The One Who Changed His Life

By MarvelousWriter14

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"I don't want to be told to grow up. And I don't want to change. I just want to have fun. So you better give... More



168 6 0
By MarvelousWriter14

I slowly woke up to see that I am laying down on my bed. I guess Blaine carried me up here because I remember falling asleep on the couch. I sat up and took the sheets off my body. I climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me. I stripped out of the clothes that I had on yesterday and put them in the hamper. I looked at my reflection to see that I'm already looking better than I was when I first moved in. 

I walked over to the shower before climbing in. It wasn't until the warm water hit my skin when I remembered that I'm getting a bearded dragon today. A smile spread across my face. I can't wait to see the bearded dragons. 


Once I was done getting dressed, I turned the water off. I slide the door open before climbing out of the shower. I grabbed a towel before drying off. Once I was dried off, I put the towel in the hamper. I walked into the closet and started to pull clothes on. After pulling on a bra and underwear. I then pulled on a shirt and black jeans. I then pulled on a pair of black boots before putting on a leather jacket. 

I looked at my reflection before I walked into the bathroom. I grabbed the hairdryer before turning it on. Sure I'm getting a bearded dragon today, but I have school tomorrow. I mean, the first time I will be around people over than the others girls at the facility. I sighed as I shook my head. I turned the hairdryer off before putting it away. I grabbed a hairbrush before getting rid of all the knots that are in my hair. After getting rid of the knots, I grabbed a hairpiece and put my hair up into a loose ponytail. 

I stopped thinking about school and I started to think more about me getting to bring home a bearded dragon. I wonder if I'm going to have a girl bearded dragon or a boy bearded dragon. I mean, I'm okay with either or. 

A smile spread across my face as I unlocked the door and pulled it open. I walked through my room to the door. I pulled it open before I walked down the hall to the stairs and down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Blaine cooking something. He looked over at me before going back to cooking. "When can we go to the pet store?" I asked him. Blaine looked at me before chuckling. 

"Hold your horses. I know you are excited to get your bearded dragon today. But first, you need to eat some breakfast. So come on. Sit down and once it's done cooking then we will eat." Blaine said. I looked at him before I sat down at the counter. "So, you ready for school tomorrow?" Blaine questioned as he went back to cooking. 

"A little, yeah. But I'm more ready to get a bearded dragon than go to school." I answered. I took in a breath, enjoying the smell of whatever he is making. It's making my mouth water and making me know how hungry I am. Blaine shook his head at my answer. "What are you making?" I asked, wondering what that delicious smell is. 

"Scrambled eggs with fried brains, pieces of fried chili peppers, and Haberno hot sauce," Blaine answered. I hummed as I realized that it smells amazing, I just hope that it tastes as good as it looks and smells. "Is it still the yoga teacher brain?" I asked, wondering how forgetful I might be or what visions I might get. Since I only had the one so far and I'm not really looking forward to having a bad one. "Yup, this is the last of the yoga teacher," Blaine answered as he turned the stove off. 

He moved the eggs around some before he grabbed two plates from one of the cabinets. "So, with you getting a bearded dragon today and with school coming up....there are going to be rules that you will have to follow," Blaine said as he put half the eggs and other stuff onto one plate and the other half on the other plate. 

He looked up at me before he put one of the plates in front of me. "What are the rules?" I asked as he grabbed two forks. " Do your chores, be home by 8 unless you tell me beforehand, bed by 10, do homework before doing anything else, I have to meet all your friends or boyfriends or girlfriends, and no more pickpocketing." Blaine answered. 

He grabbed two forks before handing one to me. I grabbed it from him. "Wait, what chores?" I asked him. This is the first time I am hearing about chores. "Feed and take care of your new bearded dragon once you get it, keep your room clean even though we have a maid, and keepy your new bearded dragon's cage clean." Blaine said. 

He walked over to the side of the counter that I am at. He put the other plate and fork down on the counter before sitting down. "And if I didn't follow the rules. What would happen?" I asked before taking a bite of the eggs. "Well, then you would be grounded. Which would mean no technology and you would have to come home right after school." Blaine answered before he started to eat the food on the plate in front of him. 

I looked over at him before I nodded my head. I can understand why Blaine put those rules in place. I kept on eating. I can not wait to have a bearded dragon. It's almost all I can think of. Well, that and the fact that I have school tomorrow. "Hey, you know what? Something that you can tell people is that you have a dragon for a pet. Then you will be able to have friends and people to come over." Blaine said. I shook my head before a smile spread across my face. 

I took a few more bites, finishing the food that is on the plate. "Can we go now?" I asked. Blaine looked at me with a smile on his face. "Put your dishes in the sink and put the pan in the sink." Blaine said before I got up from the chair. I grabbed the plate and fork before I walked over to the sink. I put the plate and fork in the sink. I then grabbed the pan and put it in the sink. I heard the main door open and close. I tilted my head and looked at Blaine. It's a little soon for Jessie to come and clean and or do the landury. 

"I decided to change Jessie's job. With you now going to school, I had asked Jessie to be a nanny. She's moving in to help take care of you. With what's going on with the lady claiming to be your mom and with me having to work at the club and the funeral home and the butchershop, I'm going to be very busy. So, with Jessie here when I am not, it will make me feel better knowing that there is an adult here when you are here." Blaine answered. 

I looked to see Jessie walking into the room. "Good morning, everyone." Jessie said with a smile on her face. "Morning, Jessie. Hey, thanks again for changing your job to be a maid to be a nanny." Blaine said as he took one more bite, finishing off his food. "No problem, Mr. MsDonough. I'm glad to have a career change. Besides, I love kids." Jessie said. 

"Glad you are okay with the job change and me Blaine. So, I had just told, Annabell the new rules that she has to follow because of her starting school." Blaine said as he got up from the chair that he is sitting in. 

He put the dishes that his food was on and what he used to eat the food with into the sink. "Do you remember which room your's is?" Blaine asked Jessie. "Yup, I remember like it was yesterday." Jessie said. Blaine nodded his head. "Hey, Jessie. Did you hear? I'm getting a bearded dragon today." I said. 

"Yeah, I did hear." Jessie said. I smiled at her. "Can we go get it now?" I asked. "Hold on, now. We Don't even know if it's open. So, take a few deep breaths. Why don't you go upstairs and find something to do for a little while? We will go get you a bearded dragon around ten." Blaine answered. I nodded my head before I made my way up to my room. When I got there, I seat down in my desk chair and opened up my art drawer. I opened my sketchbook to the first empty page. 

I keep my sketchbook laying on top of my desk. I grabbed a pen from a desk top organizer before I started to draw. I just can't keep the thought of getting a bearded dragon out of my mind. I mean I wonder if I'll get a boy or a girl. I just hope that the store has bearded dragons. I mean, I did see a cage of four when we went to get the stuff for the cage. Who knows if it they will have any left when we get there? 


It has to be time to go and get a bearded dragon by know. I have been sitting here drawing for a every long time. I'm not too sure how long it has been. But with what I was drawing, it would not have been easy to finish it in a short amount of time. It's something that would take hours to complete. I put the pen that I was using down. 

I was looking over my drawing, making sure it was all the way done as I heard someone walk into the room. I turned to see Blaine. "Are you ready to go and get a pet?" Blaine asked me. A smile spread across my face. I nodded my head in excitement. Blaine smiled at me as I got up from the desk chair. I closed the sketchbook before walking over to Blaine. 



I smiled as I saw the pet store get closer and closer. "How mad would you be with there was no bearded dragons in store?" Blaine asked me. I looked at him with a glare. He looked over at me before smiling. "I'm kidding." Blaine said. I looked away from him before looking back out the window. 

Blaine parked outside of the store, almost in the same spot from yesterday. I smiled at Blaine as I unbuclked my seatbelt before pushing the door open. 

I climbed out of the car before closing the door. I turned around to wait for Blaine only to see the same two people from yesterday. The same white-haired girl and cop. But this time there are two more people with them. "Annabell, are you ready to get a bearded dragon?" Blaine asked as he walked over to me. "Great, they must be following us. Come on, let's get inside and get you r bearded dragon." Blaine said. 

I looked back at him before smiling. The two of us turned around and walked into the store. I smiled at the man behind the counter. He was there yesterday when we bought stuff for the cage. "Back already I see." He said. "Do you have any bearded dragons left?" Blaine asked. I put my hands in my pockets before crossing my fingers. 

"Yeah, we do. There is one left, so you guys came just in the nick of time. It's one of the younger bearded dragons so it's going to be smaller for a little while." the man said as he walked over to one fo the cages. I followed him to the cage with Blaine behind me.

We walked over to the cage and when I got there, I saw the one he was talking about. He was right, it is so tiny. I looked at blaine before the man opened the cage. He grabbed the bearded dragon. "Would you like to hold him?" He asked. I smiled at him as I held my hands out. He put the bearded dragon in my hands. 

"So, would you two be interested in bringing him home?" the man asked the second the bearded dragon in my hands. I smile and lightly brushed my finger over his small head.

Blaine looked at me, wondering what I think about the bearded dragon. I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah, we'll take him." Blaine said. The man nodded his head. "Do you guys have the food to feed him?" The man asked. "No we don't." Blaine answered. 

"Well, then you will need something for him to eat." The man walked behind the counter before grabbing something. "These are mealworms. Feed two mealworms to the bearded dragon every meal." the man said as he put a container on the counter. I looked at the bearded dragon before I walked over the counter. He put something else on the counter. 

"You can put him in here." the man said. I smiled at him before I put the bearded dragon down in a small box that is now on the counter. I closed the cover of it. "How many meals does he need?" Blaine asked. "Three times a day. So if you both aren't home then you would have to find a way to feed it lunch." the man said. We both nodded our heads as he put another container of many mealworms on the counter. 

I pulled the containers of mealworms and the box with the small box with the bearded dragon in it closer to me. Blaine handed the man his credit card. After everything was paid for, the man gave his card back to Blaine. "Thank you." Blaine said. I smiled at the man before I grabbed the container with the bearded dragon. 

I was about to grab the two containers of mealworms, but Blaine grabbed them before me. I looked at Blaine before we walked out of the store. Before the door closed, I looked back at the man. I thanked him before walking to the car. I balanced the box that I'm holding as I opened up the car door. I climbed into the car. 

I put the box on on my lap as I closed the door. I carefully buckled my seatbelt as Blaine climbed in. I looked at him before thanking him over and over again. 

Bliane chuclked and shook his head. He put the containers of mealworms on the dash board before we got ready do drive home. 

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