My Missing piece (Harmione)

By Abigail_Archer

23.1K 1.4K 1.2K

Attention, potential readers of my book! Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster of emotions, because in "My Mis... More

Author's note
thank you!!!


844 58 133
By Abigail_Archer

"Aɴʏ Pʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍs Cᴀɴ Bᴇ Sᴏʟᴠᴇᴅ Bᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ Pᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ Iғ Oɴʟʏ Tʜᴇʏ Cᴀɴ Tʀᴜsᴛ Eᴀᴄʜ Oᴛʜᴇʀ."
𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒
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The next morning, Hermione jolted awake, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized she was tucked cozily in her own bed. It was a puzzling twist of fate since she distinctly recalled drifting off on the living room couch, with none other than Harry nearby. She couldn't help but grin, thinking, "Harry must've worked his magic to get me here."

With a yawn, Hermione swung her legs out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She started her day with the usual ritual: toothbrush buzzing and splashes of water to freshen up. Her reflection in the mirror couldn't hide her excitement.

After her morning ablutions, she skipped back to her room to pick out her outfit for the day. Her fashion choice screamed confidence and a touch of playfulness: a vibrant, long-sleeved red blouse paired with comfortable blue slacks. Her hair, usually tamed and orderly, fell into a lively ponytail.

Emerging from her room, she practically danced downstairs for breakfast. The scene that greeted her was heartwarming. Percy, engrossed in a newspaper, and Harry engaged in lively chatter. Hermione couldn't help but beam as she passed them, sharing her morning cheer with a radiant smile that brightened the room.

"Hermione, stealing the spotlight already?" Percy exclaimed.

"Stealing what now?" Hermione
inquired with a playful grin.

"Here, look for yourself," Percy said irritably, tossing the Daily Prophet her way. "No, Percy, don't!" Harry interjected with a friendly warning, but the damage was done. She caught the newspaper and begrudgingly strolled over to the couch opposite Harry plopping down with an annoyed sigh.

She cast an annoyed glance at the newspaper, featuring a picture of her tightly gripping Harry's and Ron's hands in Diagon Alley, and began to read.

The Gryffindor Princess strikes again, they scoffed into the public eye for the umpteenth time after the war.

Gryffindor Princess aka Hermione Granger was seen in Diagon Alley holding hands with none other than her Ex-Ron Weasley and her current boyfriend Harry Potter aka The Chosen One.

Hermione crumpled the paper in sheer annoyance.

"Boyfriend?" Hermione practically shouted, her aggravation impossible to ignore.

"What was she thinking?" Hermione shot Harry an incredulous, irate glare.

"That explains why that lady at the bookstore told me that," she hissed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She caught a glimpse of hurt in Harry's eyes, though she half-wondered if it was a figment of her imagination, as it disappeared almost instantly.

"I should've obliterated her when I had the chance," Hermione grumbled through clenched teeth.

"Sorry, Percy, I made a mess of your paper," Hermione began, her tone laden with frustration, as she whipped out her wand to fix it.

"Obliterated?" Percy raised a bemused eyebrow.

"Yeah," Hermione mumbled, shoving the paper back at Percy. She glanced at Harry, who seemed determined to avoid any eye contact, fueling her irritation.

She stormed away, a storm cloud of anger and hunger, cursing Rita Skeeter all the way downstairs.

As Hermione descended, she spotted Ginny calmly eating breakfast. However, Ginny overheard Hermione muttering a string of curses that left her dumbfounded. "Imbecile, hag, filthy rubbish, daughter of a monkey, daughter of a motherless goat," and more. Ginny struggled not to choke on her food, for she had never witnessed Hermione so irate, let alone using such comically colorful insults.

Hermione angrily piled her plate with food and dramatically plopped down in the chair next to Ginny, making an exaggerated grumbling noise.

"Who cast the 'Grumpy Hermione' spell today?" Ginny inquired, her eyes dancing with amusement. She couldn't help but notice Harry cautiously making his way downstairs, his expression resembling that of a wounded puppy. He halted to eavesdrop on Hermione's rant, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Hermione, in the throes of her comedic tirade, didn't even register Harry's presence. She continued to unleash her humorous fury, completely oblivious to the audience she was unwittingly entertaining.

"Can you believe that despicable scoundrel Rita Skeeter has dared to publish, once again, to the entire wizarding world that Harry is my boyfriend? She first peddled that nonsense back in my fourth year at Hogwarts, and now she's resorted to her filthy tricks once more! It's utterly disgusting-"

Harry began walking briskly towards the door, his face a mask of heartbreak. He moved so quickly, it was as if someone had plunged a dagger into his chest. He ran out of the house, leaving Hermione unable to finish her sentence.

"Women," Hermione mumbled with a touch of annoyance in her eyes, as she glanced at Ginny, who suddenly sprang to her feet.

"What?" Hermione asked, completely unaware of the emotional turmoil that had just unfolded.

"I've got to go," Ginny said hurriedly, rushing to the sink and haphazardly placing her plate in it before hastily washing her hands, neglecting the plate entirely. Hermione watched in confusion as Ginny dashed out the door, leaving her sitting there, utterly perplexed and oblivious to the fact she hurt someone deeply.


Harry's heart ached as he clutched onto the rough bark of the tree. The forest, once a place of solace, now echoed with the haunting memories of his shattered love. The leaves rustled overhead, whispering secrets he wished he could forget.

He could still vividly recall the hurt in Hermione's eyes, the way her brows furrowed with disappointment as she read that accursed Daily Prophet article. It was as though a knife had been thrust into his chest, twisting with every word she read. The pain was unbearable, making him feel smaller than he ever had before.

The memory of Hermione's words, 'Disgusting,' reverberated in his mind, each syllable lashing at him like a lash from a whip. It was a word that seared into his soul, a condemnation that cut deeper than any physical wound. He wondered if he truly was disgusting in her eyes, and that thought was more agonizing than any curse.

Harry's heart ached as he heard the voice calling out to him, and when he saw Ginny rushing toward him, a wave of sadness washed over him. He couldn't escape the inevitable. The only two people who knew about his unrequited love for Hermione were Ginny and Ron.

To be brutally honest, Harry had never intended to tell Ron, especially not so soon after Ron's breakup with Hermione. But fate had other plans. Ron stumbled upon Harry and Ginny talking in Ginny's room, sent there by Mrs. Weasley. Unbeknownst to Harry and Ginny, Ron was standing just outside the door when Harry uttered those painful words, "I don't know, Gin. No matter how hard I try, I just couldn't stop loving Hermione."

And there, in the doorway, stood Ron, his face frozen in shock. The first words that escaped Ron's lips were, "Since when?" Harry's mind raced back to his reply, "Since the Yule Ball."

Harry couldn't help but recall how Ron, rather than exploding in anger as Harry had expected, instead sat down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "She'll fall for you, Dude. It'll just take a while," Ron had said. It was a moment of unexpected understanding and support, but it couldn't erase the underlying sadness that lingered in Harry's heart.

"You're not mad?" Harry exclaimed, vividly recalling the moment he asked Ron, to which Ron responded, "You have no control over who you fall in love with. And, we're best friends now mate, we broke up, just cause Hermione's my ex doesn't forbid you from dating her anyway"

Harry's eyes flared with anger as he snapped back to reality, his sadness and hurt transfiguring to angerness.

"Harry, did you even listen to what she said?" Ginny huffed, breathing heavily.

"Oh, seriously? Give it a rest, Ginny!" Harry practically spat out the words, his voice oozing with sarcasm. "Look at her, for Merlin's sake! She's practically seething with irritation because of me. I'm just that useless brother of hers, and that's all I'll ever be, nothing more, nothing less."

Ginny tried to speak, but Harry interrupted her with a harsh tone.

"No, Ginny, just shut up! Don't you dare try to give me false hope. She'll never, ever fall for me, and I'm sick of your nonsense!"

Harry halted his words as he heard footsteps and, with an annoyed glance around, felt another body slide down beside him.

"Ron, seriously? Save it. Let me finish. Her-"

Harry found himself interrupted by a hand covering his mouth, and he shot Ginny an annoyed look when she finally released him, saying, "What's going on?"

With a subtle eye motion, Ginny directed his attention to Hermione, causing Harry to jump in surprise.

"Hermione? How long have you been here?" Harry asked, his voice tinged with panic.

Hermione whispered, "Long enough to figure things out."

"What?" Both Ginny and Harry exclaimed simultaneously.

"Listen, Hermione," Harry implored, "I can explain. Please, give me a chance."

Hermione replied softly, "No need, Harry. You've already told me everything."

Harry swallowed hard, realizing he didn't want to lose Hermione's friendship.

"Harry, I understand. You don't have to reveal the mystery girl you're head over heels for," Hermione reassured him, her tone warm and understanding.

Harry and Ginny let out a big sigh of relief. Hermione, on the other hand, shot them a mean look. Well, at least she didn't figure out that he's head over heels for her.

"But seriously, I won't bug you about it. You can spill the beans whenever you want. No rush. Although, it does bug me that Ginny and Ron are in the know. Anyway..."

Ginny got up with another sigh and a cheeky grin (both of which Hermione paid no attention to) and wisely decided to give them some alone time.

"-Let me tell you this. Whoever this girl is and wherever she is, she's in for a wild ride with you. Don't you dare ever lose hope-"

Hermione playfully slung an arm around Harry's waist, their faces inches apart.

"- She might need glasses not to see how amazing you are, but one day she'll come to her senses. I don't know who she is. But one thing's for sure, she'll fall for you.Harry, not many can resist your Imperius Curse-like charms."

Harry blinked twice, his face turning as red as a Quaffle, secretly praying to Merlin that Hermione wouldn't notice.

They spent another delightful twenty minutes like that, in a silence that felt like a cozy secret between them. If Hermione hadn't moved, Harry might have happily stayed in that moment for eternity.

Finally, Hermione began to rise, and Harry reluctantly followed suit. As she reached for the door, Harry seized her wrist and pulled her into a tight embrace, catching her off guard. Hermione quickly reciprocated, their closeness electrifying. Harry hesitated, then planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Hermione, I would've given up all hope if it weren't for you. Thank you so much."

Hermione leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek, causing Harry to freeze in his tracks.

"You've always been my knight in shining glasses. How could I not be there when you need me?"

With that, Hermione gracefully turned around with a wink and entered the house without looking back. Harry breathed a sigh of relief, thankful she didn't see him blushing harder than a Flamingo Feather potion gone wrong.


Hermione entered the room, searching for Ginny, and found her sitting alone in the dimly lit bedroom. Ginny's face bore the weight of her thoughts, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Hermione approached her, silently, and gently wrapped an arm around her trembling shoulders.

"Ginny, please, tell me what's troubling you," Hermione implored with a heavy heart, her voice tinged with concern.

Ginny merely shrugged, unable to find the words to express her anguish.

"I just want George to come out of that room. Who knows what he's going through in there? I miss him so much," Ginny whispered, her voice quivering.

Hermione tightened her grip on Ginny's shoulder, her own eyes welling up with tears. "We'll find a way to break that charm on the door, Ginny," she murmured softly, her words filled with determination.

A faint, melancholic smile crossed Ginny's lips as she leaned into Hermione's comforting embrace. "What if we both go to your room and search for a spell that might help?" Ginny suggested, her voice filled with vulnerability.

Hermione met Ginny's gaze, her eyes reflecting the sorrow they both felt. "I don't have any other plans, Ginny," she replied with a solemn nod. "And even if I did, nothing could be more important than getting George out of that room. Let's go."

As Hermione and Ginny left Ginny's room, they strolled past the living room, where they spotted Harry and Ron huddled together on the couch, whispering conspiratorially. When the duo noticed Hermione's approach, their eyes widened, and they abruptly ceased their hushed conversation, exchanging guilty glances.

Hermione halted in her tracks, and Ginny stopped right behind her, wearing a mischievous grin as she caught on to Hermione's thoughts.

"Hey, Hermione, what's up?"

She smiled innocently, though her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Hermione?" Ginny quizzed, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Hermione shared a knowing look with Ginny, and they both smirked in unison.

Ron raised an eyebrow and exchanged a wary glance with Harry. If Hermione and Ginny were on the same page about something, it usually meant trouble - something he and Harry were seldom thrilled about.

"So, boys, you free right now?" Hermione asked with an ever-widening smirk.

Harry hesitated for a moment before mumbling, "Uh, yeah, we are."

Hermione pounced on the opportunity, her grin growing wider. "Fantastic! Well, what are you waiting for? Follow me!"

Ron, not having a clue about Hermione's intentions, turned to Harry with an exasperated expression. Harry's eyes conveyed the same dread.

"But where are we going?" Ron questioned, shooting Harry a betrayed look for volunteering their free time to Hermione.

Hermione, not one to entertain protests, seized both Ron and Harry by their ears and started marching toward her room. Panicked, Ron and Harry reluctantly followed, their voices filled with complaints and exclamations like, "Hermione, stop it! Ouch! Bloody women!" Ginny followed them, trying to suppress her laughter as the chaos ensued.

Hermione, always the bossy one, released Ron and Harry's ears with a dramatic flourish, making them dance a little jig of relief, their hands instantly checking for any missing ear parts.

With all the grace of a wizard in a butterbeer-induced stupor, Hermione marched over to her bookshelf, her nose so far in the air that it could be mistaken for a weather vane. She carefully selected four books, casting them towards Ron and Harry like she was presenting them with the holy grail. She tossed a tome to Ginny, who caught it with the precision of a Quidditch Seeker.

Hermione settled herself on one side of the bed, seemingly more interested in the contents of her book than the existence of her two roommates. Ron and Harry exchanged glances, Ron's face contorting into a comically exaggerated glare as if Harry had forced him into the Room of Requirement for this ordeal.

As the minutes passed, the room was silent except for the sound of four pairs of eyes darting around, waiting for a sign from the Hogwarts library ghost to come and shush them. Hermione finally broke the silence with a voice dripping in sarcasm that could rival a giant squid's ink output.

"Are you boys planning to levitate your books and read while floating, or will you grace us with your presence on the bed?" Hermione asked, her eyes not leaving her book.

Harry and Ron exchanged baffled looks before realizing they were expected to sit. They plopped down, Ron in front of Ginny and Harry in front of Hermione, as if they were in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class waiting for Professor Snape's next torment.

But then, there was a twist. Ron, suddenly channeling his inner Shakespeare, began reading with theatrical emotion that would make Gilderoy Lockhart proud. Harry shot Hermione a knowing look, both of them recognizing the melodrama in Ron's voice.

Hermione couldn't take it anymore. With a swish of her wand, she silenced Ron mid-sentence. Harry stifled a laugh, watching Ron's animated lips move silently. Hermione gave Harry a death glare that could rival the Basilisk's, silently warning him not to follow in Ron's footsteps.

So, they continued to read in silence, except for the occasional squeak of the bed as someone shifted position. Harry, feeling mischievous, eventually released Ron from the silencing charm when he dozed off. But it only led to a crescendo of snores that could wake the Whomping Willow.

Ginny's patience snapped like a brittle wand, and she used her book as a makeshift bludger, smacking Ron on the head to jolt him awake. Hermione couldn't help but grin at Ginny's audacity. Ron, startled, started to spew a string of colorful expletives before Hermione and Ginny's synchronized glares silenced him into submission.

Just when it seemed like this comedy of manners was going to last forever, Percy crashed the party, announcing lunch. Ron, perhaps sensing his escape from the book club, bolted from the room, leaving Hermione and Ginny to release their shared groan of exasperation.

Harry rose from his seat, a sympathetic smirk aimed at the beleaguered duo. With Hermione and Ginny following suit, they left the room,
"Percy, have you managed to stumble upon any mystical spells to liberate George's room from its enchantment?" Hermione grilled Percy, her tone so serious it could make Professor Snape crack a smile.

Percy's response was a symphony of misery, "No, Hermione. Every spell I attempted just laughed in my face."

Hermione gave a slow, solemn nod. The quartet descended the stairs like a reluctant procession at a wizarding funeral, their faces matching the gloom of a Dementor's shadow.

As they reached the dining room, their spirits as low as a Hufflepuff's basement, they were greeted by a sight that was as unexpected as finding a Blast-Ended Skrewt in your sock drawer. Ron, with cheeks puffed like a chipmunk on a binge, was engaged in a frantic food-stuffing competition.

The moment Ron noticed their presence, he attempted to join the conversation, but before he could utter a word, a perfectly synchronized chorus of reprimand hit him like a Stinging Hex.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Ronald!" Ginny and Hermione thundered in unison, their combined motherly fury enough to make even the Hungarian Horntail cower.

Ron obediently shut his trap, his eyes wide with fear as he continued to shovel food into his mouth, like a first-year student cramming for their OWLs. Meanwhile, the others mechanically loading their plates as they say down, filling their mouth with the crispy crunch of roasted vegetables which gave way to the tender juiciness of meat, while the creamy smoothness of mashed potatoes contrasted with the satisfying resistance of a well-cooked pasta.

"Is there any news about my parents, Mr. Weasley?" Hermione's voice quivered with hope, but the room fell silent, and Harry could see the anguish in her eyes.

A heavy sigh escaped Mr. Weasley as he replied, "I'm sorry, Hermione. There isn't any news yet. They're still searching." Hermione nodded, forcing herself to eat as if it didn't weigh on her heart. The others at the table watched her in a somber silence, their own meals forgotten.

Harry observed Hermione closely, witnessing her valiant struggle to hold back tears that threatened to fall like raindrops of sorrow.


*********I want to thank everyone who's reading my story. It means a lot to me. If you like this part please vote and follow me. Share this story so others could enjoy reading it. It means a lot to me.

**** I wanna thank user JamesMarauder1977 for voting for my first story part.

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