and a couple of unfamiliar faces...?

(pssst they both appeared in s2. but you didn't hear that from me okay)

Anyway, thank you!!!!!!! :)

─── 。゚☽: * .♡. * :☾ ° . ───

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