Uncharted 3, The Mystery of U...

By GothicMoonlight

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a year after Shambhala, Nathan and Ella Drake go out in search of the fabled "Atlantis of the Sands", however... More

Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 1
Stealing Drake's Ring, Part 2
London Underground
The New Locations
The Old Estate
Through the Flames
The Middle Way
Ubar's Location
The Sinking Ship
A Flight to Catch
The Rub' Al Khali Desert
Saving Sully
The Atlantis of the Sands
Mother Vs Daughter
Something Better


109 4 0
By GothicMoonlight

(The Next Night)

"Damn it, still can't reach either one of them, something's not right", Nate muttered the trio had arrived in Syria by morning and drove all the way out to an old citadel; by the time they got there, it was already night, which spared them all of waiting for everything to close up for the night, but it still didn't give them much time

"How long till this place opens", Sully asked

"Few more hours before the tour busses start showing up", Ella stated

"Then we better hustle", Sully said, the three arriving at the front doors, only to see that it had been broken into

"At least we know we're not the first one's here", Nate stated

"As long as Marlowe, Anne, and Talbot think we're dead, we've got the element of surprise, let's not waste it", Sully stated as well

"Alright, everyone remember the plan", Ella asked

"Sneak in, find out where they're holding Chloe and Cutter", Nate began

"If they're holding them", Sully interrupted

"Glass half full, Sully", Nate said

"These guys don't seem like the hostage-taking type", Sully stated

"Best case scenario", Ella asked

"Best case scenario... rescue Cutter and Chloe, and sneak back out", Nate finished

"Right, sneak back out", Sully said

"It could happen", Nate said

"Mm-hm", Sully said

"Come on, let's go", Ella said, moving ahead of the guys, as the three ventured forward, mostly climbing around and moving; they had discovered that Marlowe's men were already there, not a big shocker, and unfortunately had to shoot their way through; but not long after, the three ran into Chloe and Cutter, and got spooked in the process

"What the hell", Sully muttered

"Why aren't you in France", Chloe asked

"We're rescuing you guys", Nate said, unsureness in his voice

"From what", Cutter asked

"We thought you two were captured", Ella stated

"Or worse", Sully added

"Wait, why", Chloe asked

"Well, Talbot ambushed us at the chateau, it was a trap", Nate stated

"Tried to kill us too", Ella added

"Yeah, we figured they must've followed you, too", Sully finished

"Well, yeah, they're definitely here", Cutter said

"Yeah, no kidding", Sully said

"So, we might want to think about keeping it down a little", Chloe stated

"What happened to you two, we've been trying to reach you for over twenty-four hours", Nate asked

"Oh, right, I need to top up my minutes", Cutter said

"Pre-paid phone", Ella asked

"Yeah, those contracts are a complete rip-off", Cutter said

"Mine's broken", Chloe said

"Again", Nate asked

"Look, just forget all that, you'll never guess what we've discovered", Cutter explained, showing Nate and Ella his journal, "not only did Elizabeth's spy network stretch all the way over here, but they were all part of some sort of Hermetic secret society; The British Occult Secret Service, The School of Night, the Hellfire Club, the Order of the Golden Dawn, they're all connected",

"So, John Dee...", Nate began

"And Francis Walsingham, and Walter Raleigh, and even your mate, Drake, they were all in on it", Cutter stated, "but for them, it was all about the power, controlling their enemies through espionage, deception, fear",

"So, Marlowe and her crew", Ella began

"Are from the same secret order, four hundred years on", Cutter said

"Will you cut to the goddamn chase, please", Sully asked

"We really need to keep moving", Chloe stated

"Sure, sure, look, Quod est superius...", Cuter read out loud

"...Est sicut quod est inferius", Nate read out loud

"As above, so below", Ella said

"That's the key to all of this", Cutter said

"We need to get to the highest point of this castle", Nate stated

"Thus, the stairs", Cutter said, motioning everyone over to the stairs, there, the five began climbing up the stairs, their original plan was now out the window; as the five began making their way to the highest point of the citadel, they were ambushed by Marlowe's men; making it inside a tower, more goons were there, but were easily taken out, not long after, the five reached the top of the tower

"Guys, up here", Cutter called out

"Alright, keep us covered", Nate asked

"Yeah, just hurry it up, ok", Chloe asked

"Won't be long", Ella said

"Here, you see, as above, so below", Cutter stated, showing Nate and Ella the symbol on the floor

"Right spot, crusaders would've hidden the crypt entrance in plain sight, but how would they know where to look", Ella said, looking at Drake's map

"Stop it", Nate said, swiping the map back, "here, the same symbol appears on Drake's map",

"Of course, Ursa Minor, the North Star", Cutter stated

"Find the constellation, then follow it to the entrance", Ella said as Nate borrowed Cutter's binoculars and found the entrance

"Guys", Chloe shouted, quietly, alerting the three

"Get down", Sully said as the three noticed a rocket coming towards them, which sent them all running, and also separating Nate, Ella, and Cutter from Sully and Chloe; as the three powered their way through, they finally reached their destination, only to find... a broom closet

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