Venti's personally made hellh...

By dogsname25

51.2K 1.5K 2.9K

Venti makes a chatfic. Everyone is gay. Chaos ensues (originally on Ao3) More

The Start of Hell
childe slander 😈
Can hell get any worse? Yes
Kaeya is gay and mentally ill (what's new)
Zhongli just fucking died can we get an f in the chat
Kaeya is horny
Keqing is angry
Kazuha's friend fucking dies
Xingqiu supremacy
Festival except not because I suck at world building
Everyone is drunk and mentally unstable
Enemies to lovers but they're still enemies
Birth control
Happy Pride Month
Birth control pt 2
death is but a temporary state in this world
birth control pt 3
Brothers Reconciled?? (100% real no clickbait)
Just a Ton of Bullshit
Cults (and milfs)
Another House Party (BAD END)
Gay people don't die
Scaramouche fucking dies
Venti (derogatory)
Inazuma gang is here
Weed (and murder)
Late night minecraft
Pluto isn't a planet
I believe in poly ships supremacy
Murata best archon
Having a blast during amber's birthday
Idk what to name this
Exams suck
Ending the year with a blast
Just a bunch of poop
Baals in yo mouth

Just one big mess

716 30 33
By dogsname25

tone deaf dj: just broke my 5 hour record of being sober

tone deaf dj: going for 8 hours now

short edgy dude: literally no one cares

tone deaf dj: you love me ❤

short edgy dude: keep dreaming

fake gay pirate: why the hostility

fake gay pirate: we should support each other

short edgy dude: I hope you die a horrible death

book horny: ignoring the men

rich mom: as we should

book horny: does anyone else feel like going shopping?

mom: not really but it sounds fun

peepaw: I can come as well

walnut: with what money

caso cerrado: I think we all know who's money

ginger manwhore: my bank account is big enough for anything dw

fake gay pirate: and what else is big 😏

ginger manwhore: find out 😏

caso cerrado: men (derogatory)

ginger manwhore: you're just jealous

fake gay pirate: jealous of our humongous dicks

rich mom: please stop

walnut: I will go I need to buy decorations for a funeral

caso cerrado: im going with you then

book horny: anyone else?

broke bitch: me and scara

sexy: "scara"

ginger manwhore: lmao

short bastard: I didn't agree to this

broke bitch: Im showing THAT picture to your inazuma friends if you don't pay for me

short bastard: fine I'll go

sexy: what's THAT picture

short bastard: none of your business

ginger manwhore: mona I'm paying anything you want for a whole year if you send me that picture

broke bitch: I'll think about it

short bastard: I'll kill you

tone deaf dj: wait

tone deaf dj: give me 5 days

ginger manwhore: what

short bastard: don't you dare

tone deaf dj: >:)

book nerd: who can take me?

ice cream nerd: x2

food nerd: x3

rock n roll: x4

real gay pirate: I can take you!

rich mom: we are already three in your car though?

real gay pirate: they'll fit

all my friends are dead: trust her

rich mom: ok?

book nerd: we are in Xiangling's family restaurant

real gay pirate: I'll pick you up there

rock n roll: great

rich mom: at what hour?

mom: anything after 3pm is fine for me

ginger manwhore: I can't go at that time

book horny: we don't care

ginger manwhore:😐

tone deaf dj: someone pick me up from the hospital

short edgy dude: I'll go

tone deaf dj: I knew you loved me <3

short edgy dude: keep that up and you'll need 3 more weeks at the hospital

chalk: me, sucrose, and kaeya are going together a bit later

mom: sounds great then

vengeance is better served cold: isn't this group a bit too big?

mom: it'll be fine

thing 1: this is gonna go horribly wrong

thing 2: when was the last time something didn't go horribly wrong?

thing 1: you're right

thing 2: I always am

thing 2: i'm not leaving the abyss by the way

thing 1: son of a bitch

*a few hours later*

food need: Beidou where the fuck are you

book nerd: you wouldn't dare lie to us, would you?

mom: they are not here with us at the mall either

real gay pirate: sorry we got pulled over three times

all my friends are dead: how did you even get a license

real gay pirate: hey I only almost killed like two people

sucrOwOse: that's concerning

chalk: anything they do is concerning

fake gay pirate: why are you excluding yourself?

chalk: im not concerning

sucrOwOse: te be fair, we did blow up a lab multiple times

fake gay pirate: at least sucrose is honest

sucrOwOse: I wouldn't dare lie!

thing 2: we love you sucrose

the power of christ compels you: the only pure member of this gc

bunny arson: and noelle

vengeance is better served cold: I didn't see her today, actually

bunny arson: me neither

thing 2: x2

thing 1: same

the power of christ compels you: i'm actually with her right now!

mom: alone?

the power of christ compels you: yes?

book horny: oh

book nerd: oh

ice cream nerd: oh

food nerd: oh

fake gay pirate: 👀

walnut: I see

tone deaf dj: interesting

the power of christ compels you: we had a sleepover?

book horny: we know

probably a vampire: we know alright

the power of christ compels you: ok?

mom: ignore them

mom: are you and noelle coming?

the power of christ compels you: yeah we just need to change

party pooper: even barbara has a partner before kaeya

fake gay pirate: fuck you

chalk: kaeya don't text while driving

fake gay pirate: don't tell me what to do

party pooper: you're going to crash the car

fake gay pirate: worried about me?

vengeance is better served cold: if sucrose gets hurt im gonna tie you up to a ceiling fan and watch your body spin while hitting it with a bat like the fatherless piñata that you are

fake gay pirate: oddly specific

chalk: stop texting

fake gay pirate: no ❤

mom: you're gonna crash

fake gay pirate: I got a 90% on my driving exam dw

bunny arson: I don't think driving exams work like that

real gay pirate: lmao there's this guy on the highway that doesn't know how to drive properly

fake gay pirate: lmao someone here is driving even worse than me

real gay pirate: wait

fake gay pirate: wait

all my friends are dead: I enjoyed living

all my friends are dead: actually I did not

chalk: sorry Jean we won't get there

mom: what happened?

party pooper: wait im not third wheeling for the lesbians

fake gay pirate: sucks to be you

book nerd: Beidou?

real gay pirate: we just fucking crashed into each other lmao

book nerd: we still need someone to pick us up

fake gay pirate: oh yeah we're ok thanks for asking asshole

maid on steroids: im going right now!

food nerd: our savior

thing 1: is sucrose ok?

all my friends are dead: there were 6 people in that car crash and you only care about sucrose

thing 1: yeah mf

thing 1: is sucrose ok or not

chalk: yeah just having a small breakdown

rich mom: small?

chalk: you should've seen her when she had to order on her own at McDonald's

rich mom: is anyone hurt?

all my friends are dead: I just saw my life flash before my eyes

all my friends are dead: im ok

fake gay pirate: that was fun

rich mom: im gonna call my chauffeur

fake gay pirate: rich people are a menace to society

fake gay pirate: can you take us too?

rich mom: I'll take sucrose and albedo

fake gay pirate: thats homophobic

rich mom: I already have enough with beidou

sucrOwOse: thank you for taking us!

rich mom: no problem

fake gay pirate: the favoritism

chalk: you almost killed us all

fake gay pirate: details

fake gay pirate: when keqing kills someone she doesn't say anything

atheist: because im better than you

fake gay pirate: fuck off catgirl

atheist: I wish you hadn't survived the crash

short bastard: we all do

probably a vampire: yeah

mom: Diluc, can you go pick up Kaeya?

party pooper: no

party pooper: yes

fake gay pirate: I promise not to make any jokes on the way

party pooper: really?

fake gay pirate: no, but I like to think I would

party pooper: this is going to be hell

mom: please get here safe

real gay pirate: no promises

atheist: oh my fucking god

ginger manwhore: I thought you didn't believe in them?

atheist: fuck off

atheist: Xiao is fucking playing his emo music kill me

tired: we are only 15 minutes away from the mall just wait

atheist: im going to kill myself

atheist: this is why i hate emos

atheist: and venti is fucking drunk already what the fuck

party pooper: you get used to it

tired: we're almost there

tired: we're here

mom: where are you?

tired: we are heading to the food court

caso cerrado: we are there too look for us

tired: ok

book nerd: wait WE are in the food court

food nerd: where are you guys?

walnut: next to the game store?

the power of christ compels you: there's no game store here

walnut: what

caso cerrado: where are you guys

maid on steroids: Springvale Mall

walnut: we are in Quince Mall

mom: no guys we were supposed to gather in Windrise

real gay pirate: we are in Wuwang Mall????

chalk: what is going on

party pooper: does no one in this chat know how to follow directions

party pooper: I sent the location and everything

short edgy dude: I was driving I wasn't checking my phone

maid on steroids: me too!

rich mom: this was a bad idea

mom: guys lets just meet up at Windrise this time

short edgy dude: and don't get into any car crashes please

real gay pirate: we would never

tired: let's not even comment

atheist: a wise decision

book nerd: ok now we're here

maid on steroids: where are you?

party pooper: food court

food nerd: got it

atheist: finally

atheist: hanging out with you guys is hell

tone deaf dj: if you think this is hell, imagine when you die

atheist: what

tone deaf dj: being gay is a sin

short edgy dude: what the fuck are you on

mom: he's drunk

book horny: where should we go first?

broke bitch: bookstore?

broke bitch: I have an astrology book I would like

book nerd: good idea

tired: I don't think they're going to allow venti in

short bastard: dump him in a kid's play area or something

chalk: he's going to traumatize them

short bastard: who cares

short bastard: trauma makes you stronger

broke bitch: I have a book recommendation for you

short bastard: what

broke bitch: "the gift of therapy"

short bastard: 0/10 don't recommend

broke bitch: get help

food nerd: help Chongyun and Xingqiu are in a bookstore date

food nerd: I don't want to be third wheel

rock n roll: I'm here too

food nerd: that just means we're both thrid wheels

rock n roll: want to go eat?

food nerd: alone?

rock n roll: yeah

food nerd: good idea

book nerd: did they just fucking leave us alone?

ice cream nerd: we are literally right next to each other no need to text

short edgy dude: I think I just lost venti

party pooper: should've put him on a leash

the power of christ compels you: is bennet here?

mom: Yeah he's with razor and fischl

maid on steroids: they haven't texted here in a while

book horny: @unlucky

unlucky: why text if we are in the same place?

atheist: finally common sense

short edgy dude: have you seen venti?

shakespeare: we have not gotten any sight of him whatsoever

probably a vampire: he's probably in a place with alcohol crying

atheist: how do you lose an 18 year old

walnut: Xiao is too short there's not much he can see

atheist: true

short edgy dude: as soon as I find Venti you're dead

tired: good luck

mom: this trip was a mistake

rich mom: told you

mom: lets just go watch a movie or something

party pooper: horrible idea too

mom: what do you reccomend?

walnut: run

mom: ?

short edgy dude: I got venti

walnut: good

walnut: I tried to promote my business

walnut: security didn't like that

walnut: now I'm running

caso cerrado: you are unbelievable

walnut: that's why you love me ❤

all my friends are dead: let's just go home

peepaw: please

walnut: is your arthritis acting up?

peepaw: no Childe keeps buying things

ginger manwhore: anything for you ❤

peepaw: i'm going home for today

rich mom: same

real gay pirate: me too

food nerd: me too

maid on steroids: oh let me take you home

food nerd: if you weren't dating Barbara I would kiss you right now

the power of christ compels you: we aren't dating?

rock n roll: lies

party pooper: I am never doing this again with you guys

tone deaf dj: moths make their genitals vibrate to confuse bats

mom: what

book horny: what

thing 1: what

book nerd: what

maid on steroids: what

ice cream nerd: what

food nerd: what

sucrOwOse: I actually knew that

chalk: ????

rock n roll: what

rich mom: what

tired: what

atheist: what

real gay pirate: cool!

fake gay pirate: I wish I could do that

ginger manwhore: same

the power of christ compels you: what

party pooper: stop drinking

tone deaf dj: 😀

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