A Simple Coincidence // Daryl...

By kaz_van

30.8K 567 132

In which a twist of fate leads her, to a possible future, but will she know it's worth? Or will she let her o... More

Act One
1 | UGH
2 | Man On The Roof
3 | How We Met
4 | Anger Issues
5 | Locked And Loaded
6 | Know Me To Love Me
8 | Sunshine
9 | Tired
10 | Loud Voices
11 | Lucks Turn To Play
12 | Lost Hope
13 | Mary's Lost Little lamb
14 | Save? or Kill?
15 | Dream Dream Dream
16 | Snow Angel
17 | False Hope
18 | Real? Or Fake?
19 | Look At Her
Act Two
20| Nightmare Child
21 | Stay
22 | May The Lord Bless Us
23 | Run For Your Life
24 | Silence My Pain
25 | Dry Sunny Day
26 | Louder Silence
27 | Plates And Cups
28 | A Chat With Friends
29 | No Other Man
31 | Wishes Never Come True
32 | Through Ashes
33 | A Shit Show

7 | Better Off Alone

876 16 11
By kaz_van

Day 62

The night was restless. I helped the people in any way I could. We finished off the people who had died and burned the dead ones that had attacked.

The sun was up in no time. Some people were sitting around, some were still shocked by the events of the night. I was with the working bunch. I honestly didn't know what to do, so I thought it was best to keep myself busy. Plus, they needed all the help they could get.

The woman from last night whose name I learned was Andrea; still hadn't moved away from her sister, Amy.

People tried to convince her to let go. None of them succeeded.

Rick had gone to try and explain to her how things were. She pointed a gun at him.


It was later that mourning. Most of the dead were dealt with. Andrea still hadn't moved, and we were running out of time. Amy was going to turn any minute now.

Some people were gathered in front of the RV. I was away from them, standing beside Glenn. It seemed like Daryl had suggested something but none of them approved. He turned back and walked towards us to continue working.

"Wake up, Jimbo. We've got some work to do!" Daryl said in an angry tone walking towards us.

Daryl and some guy started dragging a dead one towards the fire that we had set up to burn them.

"What are you guys doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there" Glenn said to them, pointing towards a row where we had set for the people that they knew.

"What's the difference they're all infected" Daryl defended.

"Our people go in that row over there," Glenn said in a shaky voice. They stopped dragging the body and both looked at Glenn. "We don't burn them! We bury them. Understand?" Glenn said in a much higher voice. It wasn't a question it was a demand. They did as Glenn instructed.

I stepped forward and put a hand on Glenn's shoulder. He tensed for a moment but once he saw it was me, he relaxed.

"Come on" I said nodding towards another geek. We went over to drag him towards the fire when Daryl decided to have an outburst.

"Y'all left my brother for dead!. You had this coming!" he yelled.

Shaking my head, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and went back to work with Glenn.

Then suddenly a woman started yelling.

"A walker got him! A walker bit Jim!"

That got everyone's attention.

Jeez, why would she rat him out like that? She could have done it in a much better way.

We all left whatever we were doing and went over to him. People started to surround him. He was panicking. Panting heavily and pacing around. While muttering 'I'm okay'

"Show it to us" Daryl came pickaxe in hand. When Jim didn't comply, he raised his pickaxe "Show it to us"

Jim turned around and picked up a shovel; I guess to protect himself.

Everyone around started panicking. Telling him to calm down or put the shovel down. It was chaos all over again.

T came from behind holding his arms while Daryl lifted his shirt. I, along with many others, was watching what was happening.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim kept repeating while everyone just looked at him.

I felt bad for the guy. I didn't know him, but no one deserved any of this.


While everyone was discussing what to do, I sat in front of Jim. These people forgot that he was still a human being. Talked about dealing with him like he wasn't even there.

"Jim, right?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm Elleanore," I said scooching closer to him.

He looked at me confused before asking, "You're not scared of me?"

I smiled "Well, you don't seem like a scary guy. Unless you're tricking me into thinking you're a nice guy" that made him smile, which made me smile even wider. I was so glad I got him to smile.

"You have a nice smile. Don't stop smiling. This world needs more people like you" he said lazily. The fever was hitting him hard.

I went to reply but I was cut off by the one and only Daryl.

"Someone needs to have some balls to take care this damn problem" Daryl yelled axe in hand ready to swing. I instantly stepped Infront of him protecting Jim.

I looked at Daryl dead in the eyes, daring him to swig the axe, "Do it" I whispered to him.

In no time Rick had his revolver pointed at Daryl's head.

"We don't kill the living" said rick even though he was pointing his gun at someone.

Daryl broke eye contact with me and turned to Rick, "That's funny comin from a man who just put a gun to my head" Daryl spoke my thoughts

"We may disagree on some things. Not on this. You put it down. Go on." Said some other guy who was now standing beside me.

Daryl looked at the guy, then at me before forcefully shoving his axe in the ground.


Being with people nowadays was a weakness. Families, children, loved ones, the elderly, Anyone. I considered myself lucky to have been alone. Sure, I did want to know what happened to my mother, but I was almost grateful to not have her or my brothers here with me. I don't think I would be able to handle seeing them in pain.

I hope my stepdad is dead

It might sound cruel, but what he has done to me is something no child should have to endure. That's why I left. I left my family because of him.

My mother loved him or loved the illusion of who he used to be. I didn't understand how or why she stayed with him after everything he did.

Sure, he was the father of her two children, but he was not a good man.

I really hope he's dead

This past day I've been constantly thinking about my family. Maybe it's because I've been surrounded by all these people, all these families.

I hope they're somewhere safe.

I haven't been in the mood at all. I haven't talked to anyone. And shockingly I haven't made any sarcastic comments.

I felt gross, I'm covered in dirt and sweat, not to mention the disgusting blood that's now dried up on me. I was like a walking germ.

God, I miss taking hot showers

I hadn't been introduced to anybody; I just knew some people's names.

Andrea had finally moved. After her sister turned, she killed her; well finished her off I guess considering she was already dead.

Just some casual apocalypse things

By the looks of the sun I could tell it was sometime in the afternoon. The sun made everything worse. It was exhaustingly hot as if we weren't sweating enough. Everything was just so gross.

Jeez Eleanor these people lost so much and you're worried about your hygiene. But I really need to wash this crap off.

Anyways, people were mostly sitting around now that the dead were taken care of. We just had to now bury their people.

Rick and some guy had gone out to dip the holes while we prepared the bodies. It was just basically covering the bodies in anything that was available, for decency. These were still people at the end of the day.

Daryl was driving the truck that carried the bodies while we walked to the 'graveyard'. I felt very out of place but thought I should pay my respect for these people, even if I didn't know them.

I was walking behind the people when I heard Daryl being a bitch. Again.

"These people need to know who the hell is in charge here, what the rules are." Daryl said looking at a guy and Rick.

Rules? Really? It's the end of the world and this man wants to set 'rules'

"There are no rules" Rick replied to him. I honestly liked Rick, he seemed to be a good man.

"Well, that's a problem. We haven't had one minute to hold onto anything of our old selves. We need time to mourn, and we need to bury our dead. That's what people do" said one of the women. I remember her because she was the one who always talked but never did anything. I didn't like her, she seemed annoying.

"Our old selves are gone, just like the old world. If we wanna survive the new one, we need to change as well." I said staring at the graves that had been dug.

I could feel their gaze on me. When I looked at the people, they all had confused faces. As if they had just noticed my presence.

Now is like the worst possible time to introduce myself. Did I have to talk? couldn't I have bit my tongue like everyone else? God, I hate myself sometimes.

"Sorry, uh I'm Eleanore." When I saw that they were still confused I sighed "it's a long story. We got other things to do" I said while walking towards the truck.

I would have to explain to these people how I met Rick and the guys, but now was not the time for that.


burying the bodies was done collaboratively, we all helped each other. All except for Andrea; She wanted to bury her sister on her own. An older man decided to help her anyway, after he noticed her struggles.

After a moment of silences in respect for the people who had lost their lives, we soon were on our way back to what was left of their camp.

On the walk back I was in between T and Glenn. I hadn't talked to either of them since we had come back. Glenn seemed very distressed; he was very quiet. T didn't show much emotion, he was clearly upset about the situation but nothing more.

"I'm sorry for you guys' losses," I said while looking down at my feet

"Yeah, me too," said T with a deep sigh before walking faster ahead of us.

"So now what? We just move on like none of these people mattered?" Glenn asked making me look at him as we walked into the camp.

"Now we survive. We owe that to them. We owe it to the ones that didn't make it." I said looked deep into Glenn's eyes. We had stopped walking and were standing in front of one of the cars as the people scattered around the camp.

"Now we survive" Glenn repeated my words while nodding. Then he surprised me when he took a step towards me and pulled me into a hug. I tensed for a moment not knowing what to do, but slowly I wrapped my arms around him as well. It was a comforting moment, a much-needed one. I hadn't hugged anyone in a while, and I had missed it. I used to hug my mom all the time; she was the only one I ever let hug me.

We broke away from the hug and Glenn gave me a little smile. It made me happy to see him smile again. I hadn't known him for long, only about a day or so. But I cared about the boy. I didn't know if that was a good thing considering anything could happen; he could die today.

I can't care for them. I won't let myself care for them. I need to leave.

I gave a smile back before walking past him. Rick and two people were in front of the RV that held Jim; it looked like they were having a heated conversation, so I avoided them.

Everyone was sitting around the dead campfire either talking or just thinking. I went over to them and sat on one of the chairs; very awkwardly might I add.

"So, your name is Eleanore, right?" asked the man that was sitting. I nodded in motion for him to continue, "I'm Morales. so, how'd you end up with our guys?" he asked curiously leaning back into his chair

I cleared my throat before talking "well, I uh, I was the one that cut off Merle's hand after he was left behind in Atlanta. I was staying in the building beside the one he was stuck on. When I heard his screams I um climbed across the roof and helped him escape. I spent the night on that roof and in the mourning, I met the guys. It was all just a simple coincidence." I said looking down shaking my head
"A lot happened but somehow, I ended up coming back with them and you know the rest." By the time I ended my little story I had caught everyone's attention.

Yay, storytime with Eleanor!


They all ended up introducing themselves. I learned that the annoying woman was Rick's wife.

Oops! She still annoys me.

They had a son whose name was Carl; he seemed like a sweet innocent boy. Too innocent for this world.

I was introduced to the Morales family; Miranda his wife and their two children, Eliza and Louis.

I met a sweet woman named Carol and her daughter Sophia. The little girl reminded me of myself; I just hoped she hadn't gone through the things I had at her age. No child should have to go through what I went through.

Jacqui also introduced herself, she seemed nice.

Andrea was asleep the whole time.

She must be exhausted.

They had told me about Shane and dale. Shane being the guy who was always by Rick's side, and Dale, the older man.

By the time our little meet and greet was done the three men had returned from the woods; I had no idea what they were doing there in the first place.

Shane was the one to talk first,

"I've uh- I've been thinking about Rick's plan. Now, look there are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. I say the most important thing here is we need to stick together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the mourning. Okay?" Shane ended his never-ending speech.

Jeez, that lasted hours.

Okay maybe that is an exaggeration but that's how it felt; mainly because it didn't matter to me, I wasn't going with them anyway. I don't need people, they're just gonna take me down with them when they fall.

I'm better off on my own; just like always.


thank you for reading. don't forget to vote and comment.

bye lovelies

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