Excuse Me, Can I Punch You No...

By karla353

1.3M 14.8K 1.5K

Alexandra Droz is one of New York's best kick boxers, and also a pain in the ass in school. Her bad attitude... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
****Authors note****
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authers note

Chapter 15

35.1K 442 35
By karla353

****Alex POV****

This is sooo wrong, but it felt so right. The sensations Kevin was bringing me sent me over the top. I'm not gonna lie, I am not innocent, I had my fair of make out sessions and I am also not a virgin. But damn! This was the best. The way he ran his hand over my skin sent sparks flying. His smell was like a drug that got me high. I want more, but yet, it is so wrong.  

I am suppose to get information from him an find that stupid necklace, but that cant happen if he keeps sending me into the clouds.  

When we were making out on the desk, every thought of my family disappeared from my thoughts, all I could focus on was his touch. Then when I had to hide in the closet from Mr. Herds, it felt like a rush, that sent me into overdrive.

Right now, I am pressed against the door of a closet with Kevin's body on top of mine. I didn't want to stop him from his magic touch, I was so close to getting my way with him right here right now, but we almost got caught and I cant risk it.

Pulling my hands up I push on Kevin's chest.  

"Kevin, we shouldn't do this, we can get caught." I huff while trying to push his heavy weight off me. 

"But whyyyy, I'm enjoying this and your enjoying this," Kevin mumbles into my neck. I laugh at how Kevin sounds like a little kid trying to spend five more minutes on the Xbox.  

"Look Kevin I have to go, the bell is going to ring any time now and I have to make sure I look presentable. Not looking like I just climbed out of bed." I grab his face with both with my palms and focus his face on mine. 

"Ok?" I ask. 

"Fineee," Kevin grumbles.  

I pull myself away from him and fix my cloths. I leave the classroom in a dash, not casting Kevin one glance back, because I know if I do, I would go back and lock myself inside there with him and do multiple things to him that would make my uncle shun me if he ever found out.

The bell rings when I finally arrive to my 3rd period class. P.E. I walk into the locker room as all the girls are leaving and I sit there and wait for Carla to show up.  

When she finally does I run up to her. 

"Hey, Carla I gotta talk to you. Nowwwww." I whisper and drag her by her hand to one of the shower stalls in the locker room. 

"I know you don't date guys Alex, but I don't think going lesbo will help with your sexual frustrations." Carla snickers. I roll my eyes at her joke. 

"Shut up Carla, I have to tell you something that involves a guy. And anyway your not my type." I couldn't help but finish my sentence off with that.  

"Ugh whatever, I'm everybody's type. And OMG TELL ME!"  

"Shhhh you have to stay quiet," I pull my finger in front of Carla's mouth to shut her. 


"Because it has to do with Kevin." Carla tilts in her to side, looking like a lost puppy.  

"Mr. Walker." I remind. Her face lights up once again at the name.  

"Wellll I kinda did something with him, and I kinda liked it and mhhh I am so confused." I ramble on. 

"What did you do?!" Carla shook my shoulders. The desperation to know what happened was clear on Carla's face.  

"Welllll me and him kinda kissed." My voice came out squeaky and low. I played with the end of my shirt tugging on it.

Carla just stood there, her eyes wide open.  

"Omggg I knew it!!! Roger soo owes me five dollars!" Carla screamed with joy. I looked at her with a serious face and rose my eyebrow.  

"What do you mean Roger owes you five dollars?" My voice coming out steady, but with a hint of anger. Carla seemed to notice and shrink back.  

"Haha remember when on the first day you meet Mr. Walker and you guys kinda had a stand off in class?" I nod my head yes. 

"Welll Roger came up to me and was all like 'girlll I can sense the sexual tension between them!' And I was like 'I knoww I bet there gonna do it!' And he was like 'I bet they won't because Alex doesn't like men!' And I was like 'well Alex does its just that she doesn't date!' And then we made a bet to to see if you and Mr. Walker will ever do it, and I won!" Carla finished off. Her hands were locked together her fingers twitching around. Something she does when shes nervous.  

I stood there frozen. My brain was going everything Carla just said. I swear one of these day I am going to punch both Roger and Carla in their pretty little faces. I pulled away and took a deep breath. Count to ten Alex. Count to ten.  

Pulling me out of counting my numbers, the late bell rang. Ok I should go dress out before I stay here and punch Carla. I glared at Carla, pointing a finger at her.  

"This isnt over." And I leave the shower room to my locker. After dressing out into a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I walk outside to the football field and meet with the rest of my class. I froze mid stride and locked eyes with Taylor. He was standing there in all his glory. And no shirt. Its cold out here! How is he not cold?! I gulped and I can feel the butterflies rise in my stomach. He was wearing black gym shorts and black sneakers. Ohhh he had a body. He has an eight pack, and hes not buff no hes lean and muscular. Oh how perfect. He smiled at me and waved me over.

I run over to him and he embraces me in a tight hug. All I can feel was his muscles rubbing against me. Oh this feels so good.  

"Hey, what happened with Mr. Walker?" 

"Nothing, I didn't turn in something so he had to talk to me." I pulled away from his embrace.

Coach Howard comes outside, he is like 4 feet tall of muscles. It makes me laugh because he just loves to exercise. Even walking threw the school he is jogging in place, I laugh every time. 

"Ok you fat so's! Today we will play football! Girls against boys!" All the girls whined as the boys cheered. Why was he doing this? He knows the girls cant play for shit. 

"Yeah and no tackling. Girls wear the red flags and the boys wear the yellow. If you need anything, don't contact me....unless you are bleeding on the floor dieing." My coach turns around and walks off to a shaded place under a tree.

I turn and face the group of boys huddled together, smiling their wicked grins at us. The girls all pull together complaining about how unfair it was but I just stood there with a big grin on my face. I like playing football. 

The girls tugged on their flags, as well the boys. The boys got into formation on the field, all tall and muscles against skinny and fragile. Well I'm not fragile but these girls can get knock out with just bumping into them. I looked at the girls they all stood there like a bunch of chickens with there heads cut off. No clue of what they are doing. I breathed in a heavy breath and walked over to them. 

"OK girls, listen to me and we can survive threw this." I try.

"Who says we should listen to you?" Vanessa walked to the front of all the girls, in her short shorts and a shirt 2 times to small for her size. She flipped her blond hair over her shoulder and stared at me with her clown face. A cold breeze flew by us. Good thing I was wearing sweats or my legs would be ice right now, I don't know how Vanessa can pull the cold thing off without freezing her ass off. 

"Look Vanessa, I don't like you, you don't like me, but right now we have to work together and beat these guys ass's and I'm pretty sure you never played football before. So shut up and listen to me." Vanessa closed her mouth and glared at me for a little longer then nodded her head. 

"okay, so here's the plan. just pass me the ball." the girls nodded in unionism, probably glad that they don't have to do any running. 

"Carla play quarter back, I know your good with throwing. The rest of the girls stand in front of me just like the guys are doing. OK?" I try explaining it as simple as possible.

After a few minutes of the girls trying to figure out what the heck they were doing and mean side comments from the guys laughing at us, we were ready to begin. We had the ball first so we were offence and the guys were defense. The girls all stood in a straight line in front of the boys. 

"HIKE!" Carla screamed. The guys ran forward and I ran behind Carla, where she turned and passed me the ball. I ran around the screaming girls and straight to the end line, while dodging a few guys. I see myself getting closer. Almost there. 

The taste of dirt fills my mouth. I pull my head up and notice I am on the ground on my stomach with a heavy weight on top of me.

"Who the fuck is on?" I turn my body around and come face to face with Tyler. 

"ops sorry, I tripped while trying to grab your flag and fell on you," he was obviously faking innocence. His black hair came in front of his face, his soulless eyes staring at mine with amusement. 

"Sorry my ass! you did that on purpose!"  I tried moving around, which it didn't help because I ended up on my back with him on top of me, with my legs hanging on the sides of his waist. I froze in place noticing the position we were in. my face heated, tingles spreading threw my body. I just met him and I feel an attraction to him, I cant lie. My breathing got heavy and my body heated up as I felt Tyler's heated gaze on me. He was currently biting his bottom lip which sent me into over drive. we were pulled out of our heated bubble by Vanessa's high pitch voice. I pull away from looking and look at Vanessa who was standing there with everybody behind her. And when I mean everybody I mean everybody. Some girls were sending me glares and the guys were giving Tyler approving gestures. Vanessa stood there with her hand on her hip and a scowl on her fake face. 

"Are we going to play a game or are you two going fuck on the field?" her annoying voice came out. My face probably looked like a tomato right about now, but Tyler looked as calm and collected as if he wasn't caught being on top of me. I pushed hard on his chest knocking him back on the ground on his butt. I got up and wiped the dirt and grass off my cloths, looking up I met everyone's gaze on me.

"Um lets get back to the game! There's nothing here to look at!" I started waving my hand impatiently trying to get them to move. I heard a few giggles and comments but I ignored them. Catching Carla's sight, she gives me a confused look. I just ignore it and from there we continued the game, the guys won obviously, but by like 2 points because I made few touch downs. Coming out of the locker room showered and dressed, Tyler was waiting outside. He was leaning against a wall his head down at the ground, while his hands were stuffed in his pocket. I grew cautious. I don't know why but I did. He looked up and grinned. His perfect teeth on show.

"Hey," I waved awkwardly.

"Hey you," apparently what happened out in the field didn't affect him. From there we walked to our next class, and for the rest of the day we acted liked nothing happened. It kinda made me sad that he didn't bring it up, but I think its for the best since I'm I think with Kevin. 

Sooo I came in 16th place for humor and 25th place for Romance on the charts. Wow you guys, I am soooo happy, thank you! I also made this one long because the last one was really short. I hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think of Tyler in the comments. See yah!

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