By funstoriestelling

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This is an ancient or historical story about two very young persons fighting for their destinies. Wei Zhan Xi... More

Chapter 1 (Lan Family)
Chapter 2 (Wei Family)
Chapter 3 (Fate of Lan Wangyi)
Chapter 4 (Separation)
Chapter 5 (First reunion)
Chapter 6 (Prophecies for the Lan Children)
Chapter 7 (Wei Zong and Ching er)
Chapter 8 (Mute)
Chapter 9 (Another Destiny Fighter)
Chapter 10 (The Beginning)
Chapter 11 (The betrothed)
Chapter 12 (Wangyi's reaction)
Chapter 13 (Sung Young's heartbreak)
Chapter 14 (Arriving at Lan Mansion)
Chapter 15 (FOR FAMILY)
Chapter 16 (Jingyi suffers for Wangyi)
Chapter 17 (Shadowed man sent his help)
Chapter 18 (Zhan Zhan helps Wang Wang)
Chapter 19 (Anticipation)
Chapter 20 (Opera)
Chapter 21 (Fishy)
Chapter 22 (Fishing)
Chapter 23 (You are a cute bunny)
Chapter 24 (Zhan Xian gives Wangyi little White)
Chapter 25 (Bunny and Little Lion)
Chapter 26 (Don't shoot Zhan Zhan)
Chapter 27 (Please find me)
Chapter 29 (Who is Wang Wang?)
Chapter 30 (Bunny in the Palace?)
Chapter 31 (Zhan Zhan helps Wang Wang)
Chapter 32 (Meeting the Royal Family)
Chapter 33 (Wang Wang confident in Zhan Zhan)
Chapter 34 (Both of us are naughty)
Chapter 35 (Wangyi's Training Day)
Chapter 36 (Rabbit God)
Chapter 37 (Rabbit, lion, bear and eagle)
Chapter 38 (Pink Ears)
Chapter 39 (I am missing you)
Chapter 40 (Wangyi my love....)
Chapter 41 (Meeting the Empress's family)
Chapter 42 (Accepting the challenges)
Chapter 43 (The Challenges)
Chapter 44 (Wangyi has a plan)
Chapter 45 (The little Plan)
Chapter 46 (First Time Together)
Chapter 47 (First Morning Together)
Chapter 48 (I must change, change for Wangyi)
Chapter 49 (A Good Deed)
Chapter 50 (Don't be stingy Xian Xian)
Chapter 51 (You eat my finger)
Chapter 52 (Wangyi is more handsome than Zhan Xian)
Chapter 53 (Chen Li Shaky Hands)
Chapter 54 (Friends in Blue Mountain)
Chapter 55 (humans and Animals becomes united)
Chapter 56 (Another New Mission)
Chapter 57 (Snippets and Small moments of spouse intimacy and feelings)
Chapter 58 (New Mission Forward)
Chapter 59 (I wasn't invited to have such fun)
Chapter 60 (Reward, punishment or promotion)
Chapter 61 (Wangyi a matchmaker)
Chapter 62 (Ching-er healing process)
Chapter 63 (Evil Sabotaging)
Chapter 64 (Matching Clothing)
Chapter 65 (Lantern Festival)
Chapter 66 (Fight for your Love)
Chapter 67 (Fight for your love II)
Chapter 68 (I will go home!)
Chapter 69 (Revelation)
Chapter 70 (Girl, ger or mer, I don't care)
Chapter 71 (Happy Reunion)
Chapter 72 (Wedding Disruptions)
Chapter 73 (Battle)
Chapter 74 (Punishments vs Blessings)
Chapter 75 (Real Wedding)
Chapter 76 (Bunny or Beast)
Chapter 77 (Coronation and Proclamation)
Chapter 78 (Deeper and no gap)
Chapter 79 (A Mighty Husband)

Chapter 28 (Song and Promise)

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By funstoriestelling

Chapter 28 (Song and promise)

However, Zhan Xian hates to see Wangyi sad eyes and so he tries to be cheerful and told Wangyi

"I will definitely find you if you are in the palace" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

The ray of hope seems to shine on Wangyi's face and he nods his head fervently.

"Please find me"

Wangyi was really shy when those word split out of his mouth, however, this is really his heart desire to have connection, to have someone in an unknown place to go to and maybe even guard him. Those kind of desire and fear are now very visible in those beautiful phoenix eyes, it even carries the misty frost look that has already invaded into Zhan Xian heart.

"I will definitely find you" Zhan Xian answer according to his heart beat and also the desire of his heart. His mouth has no control anymore, it has been guarded or not commanded by his heart.

Wangyi is so straight forward with his feelings that he even share his joy

"Then I won't be that scare anymore" Wangyi looks straight into Zhan Xian's eyes and then he pouts a little, just a little with his lips moving a little forward

Inside Zhan Xian heart, all he can fathom is "Too Cute, Too Cute and still Too Cute".

Fortunately, Zhan Xian is a man of high intellect and thus he still can reframe his mind

"What are you scare of?" Zhan Xian asks and he realized that he is actually alos a little anxious for Wangyi now

Wangyi think for a while and then he reply

"Well, the unknown of the palace" Wangyi still standing close to Zhan Xian and thus every expression is very clear to the prince mind.

"I know the palace very well"

"I will guard you"

The prince promise not only to Wangyi but also to himself that he need to help this little lost lion. Wangyi also feels a little assured now and so he nods his head.

"Are you feeling better now?" Zhan Xian asks Wangyi who seems to be still thinking

"Uh huh!, I think so" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Wangyi then suddenly smile, now looking at the forest, those trees can grow on their own and survive even without guardian, the river will naturally flows from the upper to the lower, the wind will still continue to blow, even if there are storm that tries to obstruct them or even trying to change their direction to the extent of lowering their speed. Looking around the jungle, all these naturally environments does helps Wangyi to toss some of his worry away, this is especially so, holding onto the little bunnies who still able to survive in the jungle even though sometimes they can be in danger.

"If the bunnies can survive in this jungle, I think I can survive in the palace. I am a lion" Wangyi stoking the bunny in his palm and talking Zhan Xian.

Zhan Xian loves the optimistic outlook of Wangyi but he is still worry

"This is a very good thought but you are still a little baby lion" Zhan Xian told Wangyi.

Wangyi then looks at Zhan Xian and frowns

"Then, how do I find the big bunny in the palace then?" Wangyi asks with curiosity.

Zhan Xian is really in deep thought, he hasn't let Wangyi knows about his identity and also he actually always travels out without anyone knowing, maybe only the emperor and his mother. He is not just a prince that enjoys his luxury life, his life is more than that but how can he tells Wangyi, this little baby lion is still young and he doesn't want to put his life in danger.

As he was thinking, Wangyi then pick up a leaf and then he told Zhan Xian

"I have compose a simple song and maybe I let you hear it and you also learn this song" then Wangyi using the leaf begins to use his cute mouth and play a song with the leaf.

The song is very melodies and Zhan Xian hears every part of it and the song is not long but it is very nicely composed

"Did you compose this song?" Zhan Xian asks with interest

Wangyi shyly nods his head

"I know a little about music" the humble Wangyi told Zhan Xian, actually Wangyi does know a lot about music, he is an expert in playing the Qu qin.

Zhan Xian then pick up the leaf and begin to immediately copy and blow the song that Wangyi has composed.

Wangyi was very shocked and then he tilt his head to ask Zhan Xian

"You are very good. You are very good at music" the cute ger told the prince

"I know a little, I play the flute" the humble prince told the cute ger.

Zhan Xian then have an idea

"Hey, we play this song in the palace, when we want to meet each other, maybe a bit late at night when everyone is sleeping, what do you think?" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

Wangyi is so happy that he claps his hand

"Alright, we will use this song to signal each other" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Zhan Xian then nods and told Wangyi

"If I didn't reply you, means I am out of the palace, I will never not reply you" Zhan Xian told Wangyi with sincere eyes and if possible, he would wants to show his sincere heart as well.

"Hm, I believe you" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

The simple Wangyi somehow has a lotal trust in the prince. So, now, the two of them have a way of finding each other in the palace and since they are a bit far away from the other two, this is just both Wangyi and Zhan Xian secret.

"Does the song has a name?" Zhan Xian asks Wangyi

Wangyi think for a while and then he shakes his head

"I compose it out of the blue when I saw the mountain joining the lake and that peacefulness gives me inspiration" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

"Since we both learnt together, how about we think of a name together then" Wangyi invites Zhan Xian to think a name for the song

Zhan Xian is very happy with the suggestion and he begins to think

Wangyi then asks Zhan Xian

"How about we use our names, call it WangZhan then" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Now, the third prince is actually feeling a little guilty because he didn't gives his actual name but somehow he cannot do it right now and so he put in a lie

"Then let's call it WangZhan, if we are not happy with the name, we can change it next time" Zhan Xian told Wangyi because he wanted to correct it but maybe not now.

So, a song was birth with the name "WangZhan" for both of them to use this as a signal in the palace. The world seems to open a new path for them to continue their relationship even though Wangyi is not able to come out of the house anymore as his parents will be home tomorrow, however, Wangyi seems to feel a little more secure with Zhan Xian promise to help him in the palace.

Just when both of them were happily smiling to each other, a loud voice comes from Wen Ning and Jingyi.


"The wolves are back!"

"This time, they seems to bring more of them"

Shouted Wen Ning and Jingyi as they darted their eyes to the far away place and saw the wolves howling away as if they are directing their gang towards them.

Immediately, the both of them looks at each other and the first thing that Wangyi can think of is the safety of the cute bunnies

"Where to hide the bunnies?" Wangyi asks with much anxiousness

Zhan Xian is quite well versed with the jungles and so his eyes scan around the place and found that under the biggest and tallest tree, there seems to be a cave in holes, his guess is this must be where the bunnies are hiding, or else how could they survive in the jungles and so he shouted

"Gather them quickly into the hole" Zhan Xian points to the big hole under the trees and Jingyi and Wen Ning saw it and they quickly shhhh the bunnies into the hole, Wangyi and Zhan Xian joins in as well.

After all the bunnies are safely into the hole, Zhan Xian then turns to the rest of them

"How about we chase them away permanently?" Zhan Xian told the three of them

All of them nods their head

"How?" Wangyi asks

Zhan Xian face seems to turn in a darkened cold facial expression

"We injured their legs and let them know that this is a zone where it is protected. Animal has very strong survival instinct and when they are hit twice, they will never comes back again, then the bunnies will be safe at least from the wolves" Zhan Xian analyse with them.

All of them nod their head and Wangyi pulls an arrow from the back and he got ready and aim

Zhan Xian gives them instructions and everyone seems to take him as the leader naturally

"They are coming from this direction, we aim at them from afar, hopefully this will deter them from coming nearer" Zhan Xian told them.

Wangyi nods his little head, in his heart, he really wants to protect the bunny but he is a little naughty and so he bent his head towards Zhan Xian and speaks softly

"We will protect your kind" then he rolls his big eyes at Zhan Xian making Zhan Xian almost couldn't do anything as his heart melt away.

However, the prince now becomes "naughty" as well

"Thank you to the little King of Jungle, my kind is safe" Zhan Xian told him with a smirk and then the both of them giggles while the other two looks at them blankly.

Zhan Xian then straightens his face and then he gives instructions. As the wolves are coming down from the hills in front and they are moving in pack and thus it is very visible. There seems to be a leader as well, the one that bravely travel in front of the other usually is the leader.

"I will take out the leader first. this will make them scare" Zhan Xian told the others

All of them nod their head, having the same agenda and mission, making them seems to form a bond naturally and thus the atmosphere is somehow not as tense with all of them knowing their mission

"Remember, aim at their legs" Zhan Xian gives instruction again.

The pack of wolves are now racing down the mountain, however, this is still not et the best place to take them out according to Zhan Xian experiences. So, he shouted

"Arrows ready" everyone got their arrows ready and they put it into the bow and now it is stretch out ready to shoot when the command from Zhan Xian.

"Wait till they reached the small hill, this is where they are most expose" Zhan Xian told the group.

The pack of wolves are racing down the mountains and they will cross many trees and shrubs, this will allows them to be partial covered, thus if the arrow did not hit them and then this will alert the pack of wolves and they will be able to look for shelter.

However, down the little hill has got no coverage, thus even if the pack of wolves tries to run, the group of them will still be able to shoot them.

Wangyi looks at the location and also where the wolves are coming, he is also trained in tactical strategies and he definitely think that Zhan Xian knows how to take advantages of the natural land and choose the best place to attack, so subconsciously Wangyi mumble

"Well spotted" although this is only a very short comments from Wangyi, Zhan Xian although he is still aiming but he heard what Wangyi speaks and now his heart maybe even racing faster than the pack of wolves, his mindset also turns around fast "This cutie is no extraordinary". Thhis has even delights the prince heart more.

Now, the pack of wolves are almost at the bottom of the mountains and they are heading toward them but needs to pass through the little hills. Immediately Zhan Xian shouted

"Ready!" shouted the commander of the group.

Every took a deep breathe to steady their hands on the bow and also straighten the arrows to get ready for shooting.

Zhan Xian eyes is very sharp and as soon as he saw them reaching the small hill, he shouted

"NOW!!!!!!" shouted the commander

Arrows and arrows were shooting and flying fast from the direction of the group, as Zhan Xian and Wangyi are experts in arrow shooting. Jingyi has been trained from young, and also Wen Ning learnt his skills from Zhan Xian and so the group of four is quite formidable.

Thus, there are groaning and shouting of pain from the wolves, but most of them are limping and not dying and this is the effect that Zhan Xian and the groups wants. However, what they didn't know is the wolves can also be quite cunning, the leader of the pack of wolves is a very big and strong one, he hide himself among and behind the wolves. Thus, although a lot has limp and stop moving forward. There are still some bigger and stronger wolves moving forward to them.

Zhan Xian saw the distance is quite near to them, so, he shouted at them quickly

"Hop on the tree" Jingyi and Wen Ning air Kung Fu although is not as good as Zhan Xian but they are still able to hop onto the tree, but Wangyi's air kung fu has been curbed by the elder Cheng from the mountain and so when the tree of them hop onto the tree, Wangyi is the only one left on the ground and he didn't ask for help but just kept shooting the arrows.

Jingyi was so frightened that he also die of heart attack and so he screams

"His air Kung Fu.... not release yet.." the problem is Jingyi has flew onto a tree that is a bit further from Wangyi and thus when he is at the tree, he has a distance from Wangyi.

Zhan Xian heard that and he immediately drop down and pick up Wangyi by his tiny waist and then both of them landed on the same tree. By then Wangyi has actually shot the leader's leg when they are hopping onto the tree. So, actually the pack of wolves has groan so loud and the pack of wolves encircle the injured leader and groan loudly for a while.

So, by naturally circumstances, those pack of wolves will then retreat and acknowledged defeat, however, what they didn't know is there is another kind of leader from the pack, who stretch out his neck and growls so loudly. Then, it seems like those bigger wolves stretch themselves online a line. Zhan Xian and Wangyi looks at them and knew that this is not the formation of retreat. However, all of them had almost used up all their arrows.

Those wolves formed into a line, upon the growl of the second leader (wife of the injured wolf leader pack maybe, hee hee) leap forward.

Wangyi immediately raise his hands up and whistle and thus out shoot the thin thread that pierce through those wolves legs. Zhan Xian has already turns both his palm downwards and this allows tiny little sharp knives flying from it.

Thus, with both of them shooting their hidden tiny weapons, all the wolves legs were all injured but they are still able to walk but not as fast and it is then the wolves growl and groans so loudly and turns their bodies and run away. Wangyi then whistle and those tiny thread went back into his sleeves. Zhan Xian took a deep breathe and his weapons also flew back into his sleeves.

Wen Ning and Jingyi both on different trees but behind those two who are not actually back to back standing on a very tall thick branches.

As soon as the wolves runs away, Wangyi the little cutie is so happy that he has forgotten that he is standing on a tree branch and he wanted to jump and then he lost his footing as his body wobbly and Zhan Xian reaction was fast and sharp and he stretch out his long arms to hold Wangyi through the waist and thus both of them are in a quite a close contact.

Wangyi actually had a shock and his face somehow turns red, he actually doesn't know if this is because he is shock or too close to Zhan Xian. However, Jingyi dropped down and then shouted at Wangyi

"Come, I will hold you when you leap down" Jingyi doesn't have the air Kung Fu capacity to hold another person to fly down.

However, Zhan Xian already holds Wangyi waist and very smoothly flew down the tree with Wangyi landing perfectly on the ground.

Wangyi turns a round with a red face and mumble

"Thank you" and then with big eyes looking at Zhan Xian

"Your martial art is very good" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Zhan Xian actually knew that Wangyi is actually very good but somehow his air Kung Fu has been locked and he just smile and then tell Wangyi

"You are not bad yourself" Zhan Xian humbly told Wangyi.

Wangyi is actually very happy and he turns to Zhan Xian and the rest

"With our combined effort, we defeated the pack of wolves and protect those bunnies. I am very happy today" Wangyi shouted in joy as he spoke.

Everyone nods their heads to each other and then suddenly Wen Ning shouted

"I am dying of hunger, can we go and eat something. This is the first time I am hunting with no food" Wen Ning kind of complaint with a sulk.

Wangyi looks at Wen Ning and giggles

"You did a very good thing today. You will get a very beautiful wife as a reward" Wangyi teases Wen Ning.

Wen Ning looks at Wangyi and laughs,

"As beautiful as you but not as playful as you" Wen Ning then giggles back at Wangyi not knowing that his young master is fuming, as to Zhan Xian, he feels like Wen Ning is flirting with Wangyi but actually Wen Ning just wanting to tease the little cute Wangyi.

Wangyi didn't even takes in anything that Wen Ning was talking but he only heard the word "Not as playful" and he also sulks and pouts

Zhan Xian immediately interfere and at the same time gives Wen Ning one of the scariest glare that could shrink the poor Wen Ning out of the earth

"You are all good" Zhan Xian told Wangyi and somehow when he said this, he felt that his face and ears are hot.

"Thank you" Wangyi looks at Zhan Xian with his misty eyes.

However, a loud shout breaks those interaction

"I AM DYING, CAN WE EAT" Wen Ning yells loudly follows by his stomach and then every one giggles and laugh out loud.

Zhan Xian then raise his hand and said

"Let's go back to the restaurant and eat" Zhan Xian told them and all of them hop into their horses and gallop out of the jungle in a haste.

As soon as they reached the restaurant, or even before they got out of the jungle. Zhan Xian stops the horses and then he turns to Wangyi

"Your veil" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

Wangyi was shocked. has this man now becomes his mother, telling him to put on his veil. Wangyi nods his head and then put on his veil and then they rushed out to the restaurant

All of them quickly sat on the table and Zhan Xian chose a very corner table and immediately the cute Wangyi hide at the corner and looks around. He hopes to take out his veil but Zhan Xian looks at him with some seriousness and shakes his head and somehow the cute Wangyi sigh loudly

"Good to listen to your mother, so as to avoid trouble" Wangyi gives another loud sigh, using his mother to remind him, making Wangyi has no choice but to adhere.

As soon as the food is here, everyone eats hurriedly and happily. Times flies really fast when they are happy, they chat about random stuff and Wen Ning even shares about some of his outing adventures with Zhan Xian.

Suddenly Jingyi shouted

"We need to go, it is late, Master and Madam will be home soon" Jingyi pulls Wangyi sleeve as he becomes nervous worrying about General Lan and his wife.

Wangyi looks at Jingyi and also suddenly becomes worry

"Okay, let go, b-but.... I want to pay because I have money today" Wangyi smiles and feels so proud as he never needs to have or never needs to use money growing up in Cheng Tribes.

Looking at Wangyi Zhan Xian knew that his cute Wangyi is truly innocent and pure, he would have been cheated if not properly care for. Zhan Xian stands up and then told Wangyi

"Lower your voice, don't let everyone knows you have money, alright" Zhan Xian told the cute ger

"Huh! Alright, but I let you know, alright" the cute one is just too much for Zhan Xian and he just wanted to immediately puts him in his pocket worry that others will bully him.

"Don't need, I also have money to pay" Zhan Xian softly whisper to Wangyi. Wangyi wanted to speak but Jingyi is already pulling him up

"We need to go NOW!" Jingyi told Wangyi.

Wangyi looks at Zhan Xian, suddenly, his heart seems a little sad, alittle reluctant even himself doesn't know why. He looks at Zhan Xian takes in all his features and still think he is very handsome and then he remembered

"Keep your promise please" Wangyi told him

"I will and also remember the song" Zhan Xian still whispering to Wangyi

Finally, full of reluctant, Wangyi stands up and leave the restaurant and he turns his head twice to look at Zhan Xian and wave, Zhan Xian of course wave back to him but Zhan Xian saw that Wangyi is out of sight and he immediately stand up

"I have something to do, you go back to the inn first" Zhan Xian told Wen Ning and then he left in a dash.

Zhan Xian is now actually following Wangyi, somehow, he listen to his heart command, he wanted to find out where this cutie is living.


Thank you for reading

Sorry for the late update

I hope you are okay with this

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