The Dangers-chapter 1

By nayliafolo16

1.1K 62 4

This story is for my Henry Danger fans. This story isn't a usual fanfiction like the others, I kind of remade... More

1.Everything Begins-pt.1
1.Everything Begins-pt.2
1.Everything Begins-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.1
2.Best Friends-pt.2
2.Best Friends-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.1
3.Danger Secrets-pt.2
3.Danger Secrets-pt.3
3.Danger Secrets-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.5
3.Danger Secrets-pt.6
3.Danger Secrets-pt.7
3.Danger Secrets-pt.8
4.The Kiss-pt.1
4.The Kiss-pt.2
4.The Kiss-pt.3
4.The Kiss-pt.4
4.The Kiss-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.2
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.4
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.6
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 2
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.4
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 1
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 2
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 3
9.The New Kid-pt. 1
9.The New Kid-pt. 2
9.The New Kid-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 1
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 2
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 1
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 2
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 3
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 5
12.The Truth-pt. 1
12.The Truth-pt. 2
12.The Truth-pt. 3
12.The Truth-pt. 4
12.The Truth-pt. 5

5.The Ballet Performance-pt.7

10 1 0
By nayliafolo16

As she fell on the floor her mask fell of her face, so only her Girl Danger mask was visible. Everyone gasped when they saw her and the music stopped.-"Girl Danger!?"-one of the ballerinas pointed at her.

She looked at Kid Danger in the audience in panic.-"I knew it."-the guy who pushed her took of his mask and it came out that he's one of the twins.-"You're pretty dumb, Girl Danger. You really thought that we won't recognize you."-the other twin walked up to Ally who was still laying on the floor.

"Now it's time for you to dance."-he said and took the powder out.-"Don't touch her!"-Kid Danger yelled and jumped up on the stage.-"Kid Danger, you want to dance, too?"-the twin said.

"I think we'll fight without this."-Girl Danger stood up and with her powers broke the powder out of his hand.-"Let's fight then."-the other twin said and attacked Kid Danger. The fight started, the whole audience was gasping, some of them took out their phones and started recording. All the dancers were standing there and gasping. In one moment, while Girl Danger was helping Kid Danger, they lost the other twin.

"Where is the other one!?"-she yelled.-"I don't see him!"-Kid Danger was looking around.-"Right here."-the twin said standing behind the curtains next to the controller for the rope.

Girl Danger started running towards him but suddenly she felt that she losing the ground under her feet. The twin pushed the button to lift her up and lifted her up 5 meters in the air.

"Let me down, right now!"-she yelled.-"No! Now me and my brother can get rid of Kid Danger and continue with our plan."-he said smiling ironically and walking towards Kid Danger.-"Try me! But I have something you don't have."-he said and zapped the one which was standing next to him leaving him unconscious.

"Oh, but we're not playing this game, Kid Danger. We're going to play fair."-the other twin said and broke the zapper out of his hand.-"Okay."-Kid Danger said and they started fighting. They were punching each other everywhere and everyone who was watching was gasping.

After a while the twin took out a blaster and pointed up at Girl Danger.-"One more step and I'll hit the rope."-he said.-"Better for you Kid to get me down because I hate it here and I don't want to fall from 5 meters!"-Girl Danger yelled and looked down at Kid Danger.

"Put the blaster down."-he said.-"No!"-the twin yelled.-"I'm warning you!"-Kid Danger said and without thinking took a step forward.-"I warned you!"-the twin said and hit the rope. He cut the first one but only grazed to other one. Girl Danger screamed and held the rope tighter.

"Stop!"-Kid Danger yelled.-"You're scared for your Girl Danger, huh?"-he laughed ironically. Kid Danger looked at him angrily and then at Girl Danger worried.-"I won't let him to save her. I hate her."-the ballerina who was making fun of Girl Danger the day before thought and ran to Kid Danger.

"Hey, Kid Danger."-she put her hand on his cheek turning his head to her and got her face close to his with their noses almost touching.-"Can you protect me, please? I'm small and weak, I can't protect myself from these bad guys. But you can, with your strong body and those amazing punches you give to the bad guys."-she said in a flirting voice.

Kid Danger wasn't focusing anymore, he was just looking her in her eyes.-"Kid!"-he suddenly heard Girl Danger screaming because the rope started to tear. He looked up to her, pushed the ballerina on the floor, took his zapper, ran to the place where she would fall and zapped the twin.

The second before Ally fell, he dropped the zapper on the floor and caught her right on time. The whole audience and the dancers were clapping and cheering, all the lights were on them. Ally's hands were around his neck and she was looking deep in his eyes in shock how he caught her.

Henry was looking her in the eyes and wasn't thinking about anything anymore. After a minute Ally laughed and then Henry laughed too. He put her down and they turned to the audience laughing. Everyone was still clapping and cheering.

"Let's call the police."-Girl Danger turned to Kid Danger. He took out his phone and called the police. While they were waiting for the police, the people slowly started to leave the theatre. The Dangers tied the twins up in case they wake up. The same ballerina who tried to distract Kid Danger before walked up to him.

"Kid Danger?"-she said in a flirting voice.-"Yes?"-he said annoyed.-"I'm in town for a few more days. You should come over so we can hang out."-she said wrapping her hands around his neck.-"Look."-he said slowly taking her hands off his neck-"I don't know what are you thinking but I'm not thinking in the same way."-he said.

"What do you mean?"-she made a sad face.-"I see that you like me and I don't have a problem with that but, I don't really feel the same way. I hope you know what am I talking about."-"You don't like me?"-"You're beautiful and talented but you're not really my type, so..."-"Do you at least have a crush that you don't want me?"-she asked upset and then Girl Danger came to them.

"Yes, actually I have a crush on someone. But it doesn't matter right now."-"Is she prettier than me?"-she said more upset.-"Yes she is."-he answered coldly.-"He curved you quite badly."-Girl Danger laughed.

"Maybe he did but I don't think he'll date a girl like you either."-she said and angrily walked away. Girl Danger started laughing and so did Kid Danger.-"I'm his best friend, you brainless."-she laughed again.

"By the way the police just took the twins to jail which means we can go back to the Man cave, my legs are dead of these pointe shoes."-she said.-"Okay, let's go then."-he said.-"But I have a question for you."-she put her arm on his shoulder leaning on it.

"Yes."-"So, you have a crush, who is it? Tell me. Who is it?"-she said smiling.-"No one, Ally."-he whispered.-"Come on, tell me. Who is the pretty girl who stole Henry Hart's heart?"-she whispered.-"No one! I was lying just to get rid of her."-he laughed and playfully pushed her.

"I don't believe you but okay."-she said and stared walking away.-"I'm serious! Are you kidding me!?"-he laughed and ran after her.

They got down the tubes and everyone was still there.-"Nice show, Dangers."-Ray said.-"What?"-Henry and Ally said at the same time.-"The videos are all over social media."-Piper said.-"It's not that big deal. I saved her."-Henry said and blew a bubble.

"Yes, no big deal."-Ally said and blew a bubble, too.-"Jasper, can you bring me some ice, my legs and ankles hurt because of these pointe shoes."-she said and sat down.-"Okay."-Jasper said and went to bring Ally some ice.-"You have a good timing, kid."-Ray said and Henry nodded.


When Ally got home, she saw her mom watching TV.-"Hi mom. What are you watching?"-she said and sat next to her on the couch.-"I'm waiting for the news. I wish you could see the way Kid Danger caught Girl Danger at the ballet performance. It was so romantic."-"How do you know about it?"-Ally asked confused.

"I was there. In the third row."-Molly answered.-"Really? Great."-"Oh and look. Girl Danger was replacing the main dancer and Kid Danger was in the audience. Well, I didn't know that it's Girl Danger util her mask fell off but I took a picture how he was looking at her. He couldn't take his eyes of her. Look. "-Molly said and gave Ally her phone.

"This is... very..."-Ally said looking at the picture.-"Be quiet Ally. They'll talk about it now."-Molly said and Ally turned to the TV.-"And now some cute news."-Mary Gaperman said.-"That's right, Mary."-Trent said and the picture of the Dangers appeared next to him on the screen.

"Today our Dangers saved our town again. They stopped and arrested the Ballet twins. But that's not the only thing."-Trent said and Ally looked at the TV worried.-"Our town wasn't the only one who was saved. Tonight, Girl Danger was saved, too."-Mary said.

"That's right. The moment before a disaster, Kid Danger caught her and saved her from falling on the ground. Let's watch a video from our reporters who were also there."-Trent said and then a video where Kid Danger caught Girl Danger played.

"Isn't this romantic?"-Mary said smiling after the video finished.-"Yes, it is. It looks like our Dangers are having a great relationship."-Trent said and Molly turned off the TV.-"How cute!"-Molly said smiling and turned to Ally who was pale as a rag.

"Ally, are you okay?"-Molly asked worried.-"Yes. I have to go. I'll be right back."-Ally said and ran out.-"Ally? Where are you going?"-"To Henry's. I'll be back. Bye!"-she said and ran out the door.

She was running to Henry's house and knocked on the door.-"Come in!"-she heard Kris yelling.-"Hi Mrs. Hart, hi Mr. Hart! Where is Henry?"-she said when she walked in.-"Oh, hi Ally. Henry is in his room."-Kris turned to her and smiled.-"Thank you!"-Ally said and ran up the stairs.

"Ally?"-Jake said.-"Yes?"-she turned to him.-"Is everything okay?"-he asked.-"Yes, everything is great."-she said and ran to Henry's room.

"Henry!"-she ran in his room and locked the door.-"Ally!? You scared me to death. What are you doing here?"-Henry winced and dropped his charger.-"Sorry. Did you see the news?"-Ally asked.-"No, what's wrong?"-he asked worried.-"Look."-she took his tablet and went on the internet.

She showed him the part of the news where they were talking about the Dangers.-"We have a problem."-Henry said quietly.-"We have to come up with something to prove them we're not together."-Ally started thinking.-"What do we do?"-Henry said and sat on the bed.

"Wait! I have an idea!"-Ally said.-"I have one too, but you say first."-Henry said.-"We go live as the Dangers from the Man cave like you and Captain Man did when people were thinking that you're dying and say that we're not together."-Ally said.

"I had the same idea but how do you know about it?"-Henry asked confused.-"Really?"-Ally looked at him and raised her eyebrow.-"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry Mrs. Danger."-Henry laughed.-"I hate you. Now let's go."-she said and they walked out.

"Where are you going guys?"-Jake asked.-"We have to go to Junk 'n stuff. Ray called that he needs help."-Henry said.-"Oh, okay. Bye."-Jake said and they left.

"Ray!"-Ally yelled when the elevator opened.-"What!?"-Ray winced.-"You have to stop scaring people."-Henry said.-"Get everything ready for a livestream, the Dangers are going live on the news."-Ally said.

"Is that because what was earlier? Okay, I'm calling the news and you guys get ready."-Ray said and took out his phone. Henry and Ally blew their bubbles and transformed.-"You're live in 2 minutes."-Ray said and hid. The Dangers stood in front of the Man computer and got ready.

"We just got an information that the Dangers are going live."-Trent said.-"The Dangers? Live?"-Molly said and sat on the couch.-"Dangers, can you hear us?"-Trent said.-"Yes, loud and clear."-Kid Danger said.-"So how is the cutest couple of Swellview doing?"-Mary asked.

"That's why we're live right now."-Girl Danger said.-"What do you mean?"-Trent asked.-"I saved Girl Danger from falling because if she fell on the ground she'd break all of her bones, obviously."-Kid Danger said.

"But you were looking at each other like you wanted to kiss or something."-Trent said.-"It doesn't mean anything. We weren't looking at each other like that. We're not dating, we're best friends."-Girl Danger said.

"I don't think that anyone believes you. It's pretty obvious that you like each other."-Mary said.-"Oh, okay. Let me ask you something. Do you think that I would punch my boyfriend?"-Girl Danger said and Kid Danger looked at her worried.

"No, I don't think so."-Trent said confused.-"Okay, watch this."-she said and punched Kid Danger in the face. He fell on the floor groaning and Trent and Mary gasped.-"See? I wouldn't punch him if he was my boyfriend, right?"-she said.-"Yes."-Mary and Trent said.

"Great then. Now we have to go. Bye!"-she said and ended the livestream.-"Hen, you, okay?"-she turned to him.-"Not really."-he groaned.-"Did I punch you that hard?"-she asked and Henry nodded.-"I'm sorry, I didn't mean."-she laughed and then Henry did too.

"Nice punch, Ally."-Ray walked up to them.-"Thanks. Hen, you sure you're okay."-"Yeah. There is no blood which means it's fine."-he laughed.

They both went home and when Ally came home, she took a shower, put on her pyjamas and sat on her bed with her diary in her hands.

Dear diary,

I know I don't write very often lately but my life has been going so wild in the past few weeks. Since I started to go to normal school and got my job. Today was wild too. I had to perform with the best ballet dancers in the country. It was amazing. I got stuck in the air and when I fell Henry caught me right on time. I had a weird feeling. We made an eye contact again and I got lost. I didn't see anything expect his eyes. I had the same feeling when the day we kissed. I know I said that I don't remember anything but I remember that feeling when I was looking him in the eyes. I think I might like him, but I don't! He's my best friend! No, I'm confused with myself again. Even if I did, I don't think he'd feel the same way. Like he'd date me? A weird girl with super powers who is Dr Dark's daughter. There is no way. Well, I'm going to sleep now. I'm really tired.

Till next time,


She wrote down her signature and closed the diary. She put it back in the drawer, turned off the light and went to sleep.

Meanwhile when Henry got home, he took a shower put on his pyjamas and laid in bed.-"What a confusion."-he whispered to himself-"I got totally lost in Ally's eyes today. I'm glad I caught her; I couldn't forgive myself if she got hurt. But that eye contact. I didn't see anything except her eyes. Maybe I have a crush on her. No, she's my best friend. I don't like her. No. Even if I did, she probably doesn't feel the same way. I'm not good enough for her, she deserves the best and that's definitely not me. She, that pretty, great person with a strong personality, very smart, I definitely don't fit with her. Okay, I have to stop thinking about her, I'm going to sleep."-he said to himself, turned the lights off and fell asleep.

End of chapter :)

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