stepbrother, vinnie hacker

By physicxl

564K 8.2K 10.2K

(discontinued) in which she falls into a taboo relationship with her stepbrother. More

sorry yall...


11.3K 220 311
By physicxl

(warnings: use of the n-word, swearing, violence, slut-shaming, cheating and underage drinking/ alcohol abuse etc.)

part two: the party


"shit, sorry!" seven exclaimed as she quickly backed out of the bedroom, the sour smell of perfume mixed with sweat making her cringe. the girl didn't look back, before walking away from the horrifying scene.

"close the fucking door!" she heard in the distance but decided to ignore it.

the girl desperately ran from room to room, as she scurried through aarons third floor in hopes of finding nai, only to be met with drug users and teens fucking in aarons parents' bed. after receiving a 'urgency! i need you seven!' text from nai a few mins ago, the girl knew that this was serious.

"fuck nai, answer the phone" seven groaned as she continued to search throughout the floor. she walked to the end of the corridor, before hearing sobbing behind the bathroom door. bingo.

seven knocked on the door before pressing an ear to it, "nai? is that you?" she said, waiting patiently for a response. in all honesty, it was too early for there to be any drama, and all seven wanted to do was drink.

"who is it?" nai whispered, her voice sore from the excessive crying.

"seven, you texted me. is everything alright?"

the door opened, revealing nai with red eyes and a flushed face. jesus, she must have been crying for hours. seven instantly wrapped her arms around the sad girl, "what happened bae?"

nai didn't answer, instead began to unravel in sevens arms, sad sobs echoing through the bathroom. seven's eyebrows furrowed as she combed her fingers through nailea's hair in hopes of calming her down.

"hey, breathe. what the fuck happened?"

"seven i nearly just killed troy"

"you finally stabbed that hoe? well shit, shouldn't we be celebrating?" seven laughed but stopped after she saw nai's dirty look, "my bad..."

"shut up it's not funny! he could have actually died, and it would have been on me. oh my gosh seven... it was so embarrassing! when vinnie and maddy saw him drunk and driving they looked at me like i was scum of the earth! and i am! because i didn't stop troy when i saw hi-"

"nailea! girl! please... breathe. start from the beginning..." seven said, cutting nai off from her rampage. damn it must be serious.

"troy was drinking and driving, i told him to stop but we started arguing and he started saying mean things. so i stopped bothering him, because... i didn't want to be annoying. he picked up vinnie and that maddy girl, and then he fainted! in the middle of driving on the main road! he could have di- we could have died! and it would have been blood on my hands. i feel horrible. like... really shit about it. and vinnie made sure to remind me of how stupid i was..." nai said, words fumbling out her mouth as hot tears streamed down her cheeks.

seven sighed deeply as she rested her hand on nai's shoulder, "nai. it's not your fault. it's troy's. he's the one who was drinking. he's the one who knew the consequences. you're not his mother! troy is responsible for himself! so no, it's not your fault and as far as vinnie... who gives a fuck about his opinion anyways? nigga can't even function without pussy so don't let him get to you..."

nai sighed as she brought a hand to wipe her tears, "i wish it was that easy. god... i'm so happy you are here. when i walked in, i was getting dirty looks from everyone. it's like they all knew what i did. i couldn't handle it anymore, and troy was still passed out on the couch. so i came here. i know... a pussy move"

"no girl, you did what you had to do. don't worry, if anyone wants to try you, they have to get through me first!" seven exclamined as nai started to giggle. the two embraced and nai breathed heavily through her nose.

"come on bae" seven said as she grabbed nai's hand, "you and i need a drink, or five"

☆○o。━━━━━━━ ━━━━━

"i can't drink anymore bro. serious..." troy groaned as he leaned against the wall with a throbbing headache. the alcohol was taking an invasive and painful tour through his body and he didn't want the consequences to worsen.

"why not? you're the one who decided to pre drink?" vinnie replied, filling the empty cups with cold beer and vodka.

"i know i know. just let me sit out the first round yeah?"

"fine. if you want to be boring..."

"i hate you" troy's muffled confessions slipped out as he leaned his head in his hands, trying to somehow massage his headache away.

"i don't care. use that same hate to win this round and i'll leave you alone"

"bro there are so many people here. persuade... i don't know... anyone? jordan?"

vinnie's jaw clenched at the name, "no", he sneered as he looked round the room for his betrayer, "he's not even here anyways... thank god"

"vinnie... can i be on your team?" maddy's high pitched voice said, as she walked over to the boy, wrapping her hand around his bicep.

"your aim is awful, you can't control alcohol and you won't last so... i'll pass" vinnie mumbled, as he flung his arm out of her grip.

"my aim is bad?! funny coming from you! i always tell you to aim for my mouth and it ends up in my ey-"

"that's enough."

"oh and lets not even talk about lasting. it only takes you five pumps and woah! you're finished!"

"shut up!" vinnie shouted, his cheeks growing red. it's a lie. all of that was a lie. he hoped.

"oh god. vinnie let the girl play and spare us from these details!" troy groaned as the others playing agreed.

vinnie rolled his eye in annoyance, sighing before wiping his face with his hand, "one game."


"fuck yes!" troy shouted as he landed the white ball in the left cup. it was now the fourth round and troy was as drunk as he could be. his words were slurred, and he couldn't control his body. it was dangerous and excessive.

one of the boys off the basketball team chugged the cool liquid, before slamming the cup down and laughing with his team. a blonde, he tried to aim the ball for troy to drink but failed miserably.

"hah!" troy shouted, before getting pulled by vinnie to join a team meeting, "okay, so i'll throw the last ball yeah?"

"why you? you've played this more than everyone in the team..."

"everyone here is fucked troy, including yourself. i'm not feeling anything yet so i have better aim"

"well w-what about... mads? she only had one go?!"

"hell no! she missed last time!" vinnie groaned, irritation growing.

"oh please hacker, i was messing around last time but i can do it"

"fine! but if you fuck this up, imma take it personally..."

the girl scoffed before grabbing the white ball from the table. she purposely bent down, exposing the back of her thighs. vinnie rolled his eyes in response.

maddy swallowed a lump in her throat, before launching the ball in the last cup. the ball landed swiftly, small drops of alcohol flying out the cup from it's impact.

immediately, the team cheered as the opponents chuckled and drank the last cup. maddy turned around, a massive smirk growing in her lips. her manicured fingers found there way wrapped around troy.

"oh my gosh! i won!" maddy screamed as her team continued to go crazy.

muffled congrats we're thrown from troy as his arms engulfed her into a deep hug.

vinnie furrowed his eyebrows at the sight. this was... weird.

"you see", maddy said as she turned her head to look at the ginger boy, "i have good aim" she said as she winked. vinnie laughed at the sight, shrugging his shoulders, "good for you, you want a cookie?" he replied.

"lay off dude, she just won for us" troy groaned. he turned to maddy and smiled at her as she smiled back.

"what the fuck?" vinnie said as he turned around to face his other friends. he didn't know what was going on between the two, but he didn't want to find out.

"do you... wanna go outside for a bit. i've got some cigarettes?" maddy whispered close to troy's ear.

he smiled back, "sure"


on the other hand, nai was frantically looking around for troy.

"troy!" nai shouted as she entered the kitchen, desperate to find her boyfriend. the girl herself had had a few drinks, feeling the effects corse through her body.

her hand flew to her head as she continued to search for her boyfriend in the sea of people crowded round a table. everyone was cheering, and the noise was overwhelming. the girl nearly turned back to leave but decided to just try and find him.

"have you seen troy?" she said to a couple of guys who were by the table. they all laughed and shook their heads no. nai groaned at the reaction. weirdos.

after searching for a good five minutes, she finally had gotten to the core of the group, bumping into... vinnie.

"h-hey... where's troy?" she stuttered. even with the alcohol which gave her some kind of confidence, she still felt uneasy around vinnie. he was so unpredictable and that was what was scary. she couldn't believe that seven had survived this long.

vinnie looked at the girl and smirked, "why? so you can make him pass out again?" he laughed. the girl grew irritated and huffed out hot air, "just tell me where he is! oh my goodness!" she said, her voice holding more authority.

"he's erm... he's outside" vinnie said as he and his boys started to laugh. what was going on?

nai furrowed her eyebrows and turned away from them, squeezing through the group to go outside. the girl had finally broken free from the cluster of bodies and stomped towards the garden door.

all of this she was doing for troy...would he do this for her?

her hand flew to the door handle as she pulled it open, sticking her head out to locate her boyfriend.

"troy, baby i need to talk to yo-" nai was cut off by a sight that tore her heart. into two.

troy's hand was curled deeply into maddy's hair as the two made out against the bushes of aaron's garden. her fingers were tucked into the crook of his neck, deepening the kiss. nai even swore she heard a moan.

"tro- troy?" she said, her voice crackling as a flood of hot tears welled up in her eyes. troys eyes shot open at the sound of the sweet voice, his fingers flying off the blonde girl like she was on fire. shit... he was caught.

"fuck! nai-na-"his bullshit pleas were cut short when nai immediately turned to walk away. the tears had now fallen and a loud sob was erupting from her, one so painful she tried to cover her mouth.

with the voice of troy following her from behind, the girl didn't care about who she bumped into. she had to leave. her vision was teary as she sobbed into her hand, a particular asshole stepping in-front of her to halt her movements.

"did you find your boyfriend?" he laughed, obviously knowing the scene outside. nai looked at him and anger filled her senses. the girl was not confrontational, but she wasn't about to be fucked around by this dick.

"fuck you vinnie! go to hell!" a roar ripped from her throat, as she shoved his chest to the side. it was all so... aggressive. and vinnie was shocked by her reaction. he stepped back and his eyes widened as he saw the small girl now shoving random people in her pathway.

vinnie saw his friend pathetically trailing behind, stumbling like a drunken mess. his eyes met with vinnies who for once had nothing to say. the two friends looked at each other before vinnie lifted his hand towards aarons big living room connected to the kitchen. troy immediately went in that direction to find his... "girlfriend".

nai arrived at the stairs where her friends were sat. her face felt like it was on fire and her body was shaking out of adrelinine, anger and sadness. seven looked up at her friends broken figure and her eyebrows shot up at the sight.

"nai what the fuck happened?" seven said loudly as she flew to hug her friend. when nai said she was going to find troy, seven didn't expect her to return like this. mara and jayda surrounded the girl, questions of concern flying out their mouths as they rushed to comfort the girl.

from a distance, seven could hear a noise. it was troy who was shouting for nai.

"nailea please just list-" the boy was cut off from his worthless pleas by jayda who stepped in front of nai, voice raising, "get away from her!".

troy huffed from annoyance, choosing to ignore the "threatening friend". he took a second to breathe before lifting his head and locking eyes with a torn up nai. her eyes were a irritated red colour and her skin looked the same. damn, he fucked up.

"nai...please. i'm sorry baby let me explain" he begged, wanting to explain himself.

"explain what?! what the fuck did you do to her?" mara shouted as her arm wrapped around nai's shoulder. nai shivered in her embrace between the three girls.

a crowd of people had now formed as they watched the drama. although there were multitudes of people, everyone was silent, which only enhanced the unease of the situation.

"h-he kissed her!" she exclaimed, sobs erupting from her again as the sickening images came back to her.

"who?" seven asked, frantic. nai went to answer, but physically couldn't.


"shut up troy!" seven exclaimed tired of hearing him talk shit. she turned towards her broken friend, "nai baby. you have to breathe..." she coached.

"walk me to my car. please." nai whispered, her voice cracking as she tried to keep her emotions together. luckily for her, she had taken the keys from the car after vinnie and the lot left. seven nodded her head and wrapped a supportive hand around the girl, helping her through the crowd of people whilst everyone stared at tory and his teary eyes.

the girls reached outside, nai opening her car and hoping in the driver's seat.

"i'm going with you. you can't drive in this condition-"

"no no... stay seven. i love you. i promise i'll be okay..."

"i can't leave you in this state please let me just drive you home"

"i'll be okay. i want you to enjoy yourself. i know how excited you were for this party. go get drunk and fucking dance...please..."

"okay... if you'll be alright?"

"i'll be okay. call me in the morning?"

"of course, my love." seven kissed nai's forehead, before the car was started and had left. the curly haired girl stood there in aarons driveway, before shaking her head and returning back to the party.

at the front door stood troy, who was sobbing into his arms. boohoo. fucking baby.

seven's agitation grew and she walked closely to the boy, pointing her finger, "if you even think about talking to her after this i'll fucking kill you, got it?"

"seven please jus-"

"no! you can manipulate her with them fake fucking tears but you're psycho if you think that shit will work on me! look at you troy. you're just sad! so sad! had to cheat on your girlfriend? did that make you feel like a man?"

troy just looked up at her. he didn't know what to say. instead, he turned his head, resting it on the doorframe.

"i suggest you get yourself a uber and go home. think about what the fuck you did."

seven shot troy one last dirty look, before shoving past him and wondering into the main living room, where the party had resumed, and everyone had started to dance. the girl could see mara and jayda on the couch, mara holding a bottle of hennessey stolen from her brother, pouring the hard liquor directly into jayda's mouth.

seven rolled her eyes, walking towards them to get her own fix. on the way there, her eyes shot to the corner of the room, seeing vinnie standing there with his friends, girl surrounding the group and a red cup in his hands. he was already staring at her, but this stare was intimidating and made seven scoff before continuing her path to her friends.

vinnie watched his stepsister as she walked, her ass jiggling in that tight ass dress. he swore that his mouth watered as he looked at the curves of her body. she looked good, too good. it was a shame that they weren't on talking terms. i mean were they ever. he looked away to stop himself from his thoughts but the urge he had for her was starting to become uncontrollable, especially after a few drinks. the boy simply ran a hand over his face and resumed his conversation.

what a way to start up a party, right?


b speaks

well... hello there lol.

sorry for the inconsistency but i've already explained. i hope you guys enjoy! also, I had to shorten this chapter because I needed to get something out to you guys, so I hope this is okay. 

btw, im changing seven's oc. and im thinking of writing another vinnie book. watch out for that :)

love you all.

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