Just A Blind Date

By NightWinter_

422 57 63

A Blind Date for a New game doesn't sound so Bad.... This is a short Chanbaek story I have written ๐Ÿ˜‹. It's... More

BONUS-2 (Part-1)
BONUS-2 (Part-2)
New Year Special


36 5 2
By NightWinter_

After 1 Year and 6 months.

"I am not going there!" Jongdae whined as he sat down on the chair. After seeing the crowd outside he felt his knees go weak. He loosened his bow tie feeling a bit suffocated.

"What if I mess it up??" Jongdae asked nervous his lips trembling.

"Yah! For how long have you been waiting for this day? And now you are scared to mess it up?" Baekhyun asked chuckling kneeling down, meeting him at eye level.

"I I know!! But- This all- Everything just seems so surreal!" Jongdae said his tearing up. Baekhyun was shocked. This was the first time Baekhyun has seen Jongdae cry. Of course He did see Jongdae cry when they watched a movie together, but these tears were different.

Baekhyun hugged him making soothing circles on his back. Pulling back he looked Jongdae in the eye. "You love him. And he loves you. And he Freaking said Yes to you! That shows how much he loves you!! So stop being a whimp and get out there!" Baekhyun said squeezing his shoulder.

Jongdae's eyes lit up, and smiled confident. "Gumoa... Baekhyun." Jongdae said chuckling. "Eyy boya~ You are thanking me?" Baekhyun teased punching him. Jongdae smirked bringing back his goofy smile.

"Hehe...Kre'! I'll support you too! When it's your wedding~!" Jongdae said winking. Baekhyun blushed hard at the comment.

"Y-Yah!" Baekhyun yelled punching the groom harder than he expected.

"Yah Byun Baekhyun!" Jongdae yelped in pain.

"I am so sorry!" Baekhyun apologized trying to control his laugh. Soon Jongdae also joined him, Feeling more relaxed.

"Are you guys ready??" Both turned towards the door noticing a brown head popping from behind the door.

"Oh Yeol-ah!" Baekhyun stood up elated at the sight of his boyfriend. Chanyeol entered in his tuxedo, Making Baekhyun drool over him.

"Hey babe... You look amazing." Chanyeol said sweetly pecking the older's lips. Baekhyun giggled and kissed back. "You too.."

Jongdae groaned in the background.

"I think I should better get out of here before it gets 19+!" Jongdae said closing his eyes.

"Oh don't act like you don't do stuff like this with Xiumin." Chanyeol retorted back smirking. He hugged from the side holding him close. Baekhyun glared at the Groom who just stuck his tongue at the two.

"Whatever...But...How is Minseok?" Jongdae asked curious and worried. Also missing the older. Since the groom's can't see each other before the Wedding (Luhan's and Baekhyun's weird superstition), Jongdae hasn't seen the older since yesterday morning.

And since Baekhyun locked Jongdae's door, he couldn't even sneak out to see his lover. Jongdae was never more mad at Baekhyun than he was last night.

"He's with Luhan. Guess he is quite nervous." Chanyeol said chuckling.

Still not believing the fact that Minseok and Luhan are actually best friends. Chanyeol was quite shook when he found out when Luhan and Minseok knew each other.

All the three couples met coincidentally met at the theaters. It's was the most confusing day Chanyeol had ever had. It was as if the multiple spider man meme had come to life.

Chanyeol got a vague Idea on how Sehun got Baekhyun's New book.

Though it was the first time Sehun had met Jongdae, just as he expected, both got along really well.

Jongdae looked down fiddling with his fingers. But a small crept on his lips. Thinking about spending the rest of his lifetime with Minseok, made his heart flutter, just like how it did when he first met him.

"So..are you ready?" Chanyeol asked

"I am ready!" Jongdae said getting up, having a genuine smile on his lips.

Baekhyun hugged the Groom tight, happy he's back to himself. Baekhyun fixed his Bow tie, with a proud smile.

"How long are you guys gonna take??" Three turned back to see a really annoyed Sehun, with his usual poker faced.

"Is Minseok ready?" Baekhyun asked quickly picking up Jongdae's coat.

"Yeah, Luhan is bringing him to the aisle." Sehun said glancing at his watch.

"Hurry up! We are already late!!" Sehun groaned once more glancing at his watch.

"Okay okay....Let's go!" Jongdae said taking a deep breath. Baekhyun smiled and nodded. "Kre'! Let's go!" Baekhyun said fixing Jongdae's coat and tie.

Baekhyun and Jongdae went out first leaving Sehun and Chanyeol alone.

"Whoa~~ I never knew marriage would be this nerve wrecking." Chanyeol said putting his hands into his pockets.

"I know right...but I felt Luhan was more nervous than Minseok. He kept on rambling last night I barely could sleep. Not that I mind listening to him though. Never knew being the Best man was so stressful." Sehun yawned stretching his hands. Chanyeol chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah...Baekhyun was really excited, he barely stood in one place." Chanyeol sighed. Since Baekhyun was really busy it was hard to see the older. Most of the time Baekhyun and Luhan spent their night at Jongdae's and Minseok's for the preparations.

Chanyeol only saw Baekhyun twice for the past two weeks.

"Don't worry Chanyeol, I'll make sure you won't get stressed at your wedding!" Sehun said winking, gripping his shoulder.

"What makes you think that you are going to be my Best man?" Chanyeol asked raising his eyebrow. Sehun kept his hand over his chest looking hurt.

"Chanyeol...It hurts..." Sehun said wiping his fake tears.

"Arasaw..Arasaw...Let's go before the wedding starts." Chanyeol said rolling his eyes and dragging the maknae out.

"Hey hey!! You are wrinkling my Suit!!"
The wedding bells rang across the hall. Jongdae stood nervous at the front of the aisle. His feet was tapping continuously making him a bit restless. Too nervous he couldn't even hear the chitchat of the guests.

He glanced back at Baekhyun who showed him a fighting gesture. Jongdae smiled nodding.

The sudden music made him turn towards the back of the aisle, Where Minseok stood with Luhan behind him. Minseok walked along with Luhan with their arms linked. Minseok squeezed Luhan's arms in nervousness.

Everyone became quite, Admiring the Groom.

Jongdae stood speechless at the sight of Minseok. Completely stunned at his appearance. His White suite made him look like an angel sent from heaven.

Baekhyun called Jongdae softly, telling him to go and bring the groom. Jongdae snapped back to reality and walked towards Minseok lending his hand.

Minseok smiled wide, gladly accepting his hand. Both walked towards the front hands intertwined. Luhan Joined Sehun who stood at the front.

Jongdae could feel Minseok's hand shaking. He gave light squeeze, making the older feel relaxed.

Both stood facing each other, Eyes glistening.

Saying their vows Both looked at each other lovingly. "I love you." Jongdae said squeezing the older's hand. "I love you too..." Minseok said smiling.

"And now I pronounce you both, Partners for life! Now you may kiss each other!" Exchanging their rings,Smirking Jongdae pulled Minseok for a deep kiss.

Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd.

Baekhyun wiped his tears rolling down his cheeks due to happiness. Chanyeol hugged the older, kissing his hair. Baekhyun clinged to him, feeling too emotional.

Chanyeol noticed Luhan on the other side, who was bawling to Sehun who hugged him tight. Luhan was always emotional type (though he says he's quite manly).
"Congrats Dae!!" Sehun hugged Jongdae.

"Congrats Idiot! Congrats Min!" Baekhyun said hugging both.

"Congrats to you both!" Chanyeol said punching Jongdae lightly on the shoulder.

"Thanks guys!" Jongdae beamed holding Minseok's hand.

"Whoa...it's finally over!" Luhan said stretching his hand. Baekhyun nodded taking a relieved breath.

Luhan and Baekhyun were busy for the past two weeks that Sehun and Chanyeol could barely reach out to their lovers.

"You guys helped us lot! Thank you so much." Minseok said sincere.

Luhan looked at his watch and gasped.

"Oh my god!! Yah Your gonna be late for your flight!!" Luhan shouted widening his eyes. Baekhyun too glanced at his watch, looking surprised.

"You guys should get going now!" Baekhyun said looking through his phone to check if the car was ready.

"Okay then! Now it's time to toss the bouquet!" Luhan said excited jumping.

Chuckling Jongdae and Minseok nodded. Both stood their back facing the crowd. Each held a bouquet and smiled knowingly. Both turned back to spot their prey. Minseok first threw it up in the air.

"Let's find the next couple!!"

Sehun looked up to see one the bouquet flying towards him, out of reflex he caught the bouquet. Sehun blinked at his actions his brain freezing. Luhan hung his jaw opened confused and embarrassed.

A round of cheers erupted among the crowd. Making Sehun blush and freeze. Chanyeol bursted out laughing seeing Sehun's reaction.

"Ok~! Now the Next one!!" Jongdae said turning and winking at Chanyeol. Chanyeol looked confused.

Jongdae threw his, right at Chanyeol. Surprised Chanyeol just stared at the bouquet flying towards him. His hands going numb. It hit directly into Chanyeol's head, Bouncing off, It landed right on Baekhyun's hand. Chanyeol and Baekhyun simply blinked at the bouquet. Another round of cheers erupted making them both look away from each other in shyness.

Minseok and Jongdae had a little victory smile and kissed each other.

"Whoaa it was such a long week!" Baekhyun said as he plomped himself on their shared bed after changing into his pajamas. He layed his hands and legs stretched like a star fish.

After a year into their relationship, Baekhyun and Chanyeol decided to move in together. Baekhyun sold his condo since its too big for himself, and bought a new apartment with Chanyeol.

Sighing Chanyeol stood next to their bed.

"Yeah...I could barely see you. It was almost like you forgot me..." Chanyeol said pouting, sounding a little disappointed. Huffing he turned to other side.

Baekhyun sat up quickly Feeling a little guilty. "Yeolie~I am sorry..." Baekhyun said cutely making Chanyeol melt into goo.

How am I supposed to act mad if you are being this cute??

Wanting to tease more Chanyeol ignored Baekhyun and went into the kitchen. He started to make dinner.

He could hear faint footsteps, but he ignored it completely focused on cooking.

"Chanyeol~? Yeolie~? Channie~~??" Baekhyun called sweetly, leaning against the counter behind Chanyeol. Chanyeol tried real hard to fight against the smile forming on his lips.

Baekhyun moved and stood right behind Chanyeol, his arms snaking around Chanyeol's waist. Chanyeol froze at the sudden contact. Clearing his throat Chanyeol continued to cut the vegetables and putting them into the pan.

"Channie~ Look at me! Hmm?" Baekhyun cooed hugging him tighter. Hearing no response from the taller, Baekhyun huffed backed off.

"Yah! Yoda!! How long are you gonna be mad at me??" Baekhyun asked frowning. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol doesn't likes to be called Yoda.

"Huh?? Yoda?" Chanyeol asked wide widening his eyes.

"Yeah! Yo.Da!" Baekhyun said closing his slowly pronouncing each syllable.

Chanyeol quickly pulled Baekhyun pushing him against the kitchen counter. Locking him between his long arms and towering over him.

Baekhyun shrinked back, holding on to the counter for his dear life.

" Try saying it now..." Chanyeol asked his voice low, close to his ear, which sent shiver down Baekhyun's spine. For some reason Baekhyun felt a lot hotter than before.

"Yo-Yod..." Baekhyun said looking down his voice small almost in audible. Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun's chin, making him look in the eye. Baekhyun's eye fluttered, his heart beating like crazy.

"What?" Chanyeol asked once again, his eyes making Baekhyun's knee go weak. His voice more deeper.

"Y-Yo-" Chanyeol cut him of off, connecting their lips for a deep kiss. Baekhyun was surprised by the kiss, but soon he kissed back desperate, throwing his arms around the taller's neck.

Chanyeol held Baekhyun close, missing the older's scent. He could smell the vanilla scent of his shampoo.

Lifting Baekhyun up, Chanyeol made him sit on the counter, breaking the kiss for oxygen.

Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol in for another kiss, not wanting it to end. He wrapped his legs around the taller's waist pulling him even closer if it was possible.

Leaving his lips, Chanyeol trailed down to Baekhyun's neck, leaving small love bites along the way. Baekhyun turned his head giving more access to his neck.

His fingers ran through Chanyeol's hair as Chanyeol sucked on a certain spot. Baekhyun let out small moan, making Chanyeol smirk against his skin, satisfied with the reaction.

He attacked the older lips again. Biting his lips for entrance. Suddenly Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol a little breaking the kiss, his eyes wide.

"Wha-What happened?" Chanyeol asked confused breathing heavy.

"The pan!!" Baekhyun screamed pointing behind Chanyeol. Quickly realizing Chanyeol turned back to see the vegetables on the pan half burnt. He quickly switched it off and removed the pan.

Chanyeol turned to look at Baekhyun who was shocked. Both looked at each other and bursted out laughing. After calming down Baekhyun got down front he counter.

"No more making out in the kitchen while cooking." Baekhyun said chuckling pointing at the pan.

"And whose fault was that?" Chanyeol asked raising his eyebrows pulling Baekhyun closer. Baekhyun giggled and pecked the taller's lips.

"Me?" Baekhyun asked cutely making Chanyeol loose his sanity.

"Yah... didn't you see no making out?" Chanyeol asked smirking looking down at the older.

"It was just a peck!" Baekhyun said defensively. Chuckling Chanyeol kissed the older's forehead. Giggling Baekhyun hugged the taller burying his head onto Chanyeol's chest listening closely to the even rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Should we order some pizza?" Baekhyun asked looking up at the taller. "Sure!" Chanyeol fished out his phone dialing the restaurant.

"Let's watch a movie too!" Baekhyun said excited breaking away from the hug. Chuckling Chanyeol nodded and told Baekhyun to pick a movie.

Baekhyun quickly went to the living room to choose the movie. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun having a fond smile.

There was no one else who could make Chanyeol this crazy for someone other than Baekhyun. And he knew for sure that, He was the only person Chanyeol would spend the rest of his life with.

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