Just a Family Friend

By unholydisciple

366K 3.9K 586

Includes Mature Content: Daisy's family and some close friends, including their attractive sons, head out fo... More

1| Hello
The wait
Welcome Back
5| Good to be Home
Our little secret?
Drinking Games
Window's view
Spooky Scary Skeletons
10| Close
Anyone seen my top?
Ugh, men
Early mornings
15| Journey
Hot hot hot
Night sky
You can't
20| Waves
Dress up
Drinkies with the girlies
25| Mistakes definitely were made
Mistakes are for tomorrow
Cool as ice

Mistakes may be made

8.3K 85 16
By unholydisciple

Before turning to examine the shirtless specimen behind her, Daisy scanned the floor, just catching a glimpse of Keira's yellow dress disappearing off to the sidelines of the bar with Luke. Her social battery must be running low, Daisy thought, she never was one for late night parties.
Daisy spun herself back around, looking up at the tall, broad man she was dancing with, suddenly noticing that he was rather attractive. She felt the eyes of Max bare into her skin, but paid no mind to his presence, instead closing her eyes after smiling at the topless man. Daisy swayed slightly, moving to the playlist of summery songs remixing behind the buzz of a crowd.

The music screamed British summer house party, and Jake and James were thoroughly enjoying commanding the surrounding attention while dancing sweatily to the heavy bass. Daisy's temporary man put his hands on her waist, pulling her in slightly closer, while her arms moved from above her head to rest lightly on his shoulders and move with him. She placed her hand back on his chest and looked up as he smiled down at her, winking as encouragement. As Keira sat by the bar idly pushing her straw around her glass and looking up at Luke's blue eyes, and James and Jake lost all sense of responsibility and sobriety, Daisy too felt like letting go.

She looked into the tall man's eyes once more, holding the gaze a second longer. Her heart beat faster, but the alcohol dimmed the worried feeling brought with it. Daisy stood up on tiptoes, allowing the man to lean over and plant small kiss on her lips, before going in for a second, longer one. The kiss was alright, nothing she hadn't experienced before. But still her heart swelled and spun, a million thoughts dancing around her tipsy brain has her lips pressed hard against his. Her stomach turned. Max was right there, and this felt wrong. She needed to get out, and so, taking a wobbly step back, Daisy pushed away from the man. She had made a mistake, a strong sense of disgust welled up in her, as she quickly realised she didn't want to kiss this man.

"I'm sorry." She said loudly after putting a few feet distance between them. The man didn't look happy. 

"That's not how this works," he spoke sternly, stepping forward to close the steadily growing distance between the pair. "I'm not quite finished," he added, greening with a malicious boyishness as he reached for her waist to pull her closer once more.

"No, no this was my mistake for getting involved. Now I really must be going." Daisy said once more, trying harder still to escape his bear-like grasp. "Come on dude I don't even know your name, I don't owe you anything. Just let me go." she continued still, her face burning feverish as her grasps at freedom became more futile. 

Suddenly, the man's arm was swallowing her into him, as his other hand reached behind to paw at Daisy's short dress. 

"Excuse me?" Daisy shouted, shocked at the happening of such a bold manoeuvre. Now she was angry. A fire blazed in her stomach, the burning embers rising along with her fist, ready to deliver a blow. Her nailed scratched her palm as she balled her fist up, and all the power she could muster in her drunken state was furiously trying to be released. She swung, but something stopped her.

A large, dark hand gripped her wrist while those other two still searched her waist, trying to pull her in still. Daisy turned, relief dousing her body as she was met with the dark green eyes that signalled safety.

Though her escape was now in sight, Daisy still saw nothing but red as she realised her attack had been thwarted. In a slightly drunken mess, Daisy was a confusion of revenge and sadness. And so, taking it upon herself to make the correct decision, she dived. Not particularly thinking it through or aiming, Daisy has leapt into the air, hoping to cause as much damage as possible to the little pervert in front of her. And as for the shit white-knight behind, she would deal with him later.

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