Chapter 49

330 11 2


Recommended song: Inhale by Duke Dumont & My One And Only Love by John Coltrane

Warning: Super long ass chapter ahead

May 25, 2022

Time: 12:00 PM


Stirring in your bed, you groggily extend your arm over to your desk to turn off the taunting alarm. A tired sigh leaves your lips as you reluctantly sit up and stretch your arms over your head. You do the same with your legs until you feel well enough to walk.

The moment your feet touch the carpeted floor, a rush of excitement begins rushing through your body. A smile makes its way to your face as you run to your closet and grab the outfit you'd planned out for today.

Happily walking into the bathroom, you lock the door and turn the shower handle. Before getting in, you shuffle your playlist and you begin bobbing your head to the beat of Inhale by Duke Dumont as it fills the room and blocks out the sound of the water running.

Stepping inside the shower, the water quickly runs down your skin and onto the white acrylic floor as you grab the soap and lather it onto your body.

A bit of anxiety was attempting to corrupt your mind but you ignored it and only focused on the only thing you were excited about today. Graduation.

The moment you've been thinking about for the last 10 years had finally arrived and would soon start in less than two hours.

Of course you were excited to finally be done with school. Not having to wake up everyday at six in the morning was something you longed to be over. Though, the fear of not knowing what comes after high school was still there. But today wasn't supposed to be a day to overthink, it was a day to celebrate your accomplishments and you couldn't wait for it to begin.

Shaking away your thoughts, you quickly finished washing the soap off your body and turned the shower handle to turn off the water.

Quickly hoping out, you dried yourself before grabbing your tooth brush and applying toothpaste. You thoroughly brush your teeth to perfection as you hummed to the beat of the song playing in the background.

"(Y/N) you have an hour till we have to leave!" Your mother yells from the other side of the door. "I'm already done, so I'll be downstairs when you're ready!"

"Alright!" You yell back while spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing your mouth with mouthwash.

Once you were done, you decided to switch out your septum jewelry from a horseshoe to a gold ring.

You quickly did your hair and slipped on the outfit you grabbed earlier before checking yourself in the mirror for any minor inconveniences.

Satisfied, you walk out the bathroom door and make sure to grab your phone, gown, and grad hat before taking a deep breath and closing your eyes for a moment of silence.

Opening your eyes, you slap your head before finally heading downstairs where your mother was patiently waiting.

"Shhhh, go hide." You hear your mother whisper yell from the living room which makes you laugh.

"Okay okay." Another voice whisper yells which only makes you quicken your pace just to see who was so desperately trying to hide.

"Oh- heyy (Y/N)." Your mother says with a shocked expression as she tries her best to form a smile which only makes her even more suspicious.

When I'm with you/ SunaxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now