
By meastories

1.6M 35.9K 11.4K

"I don't know how you did it" He said with pain and frustration in his eyes "But you need to stop" I look at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 48

22.4K 562 342
By meastories

Hey! before you proceed to read this chapter, do you mind answering this first? :)

Would you prefer a new story with new characters or Alexander II?? (comment here)

Will delete this question in a few hrs! just want to do a quick survey :) thanks xx


"Damn this rain is loud" Andrea said, painting her nails sky blue. I look outside the window and watched the heavy rain fall with a sigh

"This weather is ruining my mood" I said, sitting gently on my bed, making sure that I don't bump onto Andrea who was focusing on painting her nails on my bed "Oh come on, you just got home from a date with Alexander Woods, not even an earthquake could ruin your mood" I chuckle

"I'm really starting to regret telling you about our date" I said jokingly while watching her. She scoffs, closing the nail polish "Trust me, even if you don't tell me, it's impossible not to know when your boyfriend's posting pictures of you on instagram"

"He's not my boyfriend"

"Yet" She added in a matter-of-fact tone "Don't jinx it" I joked "From what you told me, he sounds like he really wants you, not even a jinx can stop him" I lie down and stared at the ceiling.

Xander really looked like he was serious about us this time. He treated and spoke to me differently. He was more open about his past and he wasn't afraid to show the real him which was a huge step to take but he took it, for me.

"Is it bad?" I asked Andrea, still looking at the ceiling, completely forgetting that Andrea couldn't read my mind so it sounded like my question was random "What is?" She asked confused

I sigh pushing myself up from the bed using my elbow to look at her "Is it bad that I foolishly already fell inlove with him?" She looked at me, surprised. She studies me for a few seconds, thinking of what to say

"To be honest? Not at all" She said, shaking her head "You guys started this.....thing-" She said, not knowing what to say "-weeks ago, during our trip. So the whole flirting and liking each other stage has already passed by so no, I'm not surprised that you already love him" I nod, understanding what she meant

Andrea had a point

"But the problem is, does he feel the same?" I asked quietly. I hear Andrea sigh "Does it matter? You guys just started dating, if you guys last for a year in just the dating stage and he still doesn't tell you that he loves you, that's when you start worrying and crying honey"

Again, she had a point

I started blushing when I realized that I sounded like an obsessed teenager. I force a smile and chuckled "You're right, sorry" She chuckles "It's fine, I sometimes feel the same way with David" I look at her "How are you guys?" I asked, watching her frown "We're okay but he got a phone call earlier and he looked absolutely mortified. He wouldn't tell me who it was and he said he was going to be gone til Monday" I nod, feeling a bit worried

"Why wouldn't he tell you?" She groans "I don't know, he usually tells me everything so when he told me he'll tell me when he gets back, I just trusted him" I nod, trying to think of what David could've been hiding "Did he tell you where he was going?"

"Not at all" She said, worriedly. I nod and looked at Andrea who looked bothered and worried. I wanted to ask her a few more questions but I decided to be a friend and help her distract herself instead "Hey, I bet it's just something really important and I'm sure that he will tell you once he gets back" Andrea smiled a little making me relieved "Yeah you're right and besides, he doesn't really have a choice because once he gets back, I'll make sure that he spills everything"


I look at the clock

10:26 pm

Andrea left a few minutes ago because her brother was texting her and telling her to go home so I'm left alone again.

My phone started ringing

I couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my face. while reaching for my phone.

But my smile was wiped away when I saw that it was just my uncle.

Don't get me wrong, I love my uncle to death but tonight was not the time to play with my feelings like that.

"Hello?" I said after clicking the green button "How are you, ely?" I smiled when I heard my uncle's voice "I saw on the news that there's a storm there, you okay?" I sat on the couch and talked to my uncle.

We talked for a long time, just catching up and updating each other about what's happening in our lives.

I still haven't told him about Xander yet and it was really starting to bother me. I feel like I'm hiding something very important from him.

Well, maybe I am

"Well its bed time for us, ely. Goodnight honey, stay safe always okay?"

"You too, uncle. Goodnight" I said before pressing the end button.

The sound of my doorbell ringing startled me. I look at the door, terrified.

I wasn't expecting anyone

I was too afraid to look out the window because the unknown person might see me.

Maybe if I ignored it, he or she would go away?

The sound of the doorbell ringing again snaps me out of my thoughts.

If anyone was watching me right now, I bet they would have thought that I was crazy. I'm a full grown woman living alone, paying for my bills on my own and yet I can't open a freaking door.

After a few seconds of contemplating, I officially decided that I would ignore it and pretend that nobody was home. I grab my phone, ready to go back to my room when my phone started ringing loudly making me face palm myself

so much for pretending that nobody was home

I look at the caller and saw that it was Xander

So he's the one to blame if I don't survive this night


"Open the door" He said then hangs up. I quickly run to the front door to open it and saw him completely soaked in the rain. I quickly pull him inside "I am so sorry" I said panicking.

I was expecting him to be mad or annoyed at me but he just chuckles making me feel even more guilty "I thought you were asleep, I was about to leave but I really wanted to see you so I called you"

There goes my heart beating wildly again

"I'm so sorry" I said, feeling my face heat up "I just- I got scared to open the do- I wasn't expecting anyone so-" I stuttered, feeling guilty and embarrassed. Xander cuts me off by cupping my face with his large hands gently "It's fine, Lauren" The warmth of his hands made me relax "I would hug you right now but I don't want you to get wet"

I nod in understanding, still feeling embarrassed

"I just wanted to see you before going home. I'll get going now okay?" I wanted to hide the disappointment that I felt but his face told me that he noticed my disappointment. I forced a smile "Yeah sure, I understand" I said with a half smile

"Goodnight" He said, looking at me carefully

"Goodnight" He turns around and started walking to the front door.

The smile on my face drops while watching him walk away but all of a sudden he stops then turns around to look at me

We both stare at each other

"Do you want to come over and spend the night at my place?" He asked in a husky voice

My heart started pounding inside my chest and I can feel my face heating up

"Sure" I said with a small smile


I follow Xander quietly up to his room. I look around the house and noticed that everything was neat and clean.

Xander enters his room with me following behind him. I look around the room that was plain and clean.

White walls, dark wooden floor, gray carpet, flatscreen tv, a desk with a laptop on top and a leather chair

That was it

Nothing special or anything that can give away something about him or his personality

"You can do whatever you want, I'm just going to take a shower" He said, walking to the bathroom. He made sure to turn the ac on before taking a bath.

I continue to look around his room and when I realized that I wasn't going to find anything interesting, I decided to sit on the bed and distract myself with my phone.

Being inside Xander's room made me nervous and excited at the same time. I quickly smell my breath and sighed in relief that I brushed my teeth a few hours ago and didn't eat anything so it smelled fine.

My eyes widened when I realized that I haven't shaved for a week down there.

I shut my eyes tightly and face palmed myself in annoyance.

It wasn't that long but still, I should've shaved yesterday


Why was I even worrying about this?

Was I seriously thinking that something might go down tonight? I shake my head trying to get rid of the naughty things that was entering my mind.

Act normal, Lauren

I decided to watch random videos on my phone to distract myself

although I knew that I wasn't a hundred percent distracted because the sound of the shower turning off made me nervous

After a few minutes, Xander comes out wearing nothing but shorts and a towel hanging on his right shoulder. I quickly look away and pretend that I was focused on the video that was playing on my phone

A seahorse giving birth

I just clicked a random video to distract myself

"You want to watch a movie?" Xander asked, making me look at him carefully. I stare at Xander who was looking at his phone, now wearing a black tank top.

I won't lie, I felt a bit disappointed.

"Yeah sure, what do you want to watch?" I asked, locking my phone. He hands me his phone and let me choose the movie.

I ended up choosing a romcom. We were both sitting on his bed with our legs stretched out and our backs resting on a pillow.

We were only a few inches away from each other.

"How was your meeting by the way?" I asked, eyes still focused on the screen. He stays quiet for a few seconds before answering "Stressful" I look at him and watched him watch the movie with a blank expression on his face. I carefully place a hand on his arm, making him look at me "If you want to talk about anything that's bothering you, you got me okay?" I whispered softly. He just looks at me with soft eyes making me feel nervous.

I give him a tight smile and pulled my hand away but he grabs it and pulls me closer to him. He makes me lay my head on his chest and wraps an arm around me, placing a soft kiss on top of my head "He wants me to run the company but I don't want to" I look up at him "Why not?" He keeps his eyes focused on the screen but I knew that he wasn't paying attention to the movie

"Because I don't want to be like my father" He said quietly making me silent

"He was too busy making money to see that his wife was slowly getting sick and that his son was suffering" He said in a bitter tone making me flinch a little "I don't want to be anything like him" He added

I carefully push myself up to a sitting position so that I was fully looking down at him.

I place both hands on top of his chest gently, feeling his soft heartbeat "Xander" I said softly, making him focus his eyes on me "I just want to say that you are nothing like your father" I said with a small smile "and you accepting your uncle's offer isn't going to change that" I added carefully "I'm not trying to change your mind about this, I just want you to know that nothing can make you be like your father aside from you" He nods in understanding

"You're right" He said with a lazy smile "I'm always right" I joked, trying to lighten up the mood. His lazy smile turns into a wide smile making me smile too "So, am I officially dating a CEO now?" I joked again making him roll his eyes "It's not official yet, love" He teased


I know that he was just teasing me but something about him calling me that made me feel something. His expression changes when he saw my reaction. He slowly pushes himself up from the bed, making sure that his nose touches mine. I slowly lean back but stopped myself

I want this

I want him

God, I badly want him

I started leaning closer to him. He looks at my eyes deeply as if waiting for something.

I suddenly remembered what he told me

"I've already stolen a few kisses from you but I want our next kiss to be different. I want you to be the one to ask for it"

I gulped and took a deep breath "Xander" I whispered. He answers by leaning closer to me until our nose were touching


I couldn't say the words

I want you to kiss me

He places a hand on my nape making the hairs on my body stand up

"You better me asking me to kiss you right now because I don't think I can wait any longer" He said impatiently, looking deeply in my eyes.

His words makes me release the breath that I didn't know that I was holding. I slowly nod my head, answering him.

The second that he saw me nod, he immediately pulls me using the hand that was resting on my nape and smashes his soft lips on mine


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