Bleach x reader

By KuronaNox

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Slow updates • Active book Bleach men x reader More

Hisagi Shuhei
Kuchiki Byakuya
Muguruma Kensei (Smutish)
Ulquiorra Schiffer (AU)
Kurosaki Ichigo
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Ukitake Jushiro
Kira Izuru
Kyoraku Shunsui
Aizen Sosuke
Muguruma Kensei
Ichimaru Gin
Hirako Shinji
Kuchiki Byakuya
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (AU/Smutish)
Hisagi Shuhei
Ulquiorra Schiffer
Ukitake Jushiro
Abarai Renji
Ichimaru Gin (New Years)
Muguruma Kensei
Kaien Shiba (AU)
Zaraki Kenpachi
Abarai Renji
Kira Izuru
Ukitake Jushiro
Aizen Sosuke (Yandere)
Kurosaki Ichigo
Kyoraku Shunsui
Shuhei Hisagi ft. Muguruma kensei
Hirako Shinji
Ichigo Kurosaki
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Kuchiki Byakuya
Urahara Kisuke

Aizen Sosuke AU ft Byakuya

1.9K 63 6
By KuronaNox

(Authors note: Yooo I'm back, sorry college has been busy but I still update this book! I actually have a few stories that are complete but I'm not quite happy and want to fix them! Tatsuya is going to be a made up character in this one shot! Warning not edited)

"Mommy, I wanna see daddy." Your child Tatsuya looked up with big bright eyes he inherited from you, his little body tucked into his warm bed as he tried to fight to stay awake.

(Your Name) smiles at Tatsuya and moved some hair away from his innocent face. "Daddy is working overtime, he'll be home soon darling." She comforted him and gave a small kiss on his forehead. Walking away from the bed she turned off the lights in the room and shut the door lightly.

Looking out to the city from their town house (Your Name) gripped the wine glass and knitted her brows. She was angry again, Aizen was hiding something and she knew it. The sound of their town house door opening made her turn around. Her facial expression was unsatisfying as she saw his smile.

Aizen showed no remorse to how she was feeling and made his way through their home and settled in. Hanging his coat and work bag up he removed his tie slightly. "So that's it? Are you going to explain why you were home so late?"

"Just finishing late business love." He says making his way towards her as she backed away from him, tilting her glass a bit as it spilled onto her shoulder. "Now don't be hasty, the red wine is going to spill on our floor." His velvety voice whispers into her ear as he slowly licked the wine from her open shoulders.

His hot breathe sucked onto it to taste the bitter sweet alcohol. She tried to calm her heart rate as she slightly pushed him off. "Stop trying to distract me."

Aizen smirked and kissed her temple before grabbing a glass for himself. "You knew from the start I was going to be a busy man love."

"That doesn't mean to not answer my text and phone calls. I'm starting to get suspicious." (Your Name) argued back and took his wine glass to drink. He was amused to her behavior but today she was very persistent.

"If you think I am cheating on you, I am not." Aizen stated and watched her drown his glass of wine. She looked at him with worry and stay silent. He grabbed her chin and placed his warm lips onto her as she leaned towards him.

She was missing his masculine touch recently. Since he was always at work, she felt as his duties as a husband were lacking and she was stuck doing all the shopping, renovating and fixing up in their home.

His hot tongue ran around her mouth as she groaned and touched his shoulder for support, the intoxicating taste of the wine made it worse as he sucked her bottom lip.

The noise of Tatsuya door opening pulled (Your Name) out of a trance as she tried to pull away but Aizen strong grip wouldn't let go as he hungrily moved down to her neck giving it a harsh bite as he sucked onto the skin unapologetically. She let out a yelp.

"Mommy! Is daddy home?" His baby voice called out hearing his tiny footstep run towards their direction.

Before Tatsuya could see anything Aizen pulled away and settled comfortably on the couch turning the news on.

"Hello son." Aizen smiled as Tatsuya ran into his arms to snuggle. "Daddy! When did you come home? I haven't seen you in days."

"I'm home now Tatsuya, daddy has been stuck in the office the last three days." The little child snuggled his face into his father chest and was beyond happy.

(Your Name) however was not in a cheery mood as she sat up and cleaned up the two wine glasses in the kitchen. Watching her husband and child catch up was nice but she didn't want her husband corrupted mind to poison their son. She knew he was hiding something, but what?

Aizen rocked Tatsuya to sleep in his arms as she rejoined them and watched the tv in complete silence.

"I'm going to bed." She told him without looking into his eyes as she walked away to their bedroom. He frowned and dropped his happy facade and stood up to place Tatsuya in his room.

As he got back into the bedroom she was already tucked into bed turned away from him. Aizen cleaned himself up and laid next to her.

"It's not fair." She started to say as he looked to the ceiling. "I could have been happy with a real family and a husband that is around but I'm stuck here and what's worse is I don't even know what you are doing."

Aizen recalled back to their arrange marriage, yes he had picked her but she had no choice but to marry him. Her future was basically living as a treaty from two rich family colliding to build a empire.

No words were spoken anymore that night as they drift to sleep.

Some months later

"Tatsuya! Don't run off to fast!" (Your Name) shouted holding his book bag chasing after the happy child as he giggled and hit his head against a pair of legs. "Ow." He whined and rubbed his head a little and looked up to see a black hair stranger. "Mommy?" He then calls out scared to see she was not behind him.

Byakuya eyes widen a little as the child had ran into him. Lowering himself he helped Tatsuya up from the floor.

"Tatsuya!" (Your Name) yells and runs up to the pair and stares at byakuya. "Byakuya?" She calls out smiling a little to see a familiar face.

Tatsuya ran back to her and hid behind her body as he looked at the tall reserved man. "Don't be scared, he's a friend of mommy. Also you should apologize Tatsuya you bumped into him."

The child looked to the floor and shyly apologized to the taller man. Byakuya slightly smiled at the child before looking back to (Your Name). "You look good." Byakuya says with relief in his voice as he worried for her after getting married to Aizen. "I have not heard from you since the wedding."

There was a twist in her heart as she slightly chuckled and looked at him sadly. "I've been doing okay."

Byakuya examined her eyes and then back to her voice, he had missed her a lot. They were both from rich families and ended up spending a lot of their childhood together. It wasn't until he married Hisana and she married Aizen that they fell out of contact.

"(Your Name), I have something important to tell you." Byakuya starts to say as Tatsuya started to cry noticing that he had a cut on his knee.

"I'm sorry, let me take care of this first." She tells the dark hair man and turns to Tatsuya to examine the cut.

"My office is around the corner we can treat him there."

The walk was fairly short as they walked into his building. (Your Name) felt a sense of nostalgia as she walked behind Byakuya. She had missed him a lot but Aizen would not let her contact him after their marriage.

Byakuya set Tatsuya on his chair and brought out some alcohol and bandaids.

"I can do it." She told her childhood friend as he ignored her words and patched the cut up himself. Smiling up to Tatsuya he let the child go back to his mom.

"How is Hisana?"

Byakuya sighed while putting back his first aid into his desk and said "she's in peace now."

"I didn't know she-"

"I never publicly announced it, cancer had took her a few years back."

There was a silence between the two before he asked his secretary Renji to get two hot teas ready and a juice for her child. Byakuya had to tell her what was going on, she was somehow brained wash from Aizen.

"It's a important matter that effects you and Tatsuya." Byakuya says seriously to (Your Name) as she worriedly swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Tatsuya, follow Mr.Abarai. I need to speak to Mr.Kuchiki for a little bit."

Tatsuya was a little hesitant but gave in seeing his mom was in distress and sitting in the office would bore his little mind. Taking Renji hand he left quietly.

"How is Aizen treating you?" Byakuya asks in concern in his voice as he felt betrayed that she did not keep contact with him after all these years. As they were both business men they were ultimately competitive and going against each other.

(Your Name) hesitated and started to play with her hands, should she tell him the truth or play it out and act like she was happy in her marriage. Byakuya was a friend, someone she cherish and fell in love with at one point. Would it hurt to actually tell him. She didn't have many friends and was stuck inside home all the time.

"I don't know, he's cold sometimes, very vague whenever I ask him questions. He doesn't come home sometimes. I spend a lot of time with Tatsuya who he doesn't have a close relationship with. I just want to act like I love my life but I hate it Byakuya, I hate it so much." She says as her voice cracks and she hid her face away from him. Feeling the weight off her shoulder feel less heavy as she told him the truth.

"(Your Name) why haven't you left, you didn't even love him." Byakuya tried to reason with her.

"But I did! For one point I did love him. But I realize we just don't meet eye to eye and I know he is hiding something from me."

There was some tension in the room as he sighed and looked back to (Your Name), she was no longer the out going college student he remembered running party to party but a mom tied down to duties in a unhappy marriage.

"Aizen is running a underground mafia and is currently under investigation, his action could harm you and your child. It has not been publicly announce because the police is trying hard to find his whereabouts. He has been doing criminal activities for years and still hasn't been caught." Byakuya told her not sugar coating the truth. He had to let her know what Aizen had been keeping a secret from her. After many years of questioning why she agreed to marry Aizen didn't make sense to him.

(Your Name) was starting to sweat and couldn't form any words out her mouth to show how she was feeling, would her family business be okay? Would her and Tatsuya be punished for such crime Aizen was hiding from them.

"I don't-"

"You don't have to do anything but leave, your family has no business with him once you leave since you are the heir once your parents pass. (Your Name) I always thought it was weird you picked him." The older man said wanting to understand why she chose to marry off.

"I didn't get to pick. I was still young and my parents told me a good older man wanted to marry me and that he was already well established. I was lucky he wasn't a old disgusting geezer but I fell in love with his charms... the more I'm with him I realize he was just manipulating me and my family company. He took all my friends away and isolated me away from the world."

There was a no words spoken between them after as they sat in silence. She was in pain, her whole marriage was just a set up, she should have known but being young and native at the time did not help her.

"You can always come to me for help." Byakuya states to her as she sadly smiled to him, she had really missed his company. As many people found him scary to approach she felt comfortable knowing she was one of the few people he cared about.

Once she got home she ordered Tatsuya to go to his room and she started to grab as many luggage and bags to pack. Turning off their camera in their house she rushed so Aizen couldn't see what she was doing. She was running away, as much as she wanted to confront him she was scared.

"Mommy?" Tatsuya asks from the door holding his little plushie they had won together one day they decided to go to the arcade. "I need you to pack your clothes Tatsuya we are leaving."

He couldn't process what was going on as he slowly back away and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"And where do you think you are going?" Aizen chilling voice says to (Your Name) as she slowly turned to him in fear and slowly her anger started to rise up.

"Don't touch him! Tatsuya come here now!" She screamed as the young child started to look back and forth to his parents that were fighting. He had never seen Aizen with such a serious expression before, he was always smiling. Stuck between what to do he stood in place.

"Go to your room Tatsuya." Aizen ordered before walking into their shared bedroom and closing the door lightly.

"What is the meaning of this (Your Name)?" He asks slowly as he was notify that their security cameras were turned off in the house.

"You lied to me the whole time, why couldn't you just tell me the truth I would have try to understand what you were doing." (Your Name) says as she sat on the floor defeated that he caught her in the act of leaving.

"I never hurt you did I? I gave Tatsuya a good life, I'm not sure why you are acting this way." Aizen states annoyed she was acting like a child and not a grown up as she was.

"You used my family business to gain yours and not even that you run a underground mafia with a criminal record if they catch you! How can I feel safe around you when you haven't been honest from day one." She yelled at him and pushed passed him before grabbing important papers and the rest of her belongings.

Aizen couldn't fathom how she would figure this all out in less than a day till he harshly grabbed her body and held her secured. "Where did you hear this from?!" He shouts losing his calm demeanor and wanted answers out of her.

She smirked at him as she got the upper hand from him, it was always her losing her cool but to see he was concern was amusing.

"How does it feel Aizen, this is how I felt all these years wondering questions about you. And I won't tell you how I know. Don't worry I won't rat you out cause I don't wanna deal with this anymore." She eased his anger as she got out of his grip and leaving their bedrooms to Tatsuya.

The little boy was crying as she opened his drawer and grabbed all his clothes and shoved it into hers.

"You can't take Tatsuya." Aizen says following her into the room as the child looked again between his parents.

"I can and I will! You don't even come around to see how our child is. What makes you think he wants to stay with you!" She shouted now getting angry he brought Tatsuya into their argument. She was going to make sure her baby wasn't going to be corrupt by his father by any means.

"(Your Name)!" Aizen argued as she faced him and got into his face.

"You may love Tatsuya but you never loved me and I won't risk his life because of your stupid schemes, I'm going to keep him safe with all I have! Now say your goodbyes we are leaving!"

Tatsuya hugged his father before looking back to his mother that was waiting by the front door with their bags and slowly ran to her before looking back to Aizen that was only showing his back.

As they left Aizen was furious as he threw whatever he could grab into his hands and took the picture frame he saw of his 'happy' little family and threw it across the room as the glass shattered everywhere.

(Your Name) was walking fast pushing pass people in fear that Aizen would follow them but for her luck he didn't. She could see him staring down at them from their house as he looked so calm and frowning. Goosebumps ran down her spine as she spun around and held her grip tighter around Tatsuya little hands.

She followed the direction that Byakuya told her to follow as she rushed towards the black car he instructed to get in. Before she could even open the door a familiar red hair came out the car to help with the bags she was carrying. "Thanks Mr. Abarai." She tried to smile but it came out forced as he understood she was in distress and he helped Tatsuya into the back seat.

As she got in Byakuya was on the phone with someone as he looked at her in the rear view mirror.
"You promise I will be safe." She starts to say to Byakuya.

Byakuya could see she lost all hope in her eyes as she ran away from the only home she had the last few years, leaving everything behind.

He hung up the phone and turned to her and Tatsuya.

"I promise you guys will be safe with me."

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