Venti's personally made hellh...

By dogsname25

51.2K 1.5K 2.9K

Venti makes a chatfic. Everyone is gay. Chaos ensues (originally on Ao3) More

The Start of Hell
childe slander 😈
Can hell get any worse? Yes
Kaeya is gay and mentally ill (what's new)
Zhongli just fucking died can we get an f in the chat
Kaeya is horny
Keqing is angry
Kazuha's friend fucking dies
Xingqiu supremacy
Festival except not because I suck at world building
Everyone is drunk and mentally unstable
Enemies to lovers but they're still enemies
Birth control
Happy Pride Month
Birth control pt 2
death is but a temporary state in this world
birth control pt 3
Brothers Reconciled?? (100% real no clickbait)
Just a Ton of Bullshit
Cults (and milfs)
Another House Party (BAD END)
Gay people don't die
Just one big mess
Venti (derogatory)
Inazuma gang is here
Weed (and murder)
Late night minecraft
Pluto isn't a planet
I believe in poly ships supremacy
Murata best archon
Having a blast during amber's birthday
Idk what to name this
Exams suck
Ending the year with a blast
Just a bunch of poop
Baals in yo mouth

Scaramouche fucking dies

803 30 11
By dogsname25


*tone deaf dj added Ayaka and Yoimiya*

tone deaf dj: WELCOME TO HELL

Ayaka: Good morning

Ayaka: Who are you?

tone deaf dj: your god

all my friends are dead: im sorry

Ayaka: ?

all my friends are dead: I'm Kazuha by the way

Ayaka: got it

Ayaka: why am i here



party pooper: I feel another headache coming

Ayaka: How did you get my number?

tone deaf dj: fireworks girl gave it to me

Yoimiya: I thought it would be fun!

Ayaka: ok?

Ayaka: well then, nice to meet you all

shakespeare: greetings to the new arrivals

Jean: nice to meet you too

unlucky: hello!

probably a vampire: you'll regret this

short bastard: why the fuck are you here

broke bitch: ignore the angry midget

rich mom: my condolences

Ayaka: Why?

rich mom: you'll see

walnut: if I was born with a penis Im sure it would be 14 inches

Ayaka: oh

Yoimiya: mine would be 15 inches

walnut: my dick would be so big I'd need two chairs to fit my balls

Yoimiya: they'd have to invent a chair made exclusively for dn

Ayaka: dn?

Yoimiya: DEEZ NUTS

walnut: DEEZ NUTS

party pooper: how did they reply at the same time

peepaw: there's two of them now

Yoimiya: we must be soulmates

walnut: platonic soulmates

walnut: I have a girlfriend

caso cerrado: <3

Yoimiya: I have a girlfriend too

Ayaka: Really? Who?

Yoimiya: Joe

Ayaka: Who's Joe?

Yoimiya: JOE MOMMA

Ayaka: My mom is dead?

Yoimiya: sorry

mom: bless her

Yoimiya: mom???

mom: no I'm Jean

mom: I'm in the senior class

Yoimiya: oohh the class president

Yoimiya: isn't it cool they named pants after you?

walnut: I was going to ask the same question

caso cerrado: Tao no

Ayaka: that's not how it works

Yoimiya: it isn't?

short bastard: are you stupid

Yoimiya: your name reminds me of one kid in my other school

Yoimiya: he got expelled after getting into a fight

broke bitch: lmfao

Ayaka: Scaramouche?

Yoimiya: yeah the short angry one

broke bitch: I'm fucking dying right now

ginger manwhore: I love her already

Yoimiya: sorry but I'm not interested in men

Yoimiya: or gingers

short bastard: its me, Scaramouche

Yoimiya: oh

Ayaka: oh

Yoimiya: Told you he reminded me of someone!

Yoimiya: you also remind me of candace

short bastard: who the fuck is candice

walnut: :)

Yoimiya: :)

ginger manwhore: you're going to die


short bastard: I will kill you

broke bitch: oop he left the class

mom: why is scaramouche power walking through the hall?

Yoimiya: finally a reason to leave class

walnut: need help?

caso cerrado: I'm joining

caso cerrado: Three pryos against an electro lmao

Yoimiya: hell yeah

Ayaka: I'm going as well

Ayaka: we never finished our last spar, after all

ginger manwhore: bruh

ginger manwhore: my man is gonna get bodied

walnut: lesbian army against Scaramouche go

Yoimiya: hey I'm the commander I give the orders

Yoimiya: beat him up girls

sexy: someone film

caso cerrado: I have an idea

caso cerrado: what if we put all our pyro energy into my catalyst

walnut: sounds like a great idea

chalk: that's a horrible idea


walnut: the hallway is gone tho

Ayaka: I didn't get to spar though, unfortunate

ginger manwhore: lets fight then girlie

Ayaka: perfect, please bring your sword

broke bitch: did scaramouche just fucking die

Yoimiya: we put all of our energy into Yanfei's catalyst and the man is dead and half the hallways is gone

walnut: maybe the treasure wasn't the fight, but the friends we made along the way

caso cerrado: true

Ayaka: I have to agree

probably a vampire: who was gonna tell me Childe is fighting someone again

ginger manwhore: I warn you, only one person has fought me and won

Ayaka: really? Who?

thing 2: me

Ayaka: May I know your name?

thing 2: Lumine :)

Ayaka: great, we're going to be good friends

Ayaka: Anyways, are you ready Childe?

ginger manwhore: I won't hold back

Ayaka: I wasn't planning on that

fake gay pirate: she brought a whole katana?!??@?!

probably a vampire: lmaoo Childe is gonna get his ass beat

tone deaf dj: let me bring my camera

mom: we should probably ban weapons from school

atheist: how else would we let out our anger then?

mom: therapy?

short edgy dude: denied

Yoimiya: GO AYAKA GO

probably a vampire: lmao Childe is going to die

caso cerrado: should we call an ambulance for scaramouche?

rich mom: you haven't???

walnut: no we drew something in his face tho

broke bitch: send pictures

Yoimiya: scaraisdead.jpg

broke bitch: lmao

Ayaka: that was fun

tone deaf dj: the ginger is fucking dead

probably a vampire: time to share this to the whole school

food nerd: math class is so fucking boring

book nerd: what did we miss

ice cream nerd: why did Hu Tao leave class??

walnut: we killed scaramouche

the power of christ compels you: not weird at all

probably a vampire: the new girl beat the shit out of Childe

book nerd: video?

fake gay pirate: childeisaloser.mp4

food nerd: lmao

book nerd: bruh

ice cream nerd: cryo supremacy

fake gay pirate: yup

probably a vampire: the best

vengeance is better served cold: cryo >>>>

Ayaka: I think any vision has potential

book nerd: oh no a sane person

tone deaf dj: disgusting

food nerd: functional members of society shall die

bunny arson: she won't be sane for long

Ayaka: ?

all my friends are dead: you'll see

walnut: nah arson is better


caso cerrado: I do not support arson but pyro is the best obviously

bunny arson: mhm

unlucky: ^^

food nerd: nobody is doing it like us

rock n roll: right

party pooper: we are obviously the best

tone deaf dj: nah anemo is better

walnut: lmao no

tone deaf dj: tell her guys

tone deaf dj: guys??

tone deaf dj: Xiao?

tone deaf dj: Jean?

tone deaf dj: Sucrose???

tone deaf dj: Kazuha?????

tone deaf dj: damn

real gay pirate: electro solos you and your mom

shakespeare: indeed

atheist: the truth

furry: ye s

book horny: sexy people use electro

tone deaf dj: fuck you guys

rich mom: what happened to the fucking hallway

*Hu Tao created a group*

*Hu Tao added Yanfei, Yoimiya, and Ayaka*

Hu Tao: what do we say

Ayaka: you should probably turn yourselves in

caso cerrado: its the right thing to do

Yoimiya: but that's boring

walnut: what she said

caso cerrado: if you say Scaramouche started it, we get a lighter sentence

walnut: good idea

Ayaka: so we're still blaming him

caso cerrado: yeah but in a legal way


Tsaritsa: did two of you hoes get beat up on the same day

la signora: lmao they really did

ll dottore: does this make me the favorite now?

Tsaritsa: no

Il dottore: 😐

la signora: childeisaloser.mp4

Tsaritsa: pathetic

ll dottore: can I send this to snezhnaya?

la signora: that will destroy him

la signora: do it

ll dottore: already did it

la signora: good


Ningguang: @Tsaritsa keep your dogs in check

Ningguang: now I have to pay for a new fucking hallway

Tsaritsa: sorry

Tsaritsa: except I'm not sorry

Jean: why is the video of Childe getting beat up going viral?

Baal: someone probably leaked it

Jean: are we going to do anything about it?

Ningguang: no

Baal: no

Tsaritsa: no

Baal: it was a pleasure speaking to you all

Tsaritsa: it wasn't

*venti's personally made hellhole*

short bastard: why did I just wake up to debt

broke bitch: welcome to the club

Ayaka: sorry, I can help pay it if you want

short bastard: no ew

short bastard: I don't need your help

Yoimiya: Ok then!

walnut: another successful day of committing crimes

caso cerrado: legal crimes

Ayaka: how would that work?

caso cerrado: you'll learn soon

Yoimiya: sounds fun!

Yoimiya: this whole group is fun!

mom: one day here and she already blew up a hallway

thing 1: she fit in surprisingly fast

Ayaka: is this a normal occurrence for you guys?

rich mom: sadly, yes

Ayaka: interesting

Ayaka: Scaramouche still owes me a spar

short bastard: hell no

short bastard: even I know my limits

broke bitch: you took on three pryos I don't think you do

short bastard: fuck off

sucrOwOse: the laboratory fucking blew up and it wasn't my fault this time

fake gay pirate: omg sucrose said fuck

sucrOwOse: I am upset


chalk: really?

caso cerrado: yeah totally

chalk: thanks for letting me know

broke bitch: don't kill him

broke bitch: we still need to marry to carry out my plan

short bastard: what plan?

broke bitch: only the stars will tell

short bastard: what the fuck

broke bitch: ✨✨

chalk: ok I will spare him

ginger manwhore: that was embarrassing

fake gay pirate: 💀

Ayaka: you woke up?

Ayaka: want to go again?

ginger manwhore: no I want to live

Ayaka: oh

Ayaka: a friends of mine is always ready for a second spar

Ayaka: so I thought you would as well

ginger manwhore: lets go then

peepaw: you shouldn't

probably a vampire: is he dumb

book nerd: probably

unlucky: my locker blew up

walnut: sucks to be you ig

Yoimiya: I can make a fireworks show to compensate!

unlucky: that sounds fun!

atheist: I just came out of class and why the fuck is a hallway missing and childe getting beat up

atheist: are those fucking fireworks?

tired: they really are

atheist: its 2 in the afternoon

Ayaka: Yoimiya, I think it would be better to wait until later

Yoimiya: I guess you're right

real gay pirate: we can go to my house

party pooper: no. I am not doing this again

Ayaka: I think a park is better

Yoimiya: then its settled!

Yoimiya: firework show at 7pm. DON'T MISS IT

party pooper: this is gonna go terribly wrong

tone deaf dj: when doesn't it go terribly wrong?

walnut: that's what makes it fun

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