Princess of Arnor - The King'...

By vykiknighthadley

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This book is subject to a complete Re-edit now that book one is finished. Book Two in the House of Greenleave... More

Chapter One: Cries in the Darkness
Chapter Two: The Rite (under Edit)
Chapter Three: Battlecamp of the Galadhrim
Chapter Four: Game of Fate
Chapter Five: Lady of Water
Chapter Six: Reunions
Chapter Seven: Southbound
Chapter Eight: The Road to Minas Tirith
Chapter Nine: Princess of Arnor
Chapter Ten: The Wedding Party
Chapter Eleven: The Fountain
Chapter Twelve: Thurindaer
Chapter Thirteen: The Old Guesthouse
Chapter Fourteen: Firien Wood
Chapter Fifteen: Alethris
Chapter Sixteen: The King and His Queen
Chapter Seventeen: Simbelmynë
Chapter Eighteen: The Long farewell
Chapter Nineteen: Northward
Chapter Twenty: Return to Rivendell
Chapter Twenty One: The Royal Progress
Chapter Twenty Two: Lothlórien
Chapter Twenty Three: Eryn Lasgalen
Chapter Twenty Four: The Crowning
Chapter Twenty Five: A Queen's duty
Chapter Twenty Six: The Vice Regent
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Visitor (Under Edit)
Chapter Twenty Eight: Morgul Work
Chapter Twenty Nine: Law and order
Chapter Thirty: Dolenbar
Chapter Thirty One: Council of the Dúnedain
Chapter Thirty Two: The Waking of the Dúnedain
Chapter Thirty Three: The Last Battle of Annúminas
Chapter Thirty Four: A New Dawn
Chapter Thirty Five: The Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Thirty Six: Nínimiel
Chapter Thirty Seven: The House of Greenleaves
Chapter Thirty Eight: The First Adventure
Chapter Forty: The Sundering
Chapter Forty one: Nínimiel's Choice
Chapter Forty Two: The Wrath of Mellessil
Chapter Forty Three: Westward
Chapter Forty Four: Mithlond
Chapter Forty Five: The Straight Road

Chapter Thirty Nine: The King's House

17 0 0
By vykiknighthadley

"have you heard it again?"

As the Herald finished his proclamation, a large group of people met the company. They were led by a dark haired man wearing a grey tunic with the sceptre of Arnor emblazoned on it and a young woman carrying a baby, her fair haired curls scooped up upon her head. With them was a smartly dressed elderly man, with a chain around his neck and his frizzy haired wife. "I see young Tilly has born her child, at last. She was full to the brim on our last visit," commented Nana to Ada. King Elessar, Queen Arwen and Prince Eldarion all dismounted and went to meet the welcoming party. They exchanged pleasantries, then Ada signalled for the family to follow suit. Legolas, Nínimiel, the twins, and Iorbes all dismounted. The welcoming party bowed low.

"Good to see you again, Mayor Butterbur, Sheriff Gurunam. I see your family is growing," said Ada.

"Oh yes, another grandson, funny how life turns out. Always so wary of the rangers, now I have one as a son in Law, course that all water under the bridge now," said Butterbur smiling awkwardly at Gurunam.

Gurunam smiled, "Allow me to introduce my son, Amdir, almost six months old now."

Nana held the baby's hand. "He's a bonny little fellow, Mistress Matilda. I have my own daughters with me this time. Princess Nínimiel my oldest and my Twins, Princesses Mellessil and Mithlothiel."

"And of course you know my son, Prince Legolas," added Thranduil.

"It is good to see you again, Prince Legolas, only this time in happier circumstances," said Gurunam.

Legolas embraced him, "Indeed I see you have been most fortunate indeed since our last meeting."

Gurunam laughed, "A sheriff's life is much quieter than that of a ranger, it is mostly settling border disputes, keeping law and order and collecting taxes."

"Do you see Borion?" asked Legolas.

"It is Lord Borion these days, he comes but once a year for the collection of taxes. We write to each other often and my family and I occasionally travel up to the city. Be sure to send him my regards when you see him," replied Gurunam.

"It shall be my honour," said Legolas.

Butterbur indicated the large building, covered in flowering window boxes. "The Prancing Pony has been remodelled since you were last here, Your Grace. The Regents and their company will be accommodated there, but we have just opened the newly built King's Hotel, the top rooms of which have been named the Elessar suite in your honour. I hope you will find your stay most comfortable," said Butterbur.

"I am sure we will, thank you. But I should like to dine in the Prancing Pony tonight, for old times' sake," said King Elessar.

Butterbur nodded and called out to the staff waiting outside, "Clear out all the customers. Good King Elessar is dining in the Prancing Pony tonight and we must make ready. My Nephew, Bailey Butterbur and my eldest, his wife, run the Prancing Pony now, two fine boys they have. Just as well after the Hobbits left for the Shire. I can't be in two places at once and being mayor is busy work."

They spent several days in Bree before heading north. First, they made a slight detour along the western road to a Bridge. On the other side of the bridge, Nínimiel noticed some very small people appearing on the other side, cheering loudly for King Elessar. Then a family on a pony and cart containing many tiny children came over the bridge. King Elessar dismounted, kneeled and embraced the father. They spoke at length and King Elessar gave the small man a star brooch similar to the one her mother wore upon her cloak. Queen Arwen also dismounted, and one of the older girls came forth with her mother and gave her a curtsey. Another couple of well dressed small men also came across the bridge and met with King Elessar.

"They are the Halflings you have heard me speak of, they are very good friends of mine. I must go and see them," whispered Legolas. He dismounted and went to greet them, as did Nínimiel's parents. Once all the greetings were exchanged, the Halflings all joined the company heading north.

The following morning, Nínimiel and her sisters were again dressed in their formal gowns, ready to enter the city of Annúminas. They rode along well a well maintained road with farms dotted along the way, full of growing crops. Those working in the fields stopped, waved and cheered as they passed by. The walls were old and crumbling in places. But workmen hung from scaffolding, hoisting blocks of fresh stone into place. They stopped as the great host passed by, waving and cheering as the farmers and field workers had done.

The city itself was a mixture of repaired old buildings and half built new ones with scaffolding still covering many. The people crowded streets all cheering for King Elessar, as the procession made their way through the city to the King's house. At last, they reached the gates of a splendid palace known as the King's house. Pristine white walls that shone in the sunlight surrounded it. The King's house itself gleamed, though its walls showed signs of repair.

The great gates opened as the host approached. Quickly closing again as the last members passed through. Many servants stood waiting outside and at the head, a dark haired man in grey robes with the Sceptre of Arnor on embroidered upon his chest. Beside him was a woman wearing a gown of grey silk. Two boys and two girls stood with them. They bowed low as King Elessar and Queen Arwen dismounted and approached them. Legolas smiled, "That is Borion, I told you of him when we were staying in Bree," whispered Legolas.

Then Nínimiel's parents also dismounted and greeted the couple. Ada beckoning Legolas and Nínimiel to do the same. "Borion, you are acquainted with my son Prince Legolas, allow me to introduce my eldest daughter Princess Nínimiel. The Twins are with their nurse," said Ada. He turned to Nínimiel, "May I introduce Lord Borion, Steward of Annúminas, his wife Lady Haleth and their children, Halben, Ronil, Anith and little Merenil."

"Welcome to Annúminas, we are most pleased to have you here," said Lord Borion.

Legolas embraced him. "Lord Borion, it is good to see you again. Father and the Queen have kept me informed of all your news," he said, looking at his family.

Borion smiled, "My wife informs she is quickening again, we hope to welcome another come spring."

"Well, congratulations Lady Haleth, the Queen has told me of your great works of compassion throughout the city," said Legolas.

Lady Haleth's blooming face broke into a wide smile. "Thank you, Prince Legolas, welcome to Annúminas."

The Heralds sounded their horns, then all stood silently as King Elessar kneeled and placed his hands upon the ground. Tears fell from his eyes as he sang an ancient song of blessing. Then he rose, spoke with the servants and entered the King's house with all following behind.


The waters of Lake Evendim gently lapped the shore as the children played and chased each other in and out of the water. Their nurses stood nearby, keeping watchful eyes on their charges. The younger ones chased each other in and out of the water, whilst Nínimiel and Elanor giggled and chatted as they skimmed stones across the water. Thranduil and Márafea looked on, "I am surprised you are allowing her to go," said Márafea.

"What better place for Nínimiel to continue her education than in the Royal Court of King Elessar. She will not be alone. King Elessar is fostering Vilbeorn's son's and young Elanor Gardiner is serving a maid of honour too," said Thranduil.

"But I had hoped to spend more time with her now we are retiring to our realm."

"I will miss her too, Mime Melda, but our time grows short and Nínimiel will soon have to make her choice. It would not be right for us to keep her from the realms of men, it would look as if we were trying to influence her decision."

Márafea laid her head on his chest, "have you heard it again?"

Thranduil held her in his arms, "I cannot lay my head in rest without hearing the waves, sometimes I think I hear my father calling, sometimes ... Calenamath. We should go Elessar and the others will be expecting us." They walked hand in hand away from the shore, the sound of children's laugher ringing in their ears. They entered the royal gardens, with their great hedgeways and pergolas dripping with fruit or flowers. Fountains and topiary shrubs were dotted here snd there.

At last, they reached the great gazebo where the others sat waiting. Servants served them wine as they took their seats beside each other. "I hope you are pleased with the restorations, King Elessar," said Thranduil.

"How could I not be? The Dwarves have worked wonders with the King's House," said Elessar.

"We shall leave after Midyears day, it would not do for the twins' seventh birthday to be celebrated on the road," said Márafea.

"Of course not, seven is an important birthday. I came for yours, remember?" said Elessar.

Márafea smiled and sipped her wine. "That feels a long time ago, when my mother, father Beren and Grandmother were still with us. When all was good and innocent."

Elessar sighed, "Beren should have ruled here, it was to be his birthright. A good man, cruelly taken from us, the temple of Morgoth, has a lot to answer for."

"Did you come across many sects in the East?" asked Thranduil.

"Morgoth worship was particularly strong in Umbar, now it is under Gondor's control again. My Edict has banned the sect and ordered the temples burned to the ground. But we needn't talk of such things, you say you wish to retire your Regency," said Elessar.

"As much as we have enjoyed our time here, when Legolas weds Óliel and goes to the south. He will no longer be able to regent in my stead. Our people grow weary of our absence," said Thranduil. Márafea nodded in agreement.

"I will have my own people to govern," said Legolas.

Thranduil sipped his wine. "Yes, Legolas has grown quite a following from both Elven Kingdoms. Silvan Elves mostly, just as well after Celeborn's news."

"Yes, he wrote to me, explaining his decision. He is passing his Kingdom to Lord Vilbeorn, there by forming the new Kingdom of Beorn. At least he will spend his remaining years on Middle Earth with my brothers. I hope to see him before he travels to Mithlond," said Arwen, looking at Elessar. He nodded and squeezed her hand.

"Vilbeorn is to visit us upon our return. I am to foster his sons so they may better understand what it is to be princes. The Dunlending chieftain has sent his firstborn son to Rohan as part of the peace treaty I brokered. I hope that in time relations between the two peoples can be healed. Gimli sent word to me is wed now," said Elessar.

"Yes, it was all very sudden, but apparently that is the usual way for Dwarves. They have settled into the glittering caves and have a so, Glóin after his late grandfather, we attended his funeral," said Legolas.

"Ah yes, he sent word of that also," Elessar turned towards Thranduil as a servant filled his goblet."So relations are improving between the Woodland Realm and the Erebor then."

Thranduil laughed, "You could say that, I have permitted them to mine stone from Ered Calenamath in the winter months. But not when we are in residence in the summer palace. The noise of their pickaxes offends my ears. They are rebuilding the Old Forest Road down to Esgaroth and connecting Beorn Town. We have an agreement that half of any gems found, will be given over to me in tithe."

"Half, that is generous," said Elessar.

Márafea laughed, "My husband is a most generous Elf."

"Lord Borion and Lady Haleth have done great work here. They have little need of us," said Thranduil.

"But Arnor was your father's birthright, your birthright now. In time, Arnor will need a King to rule in my name. It can come from no other bloodline than yours, Anberenien," said Elessar.

"I cannot birth another child. It would be the death of me. And my daughters have yet to make their choice. I cannot say which one, if any, will take the gift of men. Perhaps all or perhaps none and we must accept their choice, however painful it will be," said Márafea.

"And yet there is hope sister, my foresight shows me that the House of Greenleaves and the house of Telcontar will join in Wedlock. And from that line, the next King of Arnor will come," said Arwen.

Thranduil and Márafea looked at each other sadly. "Then we know for sure that we will lose at least one of our daughters to the gift of men," said Thranduil.

"The gift of men is not to be feared, Thranduil. Many of Middle Earth's great kings and Queens will stem from your line and mine one day," said Elessar.

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