Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

53.6K 1.6K 1.1K

A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call
HeartStone TrollMarket
A Heroes Merit
Trollhunters Woes
Magic Musings
Gnome Hunters
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
Shrinking Solves Everything
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

A Decision to Make

1.8K 68 41
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

  (I'm so sorry this took so long. A lot has been going on in my life and the fandom.

 However just a reminder guys if I get anymore pls mores, Jim/Draal X Reader, Great chapter update soon, I'm going to scream. If your commenting asking or demanding for more is not how to get the writer to continue a story)


 Hearing quiet chittering and loud scratching you shift restlessly in your sleep. Your hands grip your sheets as images flash through your mind.

  Visions of Killahead, Bular, Strickler, Gunmar they haunt your dreams. Tormenting you even as you tried to escape with rest. The sky was on fire and the screams of those you wanted to protect filled the air. Taking deep breaths you kick in your sleep as you toss and turn. Tears begin to fill your eyes behind your closed eyelids as your heart rate quickens. 

 'You can not protect the Hunter.' The Darklands. Gunmars roar. A quiet lady whispering as music plays. 

 'Yes but are you learning? What is he truly teaching?' Vendels books, flashes of endless studying but never any real magic. Than Strickler offering you the Hecate blade. Offering to teach you. 

 'Hecate you are far out of your element.' Getting backhanded by Bular skidding across the street. Strickler clicking his pen. Golden eyes watching you from every angle.

 Past and future collide as you gasp sitting up in bed, cold sweat dripping down the back of your neck. Closing your eyes as you put your hand over your chest you take deep breaths. Opening your eyes heart still hammering you see your in the replica of your room in the copycat house.

  Flopping back down on the bed you stare at the ceiling. So it wasn't a long dream. You were still here. Still stuck. Still confused and still very lost.

 Sighing as you glance at your clock you groan seeing the very late time. Turning away staring out your window you see the stars shining outside. Closing your eyes trying to get some more sleep before training, you pause hearing something.

  Was that scratching? Peaking your eye open remaining still something shifts outside your window casting shadows across your room. Jolting upright you reach for the window opening it. Cold air rushes in giving you goosebumps on your arms as you lean out to look outside. The night is dark and the lightposts outside your house are dim. As you struggle to see into the darkness your hand touches the side of the window. You feel something slimy. Flinching at whatever it is you lean further out of the window to try and see what that thing was. 

 Feeling the curtains brush around you scampering noises slowly get further and further away as a trashcan rattles and falls on the street below. The distant call of a green creature saying waka chaka echoes through the silent night as your adrenaline soars.

 "... Goblins?" This wasn't good. 


 Sitting in the Heartstone waiting for Vendel you think of last night. The goblins. Your dream, the dream you'd had before. Groaning you rub at your eyes trying to wake up. You never did get any sleep thanks to all the craziness and having to wake up early for trollhunting or magic  sucked.

  As Vendel runs late you hum events bouncing around in your head. Biting your lip you glance at your bag. Making sure no one's around you reach into it taking out Stricklers gift. As much as you didn't trust him he made a good point, you weren't learning with Vendel. You hadn't had many lessons but you should be able to do something by now.

 Staring at the dagger with distrust, you turn it in your hands looking for any tricks Strickler may have put into it.

   The blade was old. You could see it was worn on the sides with tiny scratches from battles long past, but the iron of the blade was still sharp. Sharp and deadly to a fae. Pausing as you rub your finger over the Hecate coin on the front you notice it turns.

 Flipping the coin so its halfway in and half way out, the blade has an empty hilt. Humming shaking it you hear a little rattle. Feeling around there's a note in the dagger along with what looks like a tiny bag of gravesand. Being careful not to disturb the bag you take out the note curious. The old parchment crunches in your hand as you open the tea stained letter. 

 'This blade once belonged to a woman in ancient times. She had fiery hair and powerful magic. I thought it fitting for it to be passed down to you.

  This world is unsafe and your starting to see beyond the veil. Ignorance can no longer protect you Hecate so hopefully this dagger will. As your powers grows so will your enemies. Be strong (Y/N) and remember your abilities are only as powerful as the teachers who guide you.'

 It was signed with Stricklers name and a phone number as well as an address. You're not sure what the address is. His house or a changeling cite maybe? And the phonenumber... was his or the Orders?

 Looking over the note again and again rereading the contact information you curse Strickler as tears slowly drip down your face. You're not supposed to be here. This isn't your world, it's not your magic and yet until you find out how you got here you were stuck with it.

  Sighing you stare at the knife looking at your relfection in the iron part of the blade. Popping the coin back in place and storing the weapon at the bottom of your bag you take a deep breath holding your backpack close. As the orange headstone glowed around you, you took deep calming breaths. You had a lesson with Vendel today. You were going to learn some real magic. You had to focus on that.

 The Heartstone hums around you and you hum back putting your hand to the rock, feeling it's magical energy. It was soothing...

 "(Y/N)." Looking up Vendel was waiting. He was slouched as he held his staff and he looked just as tired as you. Hand retracting from the crystal you get up ready for your lesson. Vendel gives a small half smile before gesturing with his staff into a deeper part of the heartstone.

 "Let's try some elemental spells today." He suggests and you nod smiling as you get up and walk alongst side him. He puts his hand on your shoulder humming before he begins leading you away. His staff thumps against the floor echoing around you as he uses it as a walking stick.

 Finally stopping he gestures to an open room in the heartstone before he sits down on a crystal. He has books laid out next to him with pictures and motions that needed to be done to successfully to do the elemental spells.

 You had been excited when you'd started but an hour later with no progress to show you were beginning to feel stupid. As Vendel soothed out a scroll trying to direct your movement you were getting tired of pretending you understood what he was telling you. His instructions felt convoluted and as you followed them all they did was make you sore. 

 Frowning as your frustration grows you try again. Focusing all your energy and making the pose wanting to summon fire, your hands begin to glow and burn but nothing happens. No flames are summoned... Looking to Vendel you start shaking as you push yourself harder. You had to do something, anything. 

 "Let's try another spell. It's possible you'll click with a different element better." He suggests and you nod watching as he flips to a different page. You'd already tried a lot of other elements too but maybe they just weren't your element. 

Some time later and you've tried all the main elements with no luck. Wizards and mages alike always connect to a main element more than others and are able too get it right away but you just don't seem to be getting it at all. There's no doubt that you had magic since you'd done a spell but what kind of magic you possessed was unknown.

 Closing your eyes, trying again the light appears in your hands before fizzling out. Shaking you take deep breaths feeling drained. You hadn't even gotten one spell right! Two hours and nothing. 

 "You seem distracted." Vendel states. You pause looking back at him. His soft marbel eyes meet yours and you want to tell him everything that's on your mind but you can't. Shoulders slumping in defeat looking at thr ground the elder leader hummed in acknowledgement. "I think you should join your friends for now. In the Forge." Stiffening you look at your hands. You'd been so close. You could feel it. You just needed some more time. 

 "Are you sure?" You weren't completely concentrated on the lesson with Stricklers offer and the goblins from last night distracting you but you still wanted to practice magic. You still wanted to try and learn, you weren't making much progress on your own. The twice a week lessons Vendel offered weren't enough and you were afraid you'd keep having accidents like with Steves desk in class or last night at the museum. You don't want to feel out of control all the time. You needed Vendel. You needed to learn!

 "I have some duties I need to attend too and your clearly struggling." Taking a book out of his satchel he holds it out. "I'm sory we'll continue as planned next week. Read this and hopefully it'll help." He promises. Staying silent you stare at the book he's offering. 

 "..." You want to scream. To yell. To beg him to reconsider but Vendel is old and he has many responsibilities. Your just a kid he doesn't have time for. Someone he probably never wanted. "Okay... thank you for your time Vendel." 

 Learn magic while Jim learns Trollhunting.  Bushigal. All you were learning was how to be disappointed by trolls and people.

  Grabbing the book he offered keeping your hands from shaking, you hold it close as you stalk away before he could see you cry. 

 Maybe Strickler was right. Vendel was busy. He had Trollmarket to run and a million other problems. If all he could give you were books perhaps the Order was the better solution. They had magical artifacts and maybe changelings who had the same gift as you. Maybe they would know how to send you home. Thinking of the phone number and address in the note you swallow.

 Shaking your head you take a deep breath. Walking into the forge from a side entrance in the heartstone you duck and roll as a troll target pops out and shoots fire at you. Breathing in deeply your eyes glow as you kick the troll stand shaking in anger.

 "(Y/N)? I thought you were learning magic!" Jim greets as he blocks a jet of fire with his sword.

 "I was." You respond before tossing your stuff aside and joining Jim on his training. At least Blinky wouldn't mind instructing you. 

 "Master Jim focus. (Y/N) concentration. As I was saying. Rule number one always be afraid. Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive." Glaring at Blinky you avoid another jet of fire. Always be afraid unless your dealing with goblins in which case they smell you having nightmares and scratch at your window keeping you up all night making you not sleep and causing you to mess up in front of your magic teacher.

  Violently avoiding the Forges traps as you try to summon something anything to fight with Jim pauses watching you train. Leaning on his sword he smiles before a blast of fire knocks him over.

 "Arrogance gets you killed Jim." You state as you walk over. He hums looking up at you from the ground and you smile holding out your hand.

 "I'll have to remember that." He groans as you pull him up. Blinky nods at the two of you before clapping his hands. The Forge pauses and you both look to Blinky. You both breath in trying to catch your breath as the smell of rust and scorched metal fills your nose. 

 "Draal does not fear you Master Jim. That will be his weakness but not you Master Jim. You'll be wetting your armor. That will be your strength!" Turning back towards the obstacle Jim nods before slicing at the oncoming projectiles. Watching Blinky turn away from you to focus on Jim and seeing Jim doesn't need you, you walk towards Toby on the sidelines where you'd thrown your stuff.

 "Oh yeah. Looking good Jimbo! Feel the burn!" He yells cheering Jim on. Smiling at you as you walk over he waves. "Hey (Y/N). If Jim's getting fit. I'm getting fit!" He states excited as he points to a new writsband. "Can't be too big." He states patting his stomach as he continues to jog in place.

  Aarrrgh whines looking at himself and Toby pauses. "Oh no not you big guy! There's nothing wrong with being big, it's just if I'm gonna have Jim's back I have to be nimble." He states as he pats Aarrghs back before he throws some punches. Jumping back and forth as he paces with overexagerrated motions Aarrrgh hums and gets up from his sitting position copying Toby. 

 They bounce back and forth as you chuckle watching them mess around. Rolling your eyes playfully as you dig through your backpack for your phone Tobies watch goes off. 

 "Yeah Baby! I hit a benchmark! I've run a total..." Pausing Toby hums looks happy. "A hundred feet. Five calories burned. Nice." He states holding out his hand.

  Sending him a thumbs up Toby continues using his Chubby Tracker proudly. Jim meanwhile begins slicing and dicing target  trolls left and right. He grunts as he slashes his sword and smirks as he uses his blade to deflect darts flying at him. Smiling he glances at you before looking at Blinky as the troll walks towards him.

  "You know, I think being afraid is the one rule that I- OH!" Ducking down as more darts fly towards him they soar over his head and hit the target behind him. Standing up and brushing himself off the stand suddenly catches on fire surprising him. Smiling glad he dodged that he points his sword at the impaled target. "I excel at." He finishes puffing out his chest proud as Blinky walks closer. He winks at you and you shake your head at his playfulness.

 "No Master Jim just as (Y/N) must learn all the basic elements to become a real mage, you must excel at all three rules to become a true Trollhunter." Blinky states firmly. You frown about to say some choice words but Blinkous continues focusing on teaching Jim. "If trolls are ever going to embrace you as Trollhunter, you must ignore your humanly instincts." He instructs. 

  Groaning Jim looks past Blinky at you. You shrug also annoyed and Jim sighs. Picking up Daylight he tosses it at a different target throwing it straight through the metal trolls head. Blinky stares impressed before pulling Jim close shaking his shoulders.

  "Do that and I have no doubt you will defeat Draal." As he says this the Forge turns itself off the training session completed. Watching smoke rise from the floor as the Forge shuts down you go to leave before pausing as loud laughter fills the arena. Turning Draal sauntered into the Forge with another troll. The Orange clay troll with blue eyes and mossy gree hair chuckles with Draal as Draal leans in huffing in Jims face. 

 "Look it's training." Letting out a little growl as he looks at Jim Draal again begins laughing. "Cute." He states before walking the other direction not concerned about Jim. "Brachacha Burlar." Draal states as his friend roars in amusement. Your head spins trying to understand what he said but it didn't translate, something told you it was bad though. 

 Blinky glares in Draals direction before holding Jim close. 

 "Let your fear keep you alive. Let his arrogance lead him astray. Defeat him and you'll make history!" Blinky assures Jim. Stepping next to Jim you hum crossing your arms. 

 "Also if you don't beat Draal I have to marry him so maybe just maybe don't loose." You remind Jim as Blinky and Aarrrgh lead you all out of the Forge. 

 "Right. Sorry! I still didn't know." Shrugging it off with a smile finding the situation a bit humorous despite the possible outcome Jim chuckles before Toby bumps his shoulder.

 "Come on slowpokes we have a Museum tour with our history class today. No school." He states excitedly as he begins jogging out of the Forge.

 "Hey wait up!!!" Jim states laughing as he follows you and Tobes out of TrollMarket. 


  Missing the bus from school to the Museum you change route deciding to meet the other students there. Racing down the streets avoiding morning traffic you thankfully make it before the bus gets there.

  Out of breath and panting once you get to the parking lot you, Toby, and Jim lock up your bikes on the Museums bike rack. 

  Feeling a shiver travel down your spine you turn and pause. Staring up at the old building observing it closely your eyes narrow as you walk towards the Museums steps. Holding your arms close Jim and Toby talk to each other as you zone out. The golden, white, and red paint hurts your eyes on the sunny day and your mind flashes back to the museum dream you'd had. Killahead was in this building. So was Bulars den and the goblin hoarde.

  But how do you tell Jim these things without sounding suspicious? And what do you do about Vendels magic lessons and Stricklers offer? The dagger he gave you weighs heavy in your bag and you swallow clutching the backpack closer.

 "Hey you okay?" Glancing at Jim you hum watching as the bus pulls up and all the kids from school file out. 

 "(Y/N)!" Looking towards the voice you pause as Claire waves at you smiling. Not sure why she called to you, you wave back as Toby and Jim make themselves scarce. Mary and Darci bump her shoulders giggling as you look away face pink. As students flood the stairs waiting for Stricklers instructions you hum. That was weird... 

  Watching Strickler go past his students to the top of the steps he holds out his hands to get everyone's attention. He begins counting green eyes checking the crowd before his gaze locks on you. Not responding you can feel a cold glare before he begins scanning the rest of the class to seem less suspicious. Crossing his arms behind his back he hums before he nods at his associate. She smiles in response and steps forward so everyone can see her. 

 Staring at Nomura you watch as her human form falls away. It shimmers before dissapearing completley, her skin turning to pink. She smirks and you watch as her green eyes begin glowing. You swallow nervously as she smiles at the crowd. Her fangs poke past her lips making you shudder before you blink and shes human again. As if her changeling form never existed.

  Rubbing your arm you listen as she begins to speak. "I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal. I assure you the truth is far more fascinating." Nomura promises. As she sweeps out her arms excited her bright green eyes scan over the crowd. Seeing you she tilts her head as Strickler nods. She smirks before continuing her speil. "And there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era Pottery." She hums clapping her hands together.

  Everyone lets out a groan making you shake your head. Pottery happened to be interesting to you. After all the Greeks and so many other cultures painted their histories on pots. You could see what or who they beleived in from the artwork they left behind and they might unravel some mysteries. Maybe the pottery even had a clue to how you got here or how to get home. 

 Strickler rolls his eyes having heard and seen the tour from Nomura. a hundred times. Coming forward getting everyone's attention he cuts off the rest of her speech. 

  "Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. Don't you think?" Before she can respond all the kids are gone leaving you with the changelings. They look at you and you smile awkwardly feeling uncomfortable. Running after your friends Nomura reaches for your arm but misses as you barley slip past the changelings into the museum.

 Following a random group inside you take a deep breath as you pass the Museums blocked off section. Shivering as you feel Killaheads presense you end up on the second floor as far away from the evil magic as you can. Pausing as you see a dress that feels familar you stop in front of the case feeling safe. 

 Looking at the White dress with a brown corset you hum seeing the murals around it. Your mind wanders to Camelot as Claire pauses next to you. Flinching she chuckles before looking at the dress with a longing look in her eyes.

  "Beautiful huh?" She questions manicured nails barley touching the saftey glass. Looking at the latina unsure of what to say you nod smiling softly. The dress was pretty but you weren't really sure why you stopped. The paintinga and murals probabaly had more answers than a simple dress. 

  "Are you okay? You seem... jumpy." Claire says concerned. Shrugging feeling tired from the almost all nighter and all the training she snickers, hairclips bouncing as she does so. "I'd be jumpy too if I'd been missing rehearsals. You and Jim are really good at being no shows you know that?" She questuons.

 "I..." Not able to come up with anything else You look down. She hums and leaning close you look at her knowing she wants to talk. 

  "You seemed more dependable than that." She says matter of factly as she smiles at you before looking back at the dress. Closing your eyes you exhale slowly before opening them again.

 "... Things have been complicated." You answer truthfully as you begin rubbing your arm. "But trust me Jim's really excited about this play. He really wants to be there for you." Claire blinks in surprise before turning towards you with a look in her eye. 

 "And you?" She questions as she tilts her head waiting for a response. Her blue eyes stare into your soul and you hum thinking about it, you don't really know. You wanted to be there for Jim. You weren't even sure if you and Claire were friends or what your relationship was but you wouldn't mind if you got close. Claire was trustworthy even if she didn't know the full truth yet.

 "Can we... talk about anything else?" Pursing her lips Claire seems like she wants to push for more detailed answers but she simply nods. "Look at the embroidery. Dresses aren't made with such detail anymore. Even my abudeula couldn't sew those kind of patterns." Nodding admiring the dress you pause as someone is suddenly inbetween you and Claire. Looking up the blue eyes blonde haired oaf gives you a wink. 

 "Hey." He greets you both. "I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean for you both to get caught in that little tiff between Lake and I. But I want you both to know, since joining the play, I feel like theres another side of me that wants to come out." Steve states as he tries to sound mature despite the constant lisp. 

 "Apology not accepted."

 You state right as Claire says the opposite. 

 "Apology accepted."

  Claire looks at you and you look away embarrassed. Steve gently touches your arm but you flinch so he pauses. Nodding in acceptance he pulls away focusing on Claire. The raventete laughs before she smiles. 

 "You were a jerk." Claire adds to her previous statement playfully punching Steves arm before she winks at you. Feeling flustered you smile before looking back at the dress continuing to admire its beauty. Steve makes kissy faces behind your back at Jim and Toby so you tap his arm as you try and have a good time with Claire. Ignoring you, you roll your eyes before you turn seeing Toby and Jim. Jim was semi hiding behind a pillar as Toby pulled at him. Gesturing for them to come over knowing Claire was in a good mood since you just had a conversation Jim shakes his head no as you nod yes.

 Toby gives up on pulling and brushes by Jim walking up to you. He taps on Steves arm getting the quarterbacks attention. "Steve did you hear? Neanderthal exhibit. Topless." Toby says quietly as he winks. Steve's eyes light up and he smiles getting ready to strut off. 

 "Nice cave ladies." He states nodding at Toby. Winking at you Steve fingerguns before making his leave. Toby taps your arm and seeing Jim's still nervous you both begin gesturing. Claire too focused on the dress doenst even notice as you continue to try and lure Jim over.

  Biting his lip Jim looks at you, smiling and nodding using your head to retire to Claire he slowly comes out from behind the pillar and takes Steve's old spot so he can stand next to Claire. He chuckles nervously and you back away letting the two have their space.

 "I wish our play had these costumes." Smiling at him as Jim starts a conversation Toby sticks around to watch as you wonder around the museum curious to see the other exhibits. 

 "(Y/N)." Feeling a hand grab your arm you stiffen prepared for Strickler or Nomura but your surprised too see Eli. Looking away from the murals and at him you smile unsure why he grabbed you. 

 "Hey Eli what's up?" You question hoping he'll distract you from your life curentully falling apart around you.

 "If I show you something super secret will you promise not to call me crazy?" Confused you nod as Eli smiles readjusting his glasses on his nose. "I knew you'd believe me. That you wouldn't laugh. Look at this." Showing you his phone you pause staring at the screen. Eli had a picture of a squished goblin with himself barley in frame. Blinking surprised you forgot that Elis delivery guy is the person who ran over the package.

 "Why are you showing me this?" You question realizing you'd have to fight goblins tonight. 

 "Cause I finally have proof. You beleive me right? Freaks are real and they're right here in Arcadia just like when we were looking for them as kids." Staring at Eli not knowing what he's talking about he waves his phone to get more of a crowd.

 "Hey Eli send me that please?" You question hoping to distract him as other students look at the two of you. 

 "Oh of course! I'm gonna show everyone but best to have backups right?" He asks smiling happily at his discovery. 

 "I mean maybe not tell everyone." Hearing a beep on your phone you look down to check the image to see where the goblin had been smashed when Eli suddenly runs off waving the picture around. 

 "Guys I have proof this time! At first I thought it was an alien. Defiently not human. It's some sort of monster." He states proudly. 

  "Eli maybe..." Not wanting him to get embarassed kids begin laughing at him as you download the image and delete the text. 

 "Come on give it up Eli." Someone sneers as they push his phone away. 

 "No, no! This time, I have photographic evidence! (Y/N) saw you can ask them." Seeing kids stare at you, you look at Eli suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Toby pushes through the crowd and seeing the picture looks at you. You shrug not sure how you could've stopped Eli even if you'd tried and Toby huffs.

 "Hey Eli can I see your phone real quick? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." Tapping Eli's screen to zoom in Toby shrugs as he "accidentally" presses the delete button. He waves the phone at you as if to say duh and you facepalm at the boys subtly. 

 "What the heck? You deleted it!" Eli snaps and Toby shrugs waving his fingers. 

 "Darn these stubby little fingers." Eli looks at you and you look at your phone staring at the empty text. 

 "Sorry Eli backup never sent. But I saw it and I believe you." You offer. Eli frowns at Toby before sighing as he walks away cradling his phone.

 "I also beleive you Eli!" Toby promises as Eli leaves. Smirking he waves his arm with the chubby tracker after Eli's out of veiw. "Beleiveing one calorie." Smacking his head Toby whines but you cross your arms gesturing with your head towards where Eli had gone. "He'll get over it. Come on we have bigger problems." Toby states taking your phone to stare at the picture you'd saved. 

 Looking at the goblin remains you nod. Yeah you really did. 

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