DISCONTINUED-New Rules (Jujut...

By SeenaJ

162K 4.7K 2.2K

(Name) was a twenty three year old otaku. She was a bit clumsy and boisterous. By some weird twist of fate, s... More

Welcome To JJK/Star Plasma Vessel
Toji Fushiguro/Death
Lost Hope
Okkotsu Yuta
Geto Strikes Back!
Ryomen Sukuna
For Myself
Girl Of Steel
Cursed Womb Must Die
After Rain
Seven To Three
Idle Transfiguration
Mahito V.S Jujutsu Sorcerer's
Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event
A Day With Sukuna
Gojo Satoru Sealed
Toji VS Dagon
Sukuna Re-emerge
Chaos and Mayhem

Meeting A Misogynist

7.4K 267 102
By SeenaJ

(Name) and Gojo were staring at the abandon hotel building before them. It was old, rusty, dark and reeked of cursed energy. The higher-ups had sent the duo on a mission south of Tokyo to deal with a special grade curse. This wasn't the first time they had dealt with something like this, so it didn't faze them in the slightest.

"Eek! It looks like a haunted house!!" (Name) panicked, cautiously eyeing the building that could be a prop for a halloween festival.

Gojo hummed, "Does it? It looks more like a rusty building to me." (Name) gave him a weird look.

"It is a rusty old building! I was only making a reference! Geez!" (Name) huffed, turning back to the task at hand. Exorcising some haunted ass curse!!

The both of them entered through the front. The building was still the same, that means the special grade curse isn't capable of making its own domain. The interior was all worn down; windows cracked, paint chipping, mold stuck to the ceiling, doors left open or closed, dust on the corners of the walls with cobwebs. It was horrendous.

"Ew! Can we just hurry up and leave?! I'd rather not be here any longer than necessary...!" (Name) said, wrinkling her nose childishly.

Gojo had an amused look on his face, he no longer wore his shades, but a blindfold, covering his eyes, "Why? You scared?" He teased, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Gojo enjoyed poking fun at the (h/c)-haired woman, it brought him great satisfaction when she responded with those cute faces of hers.

(Name) had an irk mark on her face, "I am not scar—!" She suddenly screamed, leaping into Gojo's arms when she felt something run over her foot. "What was that!?" She frantically looked around her.

Gojo quickly held her bridal style to prevent her from falling, chuckling at her terrified expression, "Scared yet?" He whispered into her ear, his hot breath fanning her face, causing a red hue to paint her cheeks.

"N-no...!!" She crossed her arms, not attempting to remove herself from his arms in fear something else might run over her shoes.

Gojo had no problem carrying her in his arms, as physical strength wasn't an issue. In fact, he enjoyed having her there, clutching her arms around his neck.

The both of them continued down the hallways, entering a large dusty dining room. It was dim, hardly a speck of light to actually showcase what's in the room, but they felt a strong curse presence.

Gojo let down (Name), who readied herself to attack, "You can stop hiding! We know you're there, ugly trash!" She called out. It was silent, till something crashed loudly, creating smoke.

(Name) waved her hand around to clear it away, her eyes spotting the special grade curse. It had long black hair covering its face, but its six eyes were still visible, a wide grin, two arms and two legs. It was like something from a horror movie.

(Name) stared at it for a second, "IT'S THE GRUDGE!!!" She yelled, pointing at it with wide eyes.

Gojo sweatdropped, "I hardly think the grudge has six eyes on its face, (Name)." He calmly said, not removing his gaze from the special grade.

Without a second, the curse raced towards them, sending a wave of curse energy at them. Gojo and (Name) avoided the attack, jumping apart from each other.

(Name)'s cursed energy bubbled around her, she clasped her hands, "Cursed Technique: Mirror Double!" A double of the curse appeared, bringing the attention onto it as the carbon copy attacked itself.

(Name) noticed when she used her mirror technique, there would be wisps of cursed energy surrounding the target/s. It wasn't noticeable to anyone except her, maybe because she was the caster of the technique? Nah! She just has a keen eye for these things!

While the curse was preoccupied with fighting itself, Gojo used the distraction (Name) has given him, calling forth his technique, "Cursed Reversal Technique: Red." A bright red ball appeared on the tip of his finger.

Unfortunately for the curse, before it realized what was happening, it was too late. Gojo was able to kill it in a second with his technique, leaving nothing behind as it disintegrated into ashes.

(Name) looked at him with an exasperated expression, "Is it really necessary to destroy things when using your technique?"

Gojo turned to her, grinning, "No! But I can't help it that things get destroyed when I'm off killing curses!" He boasted, only to earn a smack to his head. "Ow!" He rubbed his head tenderly, looking at (Name) with a pout, "What was that for?"

(Name) cheekily grinned, "For being annoying." She quickly rushed out of the room, giggling along the way. Gojo smiled, chasing her out the building.

Unbeknownst to the both of them, Getou was watching them from a building away, his brows furrowed in jealousy. He could tell the both of them had gotten closer after his departure and sometimes he regretted that leaving was a mistake.

If Gojo happened to fall in love with (Name), like he did—which he hardly doubts the snow-haired man would do since he could never stay committed to a woman— he wouldn't know what to do. Getou couldn't fathom the thought of (Name) being with Gojo and not him.



Spring has passed and the flowers are fully bloomed with bees and butterflies flying around. Puffy white clouds swept across the blue sky lazily as breezy winds scattered all over the city, relieving everyone with its coolness. The blazing sun blasted its immense heat onto Tokyo, as summer has arrived.

Civilians were either out traveling to different countries, going to the beach to get a tan and enjoy the ocean waves, heading to amusement parks where all the thrills were, or buying ice cold treats for the hot weather.

Ever since (Name) had met Itadori and his grandfather, she had made it a habit to pick the little kid up from school and bring him home. Sometimes, she would treat the baby pinkette to ice cream, sweets, or food.

Itadori was a ray of sunshine; positive, bubbly, carefree, and loud. She was reminded of Naruto, smol baby. As she was walking him home, ice cream in their hands, they conversed together, talking about all the latest things or even childish things.

Itadori loved being around the (h/c)-ette. She was equally chipper as he was and fun to be around. He took note of her clumsiness and often worried for her when she either tripped on her own feet, ran into a brick wall, fell down the stairs, or knocked over things.

She reminded him of what a big sister feels like as the little boy never had a sibling. Itadori looked down embarrassed, he hadn't told the (h/c)-haired female he was feeling that way about her; viewing her as a familial relative.

"Yuji?" Itadori snapped his head to the female, her worried eyes piercing him.

"A-ah! It's nothing! Really!!" Baby Itadori turned his head away, eating his vanilla ice cream, smearing his face with the sweet sticky treat.

(Name) blinked, giggling at the mess he made. She led him to a small bench, taking a napkin and wiping the excess ice cream off his tiny face, "Is that so? Then why are your cheeks flushed red? Are you sick?!" She placed a hand on his forehead, thinking the heat was making him ill.

Baby Itadori beamed, "No! I'm not sick!!" She laughed, placing her hand down as she waited for him to speak, "C-can...can I call you...big sister..?" He mumbled quietly, lowering his head even more.

"What?" (Name) tilted her head, not catching what he said.

"CAN I CALL YOU ONEE-SAN!?" Itadori shouted, embarrassed, making people turn their heads.

(Name) blinked, stumped for a second, before grabbing his tiny body in a bear hug, a bright grin on her face, "OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!!" She loudly exclaimed.

People looked at them weirdly, thinking something was wrong with them, but they didn't care. After that whole fiasco, they both returned to their treats, continuing their trek down the block where Itadori's home was nearing.


(Name) had a big smile on her face, "Hm?" She wanted to pinch his cheeks so badly. So cute!!!

"I love you!!" Itadori exclaimed, before rushing inside his home where his grandfather was waiting for him at the door, leaving a flushed (Name) as she mentally repeated his words.

"Kami-sama, I think I'm ready to die...!" (Name) placed her hand on her heart, eyes sparkling with happiness.

She had the same sparkling eyes as she walked back to Jujutsu High. The trail was lonely since it was only her, but she didn't mind. When she entered the grounds, Gojo was dumbfounded, looking at her expression.

"(Name)?" The (h/c)-haired female snapped out of her thoughts, looking at Gojo with a confused look.

"Satoru? I thought you were on a mission? Did you not go?" (Name) furrowed her brows.

Gojo waved his hand dismissively at her question, "I finished early, of course! Besides, we were waiting for you to come back."


Gojo gestured to Yaga approaching, "There's a meeting with the higher-ups and clans and since I'm the only Gojo, we have to go."

"But why me? I'm not from a clan or anything." (Name) was puzzled. Why was she called to this meeting too?

Yaga answered her question, stopping next to them, "Satoru insis—"

"Oh! Would you like at the time, shouldn't we be heading to the meeting place?" Gojo cut in, a grin on his face, earning an annoyed look from Yaga. (Name) looked between them in confusion, shrugging her shoulders.

The meeting was obviously being held at their school, but in a different building. The three of them walked through the halls, the snow haired man catching (Name) when she stumbled on her feet, making her laugh at her clumsiness.

They headed towards a big double door, probably where this meeting is taking place.

Yaga pushed the doors open, bringing all attention to them. The room was full of people sitting on tatami mats with cups of green tea in front of them. (Name) recognized a few faces from certain clans.

"Ah! Sorry, we're late, but you know how I like to take my time!" Gojo childishly laughed, earning annoyed looks from everyone except the Inumaki clan.

Naobito was the first to speak, glaring at Gojo, "Now that all of us are present, we'll begin." His apparent dislike for the Gojo was evident to all.

Gojo sat down opposite the Zenin Clan. Since (Name) was in the middle, she was in between him and Yaga. She had a bored expression on her face as she dazed off, hardly paying attention to what the hell they were saying. All she heard was jujutsu....students....teacher.....


(E/c) orbs ran across the room, connecting with dark green eyes, which were already staring at her. Sitting up from her slouched position, she hadn't realized Toji was there! A beaming smile appeared on her face, mouthing something to him. 'Why are you here?'

Tōji raised an eyebrow, his right leg propped up, arm laid casually on top. He smirked, gesturing to the Zenin clan. Well, it wasn't the entire clan only select members; him, Naoya, Jinichi, Naobito, and Ogi.

(Name) gaped, completely forgetting about the misogynist!

Naoya had sharp keen eyes and immediately noticed her when she appeared in the room, sneering. No woman should be allowed in clan matters. His eyes took special note of her and the black sheep; Tōji, silently conversing. This sparked an eyebrow raise from him, it seemed they both know each other.

"I think that's all for this meeting. I hardly doubt we'd be needing to see each other again unless something serious happens." Naobito said, his face strict and cold.

Everyone made a move to get up when a sly voice spoke up, "Gojo-san, was it really necessary for you to bring a woman to this meeting?" All eyes went to Naoya Zenin.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, his childish personality instantly disappearing, "I don't see how that matters to you, Naoya? In fact, I hardly think it's any of your business why I brought (Name) with me." He said.

Naoya smirked, "I'm only suggesting to you next time there's no need for a female presence here." He arrogantly said.

"And no one really cares about your irrelevant opinions." (Name) cut in, an irk mark on her face as she glared at him.

Everyone turned to her while Naoya's grin dropped, a cold look appearing on his face, "What did you say to me, woman?" His eyes narrowed dangerously.

(Name) waved her hand dismissively at him, a mocking look on her face, "What? Hard of hearing? I suggest you get that checked out, Naoya."

Naoya narrowed his eyes, his figure towering over her intimidatingly, making two males tense as they readied to defend the (h/c)-ette. "Watch your tone. I'm the heir to the Zenin clan." He warned.

(Name) shrugged, "And I'm a badass bitch. Is your title supposed to mean anything to me?" She tilted her head innocently.

Her careless tone made Naoya's finger twitch, he gave her a condescending smile, "I've heard of you. You're that woman with the mirror technique, it seems you're still seen as high risk to the higher ups."

(Name) shot him an irritated look, "The higher ups can shove a stick up their ass for all I care. Their ignorance and arrogance towards things out of their control only shows their cowardice and nothing more." She remarked, eliciting glares from Gakuganji and a few others.

Tōji snorted, amused with the situation at hand. This woman was something unreal. To blatantly insult the higher ups without an inch of hesitation is remarkable...and quite funny if he must say so.

Gojo laughed, slinging an arm around (Name)'s shoulder, eliciting a glare from Tōji, "Are you sure you wanna get into it with (Name), you irrelevant jerk?"

Naoya glared at the snow haired man, clenching his fists, before looking down at a grinning (Name), "Learn to respect a man, woman." He raked his gaze up and down at her form, "It must be shameful to not get a husband at your age. I suppose no one really wants a disobedient woman as their wife." He insulted.

(Name) had an amused face, snickering in her hand as she could hardly care what he says about her, after all, he isn't the only fish in the ocean, "And who would want a controlling misogynistic husband like you? The only thing you got going for you is your hot looks, other than that, your personality is shit!!" She jeered, a grin on her face.

Naoya clenched his fists, glaring at her with wide eyes filled with rage. How dare she humiliate him in front of everyone! "Why you—!"

"Anyways, my feet hurt from sitting down too long, so I'll be going now!" She stretched her arms, heading for the door, "See ya later, Tōji, Satoru!!" She loudly said, before leaving the room with a bright smile on her face.

Gojo busted out laughing, keeling over, hands on his knees. He took a peek at Naoya's pissed off face before laughing obnoxiously at him, "That should teach you not to mess with (Name)." He smirked, leaving the room with Yaga.

Tōji put his hands in his pockets, smirking at Naoya, "Seems to me a woman like that is more superior than you."

The Zenin Heir snapped his head to towards Tōji, "No woman is superior to me, black sheep." He lowly said.

Tōji chuckled, passing by him, "Keep telling yourself that, Naoya." He then left the room.


(Name) yawned. It was now midnight and she was sleepy. After that whole situation with Naoya, she decided to do something useful and train instead of lazing around, which she does half the time.

She spent hours in the training ground testing her techniques till the sun lowered and the moon rose. By the time she had finished, it was twelve at night, which is why she is on her way to the dorms.

(Name) was almost to the dorm when she heard a voice call out her name, "(Name)."

There was familiarity. Whirling around, she looked around before her eyes spotted a figure emerging from behind a tree. (E/c) eyes widened in shock.

Standing before her was Getou. He had changed; like she expected. His hair was longer and he wore his signature gold-colored kasaya garment over black yukata robes. His monk attire is completed with white tabi socks and zori sandals. He wore a serene smile on his face.


He stopped in front of (Name), eyes taking in her appearance. She had changed so much from a teenager to a woman, it was hard to believe the (h/c)-ette was standing in front of him looking so beautiful and radiant as ever. His eyes softened, "It's been a long time, hasn't it, (name)?"

(Name) frowned softly, rubbing her arm, "It has. I'm surprised you showed up, the higher ups are still looking for you."

Getou sighed, "It can't be helped."

(Name) took a seat on one of the steps, an unsure look on her face, "...I noticed there hasn't been much non-shaman deaths since your departure."

Getou sat beside her, his body providing warmth to her as she scooted closer to him, which he wrapped his arm around her, "I am not interested in killing non-shamans. I admit, my original goal was to eradicate all humans and bring forth a world of only shamans. It was my belief that jujutsu sorcerers live to serve non-sorcerers by putting our lives on the line with no appreciation from them."

"I believed non-sorcerers were the weaker species and must be eliminated to ensure the survival of Jujutsu sorcerers. The strong must rule over the weak. I believed humanity has hindered their own evolution and in order to ensure their survival as a species and eradicate curses completely, humanity must realize a world of only sorcerers and by doing that is by killing off all non-sorcerers."

"You know what else? It's quite foolish for humans to create the concept of gods when sorcerers already exist." He finished.

(Name) listened to his words carefully. To her, it seemed Getou was still looking for a meaning to what he's doing even if he says he already found one.

"Suguru, humans have no idea that jujutsu sorcerers are killing curses for them. Unlike us, they cannot see them like we do. If non-sorcerers were to find out about our existence, do you think they would welcome us with open arms? Humans fear what they don't understand and as jujutsu sorcerers we cannot judge their fear. It is a natural reaction. But despite knowing that, it doesn't bother me, nor should it bother you." She paused, "It doesn't matter if we don't get recognition or appreciation from non-sorcerers, because at the end of the day, I don't need that to make me find meaning in continuing what I do."

(Name) looked at Getou, "You talk about sorcerers as being nothing but a pile of bodies forgotten and under-appreciated by non-sorcerers, but it is in fact the higher ups who don't truly care about us. They're nothing but a bunch of old traditionalist shits." Getou snorted, still listening to her, "If a sorcerer dies, they always have someone else to replace them. If a sorcerer is a danger to them, they would have no qualms in eliminating them for the sake of their own power and safety."

Getou looked at her, "(Name), when Amanai died, those fucking monkeys applauded her death like she didn't mean anything to them. It was a deplorable, hideous evil that day, and I still chose to protect them, an action I have grown to regret. So, tell me, why should I protect non-shamans? Why am I doing these grotesque things for them?"

(Name) held his hand in hers, scooting even closer to him, "Don't judge all humans for the act of what a few of them did. I admit, I too, hated what they did to Amanai, but their ignorance blinds them from realizing what they did. I understand you, Suguru, sometimes the actions of others make us question why we do what we do as jujutsu sorcerers and why we are protecting people like them, but you are subjugating all humans for a few wrongs. I am in no way agreeing to their behavior, but don't forget Getou, you are also protecting innocent humans."

Getou tightened his hand around hers, his resolve now clear. He knows what he needs to do.


"Do you know twelve year olds be twerking these days?!" (Name) blurted out.

Crickets chirped loudly in the silence as Geto look at her weirdly before chuckling, "Really?"

"Yeah!!!" She then rambled on about how young kids are now getting into the Gen Z trends while Geto watched her with a warm look.

A/n: Hope you like!!!! I'm attempting to change Getou's goal from killing humans and building a world for only sorcerers to reforming the jujutsu system. Just to let you know.

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