Chapter 30

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Anything in Italics is a past memory that (Y/N) is explaining.

August 26, 2020

Time: 4:57 PM

"I don't even know where to begin." You say as you flop on your bed.

"Maybe from the very beginning, but start from wherever you're comfortable with." Suna suggests as he sits on the swivel chair near your desk. He had his knees against his chest as he waited for you to start.

Suna had gotten an earful from the coach for being late so you'd suggested it would be best to tell him after he attended practice. You vouched for him saying he wasn't doing anything bad so he only had to run five extra laps.

While you waited for Suna, you started feeling anxious which made you almost rethink your choice. You'd never told anyone this before besides the people who already knew and were involved in some type of way. But you knew it was for the better, maybe telling someone would help you take a small weight off your shoulder.

Yui tried her best to comfort you which helped but you still felt scared.

Eventually practice ended, and the two of you walked in a suffocating silence; Both were too anxious to say anything.

Suna himself felt a bit of anxiety rising up. The fear of the unknown almost getting the better of him but he had calmed himself down as you both arrived at your house.

"I guess you're right." You say silently.

Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes as you tried remembering where it all began.

"So... I knew a guy around three years ago, I'd known him since we were around five actually. My parents had recently moved to Tokyo so I was new to the neighborhood. I met him when I was outside looking for rocks if I remember correctly. He was my next door neighbor." You say as you recall the distant but vivid memories in your head.

"I was a pretty shy kid and didn't really talk much, but he made it easier to talk to people.

Playing with the rocks in your yard, you had your knees up to your chest as you were hunched over stacking the rocks one by one.There was dirt all over your overalls, but you didn't mind.

Hearing a rustling sound from in front, you look up to see a few leaves moving from the bush in the other yard. Confused, you watched as a patch of black wavy hair pop out, followed by the face of a small boy around your age.

You both stared at each other in silence, his gunmetal blue eyes piercing yours in a staring competition.

The silence was broken when the boy smiled.

"You're really pretty, what's your name?"

His words made you widen your eyes a bit, you felt your face heat up before mumbling.

"(F/N) (L/N)."

"Well (Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked while looking down at you.

"I'm playing with rocks."


"Because I like rocks."

"That's cool." The boy said while staring down at you.
"So, do you want to be friends?"

Looking up at the boy, he had a small smile as he was now leaning over the fence separating the yard.

"Okay." You mumbled while standing up.

When I'm with you/ SunaxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now