black hearts; kai parker

By hewnandstone

1.6M 51.8K 58.2K

Previously known as 'Diabolical' Warning; sexual content ahead! A troubled man burdened by his family's negle... More

one; satanic
two; demonic
three; mephistophelian
four; infernal
five; cacodemonic
six; ungodly
seven; sacrilegious
eight; maniacal
nine; sanctimonious
ten; holier-than-thou
eleven; pious
twelve; malignant
fourteen; vindictive
fifteen; acrimonious
sixteen; virulent
seventeen; destructive
eighteen; vitriolic
nineteen; unctuous
twenty; fiendish
twenty one; scandalous
Twenty two; cunning
twenty three; duplicitous
twenty four; lukewarm
twenty five; cynical
twenty six; incredulous
twenty seven; ludicrous
twenty eight; lackadaisical
twenty nine; devilish
Thirty; lunatic
thirty one; blasé
thirty two; discourteous
thirty three; antagonist
thirty four; hell-bitch
thirty five; vixen
thirty six; daredevil
thirty seven; hellraiser
thirty eight; immoral
thirty nine; defamatory
fourty; spectre
forty one; wraith
forty two; shadow
forty three; contour
Epilogue; El Diablito
Diabolical > black hearts

thirteen; malevolent

38.7K 1.2K 726
By hewnandstone

Kai Parker - DNA made by MidnightMinho

It's in his DNA.

"I need magic," said Kai as he barged into the room, his eyes wide in panic.

Lilith glanced up a frown on her face. "No," she snapped. "You're not taking any more from me, whatever you keep doing to me it's hurting Kai!"

Kai shook his head in confusion saying, "I'm not doing anything to you."

Lilith stood up from the bed and walked up to him, yanking her shirt up. "You see this?" She pointed to it. "Still hurts."

Kai's frown deepened, his fingers tracing the still sore and blood red brand. "It should've healed by now," he told her. "It should be a scar."

Lilith held back the sigh of pleasure as she felt him trace the outside of her sore stomach. She bit her lip, her eyes clenching shut as the pleasure turned into pain, he was pressing down on the flowing wound. "Kai! Kai! Stop it," she screamed, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

Kai held his hands up back away as he eyed her worriedly. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Good job those two went out," he muttered, rolling his eyes.

Lilith sat back on the bed, shirt breaths being released as the wound stung.

"You're acting like you're pregnant," Kai commentated, moving to sit beside her again.

"I'd rather this pain than pregnancy, fuck off Kai," she snapped, a tear trailing down her cheek as she gritted her teeth. 

"Get over it, we need to go out today," said Kai, tugging her up to stand however all she did was lean into him, ignoring him as he tensed up, his anger hitting the surface. "I'm not carrying you about," he told her. 

"Then why don't you use some of that magic and get rid of the pain," she said, scowling up at him. She grabbed his hand in hers, holding it tightly as she relieved some of her pain. "Take some," she ordered him. 

Kai nodded and absorbed a bit of her magic, ignoring her sharp breath before tugging his hand from her hold. "Lift your shirt," he said, moving to her side where the brand was. Lilith complied and lifted her shirt up, the scratched surface now visible. She hissed when his cool hand laid on top of him, but she was soon distracted by his muttering of a spell, the pain subsiding little by little. 

All too soon, much to her dismay, he pulled away, pulling her shirt down for her. "That should last for today, I'll have to redo that spell tonight if you need it," he told her, stepping away from her. "Now we need to go."

Lilith frowned at his back but nonetheless followed him. 


Kai and Lilith watched as the vampire and witch entered the grocery store, carefully working their ways around the cars that were parked in the parking lot. Kai grabbed Lilith by the arm, halting her to a stop. 

"You see that carousel over there?" He pointed to the children ride, the one where a quarter was needed to make it spin. "I'm gonna go turn that on, I need you to go into the store and distract them," he told her. 

"Kai, are you sure about this?" Lilith checked, she was nervous to finally talk to the two other beings but she was more excited. "What if they kill me?"

"Yes, and if they do you'll just come straight back to life," Kai said with a grin. He grabbed her shoulders. "Remember, you don't know me. I technically meet you at the same time as them," he reminded her, smiling when she nodded. "You'll do fine, I'm sure, just be yourself." He winked before running away, ducking behind cars. 

Lilith rolled her shoulders, taking deep breaths before running towards the store entrance. She had no idea how to grab their attention. Maybe she should walk up to them and smile, politely, she should say something shouldn't she?

Soon there was a loud echoing noise, seizing all murmurs Lilith could hear from the pair. "Or you could knock over biscuits," Lilith whispered to herself, gnawing at her lip nervously as she fretted over what to do. Run and hide? Or face your fears?

"What was that?" Lilith heard Bonnie mutter. Lilith chose then to step out from behind the next isle. She felt her heartbeat quicken when to pairs of eyes landed on her. Then without warning, there was a blur before her back was slammed into one of the many shelves behind her. 

Her throat was seized and angry blue eyes were staring down at her. "Hi," she choked out, her breath escaping her as the vampire tightened his grip. 

"Damon!" Bonnie shouted, running up to his side. Her shout must've woken Damon from his anger as he then let go of Lilith, watching as she bent over slightly to catch her breath. "Who are you?" Bonnie snapped. 

"Lilith," she wheezed out, rubbing her now sore throat. "Pleasure, I'm sure," she said, forcing a smile on her face. She noticed her voice came out croaky. 

"How are you here?" Damon asked, staring at her fixedly, his jaw grinding as he realised that Bonnie might be right. 

"I was put here four years ago, I still don't know to this day," she lied, her hands dropping to her sides as she stared between the two in front of her. 

"Is it just you here?" Bonnie asked, cutting Damon off from whatever he was going to ask...or say. 

"As far as I know," she lied again, shrugging her shoulders indifferently. She felt bad lying to Bonnie, but this was for Kai, at the end of the day, it's him she was doing this for, someone she's known far longer than the people stood in front of her. 

Then the music began playing, catching the ears of the three. Lilith fought back the sigh of relief from hearing Kai, at least the carousel. She wanted to run out of the store with her tail tucked between her legs. The vampire scared her. 

As the carousel music played the three looked at each other. 

"You hear that?" Asked Bonnie, staring between the two before pushing passed them. Damon and Lilith glanced at each other briefly before following her. 

Lilith saw Damon and Bonnie stood staring at the spinning carousel, Bonnie looking smug whilst Damon looked on at it, confused and severely freaked out. 

"You hear that Damon? That's what hope sounds like," she muttered, grinning down at the carousel whilst Lilith lingered behind them, squinting as she looked for Kai although he was nowhere to be seen. 

"Yeah right," Damon sighed, walking around the carousel to where he knew the cable wires would be. Using his vampire strength he yanked it open, squatting down beside it. "There's gotta be a short, faulty wiring, something," he mumbled. 

"Or maybe it's the invisible guy I saw a while back, oh wait," said Lilith sarcastically, frowning down at Damon who sneered up at her. 

"Or," Bonnie cut in, sending looks between the two of them. "Someone put a quarter in it and turned it on," she said, grabbing at the ride. The vampire and witch stopped and turned to Lilith who shrugged. 

"I can't be in two places at once," she said, smiling hatefully at Damon. "I know what you're trying to do, I'm not a bad guy," she said to Damon who scoffed in reply. 

"Nope, I'm a little confused, all this misplaced hope. Alright, let's just say that there's someone else here, how'd you know we're gonna get out?" Damon asked. "Look at little miss over here, she's been here four years and still hasn't found anyone, she still hasn't found a way to get out."

"Maybe she wasn't looking in the right places," argued Bonnie.

"She is still standing here and can hear you loud and clearly," snapped Lilith, throwing her hands up as they ignored her. 

"Well, you say that this is your hell right? If there's someone else here, that means it's not your hell and if it's not your hell that means that Grams put us here and if Grams put us here, there's a way out." Lilith's brain hurt as she tried to digest everything that Bonnie had said. 

"That's a hell of a logic knot you've tied for yourself," Damon said, shutting the cable door. All Lilith cared about was where Kai was and who Grams was?

"Thank you," said Bonnie. "So, now that we've properly placed our let's play a game." Lilith made a noise of confusion grabbing Bonnie's attention. "You too," she said. "When we get out, what's the first thing you're gonna tell Elena?" 

"Who's that?" Lilith cut in. 

"Long story," Damon said before turning to Bonnie. He took his time answering. "Sorry I killed Bonnie," he replied. Lilith snorted, coughing to hide it. "That she was the second most annoying person in the world."

"Who's the first?" Lilith asked, like she was going to know wh-

"You." Maybe she would know who. 


"Thanks," said Damon, his tone heavy with sarcasm. Damon moved away from the carousel, continuing on about Bonnie. "She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking. I mean, it's a wonder I made it as long as I did. She didn't have magic and she was pretty much useless-"


He turned around to see Lilith and Bonnie looking at something, Bonnie looking smug once again. "What?" He breathed in frustration. 

"I don't know. You think I'm still useless," she indicated to the car next to them. 

"That's my-"

"That's a pretty crappy car if you ask me," interjected Lilith, staring down at the blue hunk of metal in disgust. 

"I'm gonna rip your throat out," announced Damon his tone jolly, however, he was currently glaring at her. 

Lilith crossed her arms, her hips cocking to the side. "Do it," she challenged him, looking him up and down. This time, she expected the blur, the hands around her throat and even the shout from Bonnie. 


The older man let go of her, pushing her away as he tried to calm himself down. He turned around from her. 

"It's just a car," she muttered to his back. 

"That's my car," he said as he ran over to it excitedly. "That's my car," he cheered. 

Lilith walked up behind Bonnie, standing next to her. "I don't get it, it's just a car," she said to Bonnie who smiled at her. 

"I don't care, I think Damon now has hope," Bonnie said, causing the girl to huff although a smile broke onto her face. "Are you sure there was no one else here?" Bonnie asked after a few seconds of silence. 

"I looked, I searched and I found no one, maybe they were hiding," she lied, shrugging her shoulders. Luckily, Bonnie chose to believe her. "You seem so trusting," she pointed out. 

"I'm just happy there's someone else here," said Bonnie, smiling bashfully. The two's attention were soon drawn to the childish noises coming from inside the car. 

"You've gotta be kidding me?" Asked Lilith as she stared down at Damon who pointedly ignored her. "You're this supposedly big bad vampire," she mocked. 

"How did you know he was a vampire?" Bonnie suddenly asked, turning to face the girl suspiciously. 

"It's pretty obvious, the constant threats about my neck and let's not forget the little fast blurring thing he does," she explained, cocking an eyebrow. 

Bonnie hummed, shrugging at her answer. "How much longer are we gonna listen?" She asked Damon as he resumed to his pretend driving. 

Damon shushed her as he listened to the sound of the car engine. "The sound is the opposite sound of your voice and I so enjoy it," he said, his voice lighter. 

"How did it even get here, Damon?" Asked Bonnie. "Did you leave it here in 1994?" 

"I don't know, Bonnie. It was 18 years ago. Had a lot going on that day," replied Damon, tired of her gestures. 

"Okay so, you admit it that it's pretty unlikely that you did," announced Bonnie. 

"Very unlikely," replied Damon. 

"This isn't Elena is it?" Lilith asked out of nowhere. The two gave her a weird look. "Just making sure," she said holding up her hands defensively. 

"Which would stand to reason that-"

"Someone may have put it here Bonnie, yes, I admit that," said Damon, stroking his wheel once again. Bonnie glanced over at Lilith who shook her head at the silent question. 

Kai works quick, Lilith thought. 

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