Venti (derogatory)

830 23 40

book nerd: why is math so boring

food nerd: I swear

walnut: I'm so bored right now

ice cream nerd: stop talking I am not getting my phone taken away again

walnut: just hide it

ice cream nerd: I can't im in front of the class

book nerd: then cope

ice cream nerd: so rude

food nerd: its not like the teacher cares

food nerd: I'm eating noodles and he hasn't said anything

book nerd: noodles?

food nerd: yeah

rock n roll: who eats noodles during math class

food nerd: me

book nerd: she once brought spaghetti to literature

ice cream nerd: and dumplings during history

the power of christ compels you: do you guys hear that?

food nerd: bro wtf is going on outside

walnut: I hear lightning

the power of christ compels you: did kaeya piss off scaramouche and keqing again?

maid on steroids: why is there lightning?

probably a vampire: it's in the seniors class

book nerd: who is fighting?

probably a vampire: idk there's no electro users in the seniors class that I know of

fake gay pirate: Baal?

all my friends are dead: probably

tone deaf dj: OH MYN FUKCING GOD

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