Chapter 45

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Chapter based off of/Recommended Songs: Broken Girls by Saba and FALL IN LOVE by $not

November 27, 2021

The sound of the front door slamming open fills the once silent house making an anxious Atsumu quickly turn his head. He practically springs up and runs from the sofa to go see who he suspected was his brother.

His suspicions were correct when he saw Osamu standing by the door kicking his shoes off his feet. He slowly started walking up the stairs with his head down, not even acknowledging the other presence in the room.

Atsumu averted his eyes from the boy to the floor and saw his jacket and shoes sprawled out on the floor. He could very faintly hear the sound of quiet sniffles as Osamu walked up the stairs which made his heart sink.

It was very rare for the two to ever comfort each other or talk about their feelings, but they were always there for each other whenever they needed. It was almost an unwritten rule to always be there for eachother no matter what. The two brothers had incorporated this as the years went by.



Just based on Osamu's tone, he could tell there was something wrong. His gut feeling was telling him to pursue his worries.

"What happened?"

Osamu stays silent; the noiseless house only adding to the blonde's growing anxiety.

The grey-haired twin stood by the stairs in silence for a bit before deciding to finally answer.

"I'll tell you later, I- I just want to be alone for now." He says while making his way up the stairs and into his room.

Atsumu hears the door softly close and the familiar sound of the lock turning. He knew Osamu would tell him eventually just what happened, but he could already tell it wasn't going to be good.

The blonde longed to comfort his brother in any way he could. He was obviously hurting, but he knew well that he had to respect his space, and being alone right now was probably the best for him.

He let out a sigh before slowly walking back into the kitchen to clean up the mess from earlier.


Laying flat on his bed, Osamu kept his eyes facing up into the ceiling as his feelings wreaked havoc on his mind. He was feeling a whirlpool of emotions mentally, but physically he was blank. There were no tears, there was no frown on his face, not even a scowl as he reflected through the past few months.

Osamu's POV:

When she finally told me the truth, I was honestly expecting it at that point. She'd never done anything for me in the last year we've known each other.

At first I never even wanted to talk with her. I already knew what she said and did to (Y/N) and Hina but at one point I actually started developing feelings for her. I think I let myself like her because at the time, Hina was spending a lot of time with some guy in her class. Jealousy clouded my thoughts and I just wanted to forget about her for a second so I ended up giving into Mai. It was stupid at first but eventually it wasn't.

The more time I spent with her, she actually started acting like a normal girl. Not the kind that Suna or (Y/N) described to me in detail about.

She was actually caring towards the people she cared about, and she had normal hobbies like helping out at the local animal shelter. You'd never suspect any mal intentions with her which was probably my first mistake.

I'll admit, at one point I was using her just to take my mind off of Hina but my feelings started growing and got the better of me.

We were both using each other for our own gain and I'm sorry for that. But it still hurts knowing I actually grew to love her while she had her heart set on someone else.

Deep down, there is a small part of me that still wants to be with her.

In the very rare moments where we both enjoyed our time together, I could actually see her in my future. She brought me a sense of joy every time I chased after her, but it always ended up feeling like I was walking on glass. Honestly, it baffles me how well she played this facade of liking me for a whole year. It was so casual how she just blurted out the truth. Though, I know I'm part of the reason for this. I should've never tried forgetting about her.

End of Osamu's POV

As Osamu was busy with his inner thoughts. He hadn't realized that his vision was becoming more blurry by the second.

Water began to build up within his eyes and eventually they began trailing down the side of his cheeks.

The boy was oblivious to the fact he was crying. He only became self aware once a silent broken cry erupted from his throat.

Osamu brought his head in between his arms and knees and cried within the small hold. It was one of the only things he could do as all his pent up emotions released into the four walls of his room.

He tried his best to conceal his cry's but to no avail. They always found a way to rupture out from his composure.

'I'm so stupid, I ruined my chances.' The grey-haired boy thought to himself as he tried to control his breathing. He didn't want Atsumu worrying too much about him right now.

Eventually he would tell him everything, but right now he only wanted to hear the voice of one person who despite everything he'd done, would hopefully answer his phone call.

Osamu picked up his phone as tiny sniffles escaped. He hesitantly typed in a name but stopped himself for a moment.

He was scared. Just recently they had fought and now he was going to try and apologize, but would she even accept it. Osamu already knew the type of person Hina was but it still made him uneasy not knowing what her reaction would be.

She had every right to lash out at him. He did just accuse her of lying to him just a few days ago.

But despite all his inner thoughts telling him no, he shakily pressed on the call button before collecting himself and rubbing away the last remaining tears within his eyes.

The phone continued to ring only worrying the boy before the sound stopped followed by silence. He heard the faint sound of rustling in the background before the voice of the girl he so badly wanted to hear right now spoke up.




"C-can I talk to you? Just for a few moments." He said slightly shakily.

Hina remained silent on the other end which made Osamu correct his words.

"I know we aren't on the best of terms right now and you probably don't even want to listen to me but I'm so so sorry I even decided to yell at you like that. You were right. You were so right and I didn't believe you. I-I'm sorry." Osamu said while feeling his eyes water again, tears threatening to fall.



"I'm not going to lie, but what you said really did hurt me but I'll always be here to talk things out with you. I care about you too damn much to just leave you alone." She says with a light laugh to brighten up the uneasy mood.

The boy laughs a bit before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Hina."


"Thank you."

-this was a pretty short chapter for obvious reasons. I just didn't feel the need to prolong the chapter.

-This little side love story will make a comeback soon within the story soon:)

-ima keep it short and dip✌🏼

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed,

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