Like a tsunami // Rafe Camero...

De EstieBestie016

109K 870 27

Mia Thornton, Topper's sister, was close with the Cameron family. It was expected, Sarah was Topper's ex girl... Mais

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1.9K 16 0
De EstieBestie016

Mias POV:
'We'll take you tomorrow. There's a storm coming today. You'll die and so will we.' Ward said sternly.
'Fine, take me to my room.' Carla said holding out her hand. Rafe looked at his dad in shock as Ward led her upstairs. One of the men that had been with me in the van took her bags after her and the other two stayed with me and Rafe, watching everything he did.
'Why did you go and get her? She's got nothing to do with this.' He asked.
'Carlas orders.' He said bluntly.
'I don't give a fuck about what she says, how could you be so heartless?' He asked angrily.
'Says the man who killed Renfield.' He spat. Rafe didn't reply, he knew there was no arguing back to that one.
'Rafe it hurts.' I whispered after a few moments of awkward silence.
'What did they do to you?' He asked, looking up angrily to the man still stood over me.
I lifted up my shirt to show my bruised ribs, my arms were cut and my leg was bleeding.
'I'm a nice guy, but if anyone touches my girl ever, that's it.' He said, standing up slowly so that he was level with the man.
'What's your name?' He asked, trying to stay cool.
'Nick.' He said, smirking, unsure of what my boyfriend was able to do.
'Nick, do you have a girlfriend?' He asked, pulling the gun from his back pocket.
'What would you do if you saw your girl like this?' He asked, pointing to me.
'I'd kill that bitch.' He said, still unaware of what was about to happen.
'Exactly.' Rafe said, pointing the gun at his chest and shooting it without another thought. I closed my eyes as his body dropped besides me.
The other man that had been with him ran into the room and punched Rafe, but was unable to dodge the bullet that he too, ended up having lodged in his chest.

'They're not dead.' He whispered, reassuring me, as he carried me from the house and into his car. Carla had come limping from the house by now, and I could see Ward was angry, he was going to have a harder time clearing Rafe's name now.
'I need to get you to the hospital.' He whispered, starting the car and driving as fast as he could from the drive away.
The pain was too much to handle and I began to feel sleepy, and it was harder and harder for me to breathe. My cries were getting quieter and quieter as I lost the energy for them.
'Open your eyes.' He warned. I couldn't.
'Open your eyes god damnit!' He shouted, nearly swerving the car into a building.
I tried as hard as I could, clutching to his arm, as he pulled up at the hospital and carried me out.
'You can't do this to me, wake up please.' He begged. I was taken by the doctors and he forced his way in with me.
He began to cry and I'd never seen him like that before. I opened my eyes one last time before falling asleep, and I could see the pain in his eyes. The real pain I had caused him.

A few hours later, I woke up, but this time, I wasn't in the hospital. I was back in Rafe's bed. And I could hear shouting downstairs. I stood up, with pain, my stomach had been wrapped to protect my ribcage, and my leg had also been bandaged.
I opened the door and Rafe looked up at me, from the bottom of the stairs. He smiled, but only a small one, before running up to me. He had been arguing with Carla. Somehow, she was still there. He helped me back to bed and closed the door once more.
'Why am I here?' I panicked. They helped you, they made you better, but then they started asking questions and I had to get you out of there in the least suspicious way possible.' He explained.
'What did you say?' I asked.
'I had found you on the boat in the hurricane. They believed me. But I couldn't keep you there any longer.' He whispered, kissing my head.
'Rafe I'm so sorry for everything ive done.' I cried.
'No don't be, I promised I'd keep you safe and not get you involved and I failed.' He said, pulling me closer.
'Why is she still here?' I asked, listening to Carla's laugh downstairs.
'She has to be. I'm sorry.' He said, cradling my head.
I sat up again and began to panic, grabbing his hands.
'What, what's happened?' He asked.
'Where's Topper, I need to see him, I left the car unlocked and the keys on the seat.' I said quickly.
'I called him, he's coming. It's not your fault.' He tried to beg me to listen to him but I couldn't.
'Mia!' He shouted. I stopped talking, tears began to form in my eyes.
'Rafe go.' I said.
'No stop, I'm not going anywhere.' He said sternly.
'Rafe please I need space.' I begged.
'I nearly killed them for you!' He shouted.
'I didn't ask you to Rafe! I told you to stop all of that but you clearly can't.' I spat.
'Look I'm trying to be a good person for you.' He said, breathing heavily as he sat back down besides me.
'I know Rafe, so do the right thing and give me some space.' I said, moving his hand from my leg.
'Mia please. I thought I lost you.' He begged. I didn't say a word, I let him wrap his arms around me.

'I just want to be happy, why can't we be happy?' I cried.
'We will be babygirl I promise, you and me, we will.' He whispered, cradling me tight.
'Rafe I need you to make some food for Carla!' Ward shouted.
'Tell her to Fuck off and do it herself, she nearly killed my girlfriend what makes you think I'll do shit for her.' He spat. Ward didn't reply, I'm pretty sure he'd gotten his answer.
'Rafe can you rub my shoulders please?' I asked.
'Of course my girl, move your hair.' He said, moving around me to make sure he could rub them both at the same time. After a few moments, the door burst open and Topper was stood infront of us, fuming.
'Okay so you tell me my sister is dying and here she is getting a massage!' He spat.
'Topper please, I would be dead right now if it wasn't for Rafe.' I assured him.
'What do you mean, what did Rafe do?' He asked carefully. Nobody said anything.
'You're coming home.' Topper said after a while, walking towards me.
'Does she look like she can go anywhere? Dumbass.' Rafe said angrily.
'Hey listen, my sister was kidnapped because of you.' Topper began.
'How was it because of me?' Rafe scoffed.
'Guys.' I said, hoarsely. They didn't listen.
'Just stay here tonight Topper! There's a storm coming and Mia can't walk.' Rafe insisted.
'I'm not staying in a house full of murderers.' He spat.
'Guys, someone's at the door.' I said again, louder this time. Everyone stood in silence listening to the doorbell ring over and over again.
'Get the door!' Rafe shouted. Nobody replied, and he huffed, standing up to go and get it.
'Don't go Rafe it won't be safe.' I assured him.
'Surely his house isnt that badly boobytrapped, go and answer the door.' Topper pushed.

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