Nash Grier's Sister

By Wilkinsonvibes

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Lexi Grier is Nash Grier's twin sister that is also internet famous. Lexi Grier is a famous Youtuber with 2 m... More

Chapter 1 - Lexi Grier
Chapter 2 - Flights
Chapter 3 - #ThanksBart
Chapter 4 - Hugs
Chapter 5 - Payback
Chapter 6 - Seperate
Chapter 7 - Bar fights
Chapter 8 - Our little secret
Chapter 9 - Black
Chapter 10 - Please stay
Chapter 11 - What have I done
Chapter 12 - Awake?
Chapter 13 - Home sweet home
Chapter 14 - Reunited
Chapter 15 - Dare
Chapter 16 - Blackmail
Chapter 17 - Lies
Chapter 18 - The plan
Chapter 19 - Betrayal
Chapter 21 - Fat?
Chapter 22 - Suprises
Chapter 23 - Ferris Wheel
Chapter 24 - Adventures
Chapter 25 - Secrets
Chapter 26 - Caught
Chapter 27 - Love
Authors note
Stranger s.w

Chapter 20 - Safe

474 10 4
By Wilkinsonvibes

Lexi's POV:

It was Jack outside our room with bloodshot eyes and messy hair.

Jack G: " Lexi... I can explain. "

I could smell the alcohol from here. He had been drinking. I looked overt at Cameron and he had his hand in a fist and his jawline could grate cheese.

Lexi: " I'm going to the room."

I tried pushing past Jack to get to the room but he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go.

Lexi: " Jack, let go of me."
Jack G: " Not until you hear me out."
Cameron: " Let her go."
Jack G: "Or what?"

Then suddenly Cameron punched Jack right in the face. Just enough for Jack to let go of my arm. I quickly got my room key out of my pocket and slid it in the door. I opened the door but right before I was about to close it Jack tried to keep it open. I somehow got the strength to slam the door shut maybe crushing his fingers in the process. I locked my self in the bathroom moments later the door beeped. I remained silent.

Cameron: " Lexi, you can come out now. "

I got up and unlocked the door. I then opened the door. Immediately I was pulled into a hug. We just kinda stayed there for a while. Now I think I know how to explain the feeling when we hug I don't know I just feel... safe.

Cameron: " We should get some sleep it's 3 in the morning."
Lexi: " Ok, I just need to go get changed."

We both separated from the hug... I walked over to my bag and grabbed some clothes and made my way to the bathroom. I changed into leggings and a grey long sleeve shirt that says " More issues than vogue." I walked out of the bathroom and put my phone on the charger and climbed into bed. Cameron was already in his bed shirtless playing on his phone.

Lexi: " Goodnight."
Cameron: " Goodnight."
~ 10 minutes later

Lexi: " I can't sleep."
Cameron: " Me neither."
Lexi: " Can I sleep with you."
Cameron: " Yeah."

I walked over to Cameron's bed and climbed in next to him. He then wrapped him arms around my waist while my back was facing him where I could feel his abs on my back. The smell of his cologne was good too. This moment was absolutely perfect.

~ Next morning ~

Matt: " Cameron... Lexi... wake up."
Cameron ( raspy voice ): " Huh? What time is it?"
Matt: " It's 7:45 am."
Lexi: " Bruh. I don't feel like it."
Matt: " Lexi, you flight leaves at 8:30am Nash told me to tell you."
Lexi: " Uggggg."
Cameron: " We should get up."
Matt: " Just get up before Nash sees you two."

I got up out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took two pills of advil I think the vodka last night gave me it. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went to go get clothes from my bag. I went back on the bathroom and changed into a black shirt, black pants, and brown booties. I then brushed my hair and curled it. When I was done I applied light makeup. When I was done I went out of he bathroom and saw Nash.

Nash: " Where were you last night?"
Lexi: " I told you I was playing hide and go seek..."
Nash: " How come Lauren, Hayes, and Jack G came into my room and were looking for you the entire night?"
Lexi: " I'm just that good!"
Nash: " Oh and by the way Lauren is coming back to North Carolina with us."
Lexi: " How come."

By the time I said it Nash was already out the door. Wonder whats up with him.

Matt: " I'm going to go to the café really quick do you want anything?"
Lexi: " I'm not hungry."
Matt: " Are you sure."
Lexi: " I'm fine."

I went over to Lauren's room to see what up with Nash and why she's tagging slog again. Don't get me wrong I love Lauren but she hasn't been other own house in awhile... I knocked on the door and Jack J opened the door.

Lexi: " Morning. Is Lauren here?"
Jack J: " Yeah, she's over there."

I walked in and over to Lauren's bed where she was sitting.

Lauren: " Heyyyyy."
Lexi: " Do you know whats up with Nash?"
Lauren: " No."

I could already Lauren was hiding something. But what?Then the bathroom door swigged open and out came Jack G in nothing but a towel. His whole right side of his face was bruised and cut up. Damn I didn't know Cameron could do such damage. He looked straight at me got his clothes without looking away and walked back in the bathroom.

Lauren: " He was pretty pissed last night."
Lexi: " How much."
Lauren: " He got in a fight but i don't know who with?"
Lexi: " I wonder... Well I better start packing."
Lauren: " Bye."

As I walked out I checked my phone. I went on twitter and scrolled by this.

@JackGilinsky: Why do I let the best people in my life slip away?

I decided to answer his indirect tweet by...

@LexiGrier: It's not like you cared anyway...

I put my phone in my pocket and went back into my room. I started packing until...

Sammy: " I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."
Lexi: " I know, can I ask you something?"
Sammy: " Sure."
Lexi: " Why are Lauren and Nash acting weird?"
Sammy: " Don't tell anyone I told you this. But, yesterday I saw them making out in the elevator."
Lexi: " WHAT?"
Sammy: " Yep, they didn't see me so don't rat me out."
Lexi: " I won't."

I sat down on my bed and texted Cameron.
Lexi: " Cameron, you will not believe what I just found out."
Cameron: " I'll be there in a sec."

Soon enough Cameron came running through the door.

Lexi: " Did you run all the way here?"
Cameron: " Yeah, what did you find out."
Lexi: " Lauren and Nash are a thing."
Cameron: " WHAT? I thought she hated us. "
Lexi: " It just pisses me off."

Cameron's facial expression immediately changed as he sat down next to me.

Cameron: " Why?"
Lexi: " He's just so overprotective he gets mad a me every time I'm with a guy and Lauren does the same but her theory is you can't date a vine your a you tuber and then they go out and make out in an elevator?"
Cameron: " Yea, thats stupid."
Lexi: " I don't think I can handle another day with them."
Cameron: " Well at least try."
Lexi: " Fine and it looks like you bruised Jack up pretty good."
Cameron: " I don't think he will be bothering you again."

Suddenly, the door swung open.

Hayes: " Lexi, we have 5 minutes before we leave."
Lexi: " Ok, just give me a minute."

Hayes shut the door as I began picking up my bag and hugged Cameron goodbye. I was close to the door until...

Cameron: " Wait!"
Lexi: " Yes."
Cameron: " If you need anything you can just call me ok?"
Lexi: " Ok."

With that I walked out of the door and all the guys where out in the hallway I gave everyone hugs except Jack G then we made our way to the lobby. When we got to the lobby Hayes, Nash, Lauren, and I piled into a taxi.

Lexi: " To the airport please."
Another early chapter...
Who do you ship?
And please #Vommit
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- J💋

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