365 Days with You

By avengers_queen

36K 1.7K 877

What happens when the one and only Loki Laufeyson threatens you into becoming his accomplice? What happens wh... More

Marble Floors
Playing Cards
Cracked Lips
Broken Chains
Jeune Fille
Black Sweater
Hello, Belle.
Goodbye, Evelyn.
The Mind Reader.
Vodka Bottles.
Broken Glass. Broken Heart.
Happy Tears?
Storage Room

Broken Teeth

777 58 11
By avengers_queen

Hey guys, here's a quick chapter. It's not that good but please comment and vote anyways. I get so happy when I see your guy's comments :) enjoy Xx . Oh and here's a song to listen to while reading, I'll start adding some from now on.

I forced my eyes open and cried out in pain when bright lights greeted my hungover face. My head hurt so bad I thought someone was continually bashing my skull with a rock. Fay was sitting on the edge of my bed with a sad expression on her face. She was stroking my hand absentmindedly. Thor and Sif were playing cards in my sitting area.

"She's up." Fay called to them. I winced and gnawed on my lip to transfer the pain away from my head. Both of them shot up and dashed to my side. My head spun as my eyes tried to process the quick movement. Fay brushed the hair from my face.

"You were pretty drunk Aislin." Sif whispered, so my head wouldn't hurt.

"I found you on the floor of the ballroom, unconscious." Thor spoke in the same soft tone. Memories of last night came flooding back into my head and I felt tears well up in my eyes. Images of Loki and the mystery woman flashed across my mind. I wanted to scream and hit my head against the wall until they stopped. I wanted to find that mystery woman and throw her off the tallest tower. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I blinked slowly.

I was clutching a panel of glass in my hands. It seemed that Fay had gotten me another Hyalus. I glanced at it and dragged my finger across the new surface. The surface that wasn't yet stained by my fingerprints and tears.

{ WHY }

I wrote in large shaky letters. Thor gave me a confused look.

{ LOKI }

Thor understood. He nodded once and stormed from the room. I buried my face in the pillows, imagining it was Loki. I imagined him running his fingers through my hair and drawing circles on my back and taking me to Midgard so we could get Advil. Like the last time I had a hangover.

- Loki's P.O.V-

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. The clock on the wall read 4:00. I've slept all day. My head was throbbing from drinking too much last night. I could barely even remember anything from last night. Just that I was chasing Aislin down the halls. Screaming her name. Was I really that drunk? I flinched when the door slammed open. Knocking a chunk out the wall behind it.

"Hey Thor, ever heard of knocking?" I hissed. Suddenly Thor was gripping my tunic and he slammed me against the wall. The sudden stale bedchamber air chilled my skin. I winced, my head pounding.

"You're an idiot Loki!" He shouted. His face, red with rage, inches from mine. "How could you do this to her?!" He dropped me from the wall and ran his hands down his face. He let out a long stressed breath and buried his fingers in his hair. He turned to face me once more. "We all care about her Loki! She's like a sister to me! Don't you see what your recklessness is doing to all of us?" I rolled my eyes. If this was about breaking it off with her-

"Thor I know. But I can't go back to her." I lied. Thor scoffed in disbelief.

"The other day. I found her collapsed in the hall. Then when she finally woke up she had a panic attack. She started screaming and beating her head in with her fists." I felt my stomach churn at the thought. "And Loki! I know it was you! I know you were inside of her head! If you're worried about her, go back to her!" I dipped my head. It was true. I tried to see her thoughts again. I didn't know she would react that badly.

"Thor. I'm sorr-" He silenced me with his hand.

"Apologize to her. " he snapped. "I think last night was the last straw. I just can't believe you would already be making out another woman after all of this." He shook his head. My eyes widened as memories from last night came flooding back. My hand tangled in her greasy brown hair. My tongue down her throat. Which tasted like stale smoke and ash. I nearly gagged. And Aislin caught us. Oh god Aislin. The look on her face was so heart wrenching. What was I doing?! I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Oh my god." I whispered and flopped back into an armchair. Thor followed suit.

"Who was she?" Thor asked curiously. I shrugged.

"She was the first pretty girl I saw. I just grabbed her and then the next second we were on the balcony. Oh god Thor I did not know what I was doing. She just.... Her eyes reminded me of Aislin's. " I explained and felt more and more ashamed every word I spoke. I held my head in my hands.

"You can't keep kissing strangers and pretending it's her." Thor clapped a hand on my shoulder and went to exit the room. "You better make up your mind quick Loki. Because Aislin is dying without you." He called over his shoulder and then slammed the door shut. I sighed. How could I be so fucking stupid?

I groaned overdramatically and waved my hand. The chair across from me went flying across the room. It smashed against the far wall and splintered into pieces. I picked up a diamond paper weight and chucked it towards the same wall. It shattered into pieces, landing on top of the splintered chair. I screamed in rage and smashed my mug on the coffee table with my fist. The ceramic shards sticking into my hand. Cold coffee dripped onto the white carpet. Staining the floors.

I stood up and beat my fists against the wall. My breathing finally slowing. I sucked in air and swallowed hard. My breaths shaking. I ran my fingers through my hair and slid down the wall, until I was sitting. My heart was pounding in my chest. I cannot lose her. I know I already have but I cannot lose her. I cannot lose her completely. What was I thinking? How was I so stupid? Thor's words rang in my ears. Over and over, as if I was listening to them on repeat. "You can't keep kissing strangers, and pretending it's her." But that's exactly what I was doing. Trying to get my mind off of Aislin. Trying to distract myself with another woman's lips.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Should I risk seeing her thoughts again? Would she have another panic attack? I took a deep breath as I placed my fingers on my temples and squeezed my eyes shut. My head began to swirl.

I winced, waiting for Aislin to start screaming in pain as soon as I entered her mind. But she didn't. She seemed to be asleep. Her dreams filled with terrors. I was watching the dream from her perspective.

I sulked down the halls. I was looking for something, but I didn't know what. My heart was racing and my breathing was quick and short.

I rested my arm against the far wall to take a break. But it was as if the wall was just mist. I fell through it and into the room behind it. When I turned around and pounded my fists against the wall, it was as if it was solid again. Like someone had locked me in.

The room had a familiar scent to it. A familiar atmosphere.

I felt my mouth go dry. This was Loki's bedchambers. I spun around and scanned the dark room, searching for anything that could be a threat. Suddenly I was blinded by white lights and someone grabbed my waist. A scream escaped my lips as I struggled in their arms.

"Hush." The familiar voice whispered. At the same time I was horrified, yet relieved. "Hush, my love, it's me." They assured. I kept my eyes squeezed closed. The lights blinding me even through my eyelids.

"L-Loki?" I whispered, my voice cracking towards the end as he embraced me. I felt my way towards his head, then ran my fingers through his silky hair. The hair I had been dying to touch since he left me.

I wrapped my arms around him tighter, but the suddenly he disappeared. As if he was just an illusion, like the wall.

"Loki?!" I cried. My heart beating faster. Where'd he go?!

"Be calm, my love. I am here." His voice sounded from across the room.

"Loki?" I whispered.

"Yes, my love?"

"If you loved me. Why'd you leave me?" He didn't respond. Instead the lights began to dim until I could actually open my eyes without being blinded.

Loki was standing across the room with his arms wrapped tightly around another woman. Her lips pressed to his. Her leg hooked around his lower back. I gasped and covered my mouth. They pulled apart. Loki was smirking at me.

"Because I love Belle now." He purred. She winked at me, cradling a small child in the hand that wasn't grasping Loki's hair. Evelyn.

I screamed in rage in lunged forward. But it was as if I hit an invisible wall. My face smacked against it, and I held my now bleeding, and or broken nose in pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Loki snapped.

"Loki!" I begged. How could he love her? Someone stepped out of the shadows and I screamed. My eyes windening. I scurried backwards on my hands as quick as I could to get away from the man.

"I believe you've met Naddr?" Loki grinned. Loki nodded towards me and then Naddr stepped forwards. "You can take her now. I've learned to give my used toys to the less fortunate." He explained.

"NO! LOKI HELP!" I shrieked and ran towards him, the invisible wall now gone. I was feet from him before he raised his hand, as if holding a cup and clenched it into a fist.

My throat closed. I couldn't breathe. I was thrown onto my back, right in front of Naddr's feet. I clawed at my throat. Trying to open my airways once more. Gagging noises escaped my lips and I thrashed on the floor. Loki and Belle making out once more. Naddr grabbed my hair and tied a gag in my mouth. Then the whole room went back, before Naddr even had the chance to blindfold me.

Aislin sat up in bed screaming, and clutching her head in her hands. I couldn't tell if it was because of the pain of me being inside her mind or because of the dream. She rocked back and forth. Squeaking noises escaping her lips. She was crying. Someone ran to her side and rubbed her back.

"Aislin! Was it another dream?!" Fay cried frantically. So she has been having other nightmares. Aislin shoved her away and buried her head in her arms, which were resting on her knees. When I couldn't bare it anymore, I pried my eyes open.

The room was bright compared to her dark dream. Was she scared of me now? Or the possibility that Naddr and this ' Belle' might come back? I could hear Aislin's terrified sobs in the next room over.

There was a pounding knock on my door. I flicked my wrist and the door swung open. A frazzled looking Fay stalked in.

"She's having the dreams again." Fay snapped as the door slammed behind her.

"I know."

"They're about you."

"I know."

"And Naddr."

"I kno-"

"How do you know all of this?" She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest sassily. I didn't respond. "You've been inside her head again." She deduced and shook her head in a scolding fashion.

"Yes." I replied dryly. My patience wearing thin.

"What are you waiting for! Just go back to her alre-"

"It's not that easy!" I cut her off and stood from my arm chair.

"It is that easy you're just selfish!"

"Let me do it on my own time!" I shouted back. Each of us slowly shouting louder than the other each time we spoke.

"No! She suffering without you!" I clenched my fists and grit my teeth. I've heard.

"YOU THINK I'M NOT SUFFERING!? YOU THINK I'M NOT HURTING WITHOUT HER!?" Fay opened her mouth to say something but closed it quickly. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "You think that she's the only one affected by this?" I snapped and motioned around my bedchambers. Smashed furniture lining the walls. Shards of glass littering the floor. Blood and coffee staining the carpets. Books that were torn to shreds dusted the bed. I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned. "I get it, ok? I get that she's suffering."

I turned so my back was facing Fay. I heard the door open and slam, signaling that she had left. My knees gave out and I was hunched over on the floor, my eyes beginning to swim.

"I'm so sorry Aislin" I muttered and felt warm tears roll down my cheeks.

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