The Dangers-chapter 1

By nayliafolo16

1.1K 62 4

This story is for my Henry Danger fans. This story isn't a usual fanfiction like the others, I kind of remade... More

1.Everything Begins-pt.1
1.Everything Begins-pt.2
1.Everything Begins-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.1
2.Best Friends-pt.2
2.Best Friends-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.1
3.Danger Secrets-pt.2
3.Danger Secrets-pt.3
3.Danger Secrets-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.5
3.Danger Secrets-pt.6
3.Danger Secrets-pt.7
3.Danger Secrets-pt.8
4.The Kiss-pt.1
4.The Kiss-pt.2
4.The Kiss-pt.3
4.The Kiss-pt.4
4.The Kiss-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.2
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.4
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.6
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.7
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.4
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 1
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 2
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 3
9.The New Kid-pt. 1
9.The New Kid-pt. 2
9.The New Kid-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 1
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 2
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 1
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 2
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 3
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 5
12.The Truth-pt. 1
12.The Truth-pt. 2
12.The Truth-pt. 3
12.The Truth-pt. 4
12.The Truth-pt. 5

6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 2

9 1 0
By nayliafolo16

They were a little more at the café and then Henry walked Ally home. On his way to his house, he got a message from Piper to come to the Man cave. He went there, took the elevator down and when it opened he saw that everyone is there.

"Hey guys, what's up?"-he said when he walked out.-"Everything for Ally's birthday is ready."-Ray said excited.-"Really?"-Henry asked.-"Yes, Jasper and I organised the party there where I celebrated my 10th birthday, I guess."-Piper said.

"Great, when?"-Henry nodded.-"At 7 in the afternoon."-Jasper responded and Henry nodded.-"I was in town today and got the cake for when she comes in the morning, Piper said she told you yesterday."-Ray said.-"Yeah, yeah. Can I see it?"-Henry walked up to him.

"Yes, look."-Schwoz said and opened the box where the cake was. It was a round cake with purple frosting and whipping cream and in the middle was written "Happy 16th, Ally!" with a heart.

"This is amazing! She'll love it."-Henry smiled.-"Yeah, I called Piper and asked her which is Ally's favorite color so I can choose the frosting colour."-Ray nodded smiling.-"Did you tell her about the party? What did she say?"-Jasper asked. Henry looked at them and sighed.-"What's wrong?"-Ray asked.

"Ally doesn't want a birthday party."-Henry mumbled.-"What!?"-everyone asked confused.-"She said that she has her reasons why she doesn't want it and that it's better not to play with that."-he explained.

"Wait, so you're saying that she doesn't want to have a party for her 16th birthday!? And you're going to let it happen because I'm not!"-Ray said.-"Me too!"-Piper agreed with Ray.-"You know, I don't care what she says, I'm not letting her to have a lame and boring birthday. This is going to be her best birthday! Right?"-Henry said.-"Right!"-everyone yelled at the same time.


Saturday has finally come. Ally woke up excited before her mom. She quietly went to the bathroom, put her hair in a messy bun and brushed her teeth. She went back to her room to change. She put on a pink shirt and black leggings. She brushed hair and put on a little bit of make-up. She stood in front of the mirror and started fixing her hair.

"Finally 16. I can't believe."-she said looking at herself in the mirror.-"Who's birthday is today? Happy birthday, sweetie!"-Molly said walking in her room smiling.-"Did I wake you up?"-Ally turned to her.-"No, I knew you'd wake up earlier because it happens every year and you were so excited yesterday that you couldn't fall asleep."-Molly laughed.

"Yeah, you're right."-Ally laughed.-"Here, open your present."-Molly said handing her a little bag.-"Thank you."-she said taking the bag. She sat on the bed and Molly next to her.-"What is this?"-Ally asked when she took out a little box from the bag.

"Open and you'll find out."-Molly smiled. Ally opened the little box and a purple bracelet with a silver heart on it.-"Is that...?"-she gasped.-"The bracelet you always wanted."-Molly smiled at her.-"Thank you so much, mom."-Ally hugged her tightly.-"You deserve it. 16th birthday, I can't believe it."-Molly said smiling and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Don't cry. I'm still here."-Ally laughed.-"For only two more years. Then you'll go to college and leave me here alone."-"Mom, it's two more years. Also, I still have no idea where I will go to college. We have a lot of time left."-Ally laughed.-"You're right."-Molly said and wiped the tears.-"I'll go and make something for breakfast then I have to go to work."-Molly said and kissed her forehead.

Ally was in her room when her mom came in.-"Ally. You have a visit downstairs. I'll be getting ready if you need me."-Molly said.-"Okay."-Ally nodded. She ran down the stairs and saw Henry in the living room.

"Happy birthday, Ally!"-he said smiling at her while she was walking down the stairs.-"Thank you!"-she smiled.-"This is for you."-he said and gave her a middle big purple bag.-"You got me a present? But you didn't have to."-she said and looked at him.-"Please Ally, shut up and open it. It's your birthday."-he said and smiled.-"Okay. Let's see."-she said excited and sat on the couch. 

Henry sat next to her while she was opening the present.-"My favourite chocolate."-she smiled when she took the big bar of chocolate out of the bag. The next thing she took out was a little package. She took of the wrapper and opened the violet box. In the box there were two framed pictures. One was with Ray, Piper, Jasper and Henry when Ray made a water balloon fight with balloons filled with paint in the Man cave and they were full of paint.

"Oh my God. This is when we were fighting with water balloons filled with paint."-Ally laughed while looking at the picture.-"Yeah."-Henry laughed. The second framed picture was a selfie which Henry took once when they were hanging out.

"You have this picture? From where is this? When did you take it?"-Ally looked at him confused.-"You don't remember it? Then I won't tell you."-he smiled and Ally laughed and looked at the picture one more time.-"You look much taller than me in this picture than usual."-Ally said.

"When you're so short."-Henry said and they laughed-"Now you can't say that you don't have any pictures with your friends in your room."-Henry whispered.-"You're right, I can't"-Ally smiled.-"There is one more thing in the bag."-Henry smiled and Ally reached her hand into the bag.

When she took her hand out of the bag, she was holding a little stuffed teddy bear with a purple bow around its neck.-"This is so cute. He has a purple bow."-Ally said looking at the teddy bear with a huge smile on her face.-"What did you think, I'll get you a different coloured bow on the teddy. I know how to choose."-Henry smiled.-"Thank you so much. You're the best."-she said smiling and hugged him.

"Ready for another surprise?"-Henry asked smiling.-"There is more? Hen, you really didn't..."-"Be quiet, this is your day, and we have to make it special."-Henry covered her mouth.-"Fine. I'll just leave this in my room and take my phone so we can leave."-she said getting up and walking back upstairs in her room.

She left the present on her bed, took her phone from the desk and went to her mom's room.-"Hey mom, I'm leaving. Henry has another surprise for me. See you tonight."-"Okay, have fun!"-Molly said and kissed her cheek. Ally went back downstairs where Henry was waiting for her.-"Ready?"-he asked.-"Yup!"-she nodded and they left.

When they arrived in Junk 'n stuff, Henry gave Ally a blindfold.-"What is this?"-she asked looking at him confused.-"Put the blindfold on. It's a part of the surprise."-he smiled.-"Okay, can you help me?"-"Sure."-he nodded and helped her to put on the blindfold.

"Okay, now come with me."-Henry said.-"Henry, I can't see anything."-she said.-"Oh, yeah. Come."-he said and stood behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and they walked to the elevator.-"Where are we?"-she asked when they walked in the elevator.-"In the elevator, you dummy."-Henry laughed and the elevator closed.

"Do you want to hold my hand?"-he asked.-"Shut up!"-she playfully hit his chest-"That was the first time, I did that unconsciously."-she said.-"Okay, I'm just checking."-he said and pushed the button. They went down in the Man cave. When the elevator door opened, they walked out.

"Okay, now when I tell you to take the blindfold off, do it."-he said and carefully walked to the others who were all around the table by the Man couch.-"Okay, I guess."-she said confused. The others nodded to Henry, and he nodded back to them.-"You ready, Al?"-he asked.-"I guess I am."-"Then take the blindfold off."-he said and Ally started to take it off.

"Surprise!"-everyone yelled when she took it off. Ally gasped and covered her mouth. On the table were a lot of juices, snacks and the cake. On another table there were all the presents and balloons were everywhere.

"Happy birthday, Ally!"-they all said.-"Guys."-she put her hands down smiling-"You didn't have to do this."-she said and tears started running down her cheeks.-"Yes we had to!"-Jasper said and they all walked to her and surrounded her.

"It's your birthday! You turned 16!"-Ray said smiling and put a crown on her head.-"But, what did I do to deserve this?"-she said and more tears started to run down her cheeks.-"You don't have to do anything. You are our friend, of course we'll make a surprise for your birthday."-Piper said smiling.

"And Ally, don't cry. You'll ruin your make-up."-Henry said and wiped her tears.-"You guys are the best."-she smiled and hugged them.-"Yay! Group hug!"-Schwoz said excited.-"Come on Ally, make a wish and blow out the candles."-Ray said and brought the cake to her.

Ally looked at the purple cake and then at everyone smiling.-"Okay, here it comes."-she closed her eyes, made a wish and blew out the candles. Everyone started clapping and cheering.-"Come and open the presents."-Jasper said and they went to the table with the presents.

After Ally opened all the presents, they had a lot of fun. They had karaoke, they watched a movie, danced, took a lot of pictures, ate the snacks while playing truth or dare and ordered pizza for lunch. The last thing, they cut the cake and ate it.

"So, Ally, do you enjoy your birthday?"-Jasper asked while they were eating the cake.-"Are you seriously asking me that? This is the best birthday I ever had in my life!"-Ally said full of happiness.-"But this is not it."-Piper said.-"There is more? Guys, this is enough, you didn't have to do that much for me."-Ally said looking at everyone.

They were all looking at each other smiling.-"Guys? Tell me what did you do."-"Okay, okay I'll tell you."-Ray said excited-"Tonight, at 7, you'll have a party with all your classmates for your birthday."-he said excited. Ally's eyes were wide open, and she was looking at everyone and then at Henry.

"Henry, I told you I'm not having a party!"-"Yeah, but we don't want you to have a lame and boring birthday."-Henry defended himself.-"If this is lame then... I-I told you I have my reasons why I don't want a party, why do you have to go against me!?"-she said.

"But what can happen? We'll be there too."-Ray said.-"Yeah... but... I never had a party and I don't know how will I react on that, I mean I have problems with socializing because of the way I grew up, I get anxious around too much people."-Ally was talking quickly.

"If you're scared of panic attacks, don't be, we'll be with you."-Henry said.-"Come on girl, we'll have fun."-Piper said.-"Fine."-Ally sighed-"I'll have a party."-she said and everyone cheered happily.-"Okay, be ready at 6:30 we'll pick you up. I'll drive us there."-Ray said.-"Can't wait."-Jasper said excited.

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