
By Swarna_Mriga

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A melodious laugh suddenly resonated in Anamika's ears as she looked in the direction from where it came. Ana... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII (Part I)
Chapter XVII (Part II)
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII

Chapter XXVII

2.7K 232 23
By Swarna_Mriga

Like she had earlier predicted, the news of her going with Eklavya, that too on his Royal Enfield, spread like wildfire in the school.

Anamika felt the sweltering gazes fixated upon them, the moment they stepped inside the school premises. From the corner of her eyes, she even saw some girls whispering amongst themselves.

'Don't think too much Anamika. It's all fleeting. A week and they wouldn't even remember my face.' She said to herself.

The moment Eklavya had stopped his Royal Enfield, Anamika had literally stormed off, like she was on fire, towards the room where her friends were. Not even bothering to say a small word of gratitude.

Eklavya saw her leave like he'd many a time. And he'd never give it much thought.

But this time, there was a strange and foreign longing that smouldered in his dark eyes. A wistful and selfish wish that didn't want her to leave him behind this.... this one time.



That was all Anamika could muster upon seeing her friends decked up from head to toe in the stunning drapes of traditional clothes.

Rupali was enchanting in her light, almost negligible purple-coloured drapes whereas Sonali was too pure and lovely in the pastel green costume.

And Saanvi looked so ethereal that Anamika could do nothing but stare at her.

Anamika had suggested that they should choose light pastel colours that would accentuate more on their movements and facial expression and give them a pure look.

And my lord was that the best decision that Anamika had ever made.

"You're finally back," Saanvi exclaimed with joy when she spotted her.

Sonali who was helping Rupali with her make-up looked up and worriedly asked, "You got the new dupatta, right?"

"Of course, Sonali. Although the dupatta didn't take long, we got stuck in the traffic on our way back here." Anamika explained as she quickly started to change into her costume which consisted of ivory coloured ghaghra, a choli and the net dupatta.

"We'll talk about that later, first you should get ready or we'll be late because we also have to do your hair and make-up," Saanvi spoke and started to help Anamika get ready.

"Sonali after you finish that slowpoke's make-up, help me with Anamika's hair," Saanvi instructed. "With Anamika's hair we'll have to use hair extensions or she'd stick out like a sore thumb since we all have long hair."

"Yeah yeah! don't rub salt on my wounds, Miss Rapunzel." Anamika mouthed sarcastically. "I too had hair that almost reached my waist till last year."

"Really!" Rupali wondered in awe. "Then why did you cut your hair."

"No reason." Anamika shrugged her shoulders, "I just felt like it."

"And now she's to resort to using hair extension." Saanvi didn't miss the opportunity to take another dig at her.

"Stop it now Saanvi. I've heard enough moaning from you on this topic." Anamika zeroed her brown orbs at her and mouthed tightly.

"I won't stop and will keep reminding you to annoy you. Since that's my speciality." Saanvi winked at her playfully and smiled.

"And that ultimately is one of the many reasons why you don't get along with Naina. And she's always complaining about you." Anamika jibed.

"Hey! That's mean Anamika." Saanvi pouted at the unjust allegation.

"And what you're spouting was nothing but all sunshine and roses right?" Anamika taunted back.

"Stop it you two. Here I'm dying out of nervousness and you two just won't stop your little charade." Sonali exclaimed tiredly.

"Fine. But finish her make-up quickly. I need your help here." Saanvi accepted defeat as she helped Anamika with the side zipper of her choli.


Eklavya, for the most part of his life, had witnessed a love so beautiful and pure right in front of him. In the very form of his parents.

A relation that was built upon mutual understanding, respect, admiration, undying love and nothing but everlasting trust.

His parents weren't two different individuals but a single entity for him, both in heart and soul. They were the halves of each other's whole.

After leaving their home, Eklavya had many a time found himself wide awake at dark and endless nights contemplating how a human could understand another human so well. How their thoughts can be so well in sync.

This whole thing had never failed to leave him baffled.

In his eighteen years of short life, Eklavya may not have a vast number of people but he'd met enough people to know that not everyone can have this level of understanding that his parents had in their lives.

Even now, as he stood casually against the trunk of a tree in the parking area of the school. Eklavya was recalling each extremely sweet and endearing moment of his parents that he'd witnessed.

From their clandestine looks to that small minuscule smile that grazed their lips whenever their eyes met. And the sweet little gestures in their day-to-day life that seemed minuscule to any other person.

So, his idea of love was not something fleeting that comes and goes with time. Rather it was something that grows and thrives with time and lasts forever.

He believed in one love, one person and one life.

"If someone enters your life then there's no place for any other person. That person becomes your forever."

This was what his maa had once told him when he told her to find a new papa for him because he's angry with Randheer for being late on his sports day.

'My god! What a brat I was?' Eklavya smiled at the memory.

But he couldn't understand why he was suddenly bombarded with the memories of the past. Was it because of Anamika? Or was it because of the arrival of his grandparents?

'Maybe that was the reason why he'd done such a ludicrous thing today.' His conscience jibed at him.

Eklavya all but winced at the memory and clenched his fists so as to control all the rage that he's feeling for himself at the moment.


"You all go ahead. I'll just come in a few minutes." Anamika urged her friends in a barely noticeable unsteady voice.

"Why? Let's all go together naa!" Rupali argued, looking up from the hand mirror.

"We can wait for you Anamika. There's still some time before our performance actually starts." Sonali spoke. She was helping Saanvi with hair embellishments.

"No, it's quite alright Sonali. I just have to make a call, that's it." Anamika assured her with a half-hearted smile.

Saanvi who was silently watching all this, said in a low voice, "I can wait for you Anamika. Sonali you both go ahead."

"No need for that Saanvi. And why don't you see if our families had arrived or not?" Anamika suggested.

"You're right. My mother and aunt must've arrived by now." Rupali exclaimed with unconcealed excitement.

Truth be told she was thrilled at the prospect of her family coming to see her performance.

"Let's go everyone," Rupali spoke with zeal.

Finally, they all left. Although Saanvi was a bit reluctant to leave her side, she had no choice but to comply with her friend's words.

Anamika bolted the doors just as they left the room and with bated breaths and unsteady steps marched to where that paper bag was kept atop a desk.

Digging inside the paper bag, she pulled out a package from it, which was hidden beneath the torn dupatta.

Don't know why but her hands felt unnecessarily clammed. It wasn't even that hot today.

The said package was nothing but two big leaves wrapped around something with a delicate thread. Her fair and slim fingers tugged at the knotted thread delicately.

Afraid that if the thread snapped if with a little more force, so will this dream of hers too.

Finally unwrapping it, Anamika stared back at the fragrant, delicately threaded gajra.

All the previous anger or resentment she felt against him seemed to loosen its hold against her heart slowly. Her quailing heart that was wounded with unjust bouts of jealousy now revelled in the soothing aroma of the gajra.

This! this was what she needed. A sign.

An indication from him. She just wanted to know that she was not the only one who found herself helpless in this condition.

It was all the same for him too. Because she knew that he'd never in his right mind would send her this exquisite gift.

She could only think of one person as she amorously caressed the soft petals of the beaded flowers. Her captivating brown eyes were now damp with unshed tears.

In the silence of the barren room, she tenderly called out almost whispered one name, "Eklavya."


The auditorium roared with applause as a group of students winded up their performance magnificently. Everyone, especially the judges and guests of honour seemed quite impressed.

It was an energetic dance performance that gained applause from every single person present there.

Somewhere in the swarm of people sat the women of Rathore and Chauhan households. Since their destination was the same, they all decided to come here together.

Impatiently waiting for her daughter's performance to commence, Radha fidgeted in her seat. Kasturi bemusedly watched her display of lack of patience and joked about it with Malti.

Meanwhile, both Kusumlata and Bhagyashree sat on either side of Nalini, who seemed to quite enjoy the lively atmosphere of the auditorium.

All in all, she seemed to be having a good time in a long time.

"Calm down Radha." Kasturi chuckled.

"How can I Kasturi didi. This is her first-ever performance in this school." Radha answered passionately.

"I know that but why don't you try to relax and enjoy these performances too," Kasturi spoke wisely.

"Yes! I've to say all the performances till now have been great. This cultural fest is really something." Malti gushed in excitement making the elder ladies laugh at her enthusiasm.

"It's great that we've all come here. Or else we would've missed all this fun." Kasturi said.

"True that." Malti nodded her head.

"Point." And Radha also said along. "Oh! This reminds me. Saanvi's mother must've come here too." Radha gasped when she suddenly remembered.

"You're right, it completely slipped my mind," Kasturi added when she realised that she also forgot about it. "I remember you introduced me to her when uncle and aunty celebrated their fiftieth anniversary.

"Saanvi's mother!" Malti asked her face a mix of both amazement and elation at the prospect of meeting the mother of that lively child.

"Yes! Their whole family lives in Dehradun. Well, they originally hail from Himachal Pradesh but settled here when Saanvi was... maybe a year old or too." Radha explained. "They've acres of land in Himachal but there's some dispute over it."

"Really!" exclaimed Kasturi with her eyes round in wonder.

"What about the dispute?" asked Malti, intrigued.

"The case is still going on, I think. But when I last talked with Rohini, she said that they were expecting the final verdict to come this year or the next." Radha elaborated whatever she knew about the Sharma family.

"Well, that's good news," Kasturi alleged while nodding her head.

"Oh! It seems like another performance is starting." Malti caught both Kasturi and Radha's attention and they all turned to the stage.


"Where is she?" asked a highly irked Saanvi.

Iqra, hoping to calm her down said, "Don't worry she must be on her way."

"It's not like she's going to get lost or something." Scoffed Naina much to the irritation of Saanvi, who was pacing back and forth.

Currently, they were all backstage. One more performance and then they will turn up.

Meanwhile, Rupali was all fired up to blow the stage. And Sonali seemed like she was sapped of all her energy. That was her level of nervousness.

No amount of pep talk seemed to work its magic on her.

Seeing that no one was looking their way, Iqra whispered furtively to Saanvi, "Have you met Rudra yet?"

It was because Rudra and Saanvi had decided to keep their relationship under wraps. They didn't want any unnecessary and unwanted speculations and intrusion in their newly formed bond.

They only told their close friends. And in a way, Iqra agreed with their decision too. It was better than having all sorts of rumours flying around the school and the sharp judgemental eyes of others on them.

Hearing her boyfriend's name Saanvi seethed in blistering anger, "Don't even talk about him." She said sharply.

Perplexed, Iqra made a weird expression and further pressed her on for clear details, "Why? What happened. Don't tell me you fought with him over something stupid again."

The redundant accusations irked Saanvi to no extent, raising her brows and flaring her nostrils in anger she said, "He hasn't shown me his face from the last two days."

"And that's an issue?" Iqra asked with raised brows.

"Yes! A big one at that." Saanvi confirmed haughtily, crossing her arms against her chest.

"And I guess you didn't step back from giving him a piece of your mind." Iqra deduced in satire, which slightly discomfited Saanvi.

"I may or may not have been a little rude.... I guess." Saanvi murmured and admitted it with a little guilt.

"Wow! Some mature people we have here!" Iqra mocked and Saanvi kept mum.

"What's going on? What are you talking about?" Naina asked with a questioning look.

"Nothing major." Iqra brushed it off just like that. But Naina realised something was up when she glanced at the red and hot faced Saanvi.

Already guessing what might be the problem, Naina decided to leave it be. After all, it was their personal matter.

She can only give them advice but the rest was in their hands.

Trying to lighten up the foul mood, she said, "Now even I'm getting irritated with Anamika. You shouldn't have left her alone at all." she spoke disdainfully.

"I guess you're right," Sonali murmured meekly.

"You wait here I'll just go and look for her." Naina had just finished her sentence when someone said.

"No need for that. I'm already here."

All of them turned to look at the ethereal beauty who today seemed to resemble a celestial nymph. Naina and Iqra's jaws dropped upon seeing her.

In ivory drapes, light jewellery, little to no make-up and the simple yet elegant hairdo Anamika was the epitome of heavenly beauty.

No wonder her friends could see so many people staring back at her. Coming out of her stupor Iqra squealed and hugged Anamika.

"You're looking absolutely fantastic Anamika." She praised genuinely with an open heart.

"Gorgeous. That's the word that befits you today." Naina said with a wide smile, "Really Sonali! What've you done to this girl's face? She's glowing."

"I've absolutely no hand in this. The shine in her eyes is not because of me." Sonali made her point. She too was a little perplexed at the sudden change in her classmate.

The Anamika they left in the room didn't have that happiness radiating off of her. Instead, the previous Anamika.... How should she put it...? Right! she looked a little sullen and moody about something.

Saanvi's gaze fell upon Anamika's braid and she squinted her eyes in mystification. Whereas they've all wrapped a fake paper made gajra in their braids.

Anamika's braid was meticulously coiled with a real fragrant gajra. And to say that it didn't add up to her look would be an understatement.

Saanvi wanted to point out and ask about it but seeing that Anamika's face was a pretty picture of bliss, she didn't have the heart to say anything.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Rupali staring at it and just when she was about to open her big fat mouth. Saanvi lightly pinched her in the arm and motioned her to not say anything.

Confused at first Rupali decided to follow Saanvi's command and started talking animatedly with everyone.

"I guess it's time for us to shine. Let's go everyone and rock the stage." Saanvi said enthusiastically, now that her irritation and anger both have seemed to subside.

"You're right Saanvi. Let's go and own the stage." Anamika nodded her head along with her.

With that, they all tied the ghunghroo in their ankles. Anamika placed a hand on Sonali's shoulder as if reassuring her that everything will be alright.

"All the best everyone." Iqra cheered with Naina.

"Wait! We don't want to watch your performance from the backstage." Naina suddenly exclaimed with round eyes.

"How could I forget about this. Naina let's go quickly in the audience section." Iqra said and they hastily ran so as to reach the audience section.


The four of them took their respective positions on the stage. They could feel their heart thudding rapidly against their bosom.

Mohe rang do laal that was the song they had chosen for their dance performance.

Silence engulfed the whole auditorium as everyone waited with bated breaths for the performance that was to unfold.

Advay, who was with his friends, was excitedly waiting to see Anamika's dance. Meanwhile, Naina and Iqra finally managed to squeeze in through the heavily crowded auditorium and made some space for themselves.

The song started and so did their dance. The graceful movements, perfectly synched steps and apt expressions intrigued everyone and didn't allow them to move their eyes elsewhere.

Radha literally had tears in her eyes as she watched her daughter dancing around the stage. Radha captured the whole performance in her camcorder. After all, these small snippets are what that later becomes a part of memories.

The large auditorium was resonating with the sound of ghunghroo from each move. Every turn, every twirl was filled with inexplicable grace and elegance.

Finally, the performance ended and so did the trance of the audience. The hall thundered with claps and hooting.

Even the judges gave a standing ovation to the young girls who literally blew their minds off with their dance. Up until now majority of the performances were composed of western dancing styles.

Only one or two acts were of classical Indian dance. And this one was the best out of them all.


The giggling girls made their way backstage and once they were in the green room all four of them couldn't stop themselves from hugging each other tightly.

"Wow! That was literally amazing." Sonali breathed in wonder. Given that she's previously nervous but the applause that followed their dance had literally bought tears to her eyes.

"Amazing! The experience was out of the world." Rupali added, showing her white pearls.

Making herself comfortable on the plush sofa, Saanvi opened the lid of her sipper and hungrily chugged down the thirst-quenching water.

Anamika plopped beside her and settling her ankle on the other knee, unfastened the ghungroo from her ankle.

"I can't believe I didn't faint there." Sonali breathed in amazement.

"You worry too much Sonali. Nothing like that would've happened in the first place." Saanvi shrugged flippantly.

The girls started talking among themselves but Anamika was lost somewhere. her mind wandered around thinking about only one person.

The sheer joy and inexplicable happiness that almost bought tears to her eyes were almost surreal to experience.

Her chest felt heavy with suppressed emotions. She wanted to crazily dance and shout and express the state of her joyous heart.

Even now as she thought about him, her eyes came alive with an inexplicable shine as her soft lips curved into a soft smile.

Suddenly a thought struck her mind and the need to see his face reared its head. Hastily standing up in her place, Anamika made her way out of the greenroom. And frantically ran in search of Eklavya.

She needed to see him. She needed to talk to him. She needed to look into his eyes and find the same passion and tenderness that she carried for him.

Her sudden departure left her friends puzzled. Even when they called out to her, Anamika didn't stop to even reply.

"What's up with her?" Rupali spoke flabbergasted. "She was like this after coming from the market too."

"And did you notice the gajra in her hair?" Sonali asked with knitted brows.

"Yes! I was thinking the same. But Saanvi didn't let me point it out then." Rupali said, raising her lips in a pout.

"Saanvi!" Sonali raised her brow as she glanced at the curly-haired girl.

"Don't look at me like that. Even I don't know what's wrong with her." Saanvi threw her hands in the air in slight irritation.

"I'll have to talk to her," Saanvi murmured to herself.


Leaving the auditorium, Anamika rushed past the crowd in search of Eklavya. Stepping towards the school building, she frantically looked here and there, hoping to see his face in the bustling crowd but to no avail.

Some students even passed her weird looks, when she bumped into them and just gave a feeble and insincere apology.

Nothing seemed to make sense to her apart from the fact that her eyes needed to see him. The tight knot that had settled in her heart a few days back could only be fully loosened by him.

'Where are you Eklavya?!' she thought feverishly.

She knew that he was there, in the auditorium. He was there to see her. Anamika knew because she was always physically aware of his presence around her.

Even in that crowd, she could feel his eyes bore into her very existence. The rational part says that it was all nothing but a fabrication of her fervid mind.

But the other part said that it was all real. As real as her.

She searched around the building but couldn't find him. Then suddenly she realised that he must be on the football field. After all, wasn't today a practise match that was to happen?

Yes! he must be there.

Swirling around Anamika marched towards the field. When she reached mid-way, her steps suddenly stopped in tracks.

'No! not right now. He's busy and going like this to talk to him would surely spur more new rumours.' Her mind suddenly knocked some sense into her.

'But I want to see him right now!' her heart screamed at her.

'Definitely not now.' Her mind screeched, 'Don't you remember that he's a match today. Won't you disturb him if you go now?'

'But it's just... It'll only take few minutes.' Her heart reasoned.

'Few minutes!' scoffed her mind, 'What a terrible joke! We all know just how much you talk to Eklavya.'

Now that blow... really stung. It was the bitter truth. Even Anamika nodded her head in affirmation. It was different before when she didn't realise her feelings for him.

But now, it was downright impossible for her to even hold a proper face to face conversation with him.

"Then what should I do?" she asked herself feebly. And chewed on her lips while contemplating.

"There you are! And here I was searching the whole school for you." A person suddenly bellowed from behind.

Recognising the voice Anamika huffed in slight irritation and swirling back her eyes fell on the exultant looking boy who was waving at her while simultaneously stepping towards her.

"Hi!" Hrithvik showed his pearls at her.

"Hello, Hrithvik." She curtly nodded at him. "Why were you looking for me?" Anamika asked with a little smile.

"Of course! To congratulate you for your absolutely fantastic dance performance." Hrithvik dimpled happily.

"Oh! Thanks..." Anamika breathed and gave an awkward smile.

Looking around them, Hrithvik asked, "What are you doing here anyway."

Even though Hrithvik had carefully spelt out his words but he couldn't hide the bristling note in his tone.

He knew that this path only leads towards the football field. And that only meant one thing. She was here to meet Eklavya.

And Anamika who was already made aware of his feelings towards her by her friends on countless occasions, felt ill at ease talking to him all alone.

"Nothing... I was just here to me –

Before she could complete her sentence, Hrithvik rudely cut her off, "Well, just leave it." and then murmured to himself, "I'll probably get the answer I don't want to hear."

"Huh... did you said something!" Anamika knitted her brows.

"Nothing... don't mind me." Hrithvik shrugged airily. "Oh right! Your friends were looking for you."

When she heard those words from him then did, she realised that she'd just ran off like a mad bully. And didn't even give them an explanation or anything.

Slapping her forehead Anamika cursed herself for her impulsiveness. 'What wrong with you Anamika?' she chastised herself in her head.

"Shit! I completely forgot." Anamika pouted making Hrithvik chuckle at her adorable behaviour. Well for him, she was always adorable. And today she looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Don't fret it's nothing too serious. But I think we should head back... you know the winners would be announced soon." Hrithvik reminded her.

Although Anamika didn't want to go back she realised that heading back was the best course of action. She would talk to Eklavya privately when they won't have prying eyes settled upon them.


Everything about Anamika's behaviour today puzzled Naina. She knew her friend was going through a difficult phase, courtesy of her one-sided feelings, but she never expected her to not attend Eklavya's football match this evening.

That too when most of them had stayed back. Heck! Even Anamika's family stayed back with Eklavya's family.

But no! that girl just went ahead and called her sister to pick her up like nothing phased her at all. Doesn't she have a heart? Don't she want to see her love looking all cool and awesome?

At least, that's what every girl dreams about. Right! But she was talking about Anamika here.

The girl didn't even look back as she sat on her sister's scooter. Not even once.

"What the hell is that girl thinking?" Naina said to herself.

"Which girl?" her maa, who was sitting beside her on the sofa, asked her.

Coming out of her thoughts Naina shrugged airily, "No one maa."

"Okay! whatever you say. What is it to me anyway?" Her maa shrugged her shoulders pitiably. "Children nowadays don't even want to talk to their parents." she cried dolefully.

'And here starts the melodrama.' Naina thought irritatingly.

"I've told you many times maa, stop watching that saas-bahu bullshit. Please I beg of you. Do this favour on me and yourself." 

She reprimanded with flared nostrils and shook her head in disdain.


It was around half-past nine, and Eklavya was strolling along the terrace. They had won today's match. Of course! That was the pre-decided outcome of the match anyways.

His team had cheered rowdily when he got them the final and decisive point. In the audience part, he saw both his grandmothers cheering feverishly for him. He'd find it a little irritating but couldn't stop a tiny smile etching on his face.

He saw many faces but the one he wanted to see the most was elusive. He couldn't trace her in the huge crowd.

He wanted to talk to her especially after today. But he wanted her to come to him not the other way round.

It wasn't because of his pride or ego. It was because... he felt hesitant for the first time in his life. He felt extremely diffident about how to proceed with this unique never-encountered-before type of situation.

The wind was chilly, as it was from the past days, skimming his hand through his hair Eklavya was looking down at the neighbourhood when suddenly his phone trilled.

Picking it up he heard a soft voice calling his name, "Eklavya."

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