DISCONTINUED-New Rules (Jujut...

By SeenaJ

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(Name) was a twenty three year old otaku. She was a bit clumsy and boisterous. By some weird twist of fate, s... More

Welcome To JJK/Star Plasma Vessel
Toji Fushiguro/Death
Lost Hope
Meeting A Misogynist
Okkotsu Yuta
Geto Strikes Back!
Ryomen Sukuna
For Myself
Girl Of Steel
Cursed Womb Must Die
After Rain
Seven To Three
Idle Transfiguration
Mahito V.S Jujutsu Sorcerer's
Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event
A Day With Sukuna
Gojo Satoru Sealed
Toji VS Dagon
Sukuna Re-emerge
Chaos and Mayhem


4.9K 146 30
By SeenaJ

How did this happen? Never did they think a situation like this would occur right under their noses. Gojo and Toji were sitting on opposite sides of a small infirmary mattress which laid an unconscious woman on her stomach with (h/c)-hair, their wife.

Both men returned from their missions only to get news of their wife injured along with a death of their student; Itadori Yuji. They were furious. Instantly, they were by their wife's side, who had bandages wrapped around her head, a patch of red leaking through. She was turned on her stomach as she had surgery on her back to fix a backbone fracture.

The room was filled with tension as both men protectively watched over her with heavy gazes, blood lust radiating off them. Their expressions resembled a lion who wouldn't hesitate to pounce if the slightest danger was shown to their lioness.

Ijichi was too frightened to step in the room, for if anyone did, it would be like having the air sucked out of you. The only one brave enough to enter the recovery room was Shoko Lieri, since she was tending to (Name)'s wounds.

Gojo had his hands clasped tightly together, his blindfold off, revealing crystal blue eyes, a deadly look on his face, "It was a trap. How could I not see it? (Name) tried to convince me to stay but I didn't listen to her, and this is what happened, all because of my ignorance to not listen."

Gojo held her hand gently, listening to her soft breathing, the only sign to tell she was still alive and with them. He was foolish to believe everything was gonna be alright despite her there. Now his wife was laying unconscious. Gojo clenched his fists tight, drawing blood.

Toji had a scowl on his face, leaning back against his chair, "Those fools planned everything perfectly and we didn't even notice." His voice rumbled in his chest. "I'm tempted to kill them all right now." Not only did they cause heavy injury to his wife, but his own son was injured as well with his battle against Sukuna when Itadori forced the King of Curses to take over in an attempt to save them all. So yeah, he was pissed as hell.

"Go ahead, I'll follow right behind you." Gojo agreed, his eyes narrowed, "They didn't waste an opportunity like this to get rid of (Name) and Yuji."

Both men knew the higher ups wanted (Name) and Itadori dead by all means. They didn't care about anything else except getting rid of the abomination which is them. Why? They were too powerful. People who are not them, who have power to even surpass the higher ups, were treated as high risk and set for elimination. They were no exception to their deceitful ways.

Toji had a murderous intent around him, "I can understand why they would want to kill Itadori, he's the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna, but he's also (Name)'s little brother so I can't let that pass. However, the higher ups have already stated (Name) was a threat to them and to resolve the issue, had her marry us."

Gojo cut in, "It seems that wasn't enough though. (Name) never passes up an opportunity to argue with the higher ups because of their one-sided thinking. There have been many times where she got them angry and it seems with that and along with her jujutsu was enough for them to eliminate her." The snow haired man held his wife's hand tightly.

The door to (name)'s room opened, revealing Shoko Lieri. She was a woman with brown hair and brown eyes. Her wore a tired expression on her face, hence the dark circles under her eyes with a mole under her right. Her attire consisted of wearing a white lab coat over a blue shirt and navy blue pants with cream colored high-heels shoes.

"Honestly, the way you're both looking right now it seems you're ready to massacre someone. It's scaring poor Ijichi." Shoko's eyes lowered as she observed both men whose bodies subconsciously leaned over the (h/c)-ette, as if ready to protect her...to shield her...from everything and anything that can hurt her

Toji ignored her words, he was more concerned with his unconscious wife, "How is (Name) doing?" He coldly asked. He already got the news earlier about his son, he suffered some internal injuries but it was nothing Shoko couldn't handle and he was fixed in no time. His wife though....

Shoko sighed, "The surgery was three hours ago, so (Name) should be up soon. Her body is resting due to the amount of injuries inflicted on her person, but she should be fine."

Gojo spoke up, not once glancing at his former comrade, as all his attention was on his injured wife, "And her back?"

Shoko examined (Name)'s back where she did the surgery, looking at her clipboard, "Her back is relatively fine. She was lucky the curse missed an inch from her vital spot otherwise she could have been paralyzed right now."

That news albeit was supposed to make them feel better, it didn't. The fact their precious wife could have been seriously injured to the point of paralysis made their anger fuel even more. The urge to kill someone was almost unbearable they didn't even care about the consequences. No one hurts their wife and gets the fuck away with it, no matter who they are.

Shoko, who noticed their tense postures and feral looks, spoke up, "Oi, calm down. You don't want to do something you'll regret."

Toji spoke up, glaring at her, jaw clenched, "The way I'm feeling right now your words can't even pacify me." His fingers twitched, resisting the urge to grab his heavenly cursed weapon and barge through the doors of where the higher ups were and stab the living shit out of them.

Gojo chuckled coldly, agreeing to Toji's words. He's smiling widely, but it felt off. There's not a speck of emotion underlying that smile. His expression was hollow and almost lifeless. The snow haired man never had anyone to teach him how to handle his emotions which is why he feels so dangerous to be around right now, and the one who can calm him down was unconscious on the bed.

Both men realized their wife could have died. She could have died and it would have been all be their fault because they weren't there to protect her. Now that she's become a permanent part in their lives, losing her wasn't an option. She's too important to them. She was the air to their oxygen, the light to their dark, the blood to their veins, and the sun to their moon. The thought of her dying was enough to send them berserk. If she were truly to die, the world will be in chaos.

"Don't...be mean...to Shoko...!" A tired low raspy voice said, before a whimper of pain was heard. All eyes snapped towards (Name), who had discomfort on her face.

Gojo and Toji wasted no second moving to her side, scanning her face as their shoulders relaxed and the tense atmosphere disappeared.

(Name) blinked wearily at them, (e/c) orbs focusing on both of her husband's, "Hi..." she had a dazed smile on her face, still a bit woozy.

Toji ruffled his black locks, giving her a small scowl, though his eyes softened depicting what he really felt, "Don't ever do that again, otherwise we'll lock you away forever where you won't be harmed."

(Name) pouted, before giggling softly, till her face contorted with pain from the action, "If you do that I'll be mad."

Gojo huffed, giving her a stern look, "We don't care, your safety is more important to us."

Unbeknownst to the three of them, Shoko had already left the room to give them some privacy.

Toji leaned against his chair, clicking his tongue as an irritated expression took over his face, "Honestly, you're supposed to be the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer second to that idiot and you got injured instead, are you stupid? How did you manage to injure yourself?"

Gojo also wanted to know since he knew her techniques were powerful, so how did she get easily defeated by a special grade?

(Name) sighed, looking embarrassed and ashamed, "Yuji was injured and was adamant on taking on the special grade curse. I told him to leave with Megumi and Nobara but he refused. I was worried for him because the curse was also attacking him too and he just begun learning about the jujutsu world! I was too worried and distracted by him to pay attention to the curse that it got me from behind." She softly explained, her eyes watering as she sniffled, feeling terrible for herself and also...Itadori...knowing he was 'dead' even though she tried to prevent that.

Gojo and Toji remained silent as their wife explained what happened at the detention center. The ex-Zenin was the first to speak up, running a hand through his hair, "Your soft nature is gonna get you killed one day, dear. I know you care about Itadori but you should have thought about dealing with the curse first and then get yourselves out, not the opposite." He had a frown on his face.

Gojo slid his blindfold back on, "Toji is right, (Name). What you did was careless and could have cost you your life. Take this as a lesson learned and do better." He lovingly kissed her forehead, caressing her lips with his thumb.

(Name) looked at both her husband's, sniffling as tears fell down her cheeks, "I know....I'm sorry...." she cried softly, making both men hold her hands in comfort.

After that, (Name) fell asleep soundly on the bed, leaving both Gojo and Toji to contemplate what to do next. The snow haired man stood up from his seat, eliciting a glance from Toji as he spoke, "I'm gonna go check on Yuji. Shoko wants to take his body apart, so I have to be there."

Toji nodded, looking at his wife with green eyes, "I'll take care of her." He would make sure at least one of them were there when she wakes up, not that he won't leave simply because of that.

Gojo smirked, hands in pocket, "I expected no less from husband number two." Toji scowled at his retreating figure, muttering incoherently under his breath about being number one....


Gojo was in a morgue with Ijichi which was below the school, an unreadable expression on his face. Itadori's body was covered with a white cloth, only his feet being exposed. He hadn't yet told his wife Itadori was dead, but he will when this is all over.

"I warned them that fighting was absolutely not an option." Ijichi looked down solemnly, feeling regret for not trying to convince them more. "But Mrs. (Name) was there and was also injured too."

"It was intentional." Gojo emotionlessly said, glancing at Itadori's body, "There was a special grade. Sending first years to rescue five who may or may not be alive should be out of the question. However, because they had a special grade sorcerer with them, it didn't matter. But, it should have been expected a move like this from higher ups would take place. Besides, with Yuji, I was the one who forced the issue and got his execution suspended. Some higher ups who didn't like that took advantage of my absence and the special grade to tactfully dispose of him and my wife, who they have an immense grudge with." Gojo paused, "If the other two had also died, it would have been more of a harassment to me. It was like killing two birds with one stone if not nothing."

Ijichi then spoke up, a stunned look on his face, "But no one expected it to become a special grade by the time the dispatch was issued!" He tried to reiterate. Ijichi didn't want to believe he sent students to their deaths and got Gojo Satoru's and Toji Zenin's wife heavily injured on the higherup's orders.

Gojo looked down, hands clasped tightly together, "The elders didn't want to risk Sukuna coming back. With Yuji as the vessel, they knew it would only be a matter of time before he took over and the higher ups could not risk that. To them, it was a threat to their power, their world, and their status. So what better way to eliminate the cause by making it seem like an accident? (Name) was also a threat to their power as she always disobeyed their orders and did things that upset the higher ups, but even then, she was labeled as high risk and thus the plan to eliminate her despite her being married to me and Toji was the better choice for them." Gojo spat, clenching his hands tightly as he thought what those old fools did to his wife.

"It's just like Toji said, maybe we should just kill all of the higherups." Gojo subconsciously stated without hesitation, startling Ijichi.

A door slid open and stepping inside the morgue was once again, Shoko, who seemed more tired than usual, probably because she now had two people to look after.

"You're still emotional, huh?." The woman pointed out. Her statement was true, Gojo usually never let emotions get in the way of his work, but the fact his wife was injured has tipped him to the edge of a scale, unbalanced.

"It's good to see you, Shoko Lieri-san!" Ijichi made haste to bow.

"Looks to me, you've taken quite a liking to this boy." Shoko surmised.

"I've always been a nice guy who cares about my students." Gojo remarked.

"Don't torment Ijichi too much. He's got it rough, stuck between us and the higherups." Shoko then moved towards Itadori, lifting the blanket to examine the body, "So this is...Sukuna's vessel, huh? I can take him apart as I please, right?"


In a cafe restaurant, there was a dark haired male with stitches on his forehead wearing a gold-colored kasaya garment over black yukata robes. His attire is completed with white tabi socks and zori sandals. The table he was sitting at held three curses.

"So you're saying your boss wants to reverse the current positions of humans and curses. Is that it?" The dark haired male; Geto, questioned.

"Well, roughly. It's slightly different though. Humans are made of lies. For every positive action and emotion, there's always a downside. However, negative emotions like hatred are truths without lie. Because of that truth, we curses are born from those negative feelings and thus are truer beings. Imitations aren't relevant and should be destroyed!" The volcano curse; Jogo, exclaimed.

Geto had an amused look, "Yet you're the ones being killed instead."

"That's why we're here to ask you what we can do about those pesky jujutsu sorcerers." Jogo explained.

Geto opened his right eye, smirking, "If you fulfill three conditions before going to war, then you can win." He held up three fingers.

"And what are the conditions?"

Geto held up one finger, "The first involves the man known as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. You have to render Gojo Satoru incapable of fighting." He held up a second finger," The second is to get Ryomen Sukuna and Itadori Yuji on your side."

"And the third?" Jogo questioned, narrowing his eyes at Geto.

Geto gave a closed eye smile, his tone threatening, "Third, you must not harm (Name) (Last Name), she is too valuable for me to lose." Geto's aura became malicious as he stared intently into the curses eye, "If she is harmed in any way, I'll make sure to punish you dearly for your fatal error." He spoke lowly, sending shivers down Jogo's body at the coldness.

"H-hold on! Firstly, isn't that Itadori brat dead or something? And as for the last condition, how am I supposed to know what this woman looks like?" Jogo demanded.

Geto smirked wildly, "Is Itadori really dead? I'm not too sure. However," Geto slid a photo on the table he had taken a few days ago. Jogo leaned forward curiously, examining the image. It was a woman with (h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs, wearing regular clothes and not the standard jujutsu uniform, a beaming smile on her face.

"Is this her?" Jogo asked, looking at Geto, who nodded, "That is. I don't want to see a single scratch on her precious body, do you understand me?"

"I don't see how a woman like her is important." Jogo scoffed, sliding the picture back.

Geto narrowed his eyes dangerously at the curse, "She's worth more than you, that's for sure. Her importance to me is none of your business, but if these conditions are not followed, I will not help you." He threatened, making Jogo shiver as the curse reluctantly agreed.

Geto looked down at the picture of (Name) he held tightly in his hands, a sinister gleam in his eyes. I have much more planned for you, (Name).


"You know, I have a bad personality. Being a teacher isn't my style. Do you know why I decided to teach at this school?" When Ijichi didn't respond, Gojo turned to him, "Ask me."

"Eh...w-why did you?" Ijichi asked.

Gojo looked down at his lap, "Because I have a dream." That caught Ijichi's attention, "As you can see in this case with Yuji, the top of the Jujutsu world is full of moral depravity and corruption. They're all kinds of fools; conservative, arrogant, traditional, the list can go on."

"It's a bargain sale for rotten mikan," Gojo continued, "Because of that, I want to reform the Jujutsu world. Murdering everyone at the top would be an easy task, but they would get replaced and it wouldn't be a reform per se. Besides, if I did that, no one would follow me." Gojo said.

"That's why I chose education, so I can raise strong, clever comrades. That's also why I toss my missions to my students. It's tough love. They're all talented, especially the third year; Hakari and the second year; Okkotsu." Gojo revealed. "They'll become jujutsu sorcerers on par with me."

"Yuji was one of those, as well..." Gojo clenched his fists tight in anger. It was silent between the two as neither didn't want to continue with the conversation.

"Oi, you guys." Shoko called out to them, making them look as the woman put on gloves. "I'm about to get started. Are you just gonna watch from here?"

Itadori's body suddenly sat up, very much alive. Gojo and Ijichi were too stunned to say anything.

Shoko noticed their expressions and became confused, "What is it?" She then turned around, only to see Itadori Yuji's body alive and breathing. "Huh?"

"Ah? I'm completely naked!!" The cloth slipped off Itadori's body. The white haired male sighed, looking at Itadori with a grin, "This guy..."

Itadori looked at the strange woman with a red blush, "Um...I'm embarrassed to ask, but who are you?"

"Yuji?" Itadori turned to Gojo, "Welcome back." The white haired man grinned as they both slapped hands. All he needed to do now was tell his wife!

A/n: hope you like!

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