Mortals, Demigods and gods Me...

By The-pjo-writer-girl

308K 4.4K 6.4K

Sequel to Mortals, Demigods and gods meeting Percabeth [completed] Mortals and demigods are still trying to b... More

1.) We have our first encounter
Authors Note PLEASE READ
2.) Jeffery Ice
3.) Julie Starfly
4.) Isaac Peters
5.) Cassandra May
6.) Sam Clarkson
7.) Christmas Special ~ Sean Johnson
8.) Kylie Young
9.) Sarah June
10.) Diego Downside
IT'S 2015!!!!!!
11.) Kathy Dalme
12.) Mitch Rainfield
14.) Sarah June (Part 2)
15.) Valentines Day Special ~ Callie Smith
16.) Aphrodite Rangers Special
17.) Pippa Malfoy
19.) Pippa Malfoy, pt II
20.) Belle Darwin
The Note

18.) Athena

9.5K 186 237
By The-pjo-writer-girl

Athena glanced over at the couple who were sitting on the beach looking at the sunset. She couldn't help but notice that they were sitting really closely together and holding hands.

Disguised as an middle-aged lady walking her dog, Athena knew that this was the perfect way to spy on them in person. Recently she had discovered that it was much easier to do this than create a screen and watch them from on Olympus, as she wasn't just looking and hearing them, she was experiencing what they were doing; feeling the emotion that was rolling off them.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Athena heard Percy say.

"Yeah." Annabeth smiled. "Look at the colours. They're so pretty and they light up the sky--"

"I'm not talking about the sunset. I'm talk about you." Percy replied, then kissed her cheek. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I can't help but feel that I love you."

"As cheesy and ridiculous as it is, thanks Seaweed Brain." Annabeth grinned, then kissed him.

Disgusted, Athena looked away. But then she thought, it would make a nice photo. So she created a camera and snapped a picture of them kissing with the sunset behind them.

At their wedding a couple years later, Athena gave them the picture in a pretty silver photo frame. Annabeth gasped. "How did you get this?"

Athena smiled. "I have my ways..."

And from that moment on, Athena wasn't so harsh about Percy and Annabeth's relationship, even when she caught them h-- never mind.


Short, I know, but I wanted to try it in third person.

P.S: I've opened a little Cover Shop if you want me to make you a cover for a fanfic you are writing, as I've noticed that hardly anyone has a proper one. And, there's no payment required!!

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