Innocence ✔

By eyeswithoutherface

5K 222 30

NOT IN THE EVENTS OF THE GAMES. Based on ''The Last Of Us'' And ''A Plague tale: Innocence.'' Young 16-year... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2- Amicia
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Story Help With The Author
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47- For Each Other
A Plague Tale: Innocence And The Last Of Us
Soundtrack And More
A Plague Tale: Requiem

Chapter 32

76 2 0
By eyeswithoutherface

My eyes began to open slightly. 

My body was in pain....It hurt me to even blink. 

I winced as my eyes fully opened, I regained my consciousness. 

I had no idea where I was. Or what happened.

Was the incident with Hugo a dream?

I couldn't have been a dream. 

So why I am alive? 

I tried to sit up.

But I was held down from something. 

I frowned and looked at my hands. 

My hands were held down by chains. 

Attached to a examination table. 

The table I was laying on. 

I frowned and tried to wrestle the chains off of me, Whatever I did didn't work. I sighed of exhaustion and flopped back on the table, my sling pocket and my rocks were all gone. Someone took them off of me. I halfway sat up again and looked around me, I was in some kind of room. 

There were tables all around, a dimly lit room that held boiling some sort of potions and books open all over the place, a fire not far from me. I looked around again and noticed a child familiar to me. Soft light chestnut hair, A scar on the side of his cheek. 


He was also on a table just like me, His hands were also tied down by chains. He was sleeping, 

I let out a small smile and sighed happily, I am so happy he is okay. 

Until a saw a boy walk over to him with something in his hand. 

I growled. 

''Hey! You! Get away from him, asshole!'' I growled, The boy with scruffy brown hair turned around, Eyes wide as he stared at me.

I watched in horror as he walked over to me, I struggled to break my hands out of the chains that held me down, the boy out down his thin potion bottle on the other examination table, He held my down by my arms gently. 

''No, No, Ssh. I am not going to hurt you, neither your brother. I promise.'' I frowned and spit at him, He wiped my spit off him quietly with the back of his hand. He stared at me. ''Please, Don't make this hard for me, Amicia De Rune.'' I frowned at what he said, How did he know my name!? ''Leave my brother and I alone!! Let me out of these chains, Please! Let us go!'' I hissed back, He shook his head. ''Let me out!! And how the fuck do you know my name!?'' I hissed again, He bit his lip. 

''My name is Lucas, Amicia. I am currently 12 years old...Though. I have been researching your brother and you along with the rest of your family for years.....I am very sorry we have to meet like this. I found you and your brother not far from here...I brought you both here as quick as I could, I can't explain how many rats crowded around you and your brother....I am very surprised I found you so close to here...I thought you both were still in France. I recognized your brother instantly, Hugo...I believe is name is.'' Lucas let go of my arms gently, his voice soft as he spoke. He pulled out a key from one of his pockets in the side of his clothing, He then used it to unlock the chains on my hands and arms, along with my legs. I winced and sat up, a rash appeared on my arms. 

''Amicia...What happened with Hugo and you was no dream.''

He bit his lip. 

''Everything that happened was real, Amicia. The incident with Hugo outside, Was real.''

I froze. 

''H-How did you know that happened, Lucas?'' Lucas shook his head. ''No one, No one, Amicia can survive that many rats around you, This was defiantly involved with Hugo. I could see the way the rats circled around him...And they didn't want to kill him. Amicia, The veins all around Hugo, The headaches..''

''It's was all because of the rats.''

I shook my head. ''That's not possible''-

''Amicia, All of this was supposed to happen. As I can see so far, Hugo has a different type of blood than others, He is not a normal child. I have studied him...His blood circulates around the rats, when Hugo is near them things just click, Hugo can sense the rats...And the rats can sense him. When this happens, Hugo's blood begins to change, causing his headaches, causing everything to change for him. Amicia...I know it might not seem like it...But this is very good. Hugo's blood is trying to recirculate near the rats, meaning Hugo himself is trying to embrace the rats, meaning....

''He can control them.''

Lucas looked down at his boots, I couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. 

''Amicia, What happened outside was no mistake. Hugo passed his threshold.'' 

I stood up and shook my head, Lucas put his hand on my shoulder. ''This is amazing, Amicia! If he passed the threshold, He can now control the rats! I can take you both to a place to practice...Well, Where Hugo can practice. There's a lake right across from here. This is amazing!'' I frowned. ''Really, Lucas? Is this amazing? Everything will change, He won't be Hugo anymore!'' I pushed his hand off my shoulder. ''No''-  ''So why did you latch us down on these tables? Why did you latch me down on this table!?

Lucas paused. 

''Wait- Are you saying I carry the same blood as Hugo? I can control the rats as well!?'' 

Lucas hesitated- But he let out a nod. 

I shook my head. 

''No! No! It can't be! I'm not like Hugo, Lucas! I'm not!'' I yelled, Lucas shook his head. ''I brought you two on these tables for a reason, Amicia. Uh- I was going to run some tests on both of you...See the different way both of you can control the rats...Then both of you come to together or something...That thin bottle, I have...That's used for Hugo, for his next threshold. Not for you, Though. I'll figure that out.'' He replied, walking over to Hugo and releasing his chains, I touched Lucas's shoulder as he did so. ''Thank you.'' I whispered, Lucas let out a nod as he went back to the table to grab the potion, Lifting Hugo's head up and pouring the potion into his mouth. 

I bit my lip as I walked over to my sling holder and my pocket fully of rocks, I then put them back onto my tight hooks on my clothing and rubbed my eyes, Ugh. I feel terrible. Lucas tapped my shoulder gently and looked down, Hugo stood there smiling at me. 

I let out a smile as well and scooped Hugo in my arms, I dug my head into his hair as I cried into him, I kissed his forehead and chuckled as I put him down, He smiled at me. ''I missed you, Amicia. I feel a little dizzy though...'' Spoke Hugo, I smiled and played with his hair. ''I don't remember what happened- and where am I? And who are you?'' Hugo looked towards Lucas who put on his coat. ''Lucas, That's my name. It's nice to meet you, Hugo. How do you feel?'' Asked Lucas, opening the door. Hugo shrugged. ''I feel dizzy, But fine I guess.'' Hugo replied, I smiled as I looked at the back of Hugo's neck. 

His veins were gone.

All of his veins were gone. 

I let out a smile as we followed Lucas out the door, shutting it behind me. 

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