My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

By BriannaLynnC98

243K 10.8K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

7.6K 347 122
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

My tummy felt like it was about to explode with that fluffy feeling while Zayn kissed me. I didn't know what to do because this was really different and I didn't know he could actually do this, so I just waited for him to show me what to do.

Zayn moved his lips against mine and I felt like I might fall off the roof because of what my tummy was doing. I grabbed onto Zayn's shirt and tried to do what he was doing. It felt even better when we both did this same things. This was really the best thing Zayn could have ever taught me.

He pulled back from kissing my lips then kissed my nose, making me smile really big because him kissing my lips just made me very happy but also confused about some things. I didn't really know what this feeling going through my body was. It felt hot, but cold and fluffy all at the same time. I never felt it, but I really liked it.

"You're so beautiful, Niall." Zayn whispered to me and kissed my lips one more time. This time it was fast, then he pulled me to sit really close to him. I don't know why he always calls me pretty or why he always holds me so tight and touches me really soft, but I like it. It makes me feel like a princess that is taken care if really nicely.

"Why did you kiss my lips?" I asked him without really thinking about the question before the words came out. I was just confused on why he would do that. He's kissed my cheek and all over my face before, but I don't understand why it felt so different now. I've never kissed like this before. I've never kissed anyone but Zayn, like on the cheek and stuff. To me, kissing on the mouth seemed a little weird, even if it made me feel really happy.

"Because it's what boyfriend's do and it's also so I can show you that I really, really like you. Only I can kiss your pretty little lips though, only boyfriend's can kiss your lips." Zayn told me quietly. It really made allot of sense now. It feels fuzzy to also know Zyan really, really likes me. My mummy always told me no one would because I'm too stupid for anyone to. I'm not sure if stupid is a bad thing, but maybe I'm not stupid because Zyan likes me. Maybe stupid is a good thing.

"I really like you, Zyan. I like you to kiss me." I told him quietly, feeling my cheeks get hot. Zayn squeezed me and put a kiss in my hair.

"Good, I'm going to kiss you allot more now. Let's get inside so we can go to sleep. I want to show you a few fun things." He told me, then started to help me climb back into the house. He's really good at climbing because he does it really easy. I wish I could do it like that. He reminds me of Spider-Man sometimes.

When we got through the window, Zayn took off his shirt and jeans he was wearing then looked over at me with a small smile. I followed his lead and did what he did with his clothes, but I picked mine up and put them in top of my suitcase while Zayn climbed into his bed. I climbed in next to him and cuddled close to him. I like cuddling Zayn.

"Goodnight Niall, sleep good." Zayn whispered and kissed my cheek. I nodded and closed my eyes wondering if the buzz I was feeling on my lips would ever go away. I hoped it wouldn't, I like remembering how Zayn kissed me.

Zayn's POV

The sun crept in through my window, waking me from my sleep. I opened my eyes and rolled over, only then realizing that Niall wasn't laying on top of me like he was when we went to sleep. I fully woke up and looked over to see if Niall was laying in bed next to me, but he wasn't.

Faster than lightning, I jumped up and put on a shirt. I had no clue where he would have gone, but I didn't really want him wondering around the house without me or while everyone was still asleep. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 10:30 and knew the rest of my family was already awake so I put on some joggers, then went to go find my boyfriend.

"Niall, you're silly." I heard my mum laugh from the kitchen. I walked faster and walked in to see Niall sitting at the kitchen table in some fresh clothes with a piece of toast in front of him. He was smiling at my mum and she was doing to same back to him as she put more bread in the toaster.

"Zayn is like Superman!" Niall said in an instant tone. I smiled, then walked up to my mum and gave her a kiss on the cheek then went to go sit by the sweet boy. He smiled at me then looked down at the food in front of him. I could see he was hungry, but he looked uncomfortable about this. I picked it up once I sat down and offered it to him. He happily took it and took a bite of it.

"What are you boys planing on doing today?" Mum asked me as she gave me some breakfast, then sat down across from us.

"I'm thinking of taking him to that really big park that you took us to all the time
and playing some football." She nodded and looked at Niall who set his half eaten toast down. He smiled at both of us, then looked down at his lap. My mum gave me a strange look and I just shrugged at her, not really knowing what Niall has gotten into. Sometimes he's easy to read, other times he's just confusing. I don't really care though.

After breakfast, I got dressed then I took Niall's hand in mine and walked out of my room. He smiled at me and followed me out to the house. As we walked down the street, we held hands and I pointed out different people's houses that I used to have friends that lived there. He stayed quite for the most part, but I saw in his eyes that he was enjoying just being here with me. That was all I had hoped for. I didn't want him upset about not being able to go see his grandma, I wanted him happy to spend time with me.

When we got to the park, I took him to the swings and we both got on one. He immediately started to make it start swinging, while I just sat there and watched him. This is probably the best feeling in the world. It feels like some of my childhood and innocence is back just by being with Niall. I never wanted the moment to end, but good things never last long for me.

My phone buzzed in the pocket of my shorts, so I got it out and saw that it was an email from my school. I'm on spring break, I don't want to think about school for the next two weeks, but when I saw what it was saying I got really confused as well and angry. In my heart I was hoping this was sent to me by mistake, but I knew better than that. I read over it a million times while I heard Niall giggling while he was swinging. I wish I had that much joy and simplicity in my life.

Instead, I get an email from my school informing me I will be given a new roommate after break do to my current one moving schools...

A/N: I'm back everyone! My dance team won second for our state competition. I'm kinda bummed about that, but now that just means I'll have allot more time to write and update for you guys! I'm sorry I've been MIA these past days, I'll try to finish this story before my choir takes our trip to New York. Hope you liked this update, I'll update later today as well. I'm sorry if this is bad though:/ Comment / Vote!
                                  - Bri;)

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