Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]

By GAY_H03

13.5K 349 355

Catra and Adora meet for the first time as roommates, but they start to catch feelings. Somethings get in the... More

Adora's intro
Catra's intro
The Party
The Beach (slight nsfw)
Just Friends? (nsfw)
You win..
I missed you..
Visit #3
Im not the only one.
The Escape
I never hated you
The Festival
Glimmer's Problem
Its a lie
Im sorry

The Kiss

343 10 7
By GAY_H03

I walked over to Adora's door and contemplated opening the door for a second until she opened it.

"What we're you doing?" She asked.

"I was just- I was Uhm gonna ask you something." I stuttered.

'I'm not a good lair' I thought.

"Aww are you still getting flustered kitty." She poured a glass of water.

"I'm not getting flustered, and you shouldn't be talking because you know that I can easily make you flustered." I said.

"Anyways, what we're you gonna ask me?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said.

She put her cup down and walked over to me. 'Oh shit she has to stop doing that' I thought as I tied to stop myself from blushing. She took her finger and fixed my face to look up at her.

"What you gonna ask. Don't make me ask you again." She said, it sounded like a demand more than a question.

"It doesn't-" I saw her smirk as she waited for me to finish my sentence.

"Go ahead finished your sentence..." She smirked.

"It doesn't matter- oh shit what time is it?" I walked over to the time in the stove.

"What is it?" She turned around.

"I need to take my thing." I said.

"What thing?" She asked.

"I don't know what it is, all I know is that it goes in my nose." I grabbed it.

"Ooh that is a long q-tip thingy." She said.

"Yeah I know, so apparently I have to put some liquid on the tip and then quickly put it up my nose, and if it's done the right way it's gonna sting....really bad." I said and started putting the weird liquid on the end of the q-tip thing.

"Hey if you have trouble I can do it for you." She said.

"Oh you'll put it up your nose, thanks!" I gave it to her.

"No, I can't sorry, but I'll do it for you." She said.

"Yeah I know just do it, but give me a count from three." I said.

She put it up to my nose and started counting.

"One....two..." She quickly put it up my nose and took it out. "....Three.."

"Fuck! That hurts!" I yelled, I kept my hand pressed on my nose until the pain stopped.

"See that wasn't so bad, right?" She put the q-tip on the counter.

"No that was fucking terrible!" I yelled.

"Oh well it's done now we throw it?" She picked up the q-tip.

"Yeah." I said.

"Ok." She threw it out in the kitchen trash can.

I heard a buzzing sound and looked over at my phone on the counter and saw I got a call from an unknown caller ID. I picked up my phone and answered the call.


"Hey is this Catra?"

"Yeah who is this?"

"Perfect, it's me Netossa."

"Oh hey coach!"

"If you want a place on the team, come to the field, I don't have anyone else out here for the next hour."

"Oh yes, sure I'll be there."

"Great I'll be waiting."

I quickly walked to my room and grabbed my soccer clothes out of my bag and started changing. Adora walked in and closed the door.

"So who was it?" She asked.

"It was my soccer coach, Netossa." I said as I started undressing.

"Nice what did she say, cause you seem excited." She smiled.

"She wants me to go down to the field to show her how I play to see if I could join the team." I slipped on my jersey and shorts.

"Oh that's great! I know you'll get on the team!" She smiled.

"You think?" I put on the cleats.

"Of course!" She smiled.

I got up and grabbed my bag. I walked over to the door and kissed Adora.

"Thanks, I love you." I walked past her and walked out of the dorm.

"I love you more!" I heard her yell as I closed the dorm door.

I smiled and walked across the hall to the stairs and started running down to the field.

I ran out onto the field to coach Netossa. She was sitting on the bleachers at the side of the field. As I reached the bleachers, I set my bag down on the grass.

"Hi coach!" I sat next to her.

"Hey Catra, are you ready?" She stood up.

"Yeah." I said confidently.

"Perfect get on the field, I have a few girls in the team coming to practice with you." She said and wrote something on her clipboard.

"Ok, great." I looked at the door leading to the lockers and waited for the other girls that were coming to practice with me.

After a few seconds I saw the doors open and heard a bunch of laughing as a bunch of random girls came out onto the field.

I recognized one of the girls. Lonnie..

"Catra, meets your teammates, well some of them." Coach introduced me to the girls.

"Lonnie? W-Why is Lonnie here?" I looked at Coach.

"Oh yeah she transferred here after the last football game and decided to try soccer, now she's the team captain because she had preformed the best during some of the games." Coach put her hand on Lonnie's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you Catra, actually I think I saw you a while ago when you came out onto the field looking for Coach." She smiled, I could see through her, she knew that I knew everything about her.

"Whatever." I looked away.

"Okay so Catra you'll play striker, got it." Coach Netossa gestured for us to get on the field.

"Yep got it."

After Catra left the dorm I decided to take a nap because I felt a little tired and to kill some time.


I woke up on the couch and looked at the time.
'Damn it's been 45 minutes and she's still gone, maybe I'll go check if Glimmer is free'

I got up and fixed my hair, then walked out of the dorm and made my way to Glimmer's dorm.

When I got to Glimmer's dorm I knocked on the door about 5 times. No response, No noise.

'Maybe she's sleeping or she's out with Bow, I'll call her'

I thought and pulled my phone out, I called Glimmer but it just went to voicemail.

"I'm either away from my phone or I just can't deal with you right now anyway leave a message after the beep."


I turned around to walk back to my dorm when I was quickly stopped by....Tyler.


"What the fuck do you want Tyler?"


"Eww you fucking disgusting."

"Oh really, I know you want me Adora.."

"Why would I want any of...whatever this is, after what you did to me?!"

"Oh come on, don't bring that up."

"Uh- don't bring up the fact you fuckin-"

"Yes that, don't bring that up."

"Ugh, what are you talking to me for?"

"Because, I want to start over with you."


"Yeah, like a second chance."

"It's actually sad because I really thought you were cool when I first met you."

"I still am."

"No you're not."

"Well I think you're still really hot."

"Ew, please stop."


Before I even realized, Tyler had kissed me, and it wasn't even a kiss, it was a whole make out.

I tried tried to pull him away but he started holding my arms down, I heard footsteps walking from the corner. I glanced over to see who it was and my heart sank when I saw Catra.

Her expression quickly changed from happiness to something I couldn't describe even if I tried.

I saw her drop her beg and run back around the corner. I quickly kicked Tyler in the crotch and started running after Catra.

"Catra wait!"

I got a little closer to her and tackled her to the ground.

"Catra, listen I-"

She pushed me off of her and kept running. After I got up I kept running after her, she was really far ahead.

I kept running and running until I got to Scorpia's dorm and I looked over to the left of me and saw Adora running after me but I started banging on Scorpia's door until she quickly opened it.

I ran inside and saw on her couch as I let the tears fall down my face, my face was quickly covered in tears.

"Hey Wildcat what happened are you okay?!" Scorpia's closed the door and ran over to the couch and sat next to me.

"I- She- w-." I couldn't talk because of my tears and my emotions, I still couldn't process what just happened.

"Is this about sports?"

I couldn't talk so I shook my head.

"Is this about...Adora?"

I nodded my head and was started by loud banging on the door. I knew it was Adora.

"I'll get it."

I tried to wipe my tears and hide my face. Scorpia opened the door.

"Hey is Catra here, I think I saw her run in here?" I heard a frantic Adora ask.


"Because she- It's non of your business."

"Tell me now."

"Ok, she saw someone ugly ass guy kiss me and I think the got the wrong idea."

"She's in here."

"Great can I come in?"


"What? Why?"

"Because it doesn't look like she wants to see you."

"Please just let me in, I need to talk to her!"


Scorpia slammed the door and took a deep breath.

"So, she cheated?"


"That bitch, if I hear her voice or see her one more time I swear I'll-"

Scorpia was interrupted by a loud banging on the door again. She sighed and swung the door open.

"If you just let me go in there and-"

Scorpia punched Adora, right in the throat and slammed the door.

"Did that make you feel any better?"

"Y-Yeah a l-little."

"She's a bitch."

"I just never would have thought-"

"I know Wildcat, sometimes think happen." Scorpia walked over to the couch and gave me a big hug.

"For once your hug is actually comforting."


"Wait Scorpia, you punched her in the throat with you pincers!"

"Why are you still worried about her, she just cheated on you."

"I know but you probably cut into her throat and messed it up."


"Yep you're bleeding really bad." Bow put a wet napkin on my bloody throat.

"Do you think I'll lose my voice?"

"No, I just need to stitch it up and you should be good."

Bow got out his med kit and started stitching the open hole in my throat.

"Thankfully she didn't cut into your actual throat, she just cut through your skin."

"Ok good."

"Just take deep breaths cause this is gonna hurt...a lot."


He grabbed the needle and started stitching me. There was a lot of cursing and yelling involved.

"All done."

"Thank god, that hurt like a bitch."

"I know, I warned you."

"How do you know so much about this stuff anyway?"

"Well I am studying to be a doctor."

"Oh right I forgot, sorry."

"It's cool."

He put his med kit away.

"So wanna hang out?"

"Maybe another time, I have someone to go beat the fuck out of."

I walked out of Bow's dorm and walked to the only place I could think of....the Hell house. The building that Tyler took me to, is what I now refer to as the hell house...

This chapter was a lot, I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for any typos, I'm a lazy bum so I never proof read. <3

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