Unknown Matter {Zarry, Ziam...

By TruthIzMe

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"Everything Has A Purpose" ......... Born as a charmi... More

Chapter 1: A First Glance
Chapter 2: A Different Pursuit
Chapter 3: Invitation
Chapter 4: Hunting Lions
Chapter 5: Meeting Everybody
Chapter 6: Truth Be Told
Chapter 7: Crushing
Chapter 9: In Faint
Chapter 10: Addicting
Chapter 11: Hourglass
Chapter 12: Misty Ways
Chapter 13: Undeniable

Chapter 8: Confessions

2.6K 59 4
By TruthIzMe

                                                                        Chapter 8:


Through the rest of the day, I have been literally keeping an eye out for Zayn. He must be nearly startled to know that we're all demons. Demons! As in, creatures who can take souls and life---darkness and killing is what we are. But Septon has raised me, Liam, Lume, Nica, Marley, and Nica better than that. Why, he even taught Chera, his own wife how to befriend the human kind. I sighed. I walked to my locker when Lume was blocking it. I growled. It was obvious that she had something on her mind. Arg! I nearly scowled at her as I spoke to her.

"Lume---move out of me way. You're blocking me locker" I hissed in her face. She just leaned back even more and smiled as she did so.

Lume and I may be cousins, but that doesn't mean we have to like each other. It's not that I hate her, I just don't like her. I clenched my fist and roughly pulled away from my locker. She landed hard on her bum on the solid floor of the school. I held back a chuckle as she stood up---hurting. She knows that I am stronger than her, why even frown?

At that second, Nica held Lume close to him and kissed her temple. My cheeks reddened due to this. Yes, I do have Darrel---but I barely see him. His coven is usually off in the Southeast---away from us. Sometimes they go to Canada. It makes me jealous how Lume and Nica share their love hand in hand all the time----same with Septon and Chera. I rolled my eyes. Lume smirked.

"What? Do we make you jealous?" Lume sounded like she was trying to tease me.

I frowned and nearly wanted to plunge my fist across her face or slap her. But I couldn't do that---at least not in the middle of the school. I rolled my eyes and just walked away from her. She always had to fine some way to annoy me. No wonder why I can't stand Lume. I sighed.

At the end of school, I managed to steal Harry for a moment and to make sure that he wasn't going to ditch me. Besides, he has to help prepare for the get-together. I dragged Harry to my car and he shoved out of my grasp. "Charse, I am not going to forget about preparing for the get-together. Now don't touch me" he hissed.

"Oh save it Harreh. You wouldn't be able to leave anyways---I can out think you."

"No you cannot. I am brighter than you anyways."

I scowled at him. "Get in the car" I spat in his face.

"I have my own car. I drive myself---thank you very much" he said to me. He walked away to his black Mustang and got in. He started the engine and drove off to Liam's. I rolled my eyes and entered my Chevy. I started the engine and pulled off.

I stopped a moment to see Louis walk Zayn to his Chevy. He let Zayn in on the passenger side as he got in on the driver's. I shook my head and continued to drive to Liam's house.


I bit down my lip once Louis strapped himself in. He looked at me. "You all right Mister Malik? Am I still making you nervous?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He drove straight down the road. My body tensed as I remembered that night Liam and I were under attack by this giant wolf and that was the same night he told me that he along with his family, Louis, and Harry are all demons. That word---Demons---it brings chills to my spine. Liam is beautiful---they all are. It is hard to believe that they even are demons.


Louis pulled up to Liam's house and parked the car. I got out of the car as he did. We arrived at the same time as Lume and Nica did. Lume smiled at me.

"Glad you came" she said.

I chuckled quietly. "Yeah" I said. "Me too."

Nica wrapped his arm around Lume's waist as he looked at me. Nica seemed to really love Lume. I know that they are together as I can see with my own eyes---but their love seems special. Nica stands at 6'5", he is the tallest of maybe every one---but I doubt it, towering over Lume by nearly two feet. His strength gives him a rather filled out form, but he is not overweight, just muscular. His height helps spread out his weight. He is very handsome with smiling dimples and slightly curly, dark brown hair that almost looks black, giving him a childish look not often seen in a grown man.

"You feel comfortable around us? Or are you scared?" asked Nica.

I clenched my jaw. I hated that question.

No, I am not scared stupid, I thought. I rolled my eyes and at that my moment, Lume looked stiffened. I looked at her with an arched eyebrow.

"What is it?" asked Nica---softly.

Lume chuckled at first but then became shocked. "I-I-I, I cannot believe it."

"Believe what?" I asked her.

"Come! Come!" she cried, pulling me inside the house forcefully. I could hear Louis and Nica snicker as Lume pulled me in. She was strong. Very. But not as strong as Louis. I felt myself nearly tumble as Lume pulled me into the living room of the Paynes'.

She stopped and it grew quiet. They were whispering and mummbling about something. Their eyes were on me. I looked to see Chera's purple eyes glisten from happiness to worry when she saw my face. I looked at Septon. His face was hard but slightly grew soft. He has dark hair that is up and wavy---making him look like an attractive sinister, is 6'2", with a well-toned medium frame, and gentle hazel brown eyes. I stood still as Septon approached me.

"What are you thinking about?" was all he asked me.

I was confused. I looked at Liam as he had his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the wall. I looked at everyone. I even looked at Lume, who had just released my bruised wrist.

My eyes trailed back to Septon.

"What do you-?"

"Most humans would be frightened to find out that we are demons----are you? And if not, why not?"

My throat closed. I didn't what to say. It is as if they want me to be frightened. Do they like fear? Is that what a true demon desires? If not---then what is? My blood? My soul? What?

Septon looked at Lume and so did I.

"What is he thinking on us Lume? No need to be shy on telling us" he said.

What is he trying to say? I thought.

Lume looked at her family and then at Septon alone. "I know that this may seem impossible but---I cannot tell you. I honestly can't. Zayn won't let me---at least his mind won't" she said.

"What is she talking about?" I asked.

They all grew stiff but then softened. Chera stood up and put her hands on my shoulders. Her gleaming purples stared down into my brown ones---as if she is trying to see if something is wrong with me.

Her eyes shot straight at Harry. She nudged her head towards me.

"Can you Harry?" she asked.

They just had me wondering on their discussion---all though I am in the middle of it. My eyes darted at Harry as he clenched his jaw, focusing on whatever he is trying to do. Cause me pain? Mentally? Physically? Emotionally? A sudden gasp exited his lips and he nearly fell back but caught himself.

"I-I-I, I cannot believe...-how can you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"You are shielding your thoughts from us---well, Harry and Lume. You manifests a mental defense that reduces the effects of a psychic influence on your mind" explained Septon.

Marley stood up from his seat with his arms folded across his chest.

"That's impossible. No one can shield their own mind" he protested.

I got a look at Marley as if it was the first time I had seen him. He had brown hair, like Lume's, and tall and lean. His skin was chalky but olive, he shared the natural beauty with his fellow relatives and with Harry and Louis. His tawny eyes blazed and his voice sounded rough but close to feminine---it was high but he managed to make it sound more manly.

"It is not impossible" spoke up Charse, in her accent that sounded slightly in poor English from the others. "If Harreh and Lume cannot read his thoughts then he is shielding----and don't forget, I can tell whether they are or aren't lying. And they are one hundred percent honest on it."

Marley scowled at Charse. I bit down my lip. Maybe I shouldn't have came. Look at the mess I am bringing. Chera cleared her throat and clapped her hands together.

"Let's forget about it! And go, have our get-together like a family---the family we are" she perked.

Agreements filled the room. Eventually everyone left to get ready for the get-together. I had trouble trying to move out of the same spot I was in. Instead of walking, I sat down on the ground with my face burried in my knees.

"Zayn?" I heard a voice. I looked up to see Charse.

Her hair was golden, golden blonde, almost touched by the sun's light. This was the gleam that had caught my eye. It hung straight as a ruler to a blunt edge at her chin, parted evenly down the center. She was a stranger to me. I was absolutely certain I'd never seen her before. But I knew her at once from her golden dark eyes. Charse is the one who is now speaking to me. She has a nice shaped body with full lips that are naturally almost peach colored and has a heart shaped face with a wide forehead.

"Zayn---there is nothing to be worried about. I think it is amazing that you can protect your mind. Especially from Lume---boy, if you allow her in your head, she will never leave" she said---laughing at the end of her scentence.

I chuckled.

"There is that smile. Now get up. We have to play" she stood up.

I stood to my feet with her.

"Play what?"

"Baseball. It's our favorite game of the season. Unless---you want to play something else."

"No-no, I like baseball. My brother taught me as a kid with his old equipment" I stated.

Charse smiled and led me outside where I met the purple eyes of Chera as she smiled at me. She placed her hand on my shoulder while looking at Charse.

"May I steal him for a minute, Peaches?" she asked. I wanted to laugh at the name Peaches----but I preferred not to. It seems like a cute name. Peaches. I could tell that Chera had made that name for Charse...due to her peach colored lips. But there must have been more behind the name. Motherliness perhaps?

Charse let me go with Chera. I didn't know what she was going to do with me.

"You seem rather calm Zayn. Not that that I want you to be afraid of us" she said as we walked through the open backyard side by side. I sunk my hands deeper into my pockets while she had hers behind her back.

"I am not afraid" I said, softing my voice.

"Ha-ha, I didn't ask if you were" she smiled as she spoke. I couldn't help but to peel a shy grin on my face.

Chera had different colored skin than the others---not pale and chalky, but rather olive (close to tan almost) which made her stand out more from them. She had beautiful features as the rest of them. Something about her heart-shaped face, her billows of soft, caramel colored hair reminded me of the ingenues of the silent-movie era. She was small, slender, yet less angular, more rounded than the others. Whenever she smiled I would see her dimples and her eyes glisten more. It was like a gift of a motherly act she was given---that and a kind, pure heart.

"Can I ask you a question? Something personal?" I asked. I knew that this was irregular of me---but I wanted to know what it felt like...to be 'in-love'.

Yes, Chase was my former lover---but still, I wanted to know how she noticed she loved Septon.

"Of course Zayn---I promise not to tell if it is a secret. I can hide secrets well...but that's not my ability" she said.

"Then what is?"

"Me? Oh, I wasn't born with one. Or at least, transformed with one like the others. Now---what is your question?"

I nearly forgotten about it until she said something.

"Um, when---actually, how did you know you were in-love with Septon?" I asked. A chuckle came pass her lips, then a smile across her face.

She stopped walking and I took one last step before looking at her as I stopped.

"He and I first met in 1511, when I broke her leg falling off a tree. The encounter impacted us both greatly and we never forgot about each other after Septon moved on---Lord knows why. It was ten years after my sixteenth birthday Septon and I again, though our re-encounter was far less than pleasant. He was called to my deathbed after a failed suicide attempt impacted by the loss of my child at birth---I had jumped off the roof of a building, but like I said, I failed death. Recognizing me as the young woman he once treated and distraught by my tragedy, he turned me into a demon to save my life. To his surprise, I wasn't upset with the news when he told me what he had done. In fact, I was happy to see Septon again - the man I'd always been fond of. I changed my surname to Payne after we fell in love and got married" she informed and stated out.

I was still quite puzzled on how she knew she was in-love with him---but I didn't let my confusion show.

"I knew I was in-love with him when he saved me. No one has ever done that for me before. Not even my own former family would be willing to. But this new family that Septon and I built together is strong and we are willing to lay down our lives for each other" she said.

I smiled at her comment and she placed her hand to my cheek.

"Even you. After all, I already consider you a member of the family."

I blushed. We both heard Nica calling out, "Come on! Let's go!"

Chera and I headed back to the group and Nica held the baseball bat, Lume held the baseball. No gloves. Strange---I guess they don't need them.

"Zayn---you want to be the catcher? You look good enough for it" said Nica, winking afterwards. I blushed.

I nodded. Lume told me where my position was as they all got in thier's. Lume was the pitcher. Marley is up to bat. He stood straight and firm on his base like no other baseball player. Lume swung a fast ball and I could hear the bat smack hard into it---sending the ball to fly high over our heads and quickly go through the trees. Marley ran from home to 1st base while Liam and Harry zipped and dashed into the trees. Really fast.

I looked at Chera beside me and she smiled.

"No need to worry---Liam's really fast. Well, Harry is slightly faster than all of us" she said to me.

Marley made his way to third base and by that time Harry made his way back before Liam and threw the ball to Septon, who threw to me. I thought my hand was going to break off when the ball hit and landed in my hand. Marley made his way to the home plate, but I hit the ball to his leg. He looked at me with his eyes turning dark.

"You're---out" I stuttered out of me.

I looked away as he stood. His eyes looking at me deeply filling with hatred towards me and I have done nothing to him. Sigh.

His eyes darted towards the woods and his body froze in a postion that looked in a defense mode. "We have uninvited guest. I can feel them coming" he said.

Chera grabbed my wrist and walked with me towards the middle of the field. All of those who I trusted were together side by side---almost shielding me. Liam darted his eyes at me and stood next to me. My body stiffened.

"Clench your fist" he whispered.


"Your bruise. They can smell it---they'll know your human due to your scent. Now clench it tight."

I did. Then, out from the trees came out three beautiful creatures. One female and two male. One boy was the hottest boy I'd ever seen, tall and black haired and perfect, every feature. I knew his eyes must be just as beautiful and they were a brilliant color of red.

The other man in front was easily the most beautiful, his skin olive-toned beneath the typical pallor, his hair a glossy blond. He was of a medium build, hard-muscled, of course, but nothing next to Nica's brawn. He smiled an easy smile, exposing a flash of gleaming white teeth and his deep red eyes staring straight at us.

And the girl, with long, curly, brilliant orange hair that was looking like fire with the blood  red color in her eyes, which made her beauty stand out more. She looked as if she possessed seductive, feline beauty---which I could tell she had. She looked rather shorter and smaller than the boys, she had to stand at five feet as they stand a foot above her. She had a nice figure, hourglass shaped body with a heart-shaped face and a wide forehead---but unlike the two men, her skin was olive as theirs was chalky. Only a fool could deny how gorgeous she was.

The three beautiful creatures stopped in front of us. I felt Liam's hand touch my waist and pull my close to him. I blushed.

"Stay close to me" he whispered.

The black haired demon spoke. "A game of baseball without us? How cruel of you. Yet, admiring. Bravo-brava!" he said.

"Watson, you know you and you're coven are not allowed here" protested Septon strongly.

"Since when are you in charge of us, Septon? I mean, that is why I left...going by your rules like a peasant" snapped the girl.

"You did it to yourself by leaving Delle---not me. That's the path you chose and now look at you" said Septon.

"Yes! Look at how free I am. And how---pitful you are. Even your own children. What a shame? The betrayed demons" snapped Delle.

Liam scowled at her.

"We did not come here for a fight" said Watson. "Just for a game."

"Well---sorry to ruin your fun, but game time is over for the day" Lume spoke. She sounded vigorous and her soft childlike voice transformed into something more lethal.

As we all went to turn away and leave, I felt my nails sink into my skin and I opened my fist slightly. I froze when I looked to see the blonde haired boy freeze his haunting deep red eyes at me.

"Looks like, you have a guest visitor" he said---looking at me. He went to charge at me but the ones who I trusted shielded me and hissed---revealing their teeth.

Delle and the blonde haired demon hissed in return. Watson looked at the two and they stopped. "Harris---pull yourself together" Watson then looked at us. "Play time is over---like you said."

And right after that, he turned to walk away into the trees but zipped away. Delle's eyes met mine and so did Harris's then they exchanged a look before dashing into the trees together. I was nearly scared by the whole thing. If it wasn't for Liam and his family with Harry and Louis---I would be dead...I think.

Septon looked at Liam.

"Take him home. Now" he ordered. And Liam escorted me to his car. I got in as he did. I strapped in and he pulled off.

The drive to my house was silent until when we pulled up and he wished me a good night. That was all. I went into the house and all the lights were turned off. Jake must be asleep. I heard the car pull off and I went upstairs to my room. I closed the door and changed to go to bed. I wore my black shirt with gray sweatpants. Something simple for bedtime.

I laid in bed just thinking about today. From Louis to Harry to Liam---all swimming in my head. I then heard a thud. I looked to see Liam at my window. I pulled open the door to let him in. I closed it once he was inside. He sat on my bed as I sat next to him.

"How did you get here?" I asked---as if I don't know.

"I ran."

I chuckled. He smiled. He was so pretty. "Zayn" he said. "Do me a favor---and stand still."

He drew his face closer to mine I felt his breath trickle against my lips---causing chills to go down my spine. His lips brushed against mine before fully touching. It started off as a peck. Then another. And another before I kissed him fully. He kissed my top lip as I kissed his bottom one. I nearly pushed him down on the bed but caught myself. His hands on my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck and I slightly gripped on the back of his hair. The kiss went depper and we disconnected our lips breathless. Liam nearly pushed me on the bed but I leaned back on my own almost. With him hovering over me, his lips connected with mine once more. I felt his hand trail up my shirt and I gasped at a simple touch from him.

His tongue entered my mouth as we kissed tenderly. I didn't want this to end. I loved this---more than anything. He pulled away and lifted my shirt over my head. Liam's lips trailed from my lips to my throat and I clenched my jaw. He hit my collar bone and I clenched his hair slightly tighter. His lips touch mine once more and I enjoyed this moment. I pulled him deeper and closer into me and hands pressed hard into my waist. It did hurt---but I didn't want to spoil.

Liam pulled away and straddled away from off me---sitting up. I sat up, breathless.

"I-I-I-I, I'm sorry" I said.

"No" said Liam. "It's all right. Let's stop."

I nodded. "All right" I lied. I didn't know if he liked it or didn't want to like it. Hard to tell.

I asked if he could just sleep with me and he did. I rested on his chest and he held me close as I slept.

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