My Missing piece (Harmione)

By Abigail_Archer

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Attention, potential readers of my book! Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster of emotions, because in "My Mis... More

Author's note
thank you!!!


970 59 58
By Abigail_Archer

"Wʜʏ, Tʜᴇɴ, Sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ Wᴇ Eᴠᴇʀ Sɪɴᴋ Oᴠᴇʀᴡʜᴇʟᴍᴇᴅ Wɪᴛʜ Dɪsᴛʀᴇss, Wʜᴇɴ Lɪғᴇ Is Sᴏ Sᴏᴏɴ Oᴠᴇʀ, Aɴᴅ Dᴇᴀᴛʜ Is Sᴏ Cᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴ Aɴ Eɴᴛʀᴀɴᴄᴇ Tᴏ Hᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇss."
𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝐸𝑦𝑟𝑒
ᶜʰᵃʳˡᵒᵗᵗᵉ ᵇʳᵒⁿᵗᵉ

After Harry's delightful surprise and their heartwarming conversation about life after the war, Hermione felt like a burst of sunshine on a clear summer day. She decided she wanted to dive deeper into her friendships to uncover the treasures of their shared experiences.

But she knew Harry well enough to realize that delving into his own post-war experiences might stir up worries, and she was determined to keep things light and cheerful. With a plan forming in her mind, Hermione set her sights on a joyful gathering.

With a heart brimming with anticipation, she decided to approach Ginny, the embodiment of understanding and Luna, the keeper of wisdom. She knew that Ron and Harry, while caring, had a tendency to be a tad overprotective and endlessly curious.

As she made her way toward the dining room, thoughts of her upcoming rendezvous danced in her mind. Just as she was deep in contemplation, Ginny approached her, wearing a grin that could rival the sunrise.

"So, Hermione, how did today go?" Ginny inquired, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Hermione's face lit up with happiness. "Oh, it went splendidly!"

With a twinkle in her eye, Hermione continued, "Ginny, I was thinking about a magical girls' night-just you, Luna, and me. What do you say? How about the day after tomorrow?"

Ginny's eyes lit up in response. "Oh, Hermione, that sounds marvelous! How about a trip to Hogsmeade?"

Hermione's heart soared with excitement. "Perfect! Hogsmeade it is."

As they shared these plans over snacks, they felt a warm camaraderie, like old friends catching up on lost time.

Meanwhile, Harry couldn't help but steal glances at Hermione, her laughter and camaraderie with Ginny painting a radiant smile on his own face.

Hermione savored every moment, indulging in delightful conversation and delicious snacks with Ginny. As the evening came to a close, she bid everyone a cheerful goodnight, her heart singing with contentment.

Watching Hermione's transformed mood and her lively interactions, Harry couldn't help but smile, knowing that happiness had once again found its home in their world.


The following day, Hermione prepared for her trip to Diagon Alley, her excitement bubbling like a cauldron on a particularly mischievous day. As she finished her hearty lunch, she dashed outside, her robe billowing dramatically behind her, like a wizarding superhero on a mission.

Lo and behold, she spotted Ron and Harry engaged in what looked like a heated debate, their gesticulating arms casting wild spells in the air. Hermione sauntered over, her strides infused with all the grace of a swan caught in a magical mishap.

"Where are you off to, Harry?" she inquired, her eyes widening with intrigue, which in the wizarding world often resembled an owl's wide-eyed wonder.

Harry, with a look of sheer indifference that could rival a sloth on a sunny rock, replied, "Nowhere."

"Why not join us, then?" Hermione beseeched, her tone almost as persuasive as a charming hex.

"Yeah, mate! Rekindle the magic of old times," Ron chimed in, his expression a mix of eagerness and hilarity.

Harry, unable to resist their enchanting proposition, declared with an enigmatic smirk, "Sure, if you guys insist."

Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes in a manner that was only outdone by the exaggerated eye-rolls of Professor Snape. "Oh, Harry, what's with you and those smirks lately?" she groaned, punctuating her statement with a dramatic snort. This prompted all three of them to burst into uproarious laughter.

With their sides still aching from laughter, the trio clasped hands and, in a whirl of colorful apparition, they popped up in the heart of Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley hadn't changed a bit since the last time they'd graced it with their presence. It was still as bustling as a horde of pixies let loose in a fireworks shop. Laughter and chatter filled the air, creating a magical symphony.

But the moment the denizens of Diagon Alley caught sight of the illustrious trio, the cacophony morphed into a peculiar silence, as if someone had silenced the entire Wizarding World's audience with a flick of a wand. People began pointing fingers like they'd discovered a rare magical creature.

Hermione found herself sandwiched between Harry and Ron, her grip on their hands tight enough to rival the grasp of a newly hatched baby dragon's talon. Harry, his eyebrows soaring like the quills of a startled Hippogriff, noticed Hermione's discomfort. Ron, ever the steadfast friend, squeezed her hand reassuringly.

As the trio marched forward, ignoring the gawkers, Harry intertwined his fingers with Hermione's, the mischievous twinkle back in his eye. Hermione's nerves jangled like a wind chime in a gale, exacerbated by the whispers that swirled around them like an invisible flock of pesky pixies. Phrases like 'Golden Trio,' 'Gryffindor Princess,' 'War Heroine,' 'Chosen One,' 'King,' 'War Hero,' 'The Boy Who Lived,' 'Harry Potter,' 'Ron Weasley,' and 'Hermione Granger' echoed in her ears.

Harry, sensing her unease, quickened their pace. Ron followed suit, and as they wove through the crowd, the throngs of onlookers parted like the Red Sea, creating a path as though Moses himself had taken up residence in Diagon Alley.

Hermione let out an exasperated sigh as she waltzed into the bookstore, her relief palpable. Harry couldn't help but notice that she still clung to their hands, but he wasn't complaining, and neither was Ron. They watched as a wave of tranquility washed over Hermione upon encountering the sea of books. Her eyes sparkled like rare gemstones, and she abruptly released their hands, seemingly oblivious to the curious glances of onlookers. Her entire focus had shifted to the world of books.

Ron and Harry exchanged amused glances, mischief dancing in their eyes as they observed Hermione's transformation. She darted from shelf to shelf, gracefully ascending stools to reach the highest of books and pulling them out, almost inhaling their essence. Harry couldn't help but sport a mischievous grin.

Hermione amassed a mountain of books, examining them meticulously and occasionally reading aloud snippets that caught her fancy. After an hour of her book-hoarding escapade, she returned to Harry, but instead of seeking his assistance, she unceremoniously dumped all her newfound treasures into his arms. She then repeated the process with Ron, adding to his burden.

Once more, she scurried off, fetching another stack of books that she attempted to wedge into the limited space in Harry's and Ron's arms. Their view was now entirely obstructed by the towering wall of books, and Hermione couldn't contain her laughter. Ron, in a feeble attempt at protest, called out to her.

"Hermione, if you bring back another stack of books, Harry and I will be flattened like pancakes under their weight," he groaned.

Hermione, as determined as ever, returned with yet another pile of books, earning a deep sigh from Ron. Harry couldn't help but chuckle as he waited for her to rejoin them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her struggling with yet more books, just as Ron had predicted. She approached them, and Harry made a tiny opening for her to stuff a few more in. Hermione noticed his gesture and let out a giggle. She squeezed two more books in, casting an expectant look at Ron, who, under the spell of her puppy-dog eyes, grunted and made room for more. Hermione giggled again, triumphant, and declared that they could head to the checkout now. With a mere 15 books in her grasp, she confidently led the way, leaving Harry and Ron to navigate the labyrinth of literature with their overflowing arms, likely carrying more than 25 books each.

As all the people in the bookstore gawked at the trio, Hermione shot them an icy glare that could've frozen a cauldron, causing them to hastily avert their eyes and return to their own business. With her arms loaded down by the weight of her literary treasures, Hermione stumbled a few times, prompting simultaneous chuckles from Harry and Ron. Caught in her crossfire, they quickly suppressed their laughter, not wanting to incur her wrath. Hermione turned to glare at them, but her scowl quickly melted into a satisfied smile when she saw their sheepish expressions.

At the checkout counter, Hermione sighed in relief as she began placing her books one by one on the counter. With each book, she alternated her attention between Ron and Harry, a playful twinkle in her eyes. The lady behind the counter, her curly blonde hair and dark black eyes, couldn't help but gape at Hermione's mountain of books.

"Are you going to buy all of these?" she asked, to which Ron fired back with mock indignation, "No, she's stealing them all, but she thought it would be good to show them to you."

The embarrassed lady quickly looked away, while Hermione couldn't contain her giggles. After a moment, the lady mustered the courage to glance at Hermione again and informed her of the total price. As Hermione reached for her handbag, Harry smoothly extracted his money and paid without a word. Hermione, unaware of Harry's chivalry, handed her money to the lady, who replied with a curt, "Your boyfriend paid for it."

Harry blushed and looked away, feigning indifference. Ron, ever the mischievous one, noticed and smirked, earning a glare from Harry. Hermione, perplexed by the exchange, asserted that she didn't have a boyfriend, to which the lady responded, "Well, Mr. Potter just paid the money," as she began packing Hermione's books into purchase bags.

Turning to Harry, Hermione asked, "Harry, why would you do that?" When he merely shrugged, Hermione's glare intensified, and she turned her accusatory gaze toward Ron, who had his arms crossed defensively.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything!" Ron protested.

Hermione, however, didn't back down and demanded, "Why did you let him?"

"I wasn't looking then," Ron innocently claimed.

Hermione was about to give Harry a piece of her mind when the lady at the counter cleared her throat, signaling that Hermione could take her books. Grumpily, Hermione snatched the enchanted bags, handing Harry two and Ron two while keeping one for herself. Each bag had a magical extension charm, concealing more books than they appeared to hold. With their arms full and a hint of playful tension in the air, the trio exited the bookstore, ready to embark on their next adventure, both literary and romantic.

Harry murmured something to Ron, who nodded in agreement. Together, they summoned Hermione's attention. She turned, her expression tinged with annoyance, as Harry began to explain their rationale. They had always opted for an alternate route, one that remained desolate. The clandestine whispers and furtive pointing weren't unique to this day; they'd been constant companions wherever Harry and Ron ventured. Hermione quickly concurred, acknowledging the need for the alternative path.

They proceeded along the alley Harry had mentioned, Hermione realizing that her bookstore excursion had consumed more time than expected. The daylight had given way to an ominous evening darkness. Their footsteps echoed ominously through the eerily quiet alley.

Harry led, Hermione trailed, and Ron brought up the rear. As they traversed a four-way intersection, Harry abruptly froze. His gaze fixated on dark figures shrouded in silver masks, lurking in the adjacent alley to his left. He blinked, needing to confirm that it wasn't a hallucination. He knew he wasn't delusional, having also heard the footsteps. The black robes and silver masks couldn't be ignored. Panic washed over him as he dismissed the notion of an Azkaban breakout or the Ministry's capture of all Death Eaters. It had to be a Death Eater - Lucius Malfoy on a clandestine stroll through the shadows, garbed in the attire of Voldemort's followers.

Harry's doubts were obliterated. He'd harbored suspicions since the war; the Ministry concealed something significant. Either there had been a mass escape from Azkaban, or the Ministry had yet to apprehend all the Death Eaters. It had to be a Death Eater; no one in the wizarding world would don such attire, synonymous with those who believed in blood purity above all else. The ones who had killed and tormented Muggle-borns for reasons beyond their control.

Hermione collided with Harry, causing Ron to crash into her. "Harry, are you alright?" Hermione inquired anxiously.

Judging by their expressions, it was clear Hermione and Ron hadn't observed anything unusual. Harry glanced back only to find the dark figures had vanished.

Realizing he hadn't responded, Harry mumbled, "Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine," and resumed walking. Hermione caught up with him, casting a concerned gaze his way.

"Are you sure, Harry? You look like you've seen Voldemort rise from his grave," Hermione pressed.

"I'm sure, Hermione," Harry muttered.

"Alright then," Hermione conceded, slowing her pace to match Ron's, who was walking more deliberately due to the weight of his bag. They continued in silence, reaching a secluded spot where they could safely Disapparate to the Burrow.

The three of them apparated to the Burrow with all the grace of a group of mischievous house-elves on vacation. Inside, they stumbled upon Ginny, who joined the merry band with a grin that could light up a room. Ron and Harry, looking like they'd just escaped a herd of Blast-Ended Skrewts, plopped a bag onto Hermione's bed, resulting in a synchronized sigh that could rival a symphony.

Hermione, who looked as if she'd just finished deciphering an ancient rune, added her bag to the mix with an exaggerated sigh of her own. Ginny, being the practical one, joined the sighing club by taking a seat on the bed.

In a scene that could rival a Quidditch match for tension, the four of them sat in silence, which lasted about as long as it takes a Hippogriff to swoop in for a snack. Harry suddenly sprang to his feet and headed outside, prompting Ron to follow him like an overeager sidekick. Ginny, the master of dramatic exits, flicked her wand and dramatically closed the door.

Ginny turned to Hermione, her face a mix of curiosity and amusement. "So, how was today, Hermione?"

Hermione, as usual, seemed to be contemplating life's mysteries. "Oh, you know, just your average day in the wizarding world."

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly did 'average' entail today?"

Hermione grinned mischievously. "Well, a bit of potion-making, a dash of spell-casting, and a pinch of arguing with Peeves."

Ginny chuckled. "Ah, the usual recipe for an eventful day. By the way, did you ask Luna about our plans?"

Hermione, in her signature multitasking style, began unloading bags of books onto her bookshelf. "Oh, indeed, I did. Luna's in, she said she'd love to join our adventure."

Ginny's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That's fantastic news!" Hermione, satisfied with her bookshelf arrangement, waved her wand, causing the remaining books to float into place. She then joined Ginny on the bed, and together they hatched plans for their upcoming escapade, armed with magic and a healthy dose of laughter.


After their aimless chatter, Ginny had to dash downstairs to assist Mrs. Weasley with dinner preparations, leaving Hermione alone in her thoughts. In the quiet aftermath, Hermione's restless spirit prompted her to pluck a hefty tome from the shelf, a book that looked more like a brick than a bedtime read. Determined, she decided that today would be the day she conquered it.

Downstairs, in the cozy living room, Hermione spotted Harry. He sat on a sofa, his head cradled in his hands, lost in a labyrinth of contemplation. With a gentle touch on his arm, she tried to pull him back from the depths of his musings. Startled, he sprung up, but as soon as he recognized her, his tense shoulders relaxed.

"Harry," Hermione began, her voice soft and caring, "I know you told me you were okay in that alley, but I'm not foolish enough to believe it. There's something gnawing at you, something you're not sharing. I won't push you to talk about it if you're not ready, but please know that I'm here whenever you need to unload those thoughts."

Mrs. Weasley's call interrupted their moment, and Hermione rose to leave. Harry remained silent, lost in his inner world. Hermione turned back before exiting, saying with a heartfelt tone, "And Harry, thank you for the books."

Hermione ventured downstairs to the bustling kitchen, where Mrs. Weasley greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hermione dear, would you be a sweetheart and round up Harry and the others? Dinner's ready."

"Of course, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione replied with a nod. Swiftly, she transformed the bulky book in her hand into a feather, then used her wand to secure it in her jeans pocket. With her task complete, she headed upstairs to summon everyone, starting with Harry.

In the living room, she found him still lost in his thoughts, his head resting heavily in his hands. A gentle pat on his shoulder startled him again, but this time he met her gaze with a softer look. Hermione leaned in.

"Dinner's ready. Mrs. Weasley asked me to fetch you," she told him.

"I'll be right there," Harry replied, his voice tinged with something unsaid.

Hermione nodded and left him to his contemplation. She joined Ginny and the others at the dinner table, waiting patiently for Harry.

After a meal punctuated by silence, one by one, the Weasleys and their guests departed, leaving only Hermione and Harry. With quiet determination, Hermione finished her meal, washed her plate, and left the dining room. Finding her way to the living room, she settled onto a couch, retrieved the feather from her pocket, and, with a flick of her wand, transformed it back into her trusty book.


Hermione was lost in the pages of a captivating book, so absorbed that she hadn't noticed Harry's quiet approach. He settled on the settee directly across from her, unable to tear his eyes away from the enchanting sight before him.

As the evening wore on, the rest of the house surrendered to the embrace of slumber, leaving only Harry and Hermione awake. He closed his eyes briefly, reminiscing about the events in the alley earlier that day.

When the clock's hands painted the room with the soft hues of midnight, Harry decided it was time to surrender to the sandman. Yet, as he moved to rise, his gaze fell upon Hermione. She had curled up on the couch, fast asleep, and her book had tumbled from her grasp.

A gentle smile curled on Harry's lips, and he couldn't help but admire her in this vulnerable moment. She looked positively adorable when she slept. With careful grace, he picked up the fallen book, his fingers tracing its pages, filled with the words that had captured Hermione's attention.

In a whimsical twist, he transfigured the book into a quill and tucked it into his pocket, a secret keepsake of this tender moment. Then, he bent down, his arms cradling Hermione's slumbering form, and carried her to her room.

As he laid her down in her cozy bed, he draped a soft blanket over her, his heart filled with a warmth that rivaled the room's ambient glow. He couldn't resist brushing a strand of hair from her face, admiring her beauty in the moonlight.

With a flick of his wand, he transformed the quill back into her beloved book and placed it lovingly on her bookshelf. Turning off the light, he closed the door, leaving Hermione in the peaceful embrace of dreams.

With a contented sigh, Harry retreated into the night, carrying with him the memory of this quietly romantic gesture.


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