Unstable [Harry Styles AU]

ImSorryIfISayINeedYa tarafından

27.4K 1.4K 187

Everyone has an angelic and demonic side to them, but what defines us is our choices which makes one more pro... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 22

540 33 14
ImSorryIfISayINeedYa tarafından


The sun was shining in my eyes through the window, and it seemed like a perfect morning.

Harry was next to me, laying down peacefully as his arm is protectively wrapped around my body.

I stretched, tired from the long night we had last evening. Eleanor and Louis had moved in without any problem, and everything went back to normal.

We didn't have to worry about Alec knowing where they live, because they were safe with us.

After I finish my morning ritual; taking a shower and getting dressed, I walk downstairs where everyone is already down there, either watching the television or eating breakfast. I decided to not put makeup on today because I was too lazy, but I usually do.

I move to the table with Eleanor, who graciously poured me a glass of juice and handed it to me as I sat down across from her.

I hear multiple swears voiced out from the room Harry and Louis were in.

Eleanor laughs, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her freshly made tea.

"What are they doing in there?" I take a sip of my juice, the taste was unpalatable, considering the fact I had just brushed my teeth.

"Oh." I state, peeking into the room and seeing both the boys on the edge of their seats, their eyes wide open, and gigantic smiles on their faces. They were watching football again.

I didn't realize I was smiling until my cheeks grew sore from the grin that I was wearing.

On the TV, the team they were cheering for scores a goal, and they both jump out of their seats with complete exhilaration.

Their loud voices ran throughout the house, making Eleanor and I jump also from the sudden noises.

I roll my eyes at the two boys, and realized that everything was actually normal for once.

Not just normal, it was perfect.

Without warning, a huge pain shot through my stomach- imagine an awful cramp, and It causes me to cringe from the feeling.

The only one to notice was Eleanor.

"Jules? Are you alright?" She walks over to me, her heels slapping against the floor.

"Yes, I'm fine." I lie, smiling half-heartedly. "I think I'm just going to get some rest, maybe lie down."

The feeling didn't go away, and it gave me a headache. Of course I have to get sick now.

I quickly grab medication and down it before laying down on one of the couches in a room where all the noise couldn't be heard.


I don't know how long I slept for, but I definitely took a long nap.

It's strange, though, because I usually never take naps, I'm never tired enough to actually take one. So when I woke up a few hours later, I was surprised.

Thankfully the pain was gone, so I sat up and made my way towards the kitchen where I saw Harry wearing a sweatshirt and shorts, cleaning up a few pieces of trash.

"Well good morning, beautiful." He chuckles, kissing me softly then going back to cleaning up. "Did you have a nice rest?"

"Yes, actually. I feel amazing, I wasn't feeling too well earlier so I had to lay down for a moment."

"But you're feeling better now?" He asks, genuinely concerned about my well-being.

"Yeah." I grab an apple and take a bite out of it. "Where did Eleanor and Louis go?" I question, quickly changing the subject.

"They're gone." He smirks, walking to me. "That means we have the whole house to ourself."

I roll my eyes and laugh, leaning into his chest as he embraces me tightly.

He starts to leave soft kisses down my jaw line and neck, but I wasn't feeling well enough to do this right now.

I lightly push him away, chuckling at his eagerness. "I'm not feeling well, Haz. Maybe later."

"Oh, most definitely later." He jokes smugly, leaving one last kiss on my lips before jogging up the stairs and venturing to who knows where.

I heard an upstairs door close and water start to run, he was taking a shower.

After a good ten minutes of just sitting in the kitchen and thinking, the water upstairs from the shower stopped.

Right after, Eleanor and Louis come through the door, carrying bags of groceries.

"We brought food!" Louis sang as he walked inside the house, making me smile.

Eleanor was holding a bag full of Chinese food, and that made my smile grow even more. Who doesn't love Chinese food?

Harry galloped down the stairs a few minutes later, wearing black nike joggers and pulling a grey shirt over his head as he reached the bottom.

His hair was slightly damp, the ends still having a few drops on them from his shower. He took a breath through his nose as he walked into the kitchen, noticing the delicious scent of food filled the room.

"That smells amazing."

We all nod, agreeing. "What do you say we watch a film?" He asks us, his eyes locking with mine as he grins at me.

My breath was caught in my throat- I couldn't seem to look away from his stare. He was beautiful, wether he knew it or not, and the effect he had over me was overwhelming.

"I think that sounds wonderful." Louis leaves the kitchen before any of us, and I'm the first one to look away by following Louis into the other room.

It took a while for everyone to decide on one film, but we all agreed on a scary movie.

I must have been feeling brave, because all though I do enjoy horror movies, I still get quite nervous.

But somehow the reassurance that Harry was constantly giving me by wrapping his arm around my shoulders led me to believe I'd make it through one scary movie.

I was completely wrong, of course.

Half the time I had to either squint or close my eyes, sometimes I like to watch but not be able to completely see the screen.

I could feel Harry's chest vibrating every so often, I knew he was laughing at me.

I was shaken up by the time the movie ended, and Harry decided he was going to bed. I wasn't tired at all, but when Eleanor and Louis agreed I went to bed also- there's no way I'm staying down here alone.

I mean, who knows? There could be a killer waiting for me to be alone.

At that thought I quickly sprint up the stairs, following behind everyone.

Eleanor brought me a glass of water before I reached my room, and she hugged me goodnight. I felt comfortable in her embrace, I'm so thankful I have her.

When I first came here with Harry she had been the ony one who was real with me- she didn't tell me it was going to be easy, or I was going to love my stay.

She told me that it will get better, I just need to hold on and not give up because it will end up working out.

I wish I had believed her at the time, but I think I've finally reached the point where it does get better.

I stood back from the hug as she gave me one last smile before heading down the hallway to her and Louis' room.

I step inside my room, seeing Harry already laying down on the bed.

I change into some pj's and crawl in with him, resting my head on his chest.

We say nothing, but just continue to lay there, content in each others embrace. I don't know what he was thinking about, but I was thinking how amazing today was, and how I wish that every day could be as normal as today.

No surprises, nothing crazy, just a normal day with people I care about deeply.

My phone lights up from the nightstand, which is strange because I thought it was getting late in the evening.

Harry squints his eyes to the sudden brightness, and leans over me to see who it is.

"Who's texting you?" He sounds irritated as he sits up.

"I don't know." I respond truthfully, grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

It was Alec. Don't even ask me how he got my number, most likely my dad.

And if I wasn't scared before from the movie, I was definitely terrified now.

I quickly go over the text, my heart rate speeding up the more I read into it.

"What's wrong?"

I show him the text, and he quickly gets up out of bed and puts his shirt back on.

"I'll wake up Louis, meet us downstairs and-"

"This can't wait until tomorrow, Harry?"

He pauses at the door, his entire body going completely still.

"No, Jules, I can't wait until tomorrow for this. I told you- I'm tired of waiting for something to happen. I need to protect you."

I sigh, laying back down and replaying this almost perfect day.

I pick my phone back up, reading the text over and over again.

"Wasn't that a scary movie? I'm surprised you were watching it, your father told me you've never been a very big fan of scary things. But then again, you should be scared. You never know what's hiding in your closet. -Alec"

I throw my phone on the other side of the bed, chills running through my spine.

What is wrong with him? He's such a creep.

If he saw us before, while we were watching the movie, could he see me right now? My eyes glance over to my closet, and I quickly jump out of bed and leave the room, not wanting to be left alone.

I try to keep my composure as the goosebumps spread from my arms to my legs as I sprint down the stairs, being greeted by Harry, Louis, and Eleanor in the kitchen. They got down here fast.

We all sit in silence for what seems like forever, Eleanor and I sitting at the table, Harry leaning against the counter, and Louis standing by the entrance to the kitchen.

"They obviously knew where I lived, but they've never taken initiative. Now they're watching us and making comments about it. It's just a matter of time before they come in, we're sitting ducks." His temper was quickly rising, I could tell from the tone in his voice.

"You're right." Louis says, taking a deep breath. "But we can't do anything about it now, it's already late." He explains, taking Eleanor's hand in his and lifting her out of the chair.

"Let's all go to bed, and we can go to Liam's in the morning, I'm sure he won't mind. He has plenty of space and-"

"No." Harry interrupts him, not looking at anyone except the ground. "You two can go to Liam's," He gestures to Louis and Eleanor, "I have a place where we can go. It would be better if we're all spread apart then in one house."

Everyone seemed to like that plan, so we all go to bed.

I don't know how much sleep everyone got though, I know I didn't get much.

The text continued to replay in my mind, and I just couldn't seem to fall asleep knowing someone was watching me.


"Pack your things." Harry's intense tone woke me up as he was quickly working his way around the room, placing clothes into bags.

He was fuming, definitely far in thought. I noticed he was completely dressed- already taken a shower, dressed for the day, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's eaten.

"Where are we going?" My morning voice manages to make its way out of my mouth, barely audible.

I sit up in bed, slightly stretching, and realizing I feel as horrible as I did yesterday. I still had an ear-splitting headache, and that didn't help my stomach.

Have you ever been sick, and the more you think about it, the worse you feel?

Well that's exactly what happened, so as quickly as I could I ran into the bathroom, and anything that was still in my stomach from yesterday came up.

I grimaced from the feeling, trying to get my breathing and heart rate under control.

I hated being sick, it really drains you.

Harry slowly came into the bathroom, confused as to why I ran in so fast.

"Jesus," I hear him say under his breath, "I don't have fucking time for this." He sighs, holding my hair back.

I roll my eyes at his annoying behavior, then after relaxing for a few more minutes I'm able to calm everything down.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, a slight concern written on his face, but he had a lot on his mind.

"Yeah, I have a stomach bug. I didn't tell you yesterday, but I should be fine."

I stand up, brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth with some mouthwash to get the taste out of it.

I can still hear Harry furiously packing the bags until I hear him zip them all up.

"Jules! I'm done packing. If you're feeling up to it, go grab some breakfast. I'll take these out to the car. Get changed, do whatever you need to, we're leaving in about twenty minutes."

I quickly take a shower and get ready, not knowing how long it would be before I can take another one.

I figured out Louis and Eleanor had already left, and I pushed away the disappointment of them not saying goodbye.

It was short notice, this whole thing.

After I'm done with everything, I grab a few books from the library, including the photo album of Harry and his mother.

I race down the stairs to find Harry already in the car and packed, waiting for me. I grab a banana and a drink and get in the car to go wherever we're going.


"Harry, are we going to be there soon?" I looked up from my book, realizing we've still been driving after about two hours.

"Yes, Jules. We're going to be there soon."

"Well, how soon is 'soon'?" I really wasn't trying to be annoying, I was just getting tired of sitting in one position.

I hated being in cars for a long period of time. You could never get into a comfortable position, and when you finally do, you end up getting uncomfortable in just a few minutes. 

He catches his breath, flaring his nostrils and tightening his grip on the wheel.

"Soon." He breathes out, relaxing his stiff position and focusing on the road.


"What, Jules?!" He snaps, his gaze flickering to me out of the the corner of his eyes. I flinch towards him from his sudden harsh tone, but brush it off and continue to what I was doing.

"Why do sharks live in salt water?" I say, biting my lip to try and hide my smile.

He turns his head to me, then back at the road.

"Are you kidding me?" He responds, the annoyance still prominent in his voice.

"Just answer it." I move my body to face him, still sitting in my seat.

"I don't know, why?"

"Because they're allergic to pepper water." I giggle, it was so stupid, but I love jokes so much.

My friends and I used to tell them to each other all the time, and over time I just ended up memorizing all of the jokes from repeating them.

I didn't see any hint of amusement on Harry's face, though. In fact, he may have even turned more annoyed.

But I wasn't done yet, I wanted to see him smile.

"You know what," I dramtically say, snapping my fingers "I was going to tell you a joke about amnesia, but then I forgot."

Again, a blank expression.

I don't know how he did it, but I know I wasn't able to keep a straight face. I was smiling at how dumb I sounded.

He continued to look back and forth between the road and me. So I continued, hoping I would make him in a better mood. He was stressed, and he deserved to laugh- no matter how stupid my jokes could get.

"Knock knock."

"Who the fuck is there." He snaps, but I could hear a slight bit of amusement in his voice.


"Hoola who?"

"P." I pop the sound of the letter "p" with my lips.

Immediately Harrys grins, a husky laugh coming from his mouth, and he shakes his head.

"Those are so bad." He chuckles out, smiling at me but making fun of me.

I smile at him as he places his hand on my knee, softly rubbing circles around it with his thumb.

"Thank you." He smiles, and I bite my lip while grinning back. He shouldn't be thanking me, I just wanted to see his beautiful smile.

I tried to ignore the uneasiness in my stomach from my obvious bug I had caught, and focus on Harry's fingers running along my thigh smoothly.

"Harry?" I question, trying to keep my eyes from closing.

It was around noon time, but I was strangely exhausted.

"Yes, love?"

"Where are we-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because we had just pulled up to our destination.


Okay what the actual fuck has been going on with this fandom these past few weeks.

Zayn left the band? Who else is completely devastated?

If any of you ever need someone to talk to about it, just message me. I'll be glad to talk to anyone that needs it.

Or even if you just want to talk about anything. I'm up for that too.

To be honest Im not really focused on being rude to Naughty Boy, I find it childish that people are targeting him and blaming him.

Zayn is a 22 year old man and he can make decisions for himself, we don't need to blame it on Naughty Boy.

I'm just hurt though because I know Zayn is doing this for a good reason he wouldn't do it any other way, but he just kind of left us. And I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't see Zayn up their with the boys. I can't even imagine how they're feeling right now.

Well I could rant about this forever but I'm not going to.

Also everyone's breaking up. It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but I'm not going to change my book to anything that's happened, I'm going to write it the way I have been.

I hope you all enjoy it and thanks for reading!

I love you all!

Okumaya devam et

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