When I'm with you/ SunaxFem!R...

By Nat-Lie_178

44.2K 1.1K 340

Where a shyish girl enters her first year at Inarizaki high with no real intentions of meeting new people. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 47

282 11 2
By Nat-Lie_178


Recommended song: In Love by LeRoyce

Time: 1:51PM

March 3, 2022

"Okay students, I'll give you guys the rest of the time in class to fill out the form. If you don't finish it by today you can turn it in on Monday." Your teacher says as she takes out a book from her cupboard and takes a seat at her desk.

"This is stupid." You mumble while laying your head on the desk. A sigh escapes your lips as you roll your pencil around with the tip of your finger.

"It's not that bad, you can just write down a random job. You don't necessarily have to put exactly what you want to do." Suna says as he starts filling out the form.

Your teacher had passed out and assigned your class the task of filling out career sheets for the future. Considering the school year was almost over and graduation was rapidly nearing, teachers were putting the yearly pressure on kids to figure out what they want to do in life. The task was never fun on both ends, only for the ones who already had in mind what they wanted to do.

"But everyone seems to know what they want to do and I'm just here."

"That's not true, Yui and Hina don't know what they want to do yet."

"That's a lie."


Suna watches as you point behind you towards the two girls who were busy in a conversation. He turns and listens closely.

"If you ever have a wedding you can for sure count on me to help plan it." Yui says with a proud smile on her face. "I'm already taking some courses to prepare."

"I'll make sure to have you in mind when I do, and you can count on me to take care of your future pets when they're sick." Hina says as she writes down on the form. The girl already had her mind set on becoming a future vet, and Yui wanted to become a wedding planner.

"I guess not." Suna mumbles as he sets his pencil down and slouches in his chair. He stares at the ceiling for a second before deciding to turn his head towards you.

"You don't have anything in mind?"

"Not really." You say with a sigh. "Well I do have one thing but it's kinda stupid."

"Well what is it?"

"I was thinking I could be a tattoo artist. It sounds like fun."

"That's a great idea!" Suna says with a smile. "You can tattoo me and I'll look super cool during my volleyball games."

You laugh a little before saying, "That's a good idea. Once I become a tattoo artist I'll make sure you're my first client."




Time: 11:15 PM


"Hey (Y/N) wake up."

"Suna go to sleep."


Letting out a short huff, you turn to your right side and grab the remote to turn on the LED lights.

"And why are you still awake?" You say while squinting your eyes slightly from the light.

"I'm not tired yet." Suna says while rolling out of the bed and onto the carpeted floor. He sits up and reaches his arm under your bed in search of something.

"But there's nothing to do at this hour."

"That's what you think."

Slipping on his hoodie, Suna walks over to the door and grabs his shoes. He ties his laces before walking over to your desk. The sound of his keys clinking together fills your ears making you realize what he was implying.

"Give me like 5 minutes." You while getting up from the bed and stretching your arms.

Walking towards your closet, you reach for a regular black hoodie and slip it on before finding some regular tennis shoes and putting them on.

Suna waits for you by the door as he swings his keys on his pointer finger creating a clinking sound. Once he sees you were done, he leaves the door open for you as you step out.

"Any specific locations." He asks while glancing down at you.

"Nope, why don't we just drive through wherever."

"I like the sound of that." Suna says while walking out the front door.

A smile remains on your lips as you lock the door behind you while making sure to grab the house keys to enter later.

You skip all the way to the car where Suna was already waiting for you with the door open. Quickly pressing a kiss on his cheek, you hop into the car and buckle up as you wait for Suna to do the same thing.

The stars shone brightly as through the windshield in the pitch black night. A few lamp posts provided light to the deserted streets which added to the night time aesthetic.

As soon as Suna was done, he handed you his phone where you had the honors of finding a song to start off the late night drive.

Upon pressing the shuffle button, the song In Love by LeRoyce began playing, and replaced the silence within the car with a more lively feeling.

"Once we're older, I can imagine us driving through the streets at night listening to music for fun." Suna says while bobbing his head to the beat of the music.

"Same, and I love how you already know we'll still be around each other in the future."

"Of course. I'm here for the long run (Y/N)." He says while continuing to drive through the dimly lit streets of the Hyōgo suburbs.


March 4, 2022

Time: 2:47 AM

"I kinda want to adopt another cat." Suna says as he drags the dark green nail polish across his nails.

"That would be cool. Knowing how you are with Nora, I'm sure you'll spoil the hell out of the cat." You say with a chuckle as you close your eyes and relax within the beat of the soft music playing.

"True, I thi-"

Suna was interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing.

You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion considering the fact it was pretty late. Suna only watches as you stare at your phone before you realize who was calling.

Quickly swiping the phone, you place the phone up to your ear waiting for the person on the other end to say something.




"Judging by how excited you seem it must be something good." You say with a laugh.

Suna mouths 'Who is it' before you respond by mouthing 'Hina.' He nods his head before going back to painting his nails.

"It's better than good, it's absolutely amazing! Wait, is Suna with you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Put the phone on speaker."

Doing as she said, you place the phone on speakerphone before placing it on top of the dashboard.

You give Suna a glance and notice how he had a very faint smirk on his lips. It only makes your curiosity peak knowing Suna may know why the girl is so ecstatic.

"Okay now start guessing!"

"Did you get a puppy?"

"Nooo, keep guessing."

Pausing to think for a bit, you try and think of another response.

"Did you get an A on your essay?"


"I give up."

Suna let's out a laugh as he shakes his hands in the air trying to dry the nail polish quicker.

"OSAMU ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND, I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW. Wait, I don't want to die yet but you get the gist!" She yells clearly, her joy practically oozing through the phone.

"It's true!" A yell from Hina's end says which you assume to be Osamu..

"Congrats Hina, and you too Osamu, you better treat her well and the same goes for you Hina." You say sternly but end up slightly laughing.

"Will do!" The two say before saying goodbye and hanging up the call. Leaving you and Suna together in silence.

"So I'm assuming you already knew." You say while narrowing your eyes at the green eyed boy.

"Maybe I did." He says with a grin as he shrugs his shoulders. "But it's a good thing to see them both happy again."



Time: 3:23 AM

"Now remember to actually get some good sleep." Suna says while planting a kiss on top of your head.

"I'll try my best." You say with a small smile while waving a final goodbye to Suna.

He smiles before quickly blowing a few kisses and running towards his car.

As soon as the headlights turn on in the dark, you watch as the lights begin to dim and fade as it drives down the street.

A quick yawn escapes your lips as you walk inside and shut the door before slowly making your way up the stairs.

With each step, your vision begins to blur as the tiredness that was once well hidden was only now making its appearance.

Since you were already ready for bed prior to leaving with Suna, your body directed you straight to bed where you flopped on top of the mattress with a slight spring.

The moment your face made impact with the familiar cushiony feeling of your pillow, your vision and mind went blank as the dream world came into play during the moment you were so utterly defenseless.


Lying peacefully on top of the slightly darker clouds, (Y'N) lay as she slowly began to open her eyes. A fuzzy sensation surged through her eyes as she slowly and lightly rubbed her eyes using the palms of her hands.

Allowing her vision to clear, she could finally take in the serene setting of the oh so familiar dream realm that she'd visited countless of times. The feeling of comfort immediately hit her body and made her smile as she began to walk towards a very blurry tree in the near distance.

As days, weeks, and months went by in real time, (Y/N) began to come to her senses; the dream world she had built a strong connection with for the last three years was slowly fading away in the dark abyss of nothing.

She knew the end of the place that once gave her so much comfort and was a safe place for her during some of her darkest times was near and she wasn't mentally prepared.

Call her selfish, but she never wanted this to disappear. It brought her some of her greatest memories despite having someone already close to her that she had fallen deeply in love with.

Was there still a purpose left for her here, or was it just a mere distraction from the real world? Whatever it was, she knew it never had any mal intentions, it was only here to turn some of her darkest days lighter. Sadly, its purpose had nearly been fulfilled.

Her feet suddenly stopped as it was centimeters away from making contact with the brownish looking grass. Tilting her head, she listened for any sounds that could direct her to the only person who would ever show up, the only person waiting for her here.

"There you are." A voice from behind said with a light chuckle causing a smile to form upon (Y/N's) lips.

"That should be my line." You say after seeing Keiji standing on the white floor behind you.

He had his hands tucked behind his back and a small smile was resting peacefully on his face as he began walking closer.

"It's good to see you." He says while giving you a warm hug.

"Likewise." You say while returning the gesture.

"How's everything been for you?" Keiji asks while he starts walking on the grass.

"Nothing exciting, just career searching."

"Let me guess, you're having trouble deciding what you want to do?"

A light chuckle escapes your lips before you nod your head in agreement.

"I knew you would catch on."

He laughs before flopping down onto the grass.

It was slightly uncomfortable but it didn't really matter to either of you.

"It's just so hard to think about what you want to do for the rest of your life. Like I have to decide on one thing to do for the next, I don't know, 30 years." You say with a huff as you lay your back down on the grass.

"Well you don't necessarily have to decide on one thing."

Turning to face him, you see he's staring up into the sky. He was deep in thought as he spoke.

"For example, I wanted to become an editor when I grew up but I also wanted to travel the world and become a hotel reviewer for the heck of it." He says with a light chuckle, but there was a hint of sadness with the way he spoke. You knew it was because his time was sadly cut short and his dreams would never come true.

"You still love doing art. I believe you can go a long way with your talent, I'm sure of it." He says while giving you a short glance.

"I've been thinking about that too. I love doing tattoos so maybe I'll take a few lessons and see where I'll go from there.

"Just follow your heart and your gut feeling. Don't feel pressured into a life you never wanted."

"I'll try, the world is full of the unknown so I'll do my best to stay on the right track."

He smiles before starting up another conversation regarding how you've been and other plans you had for the future. Keiji was genuinely interested as graduation was rapidly approaching.

All the pressure you've been feeling regarding the future was able to vanish within this small period of time which made you relieved. The weight was lifted just for a short time, but you were grateful. Keiji always knew how to distract you when you were stressed, and you could still count on him to know how.

As time passed, the once still scenery began to blur. Slowly everything began to vanish into thin air raising a small alarm within your mind. Would this be the last time you'd be seeing Keiji?

"Is this the last time I'll be seeing you?" You say while quickly getting up and averting your eyes around the last remaining things of the dream world.

A sigh escapes his lips as he gets up from the grass, he looks around and sees how everything is rapidly vanishing. Keiji looks down before turning to face you, a serious look was plastered on his face which only added to your growing anxiety.

"No, I can tell we'll see each other soon."

A feeling of relief flushed through you, but there was still sadness still lingering within you.

Keiji walks over to you and stands directly in front of you.

"I just hope you're happy, that's all I ever wanted for you." He says while embracing you in a tight hug. You could feel the slight dampness of a tear hitting your arm. It made your heart sink but he didn't want you to cry, not right now.

Taking a deep breath, you attempt to smile before pulling away and looking into his eyes.

"Thank you."


-Now only 3 chapters remain in this pretty long story.

-I'm pretty sure I'll start writing chapter 48 today considering it's a weekend.

Fun Facts-

-Suna likes to steal (Y/N's) pencils during class. She's taken notice but doesn't know it's him.

-Yui's favorite color to paint her nails is red.

-Misa often helps Suna plan out his dates with (Y/N) because she wants her to enjoy herself including Suna.

-lol if y'all forgot, I made Misa Suna's sister.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed,

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