Help You (Itona Horibe X Read...

By Petalmist12

51.6K 1.4K 825

-Itona Horibe X Reader- After entering Class 3-E and befriending Karma Akabane as well as Nagisa and his frie... More

Beginning Note
Kaede's Time
Itona Horibe's Time
Spinning Time
Leader Time
Before and After Time
Reaper Time, Part 1
Reaper Time, Part 2
Round Two Time
School Festival Time
End-of-Term Time, 2nd Period
Think Outside the Box Time
Let Live Time
Secret Identity Time
Confession Time
Past Time
Discord Time
Outcome Time
Outer Space Time
Valentine's Day Time
Trust Time
Happy Birthday Time
Final Boss Time
Graduation Time

Future Time

1.8K 55 34
By Petalmist12

Well, here we are at the last chapter. Thank you for 170+ votes and 2.75k+ reads! I will have another note at the end of this chapter talking about my plans for a new fanfic after this one. Without further ado, here's the final chapter :)

"The target is liquidated, the planet is safe. Your hard work over the past year has paid off." Karasuma speaks from the front of the classroom, Irina standing next to him once we all wake up, listening attentively. "I imagine you'll find a few things difficult to swallow. Being stuck under constant surveillance, for examples, or the fact that you've all been slapped with a gag order. Naturally, I'll do whatever I can to lessen the burden. My apologies in advance for the inconvenience."

"It's alright Mr.Karasuma, we'll be fine. No worries, whatever settles this, we're on board. We can handle it." Maehara says. Having my privacy being taken away will make me feel a bit self conscious, but the consequences could've been a lot worse so I guess I am a little thankful.

"Seriously. We don't want to complicate things for you." Okano agrees."

"That said though, we do have one tiny request." Kataoka speaks, standing up behind her desk, drawing our attention to her. "Kunigigaoka's graduation ceremony is this afternoon, sir. I think we've earned the right to be a part of it. Let us walk across the stage in honor of Korosensei's memory."

"Sure." Karasuma says, nodding with a small smile on his face. "Yes, of course. I'll handle things and make the necessary arrangements."

"E class, rise!" Isogai says, standing up, the rest of us quickly following suit, bowing. "Mr.Karasuma, Professor Bitch, for everything you've taught us, we are eternally grateful."

"We are eternally grateful." The rest of us repeat.

"So, where's the ceremony exactly?" Maehara asks before my classmates begin to chat with one another. It almost feels like nothing's changed. But the reality is, everything has. A small smile slides on my face.

At noon, after changing into our uniforms, we arrive at the graduation ceremony. One by one, we are all called up by Principal Asano to receive our diplomas. After the ceremony, the rest of E class and I stand in a group together. A moment of peace passes before numerous feet pound against the ground as a mob makes their way towards us.

"Ceremony's over. They're letting out."

"Time to get some reactions!"

"Easy folks! This place is off limits to the media." Karasuma says, throwing himself in front of us and blocking the reporters trying to shove past the doors to get to us. A bunch of government workers form a line, struggling to hold the ravenous reporters back.

"Tell us about the monster, did he die?"

"How did he die? What was it like?"

"Tell us how you're feeling at the moment!"

"Are you kids really the ones who killed him?"

"Give me a break! I'm trying to do my job!" One of the government workers groans.

"Have you no shame? These children have already been through enough. You're all vultures!" Karasuma says, joining his coworkers in pushing the crowd back before looking back over his shoulder at us. "Everybody outside. There's a bus on standby at the main gate." Karasuma says. One reporter somehow manages to get through and shoves a microphone at us but he is pushed away by... What are the big five doing here? Asano snaps his fingers and a cover is thrown over us, shielding is from above.

"What's the big idea?"

"You're messing with our coverage!"

The reporters complain, crawling over one another to reach us, though Asano just waves a hand  at them before him and his lackeys escort us outside.

"Coverage? You people are messing with our moment in the sun." Seo scoffs.

"You know, the internet's gonna go nuts when I post this." Araki comments, holding up a hand held video taking device.

"Remember, we know what you look like, scum. Ha." Koyama laughs, adjusting his glasses.

"There's nothing to worry about love." Sakakibara assures Kanzaki, an arm around her shoulders while Sugino tries his hardest to pry him off. "Permit me to be your escort to the front gate."

"With graduation comes a clean slate. Abandoning classmates on their time of need would be disgraceful. I may be ruthless, but as your future leader I'm not about to court shame." Asano says from the front, looking over his shoulder at us. We finally all get onto the bus, me and Karma being the last to board it with the exception of Nagisa. "Akabane, (L/n)." A voice stops us. What could Asano want? We stop and look at him.

"Seems like you two are the only ones coming back. Fair warning, when all this is over, I'll put you on the rack if I have to. This Korosensei seems fascinating. You're going to give me all the gory details." Asano says with a smirk.

"I mean, we could, but thick-skulled as you are, you might struggles to understand." Karma says, completely dismissing the orange haired boy.

"Well, see you next year I guess. And thanks for getting me put in E class." I say, giving him a smile, not missing the surprised look on his face before following Karma onto the bus. I glance around the bus before noticing a tuft of white hair sticking up in the back. I walk towards it and find my boyfriend. I plop down next to him with a smile and give him a quick kiss on the cheek just as Nagisa is shoved onto the bus.

"Move it, you're bringing up the rear." Seo says.

"Off you go." Asano says as the big five stare us down, Araki still pointing his hand held recorder at us. Nagisa just blinks at them before smiling and sitting down in his spot as the door slides closed behind him. We slowly drive away. Goodbye, Class 3-E. Goodbye... Korosensei...

7 Years Later

I walk up the mountainside to the familiar E class building. 7 years ago, when the bounty was paid, we decided to buy this land, keep enough for schooling and so that we could live properly, and the rest was divided between charity and giving back to the government as a show of good faith. Over time, the crescent moon had deteriorated and returned to a sphere once more, though now much smaller than it was originally. However, due to the explosion it had been moved closer and looked almost exactly as it had before everything. When I get to the top of the hill, I spot a girl standing in front of the building. Once I'm a bit closer, I see it's Kayano, not recognizing her at first due to the fact that she's in costume.

"Kaede, it's so good to see you." I say, fiddling with my fingers.

"(Y/n)! You as well. How have you been?" She asks before looking me up and down briefly. "How are things with Itona?" She asks slyly.

"Oh, they're going great. He actually works at his parent's company now." I say as footsteps approach from behind us.

"Oho, we have a couple of celebrities." Maehara comments. Looking behind me I see Maehara, Isogai, Mimura, Hayami, Chiba, Justice, Hara, Fuwa, Kataoka, Yada, and Okajima. Oh no, he must be referring to that... About two years ago I had released my first novel, a second and third following after to complete the trilogy. The series had quickly risen in popularity and fans had been asking about a possible spin-off or just a flat out new series.

"Hi guys!" Kayano greets them.

"Hello." I say with a little wave. My former classmates smile at us, waving back.

"Look at you! You're in costume, are you sure you've got time for all this?" Yada asks.

"Sure. I snuck off the set during my lunch break. I can't let you do the heavy lifting without me." She says.

"Awesome. Okay people, let's get this place up to code." Isogai says, tossing the keys up in the air and catching them. That's right, we left them with him because we deemed him the most responsible.

"All right!" We all respond with a hint of laughter.

"Yep, Class President til the end." Fuwa remarks.

"Hey now, you're the ones who wanted me to hold onto the keys." Isogai reminds them.

"What can we say man? We know who best to delegate this sort of thing to." Maehara says. After that, we spend the rest of the day cleaning and fixing up the building into a memorial.

"I've been thinking guys, we really ought to put this place to good use." Isogai says during our break. "Preserving it's fine and all, but it doesn't feel like enough."

"Okano's using the back of the mountain a lot lately. You know she put together an acrobatic performance squad for a college, right? Said this was the training ground she's used to, so why not." Maehara says. "Pretty sweet, huh?"

"Actually, Kurahashi recently started giving nature tours to kids." I say.

"No kidding. Well, she's always known how to make money." Isogai says before we ponder where everyone else had ended up over the years.

"Oh, did you hear about Karma? Dude, he passed the civil service exam with flying colors." Maehara says.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. Good luck seeing him tank, right?" Chiba says.

"Yeah well, they say the hard part comes after. He's good, sure, but now there will be a lot of red tape. Tons of interviews, training, inter-departmental hazing.... of course, if anyone can thrive in that environment, it's him." Fuwa adds.

"Mhm. I'm sure he'll be just fine." I say. Suddenly, Okajima sprays Kayano with a hose. She turns, spraying hers straight back at him.

"Nooo stop! I wasn't ready!" He cries, ducking behind me and Kataoka, causing us to get hit with the stream of water. The expression on Okajima's face morphs into fear.

"" Kataoka growls, causing said person to scream. It's not long before we are all participating in a full on water fight. So many happy memories... and we're continuing to make even more.

I return back home that night after Itona, my wet clothes clinging to my frame. Itona looks up at me from where he is cooking dinner and gives me a small smile.

"Are you okay?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and chuckling a little.

"Yep. Just, y'know... a little soaked." I say with a little laugh. "I think I'll take a quick shower before dinner, I'll be right back." I say, excused myself. Once I'm cleaned up, dressed, and dry, I walk back into the kitchen where I find Itona struggling to get the timer to stop beeping. I walk up to him, hugging him from behind. "It's the cancel button." I remind him. A second later the beeping stops, so I assume he had figured it out. He wriggles a bit in my hold, turning around in my arms before leaning in and pressing a short kiss to my lips.

"Let's eat." He says. I know he doesn't talk a lot, but he's being especially quiet today. We sit down and start eating.

"Are you okay? You're being even more quiet than usual." I comment.

"Hmm? Oh, no I'm fine." He responds, offering me a small smile. I look at him suspiciously before returning to my food. After doing the dishes, Itona leads me to the couch and makes me sit down.

"You are seriously acting weird. Are you sure something didn't happen?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.

"Not yet." He mumbles.

"What was that?" I question.

"We've been together a while, and I asked your parents for permission... so all that's left is this." Itona says, slowly getting on one knee in front of me, holding up a ring. Wow... I've never seen one like this. "I designed it so it would be perfect. What I'm trying to get at here is... will you marry me?" He asks, his golden eyes peering into mine.

"I... yes." I say, tears flooding to my eyes as I pull him in for a kiss. Our lips passionately move in sync before we part for air. I rest my head on his shoulder while his hand strokes the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too." He says back. It's not the first time he's said that, but every time he does I still get butterflies...

"Wait... did you just propose to me while I'm wearing pajamas?" I ask.

"Honestly, I don't care what you're wearing. No matter what, you're still perfect."

Wow. Well, that's the end! I always get such a bittersweet feeling when I end things like these, but it is also really satisfying to have completed another one. Regarding the information for my next fanfic, it will be an Akimitsu Mochizuki X Reader. Akimitsu is from the anime Skate-Leading Stars, and it isn't very popular but I really like Akimitsu so here I am. I would also like to say that I will be taking a bit of a break so I won't start posting that story for a little bit. The first chapter of the Akimitsu X Reader will be up on Tuesday, August 31st and I will talk about the posting schedule for it in a separate note once I post the first chapter. Thank you all for your support and I hope you have a good day (or night)!

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