Chapter 32

422 17 6


Recommended songs: Nissan Altima by Michael Christmas & Crew by GoldLink

October 7, 2020

Time: 7:47 PM

"(Y/N), where are your snacks again?" Atsumu asks.

The blonde was slumped on the floor noticeably tired from volleyball practice. You'd said it was fine if he didn't want to come over but despite your claims; The boy had insisted that he was perfectly fine and in 'Tip top shape' as he liked to put it.

"Oh, they're in the black basket under my bed." You say while putting away a few boxes in the closet. "Take whatever you want."

It was a warm Thursday night and you'd invited Atsumu over to just hang out and see what else you guys were willing to do. It's been awhile since just the two of you hung out. There was no school tomorrow so you'd both could stay up for as long as you pleased.

"Got it !" He says cheerfully while pulling out a huge black basket filled to the brim with all sorts of snacks ranging from junk food to nutritious snacks.

"I always forget you have a little grocery store under your bed." Atsumu says with a light chuckle as he grabs a bag of chips and a granola bar.

"Of course, everytime anyone comes over half my stash is gone." You say while laughing lightly. "Especially when Suna comes over, that boy eats a ton."

"Speaking of Suna, how are things going?"

"As good as they can, I guess."

"Now, what is that supposed to even mean?" The blonde says while plopping a few chips in his mouth.

You think for a moment before speaking.

"Well we're both on good terms, still really close, maybe even closer than before, nothing is really out of the ordinary." You say while flopping on your bed. "Maybe the only thing that is new is that I'm pretty sure I'm ready to tell him how I feel."

"Woah-" He gasps while setting the bag of chips aside and scooting closer to the bed.


"You're just like Hina." You say with a giggle.

"Yeah yeah, let's talk about your feelings for a certain middle blocker."

Sighing to yourself, a small smile starts appearing on your face making the boy internally gasp.

"Well, I've been thinking about this for a while and I mean a while, but I think I'm actually ready for a relationship. I just don't know what to say or how to do it."

"Ya know I got your back." He says while standing up to go look for something. "I've been rooting for you two since the beginning."

"You and Yui." You say with a laugh.

"Me and everyone else." Atsumu says while sitting on the bed, red nail polish bottle in hand. "Yui said I should do red next so you think you can do them for me."

"Sure." You say happily.

Unscrewing the cap to the nail polish bottle, you grab his right hand and begin carefully painting his nails.

While you were busy, Atsumu grabs his phone with his free hand and lets the phone connect to the speaker. Once it's connected, he presses shuffle and the song Nissan Altima by Michael Christmas begins playing.

The blonde hums to the song as you start on his other hand while you wait for the other hand to dry before doing another coat.

"Why didn't Hina come?" He asks while humming to the song.

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