DISCONTINUED-New Rules (Jujut...

By SeenaJ

162K 4.7K 2.2K

(Name) was a twenty three year old otaku. She was a bit clumsy and boisterous. By some weird twist of fate, s... More

Welcome To JJK/Star Plasma Vessel
Toji Fushiguro/Death
Lost Hope
Meeting A Misogynist
Okkotsu Yuta
Geto Strikes Back!
Ryomen Sukuna
For Myself
Girl Of Steel
Cursed Womb Must Die
After Rain
Seven To Three
Idle Transfiguration
Mahito V.S Jujutsu Sorcerer's
Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event
A Day With Sukuna
Gojo Satoru Sealed
Toji VS Dagon
Sukuna Re-emerge
Chaos and Mayhem


8.9K 261 310
By SeenaJ


Gojo had changed a lot since the years have past. He became a teacher to some first years; Maki Zenin, Inumaki Toge and Panda. He became more childish, nonchalant and playful towards his students, close colleagues, and friends. However, (Name) noticed he was unsympathetic and cruel towards the higher ups, an example being his blatant disrespect towards Gakuganji.

(Name) was the same, she hated the old man and every chance she could get, she would insult him to his face. She was miffed whenever she thought what he will do Itadori in the near future.

The (h/c)-ette was now in her mid twenties, twenty five to be exact. By now, women like her would be having a boyfriend or husband, but her brain was preoccupied with other things and simply enjoying life. She hated flings, as it wasn't her thing.


She wasn't really surprised when Gojo would flaunt around with other women as she knew he could never stay committed to a woman, but that didn't stop him from bothering the female time to time.

Her relationship with Toji was also doing really well. She had seen the male more frequently, sometimes when she's eating out or at a horse race; cause she's bored and never been to one. For example, like right now.

Toji and her were walking down the streets of Tokyo, conversing about their latest missions and what type of food to get.

"Who the fuck trips over while fighting a grade one curse, are you stupid or something?" Tōji asked, hands in pocket.

(Name) fumed, a flushed expression on her face, "I can't help that I'm clumsy!!! My feet decided to play games on me and just tangled up together and I tripped!!" She defended.

Tōji snorted, glancing at her, "Yeah, I'm sure that's it. You're lucky you weren't killed."

The sun was blazing hot as autumn kicked in, the summer vibes still not yet over. The wind was quite bleak that day and provided not a drift of wind, only slightly. They walked passed civilians headed to the movies, to buy sweets or food, shopping mall, etc. It was an exceptionally busy day today.

"I must be a miracle or something, right?" (Name) joked, giggling.

Tōji stared for a few seconds, watching the suns rays illuminate her face in an ethereal glow, her (e/c) orbs were wide and joyous, sending shivers down his spine, "Yeah...a miracle..."


Tōji looked away, "Nothing." For these past few years his carnal desires were bottling up, waiting to be released, all because of the (h/c)-ette woman standing beside him. He now knew he had ultimately fallen in love with the girl and there was no backing out. He was in too deep.

The Zenin male glanced at her, "Come on, there's a place I know that has good food." He grabbed her hand, pulling her along.

(Name) shrugged, knowing Tōji has good taste in food and always picks the best places out. He once took her to a barbecue place west of Tokyo, and ever since then, she would either drop by and grab some food to go. It was no lie, she loved to eat!

Tōji took her through the Fuchukeiba-seimonmae Station, sitting together in one seat, he made sure to keep her close. Once they passed several stops, they both got off, walking on a designated walkway.

They both stopped in front of a large stadium, the screens showcased horses racing on a track. Tōji paid for their entry, grabbing some food at one of the stalls before sitting on the highest part of the benches, away from the loud cheering crowd.

"Woah!!! I haven't been to a horse race since the last time you brought me to the one in Roppongi!" (Name) gasped, pointing at a brown horse speckled in white, "Ooh! Look at that horse! It's so cute, it reminds me of Jean!!" She excitedly said.

Tōji quirked an eyebrow, "Who's Jean?"

(Name) giggled, "A horseface anime character." Tōji grunted, turning back to the horse he betted on for some quick cash. Not like he needed it though since he was practically rich from all the missions he went on assassinating people and being a typical mercenary.

(Name) bit into her Takoyaki while Tōji ate some gyudon. The afternoon was spent watching horses race and making bets. (Name) enjoyed watching Tōji bet on them and either lose or win, his facial reactions were hilarious to see.

Afterwards, they both began talking, disregarding the race. "Hey, Tōji?"


"Do you think your priorities have changed ever since then?" The Zenin male turned to her, brows furrowed. Sighing, he leaned back, an arm slung over the chair behind her, "Not really, but I think I have found something else in my life added to my list of priorities."

(Name) hummed, looking at him curiously, "Like what?"

The Zenin wanted to say her. She has become his priority too. He didn't know when or how, but he always made it his mission to keep the (h/c)-ette smiling no matter what. Her importance was above everything else, including money...actually that was second since he needed to be able to afford things.

Instead of answering her question, he decided to ask her, "What would your ideal life look like if you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer?" He was curious of her answer.

(Name) pondered for a bit. If she hadn't been transported to the jjk world, she would have probably finished college, went to university, and pursue her dream of being a teacher to little kids or opening a cafe or something of the sorts. "My ideal life would probably be like the others, without killing curses of course. I would be like any other person out there; hold a job, earn a living, get married possibly and have kids, and enjoy life to the best as I can." She honestly spoke.

Tōji took in what she said, it was a simple recurring goal that all humans seem to have. In a way, he found that repetitive life boring. It didn't give him the necessary thrill as he thrived on action.

"What about you?" Tōji looked down at her, answering her question, "It would be the same." He said. But being with you to make it all the more amazing...and killing curses and assassinating people along the way.

By this time, the stadium was cleared out, the only remaining people were a few who were also about to take their leave.



(Name) smiled, eyes gleaming with happiness, "This has honestly been the best day out ever! With missions coming in and out like crazy, it's been wrecking. I'm glad to have spent the day with you."

Tōji smirked, "Is that so?" She nodded, looking down embarrassed.

A hand lifted her chin gently, tilting her head up. Green eyes connected with (e/c) ones, his calloused hand caressing her cheek softly. The Zenin male leaned down, his hot breath fanning her face before connecting his lips to hers.

(Name) clutched onto his shoulders, face reddening. His body towered over hers, enveloping her smaller frame. She was leaned back against her seat, Tōji's arms trapping her to the seat as their lips locked passionately with one another's.

Tōji felt himself growl in pleasure, pressing himself closer to the female to feed his carnal desires. He had waited so long for a moment like this to come, he never wanted it to end. It's been so long since he'd been with a woman, but he's only waited for her. All this time, it was only her. Yeah, he may have abandoned his wife and kid for a life of being a mercenary to prove to the Zenin clan and himself he was just as strong as they were, but that didn't mean he couldn't love another.

Tōji knew it was too late to make amends with the family he left behind, but he'll start by doing better with her. Somehow, (Name) had fragmented herself into his heart, and all he could ever think about was her. He wanted to have a life with her. He wanted to marry her and make her his. He wanted her all.

The kiss felt much longer than they thought, but none of them were complaining. Tōji parted himself from her, his face still close to hers, "Shall we go?" He murmured, his hair tickling her face.

(Name) flushed red, easing out of his embrace, "S-sure...!" Tōji grabbed her hand, leading her out of the stadium. The train ride home was long, eliciting silence between them. Once they reached back in Tokyo, (Name) glanced up at Tōji.

The male was silent, his hand enveloping hers as they walked towards the base of the mountain where Jujutsu High was, stopping from going further. He turned to her, a smirk on his face, "Let's do it again, yeah? This time I'll take you on a real date." He brushed her cheek softly.

(Name) stared, before giggling, a red hue on her cheeks, "Sure! I'll be looking forward to it, Tōji." She rushed pass him, turning back to give him a wave, "BYE!!!" She shouted, disappearing up the trail.

Tōji ran a hand through his raven locks, a smirk on his face, as he too, headed into the mountains back to the Zenin clan. He walked pass the gates, passing a few clan members who blatantly ignored him.

"You were with that woman, weren't you, black sheep?" A sly voice appeared, making Tōji glance back to see Naoya standing a few feet away from him, his ever annoying smirk on his face.

Tōji raised an eyebrow, "And if I was? I hardly think my business would matter to someone like you, Naoya."

Naoya scoffed, glaring at him, before a condescending smile appeared, "Didn't you hear? Father plans to have me marry her into the Zenin clan."

Tōji turned to face him, a deadly aura surrounding him, "What?" He lowly asked.

Naoya smirked, goading him even more, "That's right. That girl, (Name), is to be my bride, unless someone else comes forth that is. The higher ups have deemed her to be too dangerous and thus she has two choices, get married to one of the three major clans or die."

Tōji clenched his fists, eyes darkening with intent to murder, "Is that so? Well I'll have you know, she won't be marrying you, seeing as she already despises you."

Naoya's smirk dropped, stepping forward intimidatingly, "When I marry her she will learn to obey me, and since there's nothing you can do about it since I'm heir to the Zenin clan, it'll be great joy watching you suffer as I tame that woman." He had a malicious smile on his face.

Tōji roughly grabbed the front of Naoya's dark colored kimono, "Naoya, I will make sure (Name) doesn't marry you because if that happens, you can be sure I'd have no qualms in killing everyone in this pathetic clan." He lowly spoke, eyes narrowed dangerously.

Naoya smirked, not the least bit intimidated, "Is that so? I wonder if you can, that is." He chuckled, removing himself from Tōji's grip, turning to walk away.

Tōji knew whatever the higher ups have decided has taken a terrible turn in (Name)'s life. But one thing is for sure, he'd make sure Naoya never marries her.


Heart racing loudly in her chest, body trembling, (Name) had a shocked look on her face, staring at Yaga, who only looked down with shame and frustration. "What did you say?" She whispered, unable to breath at the horrible news.

Yaga clenched his fists, avoiding her gaze. Earlier today, he was summoned by the higher ups. He assumed it would be another meeting discussing new students or missions, but it was nothing like what he expected.

When he was informed by what the higher ups have decided, he was stunned. (Name) (Last Name) was to be married off to one of the three notable clan members or face death. Of course, Yaga argued with them, trying to dissuade them from going through with this.

He felt they were condemning the girl to a fate she had no control over all because of her jujutsu. She was deemed too dangerous to be left alone.

"The higher ups gave you an ultimatum; marry into one of the three clans or die." He spoke in a regretful tone.

(Name) stumbled back, her hand placed against the wall to stable her. What?! She looked at Yaga with fierce eyes, "Why would they decide something like this!?? Haven't I already proved that I'm not a threat!?" She shouted, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden news.

(Name) knew the higher ups were old traditionalist fools who would do anything to assure their power and stability, like what would happen to Itadori in the near future, but she never thought they could have done something like this to her. Marry!? They wanted her to marry into one of the three major clans or face death!? What kind of ultimatum is that?! No, what kind of choice is that!?

Gojo, who was beside them, remained silent. His carefree persona no longer present, instead replaced with a serious look. He knew the higher ups were trash, but he didn't think they'd be bigger than trash instead.

*Que Kakashi!!!*

Yaga looked down ashamed, "I'm sorry, (Name). I should of fought harder but they all made the decision."

(Name) sighed tiredly, her hand on her forehead, "Just...leave me alone...please." She turned away from them.

Yaga turned to leave, but before he did, he called out to her, "(Name), your decision must be made within twenty four hours, no more than that." He closed the door behind him.

A warm hand placed itself on her shoulder, prompting her to look back, "Satoru..." A sorrowful expression overtaking her face.

Gojo clenched his jaw, feeling helpless at the look of uncertainty on her face. He had known the (h/c)-ette for nine years and to see such a fate dealt to her made him...angry. He was angry at the higher ups for forcing marriage upon her and he was angry they gave her no choice. At times like this, he questions their decisions to handle people of greater power than they are.

Take him, for example, he was the balance between curses and jujutsu sorcerers/non-sorcerers. No one really did like him nor did they appreciate him for all his efforts, all they saw was a powerhouse used to get their work done and nothing more. He was treated as special case but no one ever treated him as a person, like (Name) and Getou did. From before, he never used to care for the weak or non-sorcerers. He only cared about strength and those equal to him and he was egoistic and self-centered; he still thinks he is, but he's still improving, but back to the point, he changed from since then.

So to see his dear friend, who saw him as more than a person, and treated him like normal people would, and not just as Gojo Satoru the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world, he wanted to do everything he can to stop this.

Gojo squeezed her shoulder, "Don't worry, (Name), you can count on me." He then left her by herself to think.

(Name) didn't realize how much time has passed as she ended up staying awake for the whole night without an ounce of sleep. How can she sleep when she was thinking what to do? At this point, she was contemplating whether to run away and not come back.

A knock came from her door, "(Name)?" Yaga pushed it open, his face solemn, "Have you decided what to do?"

(Name) blinked softly, a tired sigh escaping her lips as she ran a hand through her disheveled hair, "....Yes..." She hesitantly said.


Taking a deep breath, she tiredly looked at Yaga, "I'll marry into one of the clans. I don't know which one yet—"

Yaga cut her off, "Naobito offered Naoya to be the one marrying you." His response made (Name)'s eyes bulge.


Yaga nodded, a tired look on his face, "Naoya is the heir to the Zenin Clan, so he was your chosen husband. Obviously Satoru cannot be married because he doesn't seem the type to do such things, even if you are best friends. The Kamo heir is still a teen, so that's out of the question."

(Name) exhaled deeply, "Which leaves only the Zenin, I see." Yaga nodded. (Name) had an annoyed look on her face, unable to believe she will be marrying a misogynist. Ugh.

"Fine, I accept those terms." (Name) said, slumping her shoulders as she mentally began a plan to make Naoya's life hell.

Once Yaga had given the elders her answer, they requested a meeting with her with the three major clans. (Name) begrudgingly walked through the hallways, an irk mark on her head. Slamming the doors open, she disregarded all eyes following her movements, standing with crossed arms in front of the higher ups, "You wanted to see me?" She sassily asked.

Gakuganji glared at her, "Yaga has informed us you made a decision, correct?"

(Name) glared back, "If he already told you, what's the point of bringing me all the way here?!" She raised her voice.

One of the higher ups spoke up, "Mind your tone, child. We simply needed to hear it from you to confirm."

(Name) snapped, her anger hitting the breaking point, "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! YOUR ASSES IS FORCING ME INTO A MARRIAGE AND YOU EXPECT ME TO REMAIN CALM!? SCREW YOU!!!" She bellowed loudly, throwing a tatami mat at them.

The room was in complete silence as they felt the (h/c)-ette's cursed energy spike a bit.

Gakuganji was the first to speak, "This is precisely why we made this decision. You are a danger to our society and must be controlled."

"The fuck you just say to me!? Control!? You want to control me!? Someone should control your asses! You abuse and misuse your power all because I have a little extra cursed energy!? All because my techniques are a little stronger than normal!? You're full of shit! You just want someone to control to keep your power in check!!" (Name) angrily said.

"Enough!" Gakuganji loudly said, glaring at the girl. (Name) scowled, turning away from him with a huff. "Now, since the three major clans were offered upon marriage, it has been decided, that (Name) (Last Name), will be married to——"

"Me." Two voices spoke out, causing all eyes to turn to the owners, disbelief written on everyone's faces once they saw who the owner of the voices were.

Gojo, the male having entered last minute, and Toji, stepped forward to claim the (h/c)-ette's hand in marriage.

Naoya's smug grin fell off his face, eyes glaring at Toji and Gojo.

(Name) parted her lips in shock. She had never expected Gojo of all people to offer his hand in marriage nor did she expect Toji since the dilf had a kid and probably wasn't looking for another relationship. Really, (Name)? How clueless can you be?

Gojo wasn't sure what made him do it. He thought he was only offering his hand in marriage for the (h/c)-ette because he didn't want to see her suffer at the hands of Naoya; the bastard. The snow haired man knew that wasn't the only reason though. He didn't want to believe it, after all, he always said he could never stay committed to a woman nor in a relationship, but he couldn't deny it anymore, he had fallen for the (h/c) haired female.

Words can't describe how he felt about the (h/c)-ette who suddenly walked into his life like a light shining at the end of a dark tunnel.

She was different. Unexpected. The times he spent with her were filled with nothing but joy and happiness. He had never experienced such feelings before nor were these emotions ever touched or brought out. In fact, he could never handle his own emotions because he doesn't know how to process them.

When her (e/c) eyes twinkle under the rays of the sun, Gojo's heart thumps loudly. When her laugh resembles wind chimes singing their melodic tune, his palms get sweaty. When her smile can turn the most baddest day into a day worth looking forward too, his cheeks burn with hues of pink. When he sees another man come close to her, like Naoya, his chest burns and a bitter taste envelopes him.

One of the elders scoffed, giving Gojo a disgruntled look, "You?"

Gojo smiled, a cold look on his face as he looked at the elders, "Yes, me." The man smiled devilishly at them.

Another of the higher ups jerked his head towards Toji, an irritated expression on his face, "And what about him?" Gojo glanced at the Zenin, still feeling bitter he had lost towards the man, "Apparently so."

Toji glanced at the snow haired male, turning back to the elders, "I also offer my hand in marriage for (Name)."

Naoya scoffed, a condescending smirk on his face, "Why would the black sheep want to marry someone like her? Besides, don't you have a son? How can a man with a child marry another?" He mocked.

Toji blatantly ignored Naoya, earning a glare from the Zenin heir at the disrespect, "My reasons are classified, but I'd rather it be me than him." He glanced at Naoya.

Gakuganji gave both Gojo and Toji a piercing stare, "Naoya is the heir of the Zenin while you are not. I hardly believe you would be the better choice."

Toji scoffed, "The minute (Name) marries him she'll probably run away or something, are you sure you wanna risk that?"

(Name) looked between them, still trying to process what was happening.

The elders glanced at each other, sharing a silent conversation, before looking back at the two males, "We had only decided on one marriage, but it is better the both of you have agreed. With this, (Name) (Last Name) will be wed to Gojo Satoru and Zenin Toji, next month on the lunar moon." One of the elders loudly stated.

With that, everyone soon began leaving the room, Naoya glaring at them as he passed. The only ones remaining were Gojo, Toji, and (Name).

It was awkward between the three of them. (Name) was gaping, she was going to marry her two most favorite jjk characters!? Honestly, it wasn't the way she expected it to happen but it took a surprising turn. Was it even possible to marry two men?

"(Name)?" Gojo had leaned his face close to her, causing her to back up a bit, looking up at him, "Are you alright? I bet you're shocked, aren't you?"

(Name) spluttered for a moment, "I—well—! I didn't think you would even offer yourself, since I know how much of a womanizer you are...."

Gojo pouted, leaning his body against hers, "Is that what you really think of me? I can't help that ladies flock to me whenever I'm around." He arrogantly said.

Toji roughly pushed him away, eyes narrowed at the snow-haired male, "If you plan to keep flirting with other women while being with (Name), you might as well back out now if you're not serious, fool." Gojo glared at him, his childish demeanor dissipating in a second.

"I am serious." Gojo spoke in a serious tone, lifting the side of his blindfold up to reveal his crystal blue eye staring at Toji coldly.

The atmosphere was tense between both males as neither forgot what had transpired a few years back. The both of them stopped staring daggers into one another when a small hand pressed against their chest, "Stop fighting!! If we're gonna get married how is this relationship gonna work if you both intend to kill each other?!" (Name) berated, stepping in the middle of them.

Toji looked away, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Tch."

Gojo grinned, pulling his blindfold down, "Of course! Anything for my fiancé!"

(Name) sighed, rubbing her temples. She could already tell there's gonna be a lot of issues between both men, only hoping for the best in this unexpected twist of events.

A/n: Hope you like!!!

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